《The Abyss Gazer》Flashback Chapter 1:Learn to love like you


Andrew just finished casting [Miasma Leak] and quickly felt his strength leaving him, and began dreaming of the past...

Andrew's house, four months before his death

"Andreeeeeeeew! Come on, we're gonna be late for school!"

Emma barged into Andrew's room, who still had to put on his pants, since he got up late. She was wearing her blue school uniform, which included a lovely red skirt that accentuated her beauty. She had long, straight purple hair, which wavyed up* towards the end, a black headband with a small violet rose on the right side and eyes like emeralds, but much more precious and rare. Her nose lines were elegant and sharp while her lips were soft, pink an delicate, almost like they would break to the touch, but attractive like a forbidden fruit. Her body was slim and alluring, with smooth, beautiful legs that the skirt didn't bother to hide and voluptuous breasts that any man would dream of.


"Ooooh, why should i? I like what i'm seeing..."


Emma then took out her phone and began making photos.


Andrew tried to jump on her but fell on his pants, which he was trying to put on.

"Oh, down on the ground, even betteeeeer..."


He was still crawling to her while she kept making photos of his now half-naked body.

"Ok, i'm done"

Suddenly she stopped.

"W-what are you g-gonna do with those?"

She gave off a sadistic grin and in her eyes the devil could be seen. Every time she did that ,two strands of hair would stand up, resembling demonic horns, fitting of the aura she was giving off.

"Who knows? Maybe i'll use them to blackmail you, or i could spread them on the internet. But i'll probably use them for... personal reasons"

"What do you mean personal reasons?!?"

"You'd looooove to know, wouldn't you? Perv"

Andrew planted his face on the floor of his room, defeated once again. Then he watched the clock and saw that he woke up one hour earlier than usual.


"MY CLOCK?!?I slept less than usual, that's why i was so disoriented!"

"Yeah, yesterday i messed with it when we did homework together"


"So that i could see your little, defenseless, confused face"

"Uuuuuuuuugh...... well might as well finish getting dressed"

Andrew got up while gathering his clothes, then he saw Emma gleefully smiling in the corner

"Get out"

"Come on, why?"

"Get out"

He began pushing her towards the door.

"Hey, hey! Stop! It's not a problem if i see!"

"Don't care"

He began pushing her more fiercely, since she began putting up more resistance.

"I'm gonna use the photos if you lock me out!"

"The end result would be the same even if i left you here. Now get out"

Emma began squealing and put her hands on her cheeks.

"Oh, you know me so well, don't you sweetheart?"

Andrew blushed due to her last word.

"You're so adorable when you blush you know?"

She stopped acting like a little girl and gave off a calm, alluring face. Then Andrew finally pushed her out.


He began getting dressed and watched himself in the mirror to see if everything was looking good.

He had black, constantly untidy hair that almost reached the base of his neck that no gel seemed to be able to contain. He tried to make it straight, spiky ,seaweed-style, but it always returned to its chaotic and ever-changing curly shape. His eyes were red like blood, and he had a slender but muscular body with an average height. He did train a lot after middle school so that bullies would leave him alone, but he never had the guts, or gave enough fucks to fight back. Though now he would gladly beat the crap out of them.

He finished getting dressed, then opened the door, only to find Emma jumping at him.


"I'm sorry, Andrew... not, but i just can't control myself anymore..."

"What are you talking about?!?"

"Well, i wanted to use the photos, but then i realized it's been 14 hours, 22 minutes and 15 seconds since we last kissed"



"Because we still have an hour of time till we have to go to school"


"You. Me. Bedroom. Now"

"Oh, heaven..."

"You'll be there in a second"

Emma kissed Andrew, tasting his tongue like it was a lollipop, then dragged him into his room for the next hour.

I'll refrain from describing what happens in there, since i think your imagination will do a much better job than my amateurish writing.

Go on, do your thing.

I'll just wait here while you answer the call of the beast.

Take your time.

Juuuust waiting..here..

Also i'd like if you could indicate some good example of this kind of scene...for..future reference...of course...to learn how to be a better writer...nothing else..really...i assure you...(just joking don't do that.....it would be extremely awkward, or maybe not, still don't do that)

You done? I don't care i'll just continue the story.

After an hour Andrew and Emma got out of the house, with Andrew wearing a face of satisfaction mixed with shame and embarrassment, while Emma only felt pure satisfaction and happiness.

"Your embarrassed face is just too.. uuuuuuuuuuugh... adorable"

"Shu-No, you can't ruin this day after that"

"You underestimate me, Mr.Tenebris. I can break you and bring you at my feet whenever i want..."

"You sure our relationship is one of boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"Yep, and i couldn't ask for anything better"

She gave off a blinding innocent smile that turned Andrew's now normal face to a tomato.

"W-w-what are you saying...?"

"That i love you with all my heart"

Her smile widened.

He fell to his knees,clenching his heart,as he couldn't handle such amounts of cuteness and love.

"Come on, let's go Tsundere-chan"

"I-i should have never introduced you to manga and anime"

"But i enjoy it so much! Anyway, don't you think you should tell me something?"

"I-I love you"

"Uuuuuhm? Can't hear you!"

"I love you"

"Speak uuup!"

"I-I love you more than anything in the world"


Emma lowered herself till she could hug Andrew's head. They stayed like that for a while, then they realized they had to hurry up.

"Andrew, we gotta hurry ,we're going to arrive late. I don't want Miss Camelot nagging me again!"

"I don't want that either..."

"I bet she'll tell the teachers to put you in detention!"

"Why does she have to be the daughter of the headmaster...WAIT! Why only me?!?"

"She's like me, she enjoys your desperate face"

"I'm just a bait for sadists...."

They ran for a while ,till finally they reached the school gate, right in time. But just next to it there was a gorgeous blond girl with a long flowing ponytail, sharp, blue eyes, and just by looking at her face you could notice that she demanded respect. Her uniform was different from theirs, it was white. Her body wasn't slender, but attractively muscular, like an athlete, or in her case ,a knight and breasts that could rival Emma's in beauty and size. She gave off a grin and then shouted,with her naturally commanding voice.



Emma smiled calmly at him and Andrew's heart filled itself with hope, while he gave her a grateful gaze.

"I'm sorry Andrew, but i have no intention of dealing with the headmasters' daughter"


His face turned to stone.

Suddenly she flew off into the gate disappearing from his sight. He tried to catch up to her but his collar was grabbed and he stopped abruptly. Then he slowly turned his head, only to see a grinning monstrous lion.

"Time for detentiiiion ,Tenebris"


And so he was brought to detention,thinking on how to get his revenge.


Hello guys! What, surprised i finally did one of those flashback chapters i mentioned? I told you i would do them after important cliffhangers. MUAHAHAHAHAHAH! Anyway, today we celebrate a great event:i finally described the protagonist's looks! Now you don't have to imagine him as a digimon like that guy in the comments did! YAYYYYYYYYY!RAAAAAVEEEEE!


(Technical difficulties,please ignore the madness of the author)

P.S*Is wavyed up a thing?Like,her hair gets wavy towards the end?Or did i create a new word?Seriously,tell me i don't know (It has been confirmed that wavyed up is not a thing, but i'll leave there, just for the LOLS)

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