《The Abyss Gazer》Story Archive: The place to go when you don't remember someone!


Andrew Tenebris: The MC of this story. Abused and ignored as a child, he sacrificed his life for the person that saved him from his loneliness, only to be resurrected as a champion of darkness. Possess a mental archive of all the dark magic Murgin knows, he's thirty times stronger than a normal human, has good regenerative abilities.

Personality: Loner, merciless, opportunist, generally apathetic, may have sudden bursts of emotion, calculative, strangely social despite his past, possibly mentally unstable, kind, unknowingly half-masochist.

Likes: monsters, fellow loners, Emma, being abused ( a little bit and doesn't realize himself), killing those that he deems as evil, Steve, new things, tsukkomis, lots and lots of tsukkomis.

Dislikes: Racists, fanatics, slavers, Shalps,Trask's challenges, bastards (which includes the greedy, the manipulative, the cruel, the proud), being called cute, those that can't think for themselves.

Scared off: A mad Emma, Rulia, drunk Trask.

Faction: The Abyssal Few

Affinity: Darkness

Weapon: Perditor, The Dark Terror (sword)

Murgin: A mysterious forgotten God of Darkness, creator of the Abyss, which is now mostly in control of other gods, defines himself as a Primordial Elder. Revived Andrew for his plan of freeing and helping monsters once and for all, though he doesn't like talking about his past.

Personality: sarcastic, sassy, bossy, fatherly, suffers from sudden fits of rage or mad laughter, lazy, cool guy.

Likes: Andrew, Nox, tea, monsters, demons, threatening to destroy the world, Belua, watching Light Dwellers suffer in general, unless he deems them as ok, watching from the shadows.

Dislikes: Heroes, Lux, The Church of Lux, Adventurers, Humans (may be exceptions), absence of comfy chairs, thrones and couches, light, Holy magic, Kandria.

Scared off: A mad Nox, Kandria.

Faction: The Abyssal Few

Affinity: Darkness

Weapon: Currently unknown

Nox: Loyal Butler of Murgin, First of the Night Demon race, he has served Murgin for an eternity. He's at his most powerful during a full moon.


Personality: Serious, loyal, honest, occasionally sassy, suffers from an obsession from order and cleanliness.

Likes: Murgin, Andrew, cleanliness, order, his trusty butler clothes, his horns, cooking, making tea, dark enclosed spaces., the moon.

Dislikes: Angels, lighted environment, dirtiness, chaos, lazy Murgin, spicy food.

Scared off: After serving the absolute lord of darkness for thousands of years there's nothing to be scared off.

Faction: The Abyssal Few

Affinity: Darkness, Moon.

Weapon: Currently unknown.

Golind: Leader of the goblin village of Greyleaf, he was worried for the safety of his village until Andrew saved his people from both the adventures and the templars. A shaman, he thinks of Andrew as his lord.

Personality: Obedient, panicky, kind, easily excited, determined when needed to.

Likes: his village, Andrew, goblins, Greyleaf forest, sitting under the shadow of a tree, the Abyss Altar.

Dislikes: humans, the Church.

Scared of: Inquisitors, strong humans.

Faction: None

Affinity: None

Weapon: Magic staff

Steve: a summoned creature of Andrew, he's a loyal and efficient scout. He's a giant flying eye. Tends to not care about thing dangerous for him. Strangely cute.

Personality: Joyous, childish, curious.

Likes: Andrew, Nero, dodging things, looking at people, cuddling, slaughtering his master's enemies and bathing in their blood, hearing the screams of the defeated ( Last two are up to debate)

Dislikes: Eyepatches, very small places, not looking at things.

Scared off: Needles

Faction: The Abyssal Few

Affinity: Darkness

Weapon: None

Nero: A giant black minotaur, born as the Dungeon Keeper of Gorwyn's dungeon. Due to the fact that Andrew created the Miasma leak that birthed him, he deems him as a father. Will do anything to be the ultimate Dungeon Keeper.

Personality: serious, gentlemanly, responsible, occasionally awkward, kind.

Likes: Bon ton, Andrew, his battle axe, teaching people how to act properly, be it the easy way or the hard way.

Dislikes: Rudeness, mannerless people

Scared off: Rats

Faction: Ferals

Affinity: None


Weapon: Giant battle axe.

Rulia Slakte: A Blood Demon from the Darksiders Guild. Her messy red hair and frail figure hide a bloodthirsty beast who enjoys inflicting pain on others and slaughtering them. Has been given a mission to bring Andrew to the Darksiders Guild.

Personality: sadistic, bloodthirsty, playful, creepily friendly, insane.

Likes: killing, torturing, fighting, blood, Andrew, messing with people, people that don't judge her for her tastes.

Dislikes: what can't die, what doesn't bleed, what doesn't scream, goody two shoes.

Scared of: Doesn't have enough self-awareness to be scared of anything.

Faction: Darksider Guild

Affinity: Blood.

Weapon: Daggers

Edresia Sanctum: One of the Arch-Cardinals of the Church of Lux, rules over the Church in Kieris. Incredibly talented in the arts of holy magic, she has sworn to protect the innocent and extinguish any evil that befalls them. She has found in Andrew a person she can trust. Hates her sister, the Pope.

Personality: Kind, generous, easily evaluates people correctly, responsible, loner, socially awkward when she's not faking everything she says.

Likes: Praying, Andrew, Lux, helping people, sweet things, the pure-hearted, her family, composed by Trask, a drink loving adventurer, Dles, a garden loving sister and Leind, a damn-loving elderly sister.

Dislikes: Jupir, pettiness, fakers, betrayers, demons, monsters, the excessively sinful.

Scared of: Currently Unknown

Faction: The Church Of Lux

Affinity: Light

Weapons: Magic stuff

Rakhs Black Hood: The leader of the Creakers, the Kradlaits (Cave Crawlers in ancient monster language) a.k.a. ratmen that reside in the sewers of the capital of Kieris. Gets crazy about weapons and feels completely responsible for his boys. He thinks of Andrew as a trustworthy friend.

Personality: Warmonger, dirty, sneaky, friendly, grateful, gun-crazy.

Likes: Guns, rats, dirtiness, chaos, diseases, fighting, Andrew, his boys.

Dislikes: The Church, adventurers, monster haters, excessive cleanness and order.

Scared off: Cheese (Due to a past meeting with a piece of cheese full of rat poison)

Faction: The Creakers

Affinity: Plague, Engineering

Weapon: daggers, guns.

Jupir Jalos: Hero of the Church, he's rumored to soon marry Edresia, also rumored to be a bit too girly. He's incredibly popular with the population of Kieris, but he's planning to take over the Church in Kieris by marrying Edresia. Has a love/hate relationship with his hair, due to their beauty but difficult maintenance.

Personality: Petty, sly, ambitious, proud, uncaring, cruel, faker, tends to anger.

Likes: His hair, himself, his smart mind, seeing his enemies suffer, winning, mirrors.

Dislikes: The weak, those he deems as unworthy, those that dare stand in his way, Andrew, monster, demons.

Scared of: His plans not going as planned.

Faction: The Church Of Lux

Affinity: Light

Weapon: sword

Belua: Deviless of monsters, the main Devil of monsters as a whole.

Personality: Serious, vengeful.

Likes: Currently Unknown

Dislikes: Currently unknown

Scared off: Currently unknown

Faction: Monster Kind

Affinity: Currently unknown

Weapon: Currently unknown

Lanius: A Lord Inquisitor, loyal servant of Edresia. Has been given by Edresia the mission of discovering who caused Gorwyn's fall.

Personality: Serious, loyal.

Likes: Edresia.

Dislikes: Currently Unknown

Scared off: Currently Unknown

Faction: The Inquisition

Affinity: Currently Unknown

Weapon: Currently Unknown

????: A mysterious pervert, appears out of nowhere. Has fourth-wall breaking powers. Seems to have relationships with the preceding Abyss Gazer.

Personality: Playful, sassy, lustful, hides regrets and sadness behind a smile.

Likes: Monster girls, Andrew, appearing from the shadows, Belua.

Dislikes: Currently Unknown

Scared of: Belua

Faction: None

Affinity: Currently Unknown

Weapon: Currently Unknown

Hello guys, this is a list that contains all the essential information about the characters in case you forgot about them. If someone in the story is not mentioned here is because they either won't matter a lot or will play their role in the story later. If you think something or someone is missing please tell me. A big thanks to Tiramii for giving me the idea. Also, i may release teasers of the kind of stories i put in the poll if i have time. Thanks for reading, and i hope you keep following and reviewing me.

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