《The Lost Magician》Chapter 013.
Bag of Coins and Faith
Around noon, their cloaks were facing the bright sun that bathed them in warmth. The roof shrouding their heads from the heat. Sitting on the chairs at a food stall beside a wide alleyway. Tony, together with Rin munched down the fried chicken wings. Eventually he stood up. Fingers greasy, ordering another proportion for at least 3 men as he placed a few copper coins on top of the counter.
The steaming chicken joins were placed before him. Recently fried, the chirping crispy sound from the exterior and oil made him drool endlessly. Scrubbing his mouth, he shared a few to his apprentice before he digged in nonstop. The crispness, the crusty exterior combined with the well seasoned white meat. With each bite on the soft meat. Hot juices squished onto his tongue. Forcing him to fill his stomach more than he would usually do.
“This… This is madness!” He said, staring at the smiling cook with a manly mustache at front of his stove. The stove powered by fire magic as the cook pumped the heat.
“Madness? No… This is chicken!”
“How, how can it be that delicious?!”
“A trade secret” He snickered, returning back to his stove to fry more chickens. As more customers sat beside the counter next to Tony and Rin.
Sitting back on his chair, he took another bite. Barely squealing, he turned towards Rin.
Gazing upon the black cloth that covered her eyes like a blindfold, he asked, “Apprentice, you do agree that these chickens are good, no?”
Dipping the drumstick into a bowl of garlic sauce, she took a bite with a strong crunch from the crusty exterior. With a bright smile, hand holding the chicken above the air, she answered, “Yeah!”
Smiling back, he turned back to the cook and asked, “Mr Cook, can you describe this girl for me, please? I am doing some kind of research, a research that I cannot tell you why, or the research will fail. Hence I need this vital information for it to succeed.”
The cook turned around with a raised eyebrow. He nodded, probably satisfied from the reasoning even though it was a lie. He held his own chin, inspected the girl and answered, “I was wondering what that getup was for… A research eh? A bright girl with milky white skin. I guess around the age of 13? She has black hair with a blindfold. Not only that, a ghostly tattered cloak?”
With a smile Tony nodded and said, “Thanks for helping the research!”
The cook shrugged, “Everything for a customer I guess.” he said and continued with his work.
With the help of illusions magic, he had turned his apprentice’s hair jet black. Though, he had to be especially careful with skilled magicians or those with a keen sense, as they could easily see through it. =
Hopefully they won’t care as I am just a passing by traveler… He thought, continuing his meal until he was filled with a slightly inflated stomach.
Brushing of the grease around the mouth and fingers with a drenched hot cloth provided by the stall. He took out his bag of coins. First weighing it and finally, he took a peek into the bag. Tears builded up in his eyes. Tony, The magic items for your apprentice was worth it… You can always get more gold coins! Right, right? He tried to cheer himself up. The money he had planned to use his whole journey, vanishing within a few days. Eventually he glanced at Rin.
Plate clean, fingers greasy and bits of the crusty exterior beside her lips. She took another drenched cloth provided by the stall and cleaned herself up. Though, she missed a few parts.
He sighed, placing the bag back into his pocket as he had already paid before eating. He took a clean tissue from the stack nearby and said, “Don’t forget to clean yourself thoroughly, apprentice”. He soon after proceeded to clean the parts she had missed.
Bright red cheeks, she laughed awkwardly.
Raising from the chair, he said, “Thanks for the meal, the meal was delicious”
“No props, please come again!”, the cook answered as Rin who noticed that they were about to leave, stood up and held Tony’s hand. Waving to each other, they left the stall.
Ventured to the town square. Sitting on one of the smooth stone benches around the glittering water, which spurted out of the fountain. Taking a break as the soldiers clad in black, patrolled throughout the capital city. Tony muttered, “Lothenthein” The name of the capital city of Afauthien, as he gazed upon the citizens from commoners, upper class and adventurers around the circular square surrounded by the structures.
The group of women, dressed with decorated dresses, muttered around the corner together with their hand-fan covering their lips. One could easily guess that they were wealthy as wealthy people usually stick together. Of course, their clothings also played a part, but mostly the way they move upright, talk politely, eat or simply ethics is what differentiate the commoners the most.
Those that created clanging noise that echoed inside Tony’s eardrum, were the adventurers. Mostly consisting of strong men, they moved with their groups clad in heavy or light armor. Carrying weapons from all variety like swords, bows, staffs and daggers, magical enchanted or not.
The wealthy women cheered for them from the side as the men replied with naughty smiles. The adventures beckoned to them as they left the streets into a bar. The woman chuckled, followed inside, until Tony could not see them anymore.
What if these adventurers were actually soldiers from another country? Tony thought, wondering how they could feel so secure, even though anyone could become an adventurer.
Tony who had to use a pass to get through, pondered on the bench as he watched the buzzling stores that surrounded the square. They were mostly made out of stones, but with wooden pillars and roofs.
He sighed, Does the guild has some kind of eternal contract? He shook his head, I should be thinking about the Royal eyes instead… Apprentice… He put his hands inside his pockets, leaned backwards and gently rested on Rin’s small back. A few seconds later, she did the same.
As they sat back to back, he watched the blue sky with the sun covered by the white clouds. Pondering about his next move, as he did, he felt around his pocket at the same time. Fingers touching something cold, thin and small with a hole.
Picking it out, he noticed that it was the ancient like elven ring filled with magic. The one he had gotten from one of the villagers on the way to this place.
At that time, he only took a glance because he wanted to leave as quickly as possible. Mostly because they were staring him down, or rather they witnessed him burn a soldier into a smoking corpse within a blink of an eye.
Thinking about all the creatures he had killed in this world. It was his first time on a human like himself. Yet heart icy cold, he burned the man into crispy coal without taking a clear look upon the face. Did the officer have a helmet? But nevertheless it was a death easily forgotten, a death of a person of an unknown background, a death those from his world would scowl upon him for at court.
We live, we eat, we sleep and eventually pass away… Will I make it back before it’s my turn?
Sighing, he raised the ring towards the sun. Inspecting it, it was a ring made out of brass. Engraved with letters that bear a resemblance to those in books, a language also called elvish, those that live far to the west, on a continent with enclosed borders.
The place where none enters and none leaves. One that Tony considered a weird rule as he rotated it around towards the sun.
Hmm… It’s kinda too large for Rin… Should I give it to her as a necklace instead? No… That might lose the affect. A ring stays a ring afterall. But maybe?
He shrugged, rose from the bench. Causing Rin to reflexly fling her arms around, trying to balance herself before falling backwards. He chuckled from the scene. Grabbing her left hand, he walked to her front and pulled her towards him. Forcing her to stand upright, he gazed upon her as she tilted her head for answers.
Gently raising her soft hand, he started from left thumb, moving from one finger to another, until it fit perfectly in the left ring finger. Rather, the language glew brightly, until it shrank and fit neatly in place.
Smiling, he poked her soft burning cheeks with his icy cold fingers and said, “It’s the ring from the woman in one of the villagers in photos, she did say it was for you afterall. Luckily, the Ring can shrink in size, otherwise you wouldn't be able to use it.”
Without answering, she fiddled with her new ring above her chest.
Lost in thoughts, he tried to catch her attention by poking her cheek. She snapped out of it as he took the chance to grab her left hand once again. Pulling her gently, enough for her not to struggle, they took a stroll around the capital city, Lothenthein. They passed streets, alleyways, stores, vendors and stalls. Mostly to take a look around, but also in search for some kind of useful information.
He finally found what he wanted. A labyrinth few years old around a few miles to the west and a tournament within two days.
He shrouded himself inside the hood of the red cloak. Stood in a dark alleyway with Rin beside, as he steepled his fingers and laughed maliciously. Once again, my pocket will be filled with gold! Or so he thought, until the clerk nearby tapped his shoulder and said. “Sorry sir, the reward is actually a weapon of choice from those shown in the tournament. No betting, gambling of any sort allowed”
The clerk lightly knocked his head and laughed awkwardly, “Sorry, to think I actually forgot that part! But hey! At least it’s free to spectate!”
He sulked, even though the weapon might fetch a good price. And that he might have some haggling skills with the help of books. But he had no knowledge at all about how to sell items in this world. Rather, thinking about it, never in his life had he ever sold an item.
“Let’s head towards the Labyrinth then.” He said, walking towards the west exit of the capital city whilst he held Rin’s hand.
The clouds passed by as minutes vanished. Around half an hour had passed, yet they still had not gotten outside the third wall, the wall that protected the commoners. Following the path a citizen showed them, he walked without looking around other than the street at front of his shoes.
Eventually he stopped dead on his tracks. Staring at the silvery plated shoes that blocked his path. His head rose, staring at the large and broad soldier that didn’t have the usual black armor. Rather, he was heavily armored for battle. A armor decorated with golden engravings of hawks. A red tabard that fluttered happily like the cloaks of the magicians with a golden hawk at the middle..
As he gazed into the dark holes of the helmet, Rin took the chance to hide behind his back as Tony asked, “Something’s wrong, sir?
The large hands grabbed his shoulder, he shuddered as the soldier straightforwardly said, “Madam, actually…”
Gaping with wide eyes, he then avoided her gaze with a cough and apologized, “Sorry… Madam.”
“Don’t worry, I’m used to it… Besides, what are you guys doing in the slums?”
“Yeah, slums… Take a look around, does this look the same as the other parts of the city?”
Listening to the soldier, he gazed around and eventually rose his eyebrows. It was clearly different, there was barely any citizens and if there were, they had worn and tattered clothings. Flies circling around their body that hadn’t bathed in days. They snickered behind their back as they watched. Watched from the dirty alleyways between the worn down wooden houses.
Facing the soldier or rather the knight, he bowed and said, “Sorry, I didn’t watch where I was going, rather I followed this street as someone told me that it leads to the west exit.”
“It does, and neither do I doubt you.” She looked around, “This is place might be called the slums, but eventually the queen will rebuild it to its former glory” she said, crossing her arms whilst nodding, “Everything takes time afterall.”
“Yeah. I know the hardships and the struggles the people of Afauthien went through. But if you don’t mind, I’ll take my leave.” Tony said, turning around as he gently pulled Rin towards the way he came from.
He was grabbed on the shoulder once again, “Who said that you could leave?”
“Sorry, but I’m here for a reason… May I check the one with the cloak, if you don’t mind?”
“If I don’t let you?”
She tapped the pommel of her sword that was fastened to her waist, “I don’t want to use force. All I want to do is just to check.”
“If you tell me the reason, then I might let you.”
Silence broke between them, staring at each other whilst not, as she had her helmet on, shrouding her eyes in shadows. She answered, “A upper class I am protecting has gone missing, I’m just doing my job by taking a look. That person should be at the same size as the one holding your hand, one I presume is a girl also”
“... Fine…”, Tony muttered, stepped to the side as the soldier crouched to the same length as Rin. Unveiling her tattered hood. Causing the silky black hair to rest onto her shoulders.
With a metallic screech, the soldier stepped backwards. Causing Rin to swiftly hide behind Tony, as the soldier held her sword handle near the waist. Facing the magician with his blazing red magic hovering above his palm.
“Fight! Fight! Fight!” The citizens of the slums cheered from the corners.
A sigh came from inside the helmet as she removed her fingers from the sword, she apologized, “Sorry, reflex from fighting to many beastmen. That white hair always catches me off guard. Not only that, I might be tasked to kill a beastmen at sight, but that doesn’t include those who aren't fully related to them.”
Extinguishing the fire, he watched the soldier before making his move.
“I don't know why she is blindfolded, but I’m not fond of turning into a half cooked chicken either. Anyways, I’ll take my leave. Please report to a nearby guard if you find a girl the same height with a tan. Blond hair and green iris.” She added, turned around towards the citizens that shuddered around the corner and shouted, “That means you guys also! Find her and you’ll be greatly awarded!”
The people glanced at each other, with grins they split up and ran. As if all the language they needed were the blinking eyes. Now gone from Tony’s sight with the upper hand together with the knowledge of the streets. He picked Rin up onto his arms and said, “We’re low on money. Let’s get our reward!”
She nodded, grabbed his shirt as he fired himself to the air with wind magic onto the damaged roofs. Roofs that might crumble with a tiny weight added. But with his quick steps of wind, he jumped from one roof to another before falling into the broken houses with the roofs.
The sun started to set. The sky was colored with orange pastel as he searched within every inch of the slums. What if someone have already obtained the rewards? He thought, resting on a thick railing on the edges of a roof with Rin. Rin who kept fiddling with her ring as if she was Gollum from lord of the ring herself.
Staring into every corner now shrouded in shadows for a while, he sighed. Those that took the head start with their sprint, were no where to be seen. Even the soldiers were gone. Either taking a break or their black armor camouflage them with the darkness.
Stepping down from the railings, he helped Rin down as he kept pondering. Half a day wasted… Might as well book an inn for the day. I’m kinda tired… The soft and comfy bed awaits...
“Tony, I hear noises under us.”
“That can’t be, this house should be abandoned. I checked before we rested here remember? Besides, I don’t hear anything” Tony said, shooting down the clues before listening.
“Fine… Let’s go take a look…” He muttered, recalling that she was not of full human blood.
With a bright smile, she jumped onto his arms. Actually, she would have landed onto the roof if Tony did not catch her. Using wind magic, he then jumped down from the roof, landing on the streets beside the house. The house made out of wood and damaged just like all the others.
“Can you still hear it?” He whispered.
“Yeah… It feels like they are about to leave the house.”
Leave? But none have entered ever since we have checked… What’s going on?
Hiding around the corner, he waited patiently. Trusting Rin of what she had heard. A few people did indeed leave the house. Shrouded in their hoods with their brownish robes. They were holding their hands firmly as if they were praying, walking further away from the master and apprentice until they eventually vanished around the corner.
“Sorry for doubting you, Apprentice.”
She smiled, resting her delicate palm on her chest, she said. “Just like how I trusted you to catch me. I want you to have the same amount of faith in me.”
“I will...”
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