《RPG Nightmare》Chapter 7
"Status Window!"
Peter Sol Karr
Level: 16
Title: Slayer
HP: 1580/1580
Mana: 1150/1150
Stamina: 1850/1850
Primary Stats:
STR: 30 + 15 AGI: 25 +14
CON: 30 INT: 15
VIT: 28 WIS: 15
Auxiliary Stats:
LUK: 22 CHA: 0+15
Free pts: 32
Mind’s Eye (Unique) LV 2
Bandaging (Common) LV 1
Ghost Walk (Rare) LV 4
Body Enchant (Rare) LV 2
Mystical Mark (Ex. Unique) LV 1
“I haven’t looked this good since my twenties. Is that a six pack I see?”
Examining himself in the mirror, Peter was shocked. Although he was thirty-seven years old this year, his physique couldn’t be better. ‘Maybe if I pose, like this?’ Flexing his muscles, slightly hunched over, he could now see a defined six-pack. Slipping on a black T-shirt, Peter decided to read the remaining SYSTEM notifications.
[Slayer – Rare Title]
[Passive: None]
[Active: Congeal killing intent. 10% chance to intimidate higher leveled monsters. 50% chance to intimidate equal leveled monsters and 100% chance to intimidate lower leveled monster.]
Confused by the title's description, Peter decided to activate the [Slayer] title's active skill. Peter immediately felt a shiver down his spine as the coldness radiating from his body filled the entire room.
“Ah. That was actually pretty scary, maybe I should apologize.”
Peter walked towards the door but suddenly froze with his hand on the door knob. ‘Wait. Uh… I was never good at this kinda stuff…’ Taking his hand off the doorknob, he paced in front of the door for few minutes before frustratingly yanking his hair.
“Screw it! I’ll just make it quick!”
The trio immediately grouped together after hearing the bedroom door slam against the wall.
“Oops. Didn’t mean to do that. But, since I have your attention, first I want to apologize…” He noticed that their faces softened on the last syllable.
On the other hand, his palms began to sweat and as he opened his mouth, he felt cold sweat running down his back.
“I’m sorry.”
After apologizing, Peter's anxiousness was replaced with a genuine sense of release.
“Now, that I’ve apologized, I just wanna say that there are things much scarier than me outside. And they are unforgiving. Unlike me, you sons of bitches, they won’t apologize when they scare you!”
Rem nodded his head in approval while Anne emitted a fierce aura. On the other hand, James smiled smugly.
“Hey! What the hell are you so happy about James!”
“Well, you apologized, of course, I’m happy. And I do forgive you!”
“Anne! Rem!” James complained
Peter watched the trio and resolved, ‘This is it. This is what all the whiskey in the world can’t buy.’ Before he realized it, his lips curled upwards into a fat grin. “Alright, settle down. This so-called new world also means new order. Before this began, people were already assholes. This means, the monsters aren’t our only enemy, people can also be just as dangerous.”
The trio solemnly nodded and remained silent. During their silence, the only noise that could be heard were the occasional squealing and screaming outside.
The naive trio needed to know that humans were just as threatening as monsters. In order to drive his point home, Peter activated his Slayer title again as a creepy black aura took physical form. Feeling a threatening presence staring at them, the trio avoided locking eyes with Peter.
“Survival 101, look your opponent in the eyes, not at his pretty feet. Now, try and resist my killing intent.” Peter glared at Rem and watched as Rem’s face sweat bullets. Then he shifted his gaze to Anne, who surprisingly met his gaze head on and smiled. ‘This girl, she’s definitely a fighter.’ Finally, he locked eyes with James.
‘Disappointing. God awful.’ Within seconds James stumbled backward and started hyperventilating on the floor. Removing his gaze from the pathetic sight, he increased his killing intent on Rem. Peter could see Rem’s face flush red, barely managing not to cry.
“You pass. Barely. But, at least you did better than your pops.” Rem exhaled loudly and wiped away the sweat on his forehead. Last, but not least, Anne. Peter decided to test her limit and began increasing his killing intent. After several breaths, Anne couldn’t resist any longer.
“Huff. Puff!” Although she was gasping for air, she inwardly felt proud for lasting so long.
“Not bad Anne, I’m surprised you resisted my killing intent for so long.” Before Peter could finish complimenting Anne, she mustered up her courage and asked, “Can… can I see your status screen?” Shocked by her sudden question, he almost choked. “What do you want to see?”
“Show Status Window”
Peter Sol Karr
Level: 16
Title: Slayer
Primary Stats:
STR: 30 + 15 AGI: 25 +14
CON: 25 INT: 15
VIT: 22 WIS: 15
Auxiliary Stats:
LUK: 22 CHA: 0+15
Free pts: 32
‘Wow… he’s so strong. Level 16. How many monsters did he kill to get that level? I wish I was that strong.’ Fascinated by Peter’s status screen, she began to fidget. Seeing the little girl fidget, Peter knew that she was riled up and ready to fight.
“Woah! Sir—”
“It’s Peter, not sir, you dimwit.”
“Sir Peter, how did you get so strong? I thought the average person’s stat was 10 or 15!” Rem excitedly waved his hands and pleadingly looked at Peter for an explanation. Even James looked expectantly at Peter.
‘Is he serious... I definitely told him not to call me sir!’ Taking a deep breath, Peter replied in a deep voice, “Well, my two swords give me a lot of agility as is. Anne, doesn't your sword give you stats as well?”
Anna confirmed with a nod. Then Peter explained what happened with the [Mystical Core]. By the end of his explanation, James and Rem stared at Peter with greed. However, they swallowed their greed after seeing Peter’s provocative predator-like-grin.
“Now, you can get gear from killing monsters. Skill books as well. But, first and foremost, you all need to learn how to defend yourself. I’ll be helping you for one week, if you can’t learn to fight properly, then you can only blame yourself.”
Peter signaled the group to pack their bags and reconvene afterward. Before James left with the duo, he was stopped by Peter. “James, sooner or later, you’re going to have to get your hands dirty. If you can’t get off your high moral horse and endanger this team, I will kill you. Understand?” Peter shot a grim look at James, but for the first time, James didn’t flinch or get nervous. Instead, he nodded his head slowly and wordlessly walked away.
Peter and the trio reconvened by the door. Peter sheathed one of his swords while holding the other with two hands. “On three. One, two, three!” He kicked open the door and sliced the first two goblins in half. The trio rushed out and each faced one goblin.
Rem and Anne seemed to have no trouble, but James was haphazardly swinging an iron pipe. “James, open your damn eyes!” As he watched as James pathetically swung his pipe with both eyes closed, Peter almost vomited blood.
Every second watching James mindlessly swinging filled Peter with more anger. 'I knew it, I god damn knew it! Ack! He almost clubbed his own son! God damn incompetent, useless prick!' After a minute, James ran out of stamina and the goblin took the opportunity to lunge towards James.
Peter’s dagger slid through the goblin’s head like hot butter and embedded into the hallway. “You dumb cunt! You could’ve lost your life right there James!”
“Dad! Are you okay?”
Before Rem reached his father, Peter ran over to James and punched him in the gut. Despite putting on a tough front, Peter only punched him with a fifth of his strength. James keeled over and dropped to his knees while spitting out foam.
“Give me one, ONE reason why I shouldn’t just end you right now?”
“Sir! Please don’t!” Seeing Rem charge towards him, Peter swiftly kicked Rem into the wall. Anne prepared herself for a battle, but despite her confident stance her knees began to shake.
“You going to turn that blade on me, Anne? Are you going to protect this weakling?! This weakling who might one day end up killing you with his stupidity? Step away before you get hurt.” Peter didn’t hold back his killing intent and threateningly held his sword above James’ head.
He needed to make an example out of James to the duo. 'You can suck at fighting, but if you don't even try. You're dead to me.'
“You’re a danger to this team and your son. I warned you before we left. Now tell me why the hell won't you open your eyes?”
“Speak up.”
“Pe…Peter, I’m weak. I… I could never stand the sight of blood. I'm just another loser who quit pre-med. Every time… every time I saw bl..ood, I just felt queasy and sick. I’m not a fighter… I tried to stay strong for my son, but… I’m useless. Please...Please isn't there anything else I can do!?”
“Daad!” Under Peter’s suffocating killing intent, Rem could only helplessly cry. Despite feeling powerless, Rem shakily stood up and walked towards his father. Even Anne was helplessly crying on the floor. Yet in this situation, Rem managed to stand up against Peter’s fully congealed killing intent.
‘Even I’m a bit scared of my own killing intent, but this kid…’ Peter felt only respect for Rem at this point, watching the poor boy struggling to stand up and defend his father. Reeling back his killing intent, he whispered into James’ ear. James nodded twice and Peter brought James back to his feet.
“Why... What...?” Anne incoherently spouted.
“We’ve come to a new agreement Anne.”
Rem trembled and asked, “What agreement sir?”
“Rem, your father won’t be much use out there with his attitude. Seeing is believing after all. Therefore, I'm relegating your father to a supporting role. He will get no equipment or skill books until he chooses to participate in actual combat.”
Although Anne felt this agreement was harsh, she also believed in the concept of fighting for what you want. Therefore, she didn’t disagree with Peter and made her stance clear by standing silently behind Peter.
Rem looked at his father’s weak figure kneeling on the floor and resolved to do double the work in order to make up for his father’s shortcomings. Crawling over to his son, James hugged Rem tightly before beginning to bawl like a baby. “I’m sorry son. I’m a useless father. I know I’ve also never been much of a father, but I…I promise once this is over I’ll make it up to you.”
Peter walked over to Anne while watching the father and son duo from the corner of his eye and asked, “Do you think what I did was wrong?” Watching the father and son duo, Anne pursed her lips together and softly replied, “No. I understand why you did it. But, please restrain your killing intent. It scares me.”
Peter also agreed with Anne. He was reckless and let his emotions take over. 'I've been away from hell too long. Cool, calm and collected, right? Always.'
Taking a deep breath, Peter decided to change the subject. “Anne…how do you feel about Rem?”
Meet Peter’s devious smile, Anne flushed red and quickly replied, “We're friends. Just friends. Nothing more.”
Trying to cheer Anne up he remarked, “That’s cruel Anne. Look at how brave Rem is. You sure he isn’t your type?” Feeling embarrassed, Anne quickly scuttled away. After regrouping, the four made their way down to the main lobby.
“Shriek! Shriek!”
[Goblin LV 13] [Goblin LV 15]
Two goblins pointed at the group of four and alerted the rest of the patrolling goblins. “James, stay behind me.” Peter flatly said
Anne and Rem charged towards the two goblins that exposed their position and instantly beheaded one each. One goblin after another slowly circled the two fighters. There was a total of fourteen goblins.
“Anne, I’ll take the seven in front and you’ll cover me ok?”
Rem stood like a stone wall and waited for the seven goblins in front of him to attack. On the other hand, Anne dashed to the goblin on the sideline and mercilessly stabbed it through the heart. Seeing Rem, alone in the middle of the group, the thirteen goblins immediately converged on Rem.
“Rem!” Anne cried. Realizing her mistake, she ran with all her might and back stabbed three goblins before reaching Rem. Unlike his father, Rem swung the iron pipe with accuracy. Each blow was lethal. With the [Brave Soul] title, Rem had an obvious STR advantage over the goblins. He easily clubbed four goblins to death while keeping the rest at bay.
Rem trusted Anne and squatted down. Then Anne leaped over Rem and decapitated the goblin in midair. Eight goblins down. The remaining six goblins looked warily at the two fighters and then looked over at Peter and James. Their eyes lit up like Christmas trees and they ran towards the two standing nearby.
“Truly ignorant.” Peter scoffed at the slow moving goblins and in the next few breaths, six heads went flying. After slicing and dicing the six ignorant goblins, the glowing blue aura from the skill [Body Enchant] disappeared.
James looked at his son, then back at Peter in awe. He watched the fight end in a matter of minutes. However, seeing the green blood sprayed all over the floor still made him queasy. Taking a deep breath, he speedily walked towards the group waiting by the entrance.
“What took you so long James? Busy puking by the side?" Peter scathingly spat.
“He wasn't puking sir!” Rem quickly responded on his dad’s behalf. James shot an appreciative glance at his son before shyly replying, “I only have 3 AGI.”
“3?!” the trio exclaimed
“Show Status Window”
James Gold
Level: 0
Title: Genius
Primary Stats:
STR: 2 AGI: 3
CON: 5 INT: 25
VIT: 5 WIS: 30
Auxiliary Stats:
LUK: 30 CHA: 0
Free pts: 0
“…” The trio was shocked by James’ unbalanced status window. Anne looked disbelievingly at James’ INT and WIS. Rem was shocked, but deep inside, he felt proud of his father. Peter sized up James’ lanky, but tall frame before scratching his head and asking, “How the hell is your wisdom 30 points, yet you’re still a moron?”
“I have 2 PH.D's, Peter…”
“I have 2 PH.Ds, look at me, I’m soo smart.”
James shot a hateful glare at Peter, while Rem and Anne stifled their laughter. “Peter, can you stop mocking me…”
“No. Now tell me why such a smart man like you can’t understand that this world is more dangerous than ever?” James shakily looked Peter in the eyes at quietly mumbled to himself, 'I do know, but how can you justify senselessly killing for loot?'
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