《RPG Nightmare》Chapter 16
‘Where the hell am I? Wasn’t I on a roof before killing that dragon?’ Peter noticed that his limbs were still attached, but tightly tied together.
‘This is a bit redundant don’t you think? You tie me up and stuff me in a bag?’ Since he couldn’t see, he surveyed his surrounding with Tyrant’s Eye. He noticed that the building had four floors, and multiple rooms.
‘Ouch, did you have to throw me out…Jesus a little softer next time.’ Catching a good look at his captor, Peter retched in disgust. “Wow… you are one ugly bastard. No offense buddy, but you look like the offspring of a gremlin and a short Voldemort. Height is genetic, so... you follow?” The two and a half feet tall creature with no nose had two small horns on its forehead, beady white eyes, red scales for skin, and a thin tail.
Sensing that it was being taunted, the imp whipped its tail across Peter’s face. Its tail was barbed and sharp at the tip, which left a bloody mark on Peter’s left cheek. “Spicy, I like it.” Ignoring the blood trickling down his face and the outraged imp, Peter continued to mercilessly taunt it. Finally the imp couldn’t take it any further and left Peter alone.
‘Damn Imp, you hit me five times with your tail. I’ll pay that back with interest.’ Biting down on his shirt, he twisted his right thumb inward until he heard a snap. After slipping out of the rope with his right hand, he easily untied his feet and painfully reconnected his broken thumb.
‘This imp is going to get it.’ Wiggling his newly connected thumb, Peter calmed down and slowly opened the door. Contrary to his expectation, the door loudly creaked. Poking his head out the door, he saw hundreds of human corpses lying by the walls. Then he saw his captor communicating with three other imps.
Peter had no words for the bloody scene outside. The stench from the corpses almost made him puke. ‘These imps all deserve to die.’ Fuming inside his heart, Peter activated [Ghost Walk] and snuck up to the four imps. He grabbed one of the oblivious imps and twisted its neck with monstrous force.
A loud neck cracking noise jolted the three imps into a battle stance. The captor stood rooted to the floor looking at Peter in surprise. The other three imps swiped their razor sharp claws at Peter’s torso. Side stepping the two imps coming from the middle and right, he grabbed the left imp’s arm and twisted.
Peter silenced the screaming imp with a stomp to the head. Releasing the limp arm, he charged at the two imps in front of him. Extending both arms outwards; Peter grabbed each imp by the face and slammed them towards the floor. Removing his fingers, Peter evilly turned around and smiled at the captor.
The imp wasn’t laughing from joy, but as a reaction to extreme fear. “Payback time.” The imp scurried back, but it was too late. Grabbed by the forearm, Peter swung the imp around like a rag doll. After a dozen throws, the floor around Peter dented inwards.
“Hey, isn’t that a bit of an overkill?”
Peter turned around a noticed a full-fledged uniformed security guard. The guard was in his mid-forties, six foot tall, furry eyebrows, and a mustache. However, what caught Peter’s attention was the two weapons carried by the guard, they were his [Crimson Blade] and [Dark Steel Blade].
The guard curled his lips upwards and questioned, “I assume these are yours?”
“Yeah, now wanna give them back to me or should I pry them off your dead body?”
“Relax, heh... relax! I know my limits, here.” Showing good will, he threw both weapons across the hall to Peter. Peter wasn’t a big fan of guards, especially after his experience with the hospital guards, but he had to acknowledge this down to earth security guard.
“Thanks. Is there anyone else with you?” said Peter
“Yeah, but they got taken by the imp queen on the first floor. My name’s Peyton.” Peter grabbed Peyton’s hand and gave a firm shake. “I’m Peter. You said the imp queen is on the first floor, so what floor are we on?” Peyton was inwardly surprised by Peter’s strength, but covered it up with a smile.
“We’re on the fourth floor. This is where the keep all their prey. Evil bastards lock us up and drain our blood. I'm going to guess that drinking our blood lasts them longer than just eating us right away.” Peter grimaced at the thought of being slowly drained to death. “What happens when you’re taken by the imp queen?” Peter had a feeling that Peyton’s team mates were dead, but decided to have faith that they weren’t.
“I don’t know.” Peyton’s smile disappeared and he faced Peter with a determined gaze. “Please. I need your help. One of those team mates is my sister, please.” Hearing Peyton’s plea, Peter thought about his own sister and the possibility of her becoming monster food.
Seeing Peter’s expression change, Peyton pressed, “Please, you gotta know how it feels. To have someone you love taken from you.” Contrary to what Peyton expected, he noticed a forlorn gaze stare back at him.
Peyton didn’t expect to elicit such a strong emotion from Peter and continued to urge. “I really don’t want her to die…Please help me Peter.”
Peter nostalgically thought, ‘I know… I understand perfectly how that feels.’ Snapping out of his trance, he coldly replied, “I’ll help you. I was planning to kill every creature in this building anyways.”
Feeling Peter’s intense killing intent, Peyton felt as if he had aged ten years. ‘Incredible…this man is stronger than I had believed. He definitely has the strength to kill the imp queen.’
After Peter calmed down, Peyton explained how his team stumbled into the school over twelve hours ago. Apparently his team had been running away from the lackeys of one of the Seven Kings. Stopping Peyton, Peter asked, “What level are you Peyton? And what level were they?”
“I’m level fifteen. My team ranged from level ten to twelve. However, the subordinates of the fourth king were all level twenty. They should be even higher leveled now.” Although Peter could easily handle a team of goblins, he couldn’t say the same for humans.
‘This is quite tricky. I honestly thought the hospital was over exaggerating about the Seven Kings. Maybe Rem and Anne joined the guards because they realized that the hospital would be helpless against an attack from this group.’ Before Peter got lost in thought again, Peyton reminded him about the imp queen on the first floor.
“Peter…What level are you by chance?”
“Show Status window”
Peter Sol Karr
Level: 29
Title: Slayer
HP: 2970/2970
Mana: 2650/2650
Stamina: 3380/3380
Primary Stats:
STR: 45 + 43 AGI: 92 + 20
CON: 40 INT: 30
VIT: 37 WIS: 30
Auxiliary Stats:
LUK: 22 CHA: 0+15
Free pts: 6
“HUH?! How in the world do you have that much HP, Mana and Stamina??!”
Peter’s lips curled upwards and asked, “You really want to know?”
Seeing Peter’s devilish grin, Peyton weakly replied, “No…No its okay!”
Peyton Rui
Level: 15
Title: Lucky
HP: 320/320
Mana: 300/300
Stamina: 270/270
Primary Stats:
STR: 12 AGI: 30
CON: 15 INT: 14
VIT: 17 WIS: 30
Auxiliary Stats:
LUK: 70 CHA: 16
Free pts: 0
“Now then, show me your stats.” Hoping to avoid the previous subject matter, Peyton readily revealed his status window.
Looking at Peyton’s 30 WIS, Peter inferred that he had a skill.
“Skills?” said Peter.
“It’s essentially a support spell.” He activated the spell and Peter noticed his body felt lighter. “I also have another spell, Fireball. It takes a lot of mana though.” Peyton frowned when he mentioned fireball, but added that it was extremely powerful.
Skeptical of Peyton’s fireball’s power, Peter asked him about the speed and area covered upon explosion. Peyton replied, “The fireball is the size of a basketball and fires at 50mph. The explosion radius is only a two feet, but that’s enough to turn one person to ashes.”
“You can only use it once, correct?”
Nodding his head, Peyton asked, “What about your skills?” First, Peter demonstrated [Furor of the Tyrant] and [Ghost walk]. Then he explained the rest of his skills. Peyton’s face went from pale to giddy once he realized how strong Peter was.
Peyton and Peter checked the remaining rooms on the fourth floor and only discovered rotting bodies. Hearing voices from the bottom the stairwell, Peter motioned Peyton to stand behind him. The duo waited until the imps opened the door to the fourth floor before attacking.
Swinging his baton at full force, Peyton smashed in one of the imp’s face. Peter took care of the two remaining imps by stabbing each through the heart. Then the duo crept quietly down to the third floor. Guarding the door were four small imps and two larger imps.
[Imps LV 20 Skills: Claw and tail lash] [Greater Imps LV 25 Skills: Claw and tail lash]
The second Peter activated [Ghost Walk], Peyton distracted the imps with by throwing a piece of rubble at them. Outraged, the four small imps chased after Peyton. Confident of Peyton’s ability, Peter brandished his blade at beheaded the first [Greater Imp]. The second [Greater Imp] instantly threw its tail at Peter.
Dodging the tail by a few inches, Peter hacked his blade down its out stretched tail. Then, before it could scream, he dashed forward and stabbed it through the throat. Dragging the two corpses out of sight, Peter patiently waited for Peyton.
Peyton emerged from the fourth floor and gave him a thumbs-up. Peter had scanned the third floor and discovered each room had two or three imps each. The biggest room had thirteen [Greater Imps]. Peyton and Peter split up, each clearing a room. Since they were both AGI type builds, the imps had no advantage except its claws.
The strategy was simple blitzkrieg. They would rush into a room, close the door and slaughter the two or three imps.
Ten minutes later, they had cleared out fourteen rooms. Peter waited for Peyton to restore his mana before kicking down the last door. Since the [Greater Imps] were faster than Peyton, he remained at a distance. Peter allowed two imps to charge past him as he was encircled by the remaining 11 [Greater imps].
‘Well, at least they’re not charging anymore. Props.’ Focusing his vision and hearing, Peter reacted almost immediately to the three imps behind him. Instead of turning around and fighting them, he charged at the two imps in front.
Shau! Shau!
Two heads flew to the ceiling. As the three imps were gaining on Peter, he activated [Ghost Walk] and re-appeared behind another two imps. Four dead. The two imps fell with a thud after getting their hearts pierced. Feeling fearful, the remaining imps all recklessly charged at Peter.
‘Of course, five, six, seven.’ Peter gracefully dodged the imps at the very last moment each time. Counting the body count in his head, he eventually reached the number eleven. Peter nonchalantly scoured the corpses and picked up a single white box.
On the other hand, after the final [Greater Imp] fell, Peyton looked at Peter in amazement.
“That was beautiful!” Peyton exclaimed
“Praise me some more” Peter sarcastically said
“Hey, really that was awesome.” Peyton added.
“Killing is killing. There’s nothing awesome about it.” Peter killed the mood and motioned at the stairwell to the second floor.
“There should be nine [Greater Imps] guarding the door, lure a few up.” Peyton hid behind a blind spot and threw a rock at one of the imps. This alerted three [Greater imps], who marched up to the third floor.
When the three saw no one guarding the door on the second floor, they looked at each other. Appearing in front of the trio like a ghost, Peter swung both blades vertically and killed two imps. Then he crouched and swept his leg at the last imp. Falling to the ground, Peter followed up by stabbing two blades through its eyes.
Peter ran down the stairs and noticed five crushed imp corpses next to Peyton. He looked at Peyton with wide eyes and interrogatingly asked, “What happened?”
Peyton narrated how the pipes above him started trickling water. Out of curiosity, he accidentally stepped out of the blind spot and the five imps chased him. Before they reached him, the entire pipe fell and squashed them to pieces.
Peter looked incredulously at Peyton, seriously questioning whether that was even possible. Finally, he couldn’t help but laugh, “You really are lucky.” Peyton combed his hair back with his fingers and gloatingly smiled.
Peeved by Peyton’s ridiculousness, Peter lightly smacked him and then scanned the second floor. Luckily, the second floor was completely empty. They continued down the stairwell until they reached the first floor. Unlike the third floor, the imps seemed to be fighting each other.
He counted at least 20 [Greater Imps] and one three-meter tall [Imp Queen]. Peter was slightly aroused by the Imp Queen’s hourglass figure and leather leotard, but was immediately turned off seeing it gobbling a human arm.
Pulling Peyton up, he drew out a plan. “When those [Greater Imps] are all done fighting and are tired, that’s when we strike. First, shoot your fireball at the queen and run away as far as possible. If your skill is as powerful as you say, I’m sure it’ll take her at least a few minutes to recover.”
Peyton firmly nodded and waited for Peter’s signal. They were a fifty feet away from the queen and on Peter’s signal, Peyton would hurl the fireball from a thirty feet distance. The last two [Greater Imps] finished their fight and kneeled to the queen. At that moment, a painful wail came from the queen’s mouth.
“Good job, now RUN!” Peyton didn’t need Peter to remind him. The second he threw the fireball, he was already running. As the [Greater Imps] were distracted, Peter bisected one of the imps in half. Then he unsheathed his other blade and parried an incoming imp.
Half the imps were charging at Peter, while the other half was still recovering or dazed. Peter activated [Body Enchant] and shredded through their mad charge. The [Greater Imps] had lost their mind when their queen was turned into a flaming torch.
Easily side stepping their over exaggerated attacks, Peter whittled their numbers down from nineteen to nine in a minute. ‘Che, these imps are wearing armor!’ Seeing the flame slowly die down, Peter became more ruthless. Instead of dodging attacks, he would allow himself to get grazed to kill the imp.
With this method, Peter cleanly killed the last nine imps. The dominatrix-like imp was charred black. Although its hourglass figure was still clear, its skin was completely destroyed and there were 2nd degree burns everywhere, especially its face.
[Elite Monster: Imp Queen LV 32 Skills: Aroma, Whip, Impregnate]
With its eyes burned, the imp queen relied on her nose to sense Peter. Believing Peter to be the culprit, it angrily whipped its tail towards him. ‘Jesus, Peyton really was serious about that firepower.’ Peter easily dodged the skill and sliced the queen across the waist with a fully charged [Furor of the Tyrant].
It let out a deafening high pitched noise and dropped to the floor. Peyton rushed into the room and eagerly looked around the room for his sister. He refused to believe that his sister was eaten by the queen, but he also couldn’t find her.
Peyton frantically searched the intact corpses, hoping for a miracle. Yet, this time luck wasn’t on his side. Next to one of the corpses was his sister’s head. He easily recognized the head with both eyes still opened.
“SIIIS!! NOOO! NOO! KACK NOO HIC NO!!!” Holding his sister’s head to his chest, he lied down on the floor and cried like a baby.
‘…Sis…You’ll be okay right? It’s been four days… but you probably left Mt. Rose two days ago anyways…’
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