《Idol By Laulau20》chapter 3.5 Wolf Cross Bride


“Welcome ladies and gentleman.” Ragnar said as he stood on the stage. he plays as mc too (master of ceremony)

“Count Daris, nobleman and noblewoman whom i respect, and finally everyone who spared their time to come to our annual event at Selei City. Welcome to our humble performance. “

#Clap Clap# #swooosh# #Blaar#

A fireworks made by clashing fireballs and thunder balls followed with numerous thunder bolt flew to the sky. Cheers from audience are unstoppable, they cheered, whistling and shouting.

“Hahaha. At the moment i am very honored to have all of you attended our annual performance. Such an honor that event you, my honored count daris to spared his precious time just to come to our humble performance.”

“Very well, here is the moment you are waiting for! Our annual event at selei city. Wolf Cross Bride!”

While Ragnar leaved the stage, the closed curtain opened little by little displaying our sculptor and painters hard work. 2 dimensional props of castle and trees made by planks arranged neatly on the stage.

“the light suddenly went dim as Narrator of the Story, also played by Ragnar started the play

“Once upon a time, there were 2 kingdoms. One is inhabited by humans and the other is inhabited by werebeasts. They wage war with each other from and for long long time. However, one day without negotiations and notice, these two kingdoms magically stopped attacking each other. No one knows how they were able to stop attacking each other at the same time. Many speculate that both kingdoms exhausted their resources, others, speculates that these kingdoms are tired from continuous war.

Even though both kingdoms stopped their attacks, the hatred that has gone for far too long made them hostile to each other. Nevertheless a peace still came to these 2 kingdoms.”

“Your highness! We should prepare a force to exterminate those bald monkeys. With our strength, me as the noble race of foxes are willing send our forces to them. they have gone killing our brethren long ago.” A fox tailed man speaks.

“There haven’t been a war for 100 years! We should enjoy this peace as much as possible.” A bunny eared old man then spoke.”

“There has been Bandits! Those despicable creatures flied from their territory to our territory and ravaging our homes at the border!”

“The debate continued without results. Growing tired from this, wolf prince Hector stepped out from the room stealthily into his garden while starring at the starry sky”

The curtain closed.

“Hurry up.”

“Manage, manage, manage!.” I spammed my newly acquired skill te replace the stage props.

‘Council background changed into night sky. Fake grass REPLACEed,fake trees, . ok all set’ i raised my thumbs to curtain manager signaling them to opened

“should we go to war, should we not.should we war, should we not.” The Wolf Prince plucked flowers one by one


“Your face looked gloomy.” Stella finally comes in. She played as white wolf princess.

“You know. The usual.”

“Hahaha.” She dryly laughed “so, may i sit here.”

“Go ahead.”

“So, your face is gloomy. Is it because we are not at war?”

“ i just wondered. Is Human really bad? “

“I see. According to reports they are bad. But. “


“We just knew to little of them. all we ever heard is they attacked us and fled. We don’t know what they eat, we don’t know their hierarchy. And so on.”

“Yeah. You are right.”

“So do you want to go?”


“To the land of humans.”


“If we slipped far enough then hide our tail, we won’t get caught.”

The curtain then closed

“And so. The white wolf princess and the Wolf prince slipped out from their castle the night after tomorrow. They managed to slip past the strict border and reach an unknown human village”

Songs finally came in. Orchestra started playing. Hmm, they have reached this section. Where they are known as a pair of bard and singer. Change the scenery of starry night to a village

“Manage.manage. maneges.”my tongue slipped due to nervousness. Luckily that only cost a little time. No harm done.

Light of thee flashed unto us. may our peace everlasting

Peace unto world with a blessed land

No war but filled hatred

No fight but no bless

I want to love and loved

I wont peace and caring

Greedy as i might

But these is my desires

the curtain closed once more. Change the village layout to the interior of a castle.” Manage,manage.”

“As unknown pair of bard and singer. Princess white wolf and wolf prince traveled to many villages. In their surprises, they found that the life of the creature they hate isn’t so far different from them. finally in the city they are invited to playin the ball by the king.”

“Such a wonderful play!” the king Exclaimed.”If i mas ask once again, may i know the name of these magnificent bard and singer?”

“We are but a nameless bard that wanders around. We have no such name to be presented to the king.” Wolf prince answered

“Such a humble attitude rare to be found. Go, enjoy yourself.My hall is not uncapable to please their guest.” The king then said “after such a great song, let us enjoy a dance. May this day, and the day to come we may be blessed by prosperity.”

“Hello. My you be willing to dance with me?” the wolf prince asked.a noblewoman


Changing scenery from interior castle to a city”manage, manage!”

“Not so loud chicken head.” Another stage setter complained.

“sorry. I was just to excited.”


“Unbeknown to them a seed of love budded in wolf prince heart and thus at the corner of the city the white wolf princess confronted the wolf prince.”

“wolf prince, may i asked you something?”

“What is it my dear friend?”

“Do you love her?”

“Do you mean princess Selena? Well, yes i do.”

“And what is it that you liked about her?”

“I see that she is kind. Other noblewomen is enveloped in their vanity and arrogance but she is not. And most of all, she do not hate werebeast. Shall she be a queen, maybe our kingdom may come to the real peace.”

“I see.”

“With a sad face and hidden love the white wolf princess struggled to support her dear prince’s wish for she also wished upon the real peace the wolf prince dreamed. However, fate turns for the worst at such unfortunate moment their identity as werebeast were exposed due to mere children playing with the white wolf skirts”

Change from city to city gate.” Manage..” i said whisperingly not repeating my past mistakes

“Halt! In the name of the king i order you to surrender yourself!

“Wolf prince, what ought we do now that we are at the core of enemy kingdom and surrounded by enemy soldiers. Arh!” the soldier stabbed the white wolf


“With struggle they managed to escape the grip of the soldier. But with a wound the white wolf princess can not escape their hands for long and finally decided to stall time so the wolf prince managed to escape.”

“hurry up. Change the scenery from city gate to forest now.” said the worker.

“manage. ManaUgH.”


“Damn idiot! Why did you have to fall over now? ahh the curtain already started to opened? Who give the cue?”

“come. Just a little more.”

“Wolf prince. We cannot outrun them any more.go. i will stall for time. My wound will only be a burden.”

“What?! Of course not. We have been together for years! We came back together or not at all. You have been my friends since i was born.”

“So, my wolf prince. Even until the end, i am still just your friend.” Tears flowed through stella eyes

“What do you mean?” a song from her then came

Born together

Died with seperation.

One love but not loved

A meeting born love

A lifetime born friend

Love is to give not to be received.

Sacrifice is true love

“Leave now wolf prince. I will stall them for my heart wished you to alive and well.”

“Wait a second.”

“There they are! Archers fired at them! infantry, marched!”

“The white wolf then gave a reckless charge towards the oncoming horde of human infantry while with tears and grief, the wolf prince ran and ran to the border of human kingdom.”

“hiks. Hiks. Manage, manage.” I changed the scenery from forest to council with tears in my eyes. No matter how many times i see it this scene always bring tears to my eyes

“The princess have been killed by those despicable humans! “ the foxman from the council spoke

“But, it is partially her fault to breach the human kingdom.”

“I don’t care anymore about your cowardice behavior. You can just hide in your hole and eat carrots for all i care. Your highness please issue an order to attack! your uncle’s daughter has been slain by those filthy humans. A blood of royalty has been spilled! We cannot delay any longer! Let’s go and make them pay the price they should!”

“Father. I will lead the war.”

“Okay, we march to human lands. their barbaric attitude can’t be tolerated any longer!”

“Filled with anger the prince led a huge war towards human. Countless humans and werebeasts were slain. However, the werebeast were losing. Their reckless charge led by enraged prince led them surrounded and decimated.and finally the wolf prince were caught and sent to the castle underground prison.”

“No. Why did you lose prince.”

“Don’t stare at the stage, quickly change the setting.”

“Yeah sorry. Manage. Manage” i changed the scenery from council to prison

“So you are a prince of the werebeast kingdom.” Elena asked

“I was. But now i am but a captive prisoner.”

“Ohh, my wolf. Please marry me. I want to be with you forever.forget abut revenge. I will come with you we can run and live in villages.”

“Will you still accept me? I have killed countless people. A villain. A murderer, do i still worthy to accept your love?”

“Yes for i know when we first met that you are sincere. You are kind, just like me didn’t hate your race you didn’t hate mine.”

“Thank you. Let’s leave together.”

“Okay Prince.”

“Argh!” the prince then stabbed Elena with a sword.

“I am sorry Elena. For i curse my shallow love that has hurt the purest of love. My hatred is higher than a sky and deeper than hell for a mere love to wash . i am now an avenger born from hatred and lived to curse.”

“That day the wolf prince slain every human at that castle. Every king, prince and princess were slain. He does not stopped. He continue to slain. Until a mere soldier caught him from behind and shot an arrow to his head. Revenge fulfilled, but not completed for hundreds of new kings and queens from nobleman and noblewoman are in queue to the throne. Nevertheless the curse the prince left behind led the kingdom fall into chaos for centuries to come.”

Light then dimmed. Silence creep at the stage. just to be broke by a hundreds of applause from count and hundreds of people.



author note:

- it was longer than i thought. but better in my opinion

- gotta love Riri for her Manage :)

- any critics and suggestions are welcome

- Happy reading. i fell into tears when i wrote this :)

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