Alex collected all the stray capsules that fell while Chonkers kept the dungeon core busy. As she did, Jim-Jam moved up and nuzzled at her neck. She responded in kind. "You were such a good boy." She cooed. She stored all the capsules in her satchel and jumped onto Jim-Jam.
"I got them! Let's go!" She yelled to the others. Opening her bag again she pointed at the nanocat. "C'mon Chonkers!"
The obese cat jumped off the flailing mech and into the satchel. Butterwhiskers and Kit joined shortly after. Alex directed Jim-Jam to the exit, stopping to grab Caleb and June. Nathan was picked up by Rocket and was already leaving the dungeon behind Sir Purrsalot.
The cats brought everyone up each floor, past the various zombie miners and their singing accompaniment and out into the fresh air. Night greeted them.
"Can you put me down?" Caleb asked. "I feel violated."
Jim-Jam had picked up Caleb by his shirt and was carrying him like a chew toy. Saliva had leaked from the Palug's mouth and was in the process of soaking Caleb. Alex directed the cat to let him go and Caleb dropped to the floor. He made a face.
"I need a shower."
June laughed. "The first sane thing from your mouth and it's for hygiene."
Caleb opened his mouth to retort but was beat by Nathan. "Thank you for saving me." He said to Alex.
She blushed a bit, grateful that the darkness hid it. Praise wasn't something she received often, she was a teacher after all. "It was nothing," She answered.
Nathan didn't think of it as nothing. He was certain that he'd have at least been wounded crashing into the wall. He felt his blessing tug at him, saying he could push the issue. He decided not to, they needed to bring the capsules back to Three Cities.
After a short rest, the four once again mounted Alex's large cats and went home. Nathan and Caleb were once again riding Rocket and for a time it was quiet.
"I've been thinking," Caleb spoke.
Nathan kept himself from replying with the easy sarcastic answer and replied. "About what?"
"I think we're cursed," Caleb said.
"An odd topic," Nathan replied.
"Well I mean think about it," Caleb continued. "The first thing we fight together is a hentai hive mind and the second is a dungeon with some of the most random background music. There wasn't even a cohesive theme!"
Nathan thought about keeping silent, but it wasn't like Caleb would stay silent if he did. "I thought it was coal themed."
"Yeah, but the music didn't fit," Caleb complained.
"I don't see the issue," Nathan said. He truly didn't. So what if the death trap didn't fit a theme? "It also doesn't explain why we're cursed."
"I was getting to that." Caleb retorted. "The two enemies we've faced were both ridiculous. And I'm pretty sure I saw goblins reenacting Mad Max while we were traveling. Something has cursed us to fight silly and ridiculous foes for their amusement."
Nathan shook his head. "Maybe it was the thing that kept sending hive minds to this area." He said with some sarcasm.
"Now you're thinking!" Caleb exclaimed, ignoring the sarcasm.
Nathan rolled his eyes. The apocalypse had invaded the world with all manner of things. Nathan distinctly remembered facing toon cereal mascots early on. Caleb was trying to find answers where there were none.
Nathan ignored the rest of Caleb's ramblings as the group traveled. It was another day of riding as Jim-Jam and Rocket were worn out from earlier. They arrived at the city as night fell, tired and in need of a bed. But first, they marveled at the sight of the dome being built around the city.
It was completely transparent, allowing light to enter. At around three-fourths of the way up five pillars of some metallic substance melded to the dome. It shone like moonlight in the night sky. They trailed down in a straight line meeting at the center. As they neared Nathan saw structures were already being built on the pillars.
"How do we get in?" June asked.
Nathan pulsed his echolocation, finding an opening ahead. "Over there," He pointed.
Jim-Jam and Rocket walked up to the door. At the base of the dome was a set of doors made of the same metal from the pillars. Two guards sat at each end one slumped in a chair asleep while the other was reading a book. As the cats trooped forward the reading guard stood upright in a flash and nudged his companion.
"Who goes there!" He yelled.
"It is I, Arthur, Son of Uther Pendragon from the Castle of Camelot!" Caleb shouted as he dismounted. "These are my knights and we seek shelter during our quest to find the Holy -- Ow!"
Nathan had seen June walk up behind Caleb but didn't expect the slap that followed. Caleb was bent over on the ground holding the back of his head. It was obvious he was acting.
"It's June and the others, we might have something for the council," June said to the guard.
Springing to action, the book guard sent the sleeping guard off to fetch the council. Realizing no one was consoling him, Caleb stood and sniffed at his shirt. "I need a shower."
"We have a shower here at the guardhouse sir." The watchman said. "You're all welcome to use it."
"Oh hell yes," Caleb answered.
The guard lead everyone into the barracks. "Men's shower is on the right and the women's is on the left." the guard said.
Caleb whooped and skipped into the men's shower. Nathan followed behind. The two undressed and walked into the stalls. Nathan made sure not to use his blessing, he wasn't a pervert.
He felt around for a knob, turning it experimentally. Cold water fell down and Nathan adjusted the pressure. The city hadn't installed hot water yet, there were other things to worry about after all. But the showers were important. Too often someone would face a monster that exploded in a shower of guts, leaving them rank and grimy.
"So what type of being is cursing us you think?" Nathan heard Caleb ask over the water.
"What?" He answered.
"My bet it’s a god. Maybe the God." Caleb kept on.
Nathan realized he was continuing the conversation from before. He felt around for a bar of soap as he answered. "I'm pretty sure its random chance."
"Ooh, the Paladin's an atheist now." Caleb joked.
Nathan shook his head. He had to ask. "Can you never be serious?"
Nathan heard the shower turn off and the stall door open. "I am serious," He said. "And don't call me Nevil."
"That's not an answer." Nathan pressed.
Nathan heard the stall open and the shower turned on again. "Caleb?" He said.
A torrent of water crashed on his head. In a panic, Nathan pulsed to see what happened. He saw the silhouette of a man above him, a bucket in hand. Nathan sighed. "Really?" He asked.
"Really," Caleb answered in all seriousness.
Exasperated, Nathan stopped trying to question Caleb. He turned off the shower and walked out. Dressing, he walked out of the restroom to wait for the others.
After their shower, the group walked out of the guardhouse to find that Hailey was waiting for them. Caleb waved to his sister and she nodded in response.
"That was quick." She said. "I expected at least a week."
"And I didn't expect the dome to be finished." June marveled.
"It's amazing what the threat of death does to motivate people," Hailey said with dark humor. "So did you get the essence?"
"Something like it," June answered. She went into detail about the dungeon essence and how they thought it might make the power they needed.
Hailey nodded. "Caleb," She said. "I need you and Alex to bring the essences over to Mr. Copper. He's at the base of those pillars that got erected."
"Heh, erected." Caleb sniggered as he left with Alex.
Hailey gave Caleb a look only a sister fed up with her brother could give before turning to Nathan and June. "As for you two, the council and I would like to ask something of you. We want your help when the aliens come back."
June immediately agreed. "I'm one of the scouts for the city, helping deal with threats is what I do."
Nathan felt his blessing flare as the councilwoman turned to him. It would happen sometimes, moments where a quick decision was required, or immediate action was needed, or even the start of something new. It was big, bigger than anything he had before. Quickly, his mind ran through his choices.
Of course, in the end, it wasn't even a choice. He'd grown fond of the people here and didn't want to see them come to harm. "If you think you'll need me." He answered Hailey.
"Excellent. I'll explain the plan as we walk." She said.
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Death Smith
Thirteen years ago, large Rifts occurred in our world, connecting us with something beyond our understanding. Survivors of these Rifts came back with strange and unique abilities that set them apart from the rest of humanity. When an unsuspecting young man finds his life turned upside down after surviving a Rift and suffering betrayal, he vows to take revenge on those who betrayed him and to battle the nature of the Rifts, no matter the cost. Sadly, the cost for him would mean to put aside everything he used to think was right and wrong, and to accept his new fate; A Death Smith.
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Avian | Krieg der Welten (German!!!)
Die Welt wartete voller Spannung auf den Release des ersten großen VR Games, OMEGA, so auch der MC, der jedoch zur Zeit des Release gerade an seiner Abschlussarbeit sitzt und damit den ersten Morgen in OMEGA verpasst. Am zweiten Morgen des Spiels jedoch, fliegt Mirado jedoch in den Himmel um sich den Sonnenaufgang als erstes anzusehen, als ein mächtiges Beben alle Spieler der Welt erschütterte und für ihn Spiel zur Realität wurde. Nicht mehr in der Lage die Welt zu verlassen, kämpft er von da an um seinen Platz in einer Welt aus Spielern und den natürlichen Einwohnern, sowie zahlreichen Monster und Götter. Als Auserwählter eines Gottes und Abseits aller Regeln und somitt auch abseits der Bestimmungen als auch des Schutzes den Regeln bieten, ist jeder Tag für Mirado ein Kampf ums überleben und sogleich ein Tag an dem er etwas neues über seine neue Welt lernt. Begleitet Mirado auf seiner Reise durch die Welt, wie er neue Freunde und Feinde findet, Uralte Gegner erweckt und die ältesten Götter konfrontiert um seine neue Welt zu beschützen. [hr] Ich habe bisher VIELE Storys darüber gelesen wie Chars zu Götter wurden, gegen Götter gekämpft haben und selbige am Ende (oder auch nach kurzer Zeit) zum Frühstück verspeisten. Diesmal wollte ich jedoch mal einen anderen Weg ausprobieren. Mein Weg führt nicht gegen die Götter und das Universum, sondern MIT den Göttern und der Welt. Wenn ihr also Fragen, Anmerkungen oder Kritik habt dann schreibt doch bitte einen Kommentar, eine Bewertung oder eine PM :) Ich lese sie alle!!!
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