《reborn: wolf man》Prologue: 1 edited
Warning there will be coarse language and other mature themes possible in this writing.
Overconfidence caused my death. In my ignorance, I failed to realize the consequences of my actions. It wasn't a big loss, as my life was miserable anyway. Being the class nerd isn't exactly fun in private school. The only reason I was attending was because my score was top notch .01% on the national aptitude test and I was given a scholarship. Half of the students in this school were the children of those 1%ters you hear about on the news. Rather than further themselves with the education that the school could provide, they wasted their time frivolously through drinking, partying and racing in luxurious cars their parents had bought them. They were set for life, and most of them would inherit multimillion or even billion dollar companies. Some were even children of Mafia bosses.
My family, however, barely had enough, and had to scrape together money day to day. Not wanting to bring trouble for my family, I attempted to stay out of the spotlight. I never raised my hand, and usually had my head buried in a book. I was so quiet, I went unnoticed like a decoration on a wall. Like unused furniture seen every day, one might consciously notice me, once in a blue moon. If it weren’t for attendance, I doubt anyone would ever speak to me, as that was the only time I really answered. Thankfully, I was exempt from gym, where I might have been singled out and bullied, because of my heart condition. Although minor and easily fixable, my family couldn't afford the costs of surgery. As my family was poor and unable to provide for me, I quickly got used to stealing what I needed. I wasn't Jesse James, mind you; I wasn't breaking into houses or robbing banks. They were only small things which had a peculiar tendency to disappear in my presence. I never felt guilty about this, as their owners were rich enough to simply buy a new one the next day. In my thievery, I practiced caution. I usually stole from those who didn't know me, or had never even talked to me. I must admit, I was an excellent thief, as I never got caught.
This thievery allowed me to purchase a computer. Well, it would have, but I was too impatient and stole a laptop while I was saving up. I’ve never taken it outside, however, because I was afraid someone might recognize it. Seeking to escape from the world that I rejected and avoided, I immersed myself into 8-bit RPGs, and decade old FPS shooters like Doom. Ultimately, it would be this obsessive passion that would lead to my death. Too poor to purchase internet access, I would visit my communities’ local library to obtain new games. Using a library computer, I would download games to a USB drive I had stolen, and then wipe the traces of my activity from the computer. The librarian was my next door neighbor, and likely thought my actions were unusual, but she knew that I had a scholarship and thus, never said anything about my habits.
During this meaningless life of avoidance, one day, the school suddenly went into lockdown. As we had practiced during drills, we all gathered into the corner. Suddenly the door burst open and masked men armed with machine guns entered. They grabbed a few students, seemingly at random, and exited leaving two guys behind to watch over us. I realized, however, that it was not random. The ones taken were all children of Mafia bosses. These guys knew exactly what they looked like and where to find them. Suddenly the guards talked.
“Hah! It’s going to feel great killing those kids.”
“Yeah! The Fratellis, Corleone and Capone families should have known not to double cross us!”
“Too bad we aren’t there for the execution. Instead we gotta’ watch these runts.”
Everyone remained huddled in the corner trying to keep from shitting their pants in fear. From the smell of things, some people had already lost that battle. I, however, remained calm and collected. It was then that an opening presented itself.
“Man I gotta’ piss. Watch dees punks.”
“Yeah, sure.”
I must admit, being incredibly unnoticeable had its perks. Emboldened by countless hours of playing Doom, I silently crept over and got within a meter of him. It was then when lady luck graced me with her presence once again and his radio went off.
“5 min’ till tee-off.”
“Ha sweet.”
Seizing upon this opportunity, I grasped my pocket knife that I always kept on me and flicked it open. I pushed myself off from the ground, lunged and stabbed him in the neck. He barely struggled. Blood spurted out of his neck, crudely resembling one of those ridiculous peeing cherub fountains. He crumpled to the ground, and I bent down and pulled my knife free. The room was silent, the other kids stared at me, barely comprehending the spectacle they had just seen. Wordlessly, I walked to the door, cracked it open, and upon seeing that no one was outside, left.
For unknown reasons, I was compelled to head upwards, and I took the stairs to the roof. Seeing that the door which led outside was slightly ajar, I peeked through and saw a guard in front of the door. I opened the door slowly, however he noticed and started to turn around. I would have died if not for the fact that his weapons were holstered. I stabbed him in the neck, covered his mouth and dragged him inside. Once he stopped kicking, I grabbed his pistol and again peeked through the door. I saw two men with the kids from my class lined up between them. The two men were facing away from me, towards the front of the school, with their machine guns pointed at the heads of two of the students they had taken.
I opened the door further and raised my new pistol, aiming at the man to my left and fired, killing him. Knowing the other man would soon react, I turned right and fired. It hit the second in his bulletproof vest making him stagger but that was all I needed. I fired again hitting him between the eyes killing him instantly. I then ran to get his machine gun knowing the men on the lower floors would come to investigate.
A huge bullet hole appeared on my right side. Instinctively, I jerked away which caused me to fall down. I rolled over and saw a man on the roof of the stairwell aiming at me with a sniper rifle. He was too far back on the roof to see my first kill so I assumed he was still in disbelief about just seeing a high school kid kill two professionally trained soldiers. Even I could not believe how lucky I had been in killing four of them. Knowing death was near I resigned myself and smiled waiting for him to shoot again and kill me. I was not expecting what happened next. He jumped down from the roof and said to me.
“Let’s make this a bit more of the challenge. Take this knife and fight me.”
He grabbed a tactical knife from his vest, and tossed it to me. While he grabbed another one, I got up and caught it in time. I was breathing heavily, and my weak heart was having a hard time coping with the stress brought by the adrenaline coursing through my veins.
I looked to my right and saw Sara, who was widely considered the prettiest girl in our school. I smiled at her, although, with my body covered in blood from the first two guards, I probably looked really scary.
I then looked back at the last soldier. From the way he was handling the knife, I knew I had no chance of victory. But then, I came up with a brilliant idea. I rushed at him, the sudden charge taking him by surprise, as he most likely thought of me as a calculating type of person. He blocked my stab and knocked the knife out my hand with his right hand. Before I could respond, he stabbed his knife into my chest and pushed me back. I fell down, my body wracked with extreme pain but with a smirk on my face. The soldier looked at me in confusion; I mean I was the one with a knife in my chest. I then spoke.
“How’s your wife gonna’ react to you losing your ring?”
He looked at me questioningly when I raised my left hand. Realization spread across his face, followed by fear. I had the ring to one of his grenades in my hand. The explosion sent me flying past the other students. I was barely conscious, when a face entered my field of vision. It was Sara. I looked down, saw that my legs were gone, and a knife was stuck in my chest. Realizing that I was bleeding out, Sara asks me.
“Is there anything I can do to help you?”
There were tears streaming down her cheeks. She likely felt guilty because she was one of the reasons the soldiers came in the first place.
“I don’t want to die having never been kissed.”
I have no idea why I said that, but before I can take it back, she pressed her lips onto mine. I could taste blood on my lips, most likely from one of the soldiers I killed. As the kiss became deeper, the world slowly faded into darkness. Just before I passed out, the kiss ends, and with my last breath, I whisper.
“Don’t feel guilty, it's not your fault.”
Blackness consumed my vision.
Spoiler :
I died from being too confident. yup to dumb to notice it was a terrible idea. oh well my life sucked anyways. Being the class nerd isn't exactly fun at the school I went to. It was a private school. The only reason I got into the school was because I was incredibly smart compared to my counterparts. So the school gave me a scholarship. Turns out half of them were sons and daughters of rich people so they didn't care too much about their education. Most of them would inherit multimillionaire or in some cases billion dollar companies. Some were even children of Mafia bosses. Whereas my family barely had enough, we had to scrape by day to day. I tried to stay out of the spotlight never raised my hand, had my head in a book all the time to appear unnoticed. most of the time it worked I was so quiet no one ever noticed me. I was like a decoration on a wall, you might only notice me once in a blue moon but for the most part I’m just there. If it wasn't for attendance I doubt anyone would ever say anything to me as that was the only time I really answered. I was thankfully able to be exempt from doing gym because I had a heart condition. although minor and it could be fixed with surgery my family couldn't afford to go through with it so we never bothered. since my family was always poor I got into the habit of being a robber. no not full blown just snagging small things off of people who could buy a new one the next day. I usually stole from those who didn't know who I was or had never even talked to me. I was really good at it too I never got caught and it allowed me to buy a computer. well I actually stole one when I was saving up. I never bring it anywhere though I’m to afraid someone might recognize it. This bad habit only helped me get closer to death. This is also how I got into 8-bit rpging. I would go the library with a USB (which I stole) and download the game off the library computer then transport it then wipe it off the computer. since the librarian was my next door neighbor and knew that I had a scholarship she never said anything about my habits.
During school one day it went into lock-down. we all had to gather into the corner and sit there. then all of a sudden the door was knocked down and men with masks on and machine guns walked in. they grabbed a few students from what appeared to be random. once they were gone and two guys were left to watch over us I realized something. the people that were taken were all children of Mafia bosses which means they new exactly where they were and where they would be. then the guards talked
“ha the executions gonna be so great.”
“ya to bad we can’t see it.”
most of the other kids were basically shitting their pants. Then an opening occurred to me.
“man I need to take a, leak can you cover me?”
“ya sure”
being incredible unnoticed had its perks. when I silently crept over I was able to get within a meter reach and then luck struck me again. His radio went off.
“5 min till tee off.”
“ha sweet.”
He let his guard down and I grabbed my pocket knife got right behind him got up and stabbed him right in the neck. Most of the other kids just stared there was hardly a struggle. blood just came flowing out of his neck like a river, then I dropped him. and just walked out the door saying nothing. I have no idea why but I made a beeline right to the roof. the door was slightly ajar. I peeked through there was a guard right in front of the door. I very slowly opened the door and I think he noticed something out of the corner of his eye and turned around. his weapons were in their holsters and once he made a full 90 degree turn I stabbed him in the neck and dragged him into the doorway. Once he stopped kicking I grabbed his pistol and again peeked through the door. I saw two men with the kids from my class lined up between them. the two men were facing towards the front of the school with their machine guns facing at the heads of two of the students. so they weren’t facing me.
I grabbed the pistol off the dead guy beside me and opened the door up more. I then raised my new pistol at the man on my left and fired. knowing I only had a short of time I turned right and fired. it hit him right in his bulletproof vest making him stagger. but that was all I needed I fired again this time hitting his jaw causing him to stumble I fired again hitting him on the other side of the jaw. Once again I fired scraping his skull. my last shot hit him right in the eye finally killing him. I then ran to get his machine gun knowing the men on the other floors would come to investigate. once I got halfway there I stumbled in my rush and
a huge hole appeared in front of me. I rolled over and saw a man on the roof of the stairwell with a sniper rifle. he was to far back on the roof to see my first kill so I assumed he was just as surprised as I was. I just waited for him to shoot again and kill me. knowing death was near I just smiled. I mean really I, a 18 year old about to graduate high school managed to kill 4 well trained soldiers starting out with just a pocket knife when they had guns. I was not expecting what happened next. He jumped down from the roof and said
“here’s a knife fight me”
He grabbed a tactical knife from his vest and threw it to me and then grabbed another one from his vest. I got up and grabbed it. I was breathing heavily because of the adrenaline. my heart was having a hard time coping with the stress of the Adrenaline running through my veins.
I looked to my right and saw Sara. she was considered square and was the prettiest girl in the school. I smiled a big grin. with my body covered in blood from the first two guards I probably looked really scary.
I then looked right at the last soldier. From the way he was handling the knife I knew I had no chance of victory today. But then I came up with a brilliant idea. I rushed right at him. I got him by surprise, he most likely took me for a calculating type of person. That was his downfall because the soldier didn’t keep that in his head. He blocked my stab with his right hand and knocked the knife out my right hand. Before I could respond to this he stabbed his knife right into my chest and pushed me back. I fell down and smiled with glee. The soldier looked at me with a confused face.I mean I was the one with a knife in my chest. Then I spoke.
“How’s your wife gonna react to you losing your ring?”
He looks at me questioningly while I raise my left hand. Realization spreads across his face and then fear. I had the ring to one of his grenades in my hand. the explosion sends me flying past the other students. I’m barely conscious and look up then a face appears, its a pretty face. Its Sara’s the square. I look down and see that my legs are gone, and a knife is in my chest. I realize that i’m bleeding out. Now that I see this Sara asks me
“is there anything I can do to help you?”
there’s tears coming down her eyes. she probably feels guilty because shes one of the reasons the soldiers came in the first place.
“can I have your first kiss?”
I have no idea why I said that but before I can respond her lips are pressed to mine and I can taste blood on my lips. most likely the last soldiers. as the kiss goes deeper into my mouth the world gets darker and darker. Just before I pass out the kiss ends. with the last of my breath I said
“don’t feel guilty its not your fault.”
After that I see a black uniform of SWAT and then blackness consumes my vision.
Proofread by Alecxis
Edited by thernn
Cleaned by ManOverBoard, Evrin, TwitchPhD
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