《reborn: wolf man》chapter 48: flesh


The room was completely silent not a breath could be heard. The last line was a kick to the family jewels it named Rolo as incompetent and terrible ruler. King Rolo didn't even move but from the messengers shaking legs I could tell Rolo Was drilling holes into his head with his stare. The message angered me as well who did this king think he was ordering other kings around like slaves?

“I am sorry but I must decline the generous 'offer' you have given me because my daughter is already engaged to another. Since I can not comply to part of the offer I must decline the whole offer”

“you have been declining all the offers from King Tut on that basis, King Tut has demanded that you back up evidence of her having a suitor”

“but he is before you do you not see him?”

the fat man and the shady servant finally take notice of me. With a sneer the fat man asks me

“and you are?”

“Talk to me in that tone again and I will cut off your head”

Is what I said to him with a dead serious tone, leaving no room for misinterpretation or mistake as to what I said. the fat mans mouth drops and he stares at me.

“well ask again but in the correct way”

He regains his composure

“if I may so ask your majesty, may I request to know your grand and glorious name?”

“My Title is King of the urkai”

“...your majesty could I have your name?”

“your king is not worthy of hearing it just as he is not worthy of seeing my face”

I had just turned the tables on insulting. If they could see my face they would see a great big smiling ten year old.


“if I my be so prudent as to ask why you are a better suitor then king Tat?”

“I have already rebuilt the walls of the city, hunted orcs, crushed a orc camp and am going to go through with my promises unlike your untrusted king, who leaves things half finished and in worse condition then before”

the fat man opens his mouth to speak but then closes it to think. I look over to king Rolo who is smiling and Joanna who was a look of satisfaction on her face.

“I have never heard of the King of the urkai”

“we are wanderers from beyond the orcs”

this was a double tacked move. It not only allowed me to claim all the land north of the orcs but showed my kingdom as an unknown size and strength. Even if I was bluffing.

“well it seems this audience is over we will take our leave”

before the fat man even finished the 'servant' threw something towards king Rolo seeing this I forced one of my armour tails to catch it. After I caught it I felt something


I had caught the knife headed towards Rolo and then looked at the foreigners. I then looked at my chest and heard the Fat man say

“King Tat sends his regards King of rags”

I simply stood up and got off my throne. Blood dripped onto the floor. 30 seconds passed, then a minute then 2 minutes. I had not moved an inch, no one in the throne room moved at all. The fat man said.

“did he die standing up?”

“no I did not”

Everyone’s eyes in the room went wide.

“Is that all you can do to me weaklings?”

I take a stride forward.

“you think one assassin is enough to take me down?”


another step forward, blood is now flowing onto the floor through my wound. I can feel that it is all the way through my body and in my left heart.

“did you think the king of the Far north reaches would fall so easily?”

I am now less then two feet away

“did you think the king of Iceland would pick a weak suitor?”

I am now only a foot away.

“if anyone moves they will die, the boy in pretty armour and the idiot who threw the knife at me are yours boys its to bad your going to have to eat them raw.”

my urkai rush forward and the guard and assassin move their hands to their weapons, only to have their hands grabbed by my tails. They looked up fearfully and then the urkai were upon them. It was a merciless slaughter. The guard was slashed in the throat and left to bleed out. but the assassin was pinned down and each urkai grabbed a limb and slowly pulled his body apart. When his limps popped out they would stop, pop them back in then repeat. It lasted at least twenty minutes until one of them accidentally ripped his leg off. When that happened they grabbed a torch and cauterized his leg. They then ate his leg in front of him cutting off pieces for each one to eat.

While they were doing that I went back to my seat. With the knife/really long dagger in my chest. I think everyone saw it sticking out of my back before I sat down again. I pulled the knife out and threw it on the ground. I then continued to watch the spectacle before me.

They ripped off his 'staff' and ate that in front of him as well, then his other leg and arms. They then killed him ate the rest of this body and then onto the swordsman. When they ate him they did so systematically eating it within 10 minutes. They then returned to behind me with all the armour and clothes from the guard and would be assassin. The fat mans robes were covered in blood from the two bodies and he was shivering in obvious fear while looking at me in dark armour.

“does the King fat the glutton have anything else to say?”

“n-n-no s-s-sir”

“good then begone”

he ran straight for the door fell, got up, fell again scampered up and then made it out. I turned towards the king.

“so you happy with your deal?”

his face was as pale as a ghost but I could see a week smile.

“it takes a monster to crush a kingdom”

I reply with in monotone

“or one to make one”

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