《Idol By Laulau20》chapter 22 final battle of trisia (Edited)


“Now Reis. No, I should call you Death Manager right? Now, accept my curse!” She shouted. “Soul transmutation! Venomous demon wolf queen!”

“Please don’t look.” She said in a low voice towards me.

Her posture then changed. Her skin was ripped to shreds as green fur replaced it. A 5 meter long wolf replaced Stella. A wolf with green fur on its back and white fur on its belly. The wolf looked so majestic, it was filled with the dignity of a queen as it stood pridefully with its twintails wagging. (the wolf has two tails therefore it is called twintails)

You have been poisoned.

I read the system message. The wolf was exuding green and thin poisonous fog. Anything that came near her would have its health whittled down little by little. I cast expert cure and cure poison immediately. But the fog just poisoned me again. I was going to be poisoned as long as I came in to contact with that thin green fog. No poison curing spell will work, what a terrifying skill.

“Growl. Awoooo!” The wolf growled and howled. The howl seemed to bring fear to our enemies and victory to our side. With a slow step the wolf slowly walked towards Death Manager.

“W-w-what is that? How come..” Death Manager stuttered as he spoke. He was struck by fear as the green pupils in Stella’s eyes stared at him.

With a growl she started her charge at Death Manager. With a sweep of her paw Death Manager once again crashed into the wall. As her saliva was dripping, it exuded a thick green smoke and the ground beneath her melted. Death Manager stood up with a sword drawn. Then, this time he was the one who charged at Stella. A downward slash was easily evaded by jumping back. But that attack was soon followed by a dark ball that struck her making her lose her balance and strike another wall.

I retreated slowly to the entrance as my healing spells weren’t sufficient to keep up with the poison damage inflicted by her. The longer the distance between me and her the less damage I took from her poison fog.

After getting up again she began howling and charged towards Death manager again. This time she opened her jaws wide. Either she was trying to swallow Death Manager whole or she was just trying to bite him. Death Manager jumped to dodge the attack. Then after he landed, he charged forward to slash at Stella. The strike hit the mark, but the dark fog dissipated quickly. Somehow the poisonous fog overwhelmed the dark fog.

“You can’t corrupt me again Death Manager as I have turned into a demon now.” Stella said. Her voice was no longer sweet and pretty like before but dark and creepy. She stated that she could no longer be corrupted by Reis’s attack as she had become a demon. Demon can’t be corrupted by dark magic. So, she seemed to have the upper hand now.

“Skeletons arise. Resurrected army.” Then bunches of skeletons arose. Iris and Hector arose as undead. Damn it! Is he going to make Stella fight her friends again?

To my surprise, she didn’t waver as she swept the skeletons and bit Ragnar’s head off. Hector and Arknum managed to make some slashes towards Stella but she retaliated by jumping and stomping them. This was all done in less than a minute. All the skeletons Death Manager was summoning were defeated in an instant. It was like the power Death Manager showed to us before was just an illusion, he was completely helpless in front of Stella now.


When his sword slashed at Stella, her red blood melted his sword. His shiny black sword now seemed battered with chips and holes here and there.

“I will be back.” He said while enveloping himself in shadow.

“Caring for your life now? I will not let you. Let’s go to hell together.” Stella charged into the dark fog and bit something in it. Death Manager’s body was pulled back from the fog. She crushed Reis’s body like candy.

“Damn it! ARG!. Enigma of the dark god. Power of Hades.” He shouted inside Stella’s mouth. He then forcefully opened Stella’s mouth and with a twist she was dropped to the ground and thrown away. When I looked at Death Manager’s body, his body was covered in dark magic circles, they were all over his body.

“That one doesn’t have a counter?” I asked.

“Arg!!” he screamed in pain as black blood was spilling from the black circles. He then took a scroll from his pocket and with a chant, he read it. A magic circle then formed under his feet. As Stella rose she quickly charged back at Reis viciously without wasting any time. Just in the nick of time, Death Manager teleported away.

“Riri, escape now. This building won’t last any longer.” I quickly followed her order to escape. It took a mere 30 seconds for me to escape as I was already at the entrance. True to her words, the magnificent white building of Tantalus started to crumble and collapse. With a jump, the green wolf leap into the sky and landed in front of me.

You are poisoned

The green wolf then changed back to Stella as she collapsed naked in my arms. The sky had turned dark. Night is visiting us once again. But the night was not that dark as the city was still filled with the flames of war. All the dark forces vanished one by one in dark fog. The city was cleared of the invading enemies but the flames were burning in every house on this second level especially the Tantalus building was still clearly visible.

We won but the city was burned to ashes not leaving anything behind. Then I looked at Stella, even though she had become a human again, the poison status wouldn’t disappear. She was still exuding a very thin green fog.


“Yes Stella. What is it?” I looked at Stella who seemed weak, so very weak in my arms. Blood from her wound dripped on my clothes. My pure white clothing was dyed red by her blood. She can’t be dying right?

“Please kill me.” She stared at me with her beautiful eyes.

“Huh?” I let out a sound because of her ridiculous request. Killing her.

“You said you would fulfill any request that I wanted right?” She said softly and weakly. ”Please kill me.”

“But, why? Your wounds are deep. But it is still treatable, I will cast a healing spell on you. Just wait until the cool down expires in a few moments.” I said panicking.

“You don’t understand. That technique I used is a forbidden technique that changed my soul. !” She let out a sudden gasp as her eyes widened. She seemed to be in a lot of pain.

“If this continues, I will change into a monster. So please. Before that happens. Kill me. I do not want to become a monster.“

'Her soul will change? Does that mean she will change to be like that wolf?' i thought


“It is fine. Even if your appearance changes, you will still my friend. I will still be by your side.” I tried to encourage her.

“Riri. It is not just my appearance. But my mind and my heart will change into that of a wild beast. at this rate, i will kill you and other citizens of this town."

"but,. but." i cried my heart while holding Stella. suddenly a hand grabbed my shoulder Stella rises from her weak state and pushed me down

"Hmm. your blood smell good . Ahh, my wolf instinct already taken in if this continued i will really kill you Riri."

"T-This is just a game. even if i die, i will revive again. " i made a hopeless answer as a player. even if i revived, that doesn't mean other citizens in Trisia will. after killing me, Stella will kill other citizens of Trisia. i have to prevent that. but how? what can i do besides killing her

"You know" Stella's face drew close to my ear. i can hear she is really sniffing me. "I asked you to kill me not because i care about people of Trisia."

"huh?" i was dumbfounded

"It is because i care about you. you are my dearest friend to me." She hugged me tightly while weeping"You know, i have killed a friend before. a dearest one at that. Ragnar and the others is one of them. but i am not talking about them right now. it was a long time ago. i felt so horrible. i feel sick of myself from that time. i don't want to feel that kind of emotion ever again.ever."

"B-But, if i kill you. what about me? i will be alone. you are my first and also my dearest friend."" i hugged her back. tears also flowed from my eyes.

"Ahh, What a nostalgic feeling. what you said is very much the same like i was a long time ago. i almost forgot that feeling. the feeling of having friends. but still..." Stella then pulled herself away from me tears still flowed from her eyes " my request will not change. *sob* i am very sorry that i have to make you went through the same experience like i was. but i can't kill myself, moreover, above anything else i do not want to kill you. " She then resolved herself to stand while also helping me to stand " Sigh. my time is almost up. would you please kill me now?"

Tears then flowed from my eyes as I slowly grabbed my sword. my hands are shaking. this sword technique was taught by my friend. but now, it is going to be used to kill her. her wish is to die like a human not a monster, as her friend, i should fulfill it right? it is her last wish. if i do not fulfill it and she died as a monster then killed by some random adventurer, she will not be mad at me, but she will be very very disappointed.

“Riri. Please do it. Just like you said. It is not your fault okay? So don’t blame yourself and smile. i am about to die as a human anyway.. can you fulfill this one selfish request?” She smiled at me. while i readied a stance to thrust my blade at her. her face didn't show any fear but happiness "Thank you Riri. i can die as a human at the least. you really are my dearest friend"

“UWAA!” I finally thrust my blade into her chest. Even when covered by wounds, she kept smiling. Even when she was covered in blood she supported me and said it was not my fault. at the last moment of her life, she smiled and kept telling me thank you. she is silly. i killed her yet she thanked me.

Tears kept flowing from my eyes as I cried out loud. Stella was dead. When I saw her face, it was like she was sleeping. But I knew, she would never open those eyes again. Those beautiful green eyes will never be opened again. I kept on crying so much that I didn’t notice the system messages that were tingling in front of me.

Quest has been completed

You have leveled up 20x

Due to strenuous activity. Dexterity has increased by 35, stamina has increased by 30, strength has increased by 15, vitality has increased by 10

Due to constantly using magic for a long time wisdom has increased by 15 intelligence has increased by 20

Due to efficiently commanding an army leadership has increased by 70. Charisma has increased by 80,

Due to bravely fighting an enormous army fighting spirit has increased by 100 dark resistance has increased by 5% light resistance has increased by 5%

Due to bravely fighting against the Dark Army faith has increased by 90

Fame has increased by 500

Your have gained 8000 contribution points with all churches

You have gained 5000 contribution points with Haven kingdom

Magic mastery is now intermediate lvl 9

Acrobatics is now intermediate lvl 5

Multitasking is now intermediate lvl 3

Sword mastery is now intermediate lvl 6

Bullet deflector is now intermediate lvl 6

Horseriding is now intermediate lvl 1

Light blessing is now intermediate lvl 5

Phoenix regen is now intermediate lvl 4

Healing hand is now intermediate lvl 7

Healing Area is now intermediate lvl 9

Group cure is now intermediate lvl 6

Expert cure is now intermediate lvl 6

Single bless is now intermediate lvl 8

Fireball is now intermediate lvl 7

An incredible rise in levels, stats and skill masteries. A normal player would be jumping with joy and laugh or even cry their out heart for this. Getting so many levels was almost impossible in 3 days. Not to mention getting stat bonuses. Even reading or training your body for a month would not result in getting this many stat increases.

But seeing the stats just made Riri even more sad. She was not happy at all. Getting all of these stat increases and levels, it was like she was laughing at Stella’s death. Stella’s suffering. Does the system of this world work this way? When we see others suffer, we get a prize instead? Riri kept on crying as she hugged Stella tightly in her arms. But before she knew it, Stella’s smiling face, her pale white skin had turned to grey.

“No. No. No way.” Riri couldn’t believe her eyes. She turned to grey and disappeared. This was not a bug, this is just how the system reacts when someone dies. It is the rule of this world. No graveyard for anyone. All who die here are perfectly destroyed without leaving anything. Seeing this Riri could only grow sadder. She could only keep on weeping and weeping.

Tantalus group has been disbanded.

‘Oh, that’s right. With all of its member dead, Tantalus group was no more. Now I have nowhere to go. With all of my experience and stat increases, I could pass as a decent warrior even with my weapon penalty. Some guild would probably accept me. I have nothing to worry about’ I thought after seeing the system notice. But then another deep realization struck me as I cried harder than before.

I am such a despicable creature. Why am I thinking of myself right now when my entire group died in front of my eyes. Am I the only one who thought of this group as a mere guild? Where, when it could no longer exist, I just search for a new one? No, I held everyone dear in my heart. It was not true.

You have obtained Stella’s ring

Stella’s ring

A ring that was once worn by the great actress Stella

Dex +50

Str +20

Int +30

Wis +20

Charm +50

Charisma +30

I continued to cry until the sun rose and people started to come out from the third level. Nothing was left of Trisia, only ruins. The people here that survived held on to the church entrance. With Maria cancelling her buff, she erected a powerful barrier and sealed the entrance. Thanks to that, several tens of soldiers managed to make it out alive plus a mere 4000 non-combatants that were holed up in the church.

Lead by count Ignis, as he survived too, the few thousand survivors came out one by one breathing the sweet air of freedom again. Seeing all of their houses destroyed the nobles could only weep at their loss. The count then reached me as I was the only survivor there. He watched as I continued to cry with my robe dyed red.

“Riri.” He called me with a questioning look as to why I was cry? Were they tears of victory or tears of sadness? He soon realized why I was crying. As he was looking around and checking, no other Tantalus members had survived. Only Maria had survived the war as she was holed up in the church from the beginning. In a few moments, I was not the only one crying, some other people mourned for their death comrades, while others screamed out of joy for their survival. It was a bitter victory.

“Riri,” The count came near me as he tried to cheer me up. But seeing my face and the state I was in, he just held on to his words as he knew no sweet and made up words that could soothe my pain now.

“Riri,” Maria came and hugged me but I did not respond. “You are okay.”

I just kept silent like a soulless person. Maria looked around and when she saw the destroyed Tantalus building she knew what had happened.

There was nothing to clean up as everything was destroyed except the highly damaged church. The portal was opened again but no one could use it. Several armies from Selei and Sidinia came late bringing reinforcements. When they saw Trisia, they thought it was too late and were about to report back to their hometowns but they changed their mind when they saw several people walking along the second and third level walls.

The count told them what had happened in Trisia and requested resources instead. The food they kept in their granary and church storage was almost depleted and there were hardly any soldiers to hunt nor animals to be hunted around Trisia. Trisia had become a barren land. Green grassland turned into scorched earth and the white walls were turned black and grey from the fire and smoke. No more structures could be seen standing inside Trisia. Everything was destroyed.

‘At the very least, I still have this ring. I will treasure you always Stella. This ring will be the proof of it. It will never go from my hand.’ I thought while wearing the ring.

A secret class idol performer is unlocked do you wish to convert now?

‘Secret class? Does this game want to make a mockery of me again? Does it want me to laugh at Stella’s death’ My thoughts cursed the system message as I read it, I was about to say no but a thought flashed through me. Did Stella have this class? Did this mean she wanted me to become her heir?

“I accept.”

Your class has been promoted to idol performer

All stats increased by 10

You have learned soul transmutation

You have learned autographs

You have learned audience

You have learned break dance

When I looked at the system notice, I knew I had learned several skills but I soon dismissed the system popups. It was very unlike me to not want to read something but I was just not in the right mind to do anything right now. I just wanted to lay down and sleep and perhaps continue to cry. I can read the damn skill descriptions later.

Ignoring Maria, I just stood up and walked towards the church. Maybe I could rent some room in inn somewhere by using the church teleportation but a whisper stopped me.

“Riri, it is me El.” El whispered to me from her sword.

I have no intention of answering so I just sheathed my sword and continued to walk.

“Riri, please walk towards Swogystar’s corpse. Yggdrasil told me to pick up something from there.”

This time I stopped. With a soft okay, I walked towards Swogystar’s corpse. Reluctantly I approached the place Swogystar had died. It took me quite a long time to find it since everything was pretty much ruined in Trisia. There was no landmark to be seen but I found it.

You have obtained a tainted Pegasus horn

You have obtained a tainted Pegasus feather

“Is this it?” I asked El.

“Umm. Yes it is.”

“What should I do with it?”

“Just keep it. When Yggdrasil manages to come into contact with other pegasi they will fetch it for him. You do not have to trouble yourself to bring it back to him. He just didn’t want it to fall into the wrong hands.”

“I see.”

“Thank you. And... I am sorry.”

“No. It is not your fault.” As I walked towards the church again. This time I wandered around and collected Arknum and the other’s stuff. They will need it in 4 days’ time or at least the foreigner ones. As I remembered that word, tears started to flow from my eyes again.

As I didn’t have anything important to do, I just sat at the second level wall, staring at the barren battlefield. I didn’t even try to collect the loot the monsters had dropped. Maria sat beside me trying her best to soothe me. I just let her do as she wanted but my eyes still wandered around the city.

At night Count Ignis and the rest of the people stood in front of the church.

“Tonight, we mourn for the deaths of our comrades. But this time we do not just mourn but we must be grateful to them. Their sacrifice has allowed us to live. Right now, they have left Trisia in our hands. May we be able to rebuild Trisia to its former glory. We will not let their sacrifice be in vain. I know that we can and will rebuild our homes to what it was once. Hail to the victorious dead.”

“Hail.” The crowd toasted a few glasses of wine. The night soon passed by. Many slept inside the church with nothing but blankets. At noon this day, they tried to salvage whatever was left. It was true that they found so much loot. But no merchant was coming that day so they were not able to sell it. Some tried to salvage leftover planks to rebuild their homes but of course, as expected, what could be built in a mere day?




author note

- this is the saddest chapter i believe. when i reread this chapter somehow i felt really sad. but this is a must so bear with it. Stella's death and tantalus disbanding has been planned since the beginning of this series. so there is no helping it, even if fate ran another course she and tantalus will still die nevertheless

- comment suggestions and critics are welcomed. i will try to answer your questions as best as i could

- here is our MC stat

Spoiler : Status window

Name Riri class idol performers

Health 6675(+800) mana 9275 (+800)

Level 120 Race human

Fame 900

Title manager, the white rider

Job none

Health regen/sec 19.5 mana regen/sec 40.4

Strength 118(+122) dexterity 322 (+55)

Wisdom 317 (+102) intelect 286 (+125)

Stamina 305 vitality 117 (+150)

Art 74 charisma 177 (+140)

Leadership. 160(+30) charm 105(+150)

Fighting spirit 180 faith 140 (+105)

Magic resistance

Fire water

Earth wind

Thunder ice

Dark 45%(E) light 45%(E)

Unused points 100

Contribution point church 8000

Contribution point haven 5000


Magic will be reduced by 90%. unless you meet normal requirement of 300 wisdom

weapon will be reduced by 90% unless have intermediate blacksmith

Leather armor will not be penalized

iron armor will have it’s movement speed reduced by 30% and increased stamina consumption by 20%. Only if you meet the equipment requirement

While riding horse the movement speed increased by 10%

Bag 1

Water canteen

Rye bread (6)

Ring of mana(E)

Ring of leadership(E)

Black staff

Circlet of purity

White high heel shoes

White dress of purity

Sword of Elkami

Autographed Beginner’s cloth

Beginner’s pant

Beginner’s shoes

Earing of faith and wisdom

Necklace of vitality

Ring of vitalityx4

Ring of inteligence x3

Stella’s ring

Tainted pegasus horn

Tainted pegasus feather

Skill list

Speed reading beginner’s lvl 2

Manage beginner’s lvl 5

Magic mastery intermediate lvl 9

Acrobatic intermediate lvl 5

Multitasking intermediate lvl 3

Sword mastery intermediate lvl 6

Ambidextrous beginner lvl 2

Bullet deflector intermediate lvl 6

Sneak beginner level 2

Horseriding intermediate lvl 1

Soul transmutation beginner level 1

Enchanted autograph beginner lvl 1

Break dance beginner level 1

Audience beginner lvl 1

Sub skill

light blessing intermediate lvl 5

phoenix regen intermediate lvl 4

healing hand intermediate lvl 7

Healing Area intermediate lvl 9

Group cure intermediate lvl 6

Expert cure intermediate lvl 6

Single bless intermediate lvl 8

Fireball intermediate lvl 7

Elkami spell list

Thunder Barrier advance lvl 6

Thunder strike advance lvl 8

Thunder shower advance lvl 1

Thunder ball advance lvl 2

Lightning ball advance lvl 9

Enigma of lightning god Zeus strike intermediate lvl 7

Enigma of lightning god thor Hammer intermediate lvl 3

Enigma of lightning god zeus bolt shower intermediate lvl 2

Enigma of lightning god bolt of thor intermediate lvl 5

Lightning bolt intermediate lvl 6

Mana bolt intermediate lvl 6

Lightning charge advance lvl 4

Lightning pulse advance lvl 5

Lightning strike advance lvl 2

Lighting flash advance lvl 1

Lightning storm advance lvl 2

Shadow ball beginner lvl 2

Dark lightning beginner lvl 3

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