《Dragon Ball:RR》chapter 8 and 9


Chapter Eight

In just over two and a half months time Bondo sends an urgent S.O.S. Aluca and I flew from my home all the way to

Jazz city in moments. The huge tower that Bondo conducts his work in was smoldering with cracks and debris falling

from it. I wondered what could have caused this level of destruction since I was last here but I sensed three extremely

high power levels. Two were around 110,000,000 and the other one was far higher at 145,000,000. I flew towards the

three power sources only to find three very tiny aliens the tallest no bigger than three feet tall. They all had a snow-white

colored skin like exoskeleton with a few colored bubble like accents along their bodies. They had three toes on each foot

and wildly waving little tails. They were battling against a host of security androids, the large androids that were similar in

build to android 16 only with blue hair and their security uniforms were being knocked around by the trio of pint-

sized terrors. Looking at this scene I was kind of regretting telling Bondo to not make the security androids too powerful.

I’m more than certain android 16 from the series would have destroyed the three little monsters in mere moments. Aluca

took one look at them and snorted “Hmph frost demon’s”. I was a little surprised by her look of disgust as she looked at

the three. I asked her “Is there something you have against frost demons?” I figured it may have been because the

trouble Freezer and Cooler caused on planet Makyo star but her reply took me even more by surprise. “Frost demons

are a race with demon in their name but to us true demon’s this is blasphemy”. I simply nodded as I finally understood

her reaction. I took another look at the three pint size frost demons. The shortest has pink accents to its body in much

the same way Freezer had purple. It had a smooth dome-shaped head with the same socket like ears of Freezer. It’s

face was slightly feminine looking but its voice was deep and intimidating creating quite the juxtaposition. The next one

was a little taller with smooth black horns that rise from the sides of its head. This one has a more athletic figure kind of

like a miniature sprinter. Its body was covered in orange like markings that reflect in the light of the dual suns. Then

there was the one I could sense with the highest power level of the three. It was short but built with an incredibly stocky

physique. It’s eyes glowed an ominous red as it looked at me. I felt something was wrong immediately as our eyes met.

It seemed to be in some kind of pain. It was tensing its body and I could feel it’s Ki fluctuating wildly. It was then that I

remembered that some of Freezers race can’t control their power levels so resort to transforming to limit the burden their

power causes to their bodies. This must be the very same thing happening now. I approach the three as slowly as I can.

The two weaker ones seemed to not take much notice of me but the one that is in pain from its power flew towards me

in a berserk rage. I had already gathered life energy before hand so my power level had risen to match its own. In the

almost nine months since my battle with Freezer I had increased my daily training to an unprecedented degree. I had


even incorporated an android into my sparring that had no physical limitations. In-fact it could probably be an equal for

android 18 of the main story if it was to fight against her. I had managed to incorporate my thought patterns into the

android and because of that it knows every technique I knew at the date of its creation. This android that I named Kirk

has become my sole training partner as I have risen to heights my self from nine months ago couldn’t have even

dreamed of, all through torturous effort in my new training method. I have trained my base power so strongly that it is

now around 20,000,000 without any amplification ability used. If I went all out as a Super Saiyan I have been clocked at

1,000,000,000. This is because crazily I can no longer use the gravity machine as it’s no longer safe to increase its level

to suit my needs, so instead I had a breathing apparatus created that is worn like a mask that is capable of remaining

functional in such the harshest environment. Me and Kirk proceeded to take our training to a black hole several

thousand light years away from this galaxy the reason it was just me and Kirk was because no one else was willing to

join me in what they called “such suicidal methods of training” not even the Saiyan’s which I found surprising. The closer

we got to the black hole the more destructive the gravity has become the force compressed and pulled everything

towards it epicenter that contained its powerful event horizon. To survive I had to get a lot stronger, I however just think I

have done nothing but taken the gravity training to its most natural limit.

The little frost demon swings a wild and powerful punch aimed directly at my temple. With a gentle swipe of my

hand the stocky little creature was sent flying into the air and dissected the clouds in the sky. The sky was neatly divided

thanks to the force I sent the frost demon. The other two figured our that I am stronger than them became meek within

moments. Aluca then whispered to me “Frost demon’s imprint on those stronger than them as parents not long after

birth”. I sighed yet again I seem to have become a parental figure to an alien, how does this keep happening? I hope

Brocco doesn’t mind having siblings. I called the two little frost demon’s over and they happily skipped towards me. The

deep voiced little pink one called me “DA” in a deep baritone voice I simply shrugged in reply. The two smiled and

happily followed as we flew after their sibling. I found him unconscious several miles away I guess I over did it with that

last attack. Since the black hole training I am finding limiting my power to be harder and harder and I still haven’t really

gotten all that close to its epicenter yet. I dread to think how powerful I can become if I master this form of training, I

must be the only one insane enough to attempt it though. I picked up the little frost demon and carried him back to

Bondo’s lab.

After returning to the lab we entered through the partly destroyed wall. Bondo was rushing about pressing all sorts

of buttons in his office. Each button was part of a safety system Bondo installed. I could sense that the building itself was

moving beneath our feet. There were several areas where it was actually rebuilding itself. Bondo finished what he was


doing and noticed my arrival. he saw the two frost demon’s politely following me and the one that was unconscious in

my arms, He seemed to be relieved that I had gotten the situation under control. He began reporting to me the events

that occurred “Lord Raditz thank you for your timely intervention. today the subjects thawed out of their ice chrysalis

signifying the end of their gestation. While subjects two and three struggled at first to control their powers they were

easily distracted by the androids that gave them a target to vent their excess power. The problem however was subject

one, his power was so high that its began eroding its body and would be cataclysmic if nothing was done. We tried

everything we could but its power was just too immense. It was then that we called for our help. I am so sorry I could not

handle this situation by myself my Lord”. I smiled at the worried Bondo that had spoken all of that at a break neck speed.

“Don’t worry Bondo I was half expecting something like this to happen, I had heard before that a young frost demon may

struggle to control its power”. I placed my arm on Bondo’s shoulder as reassuringly as possible. I then looked at the two

young Frost demon’s behind me “Now you two say sorry to uncle Bondo for the mess you have made right this instant!”.

I firmly scolded them for their bad behavior thinking to myself that Brocco was no trouble at all as a new-born. With tear

filled eyes and quivering lips the two stammered out a sorry to the best of their abilities. Bondo accepted their apologies

like the good nature’d uncle he is and gave them each a treat to eat for being such good children. It seems the two of

them have quickly learned the error of their ways, the problem is what to do with the one that is unconscious. His power

level is far too high and causing him damage. I had to think of an idea that will lower his power level. It was just then

something came to my mind. “Bondo that material I brought back from training near the black hole do you still have it”.

Bondo nodded and with a swipe at his three-dimensional display two small female androids came walking in. They were

dragging behind them a large cube shaped black metal looking material that I found being compressed within the outer

circumference of the black hole. The material is known as Gravisteel it is as hard as Katchin one of the hardest metals in

the universe and so dense after being compressed within the black hole for millions of years metals that its weight can’t

be compared to any other metal. I had a series of fifth-teen weight bands formed out of the material and placed them on

the trio of Frost demons. I placed one on each limb and one around the neck. The two that were awake immediately

began protesting as they began struggling to move, but I showed them the weight bands I wear hidden under my gloves

and boots made of the same material. Seeing this they became incredibly excited and started putting more effort into

moving under the weight of the Gravisteel. When the other one finally awoke he was surprised to find himself wearing

the Gravisteel bands but like the others became excited after seeing mine. It seems he too has imprinted on me as a

parent because of my strength. After making sure that the Gravisteel bands weight had lowered the frost demons power

level, I asked Bondo how his laboratory is holding up. According to him when subject ones power grew too out of control

he created an explosion that destroyed the majority of Bondo’s current work. Sadly all traces of Freezers tail were

destroyed in the explosion so we can no longer cultivate any more members of their race unless we gain more genetic

material. According to Bondo should we use the siblings DNA any resulting life forms may be unstable. I had subject one

also apologize, he lowered his head in apology but with the weigh around his neck he found himself toppling forward.

Bondo laughed and gave the child some sweets too and just like that it was as though any stress Bondo had over his

work being destroyed was gone. I was amazed by how flexible Bondo’s mentality seems to be. I then looked at the trio

of frost demon’s and decided hey need names. If they look to me as a parent then it’s my job to raise them and name

them. I named the little pink one Polar, I named the athletic looking orange one Frore, and I named the stocky reddish

one Algid I did my best to think up any cold sounding names that match their race. I was tempted to give them names

not of their race but there was something about the way they looked that said to me names that don’t sound like puns on

cold won’t do. And so just like that I placed the three on my back and shoulders. The added weight of another fifth-teen

weight bands was intense so I became super Saiyan much to their surprise and excitement. I then flew back home with

Aluca who was poking the squishy faces of the three on my back as we flew back to my home.

Chapter Nine

The next day I began training the three Frost demons Algid Frore and Polar. For some reason Kurimu had prepared

clothing for the three of them that I have no idea where she got them. Polar the little pink one was dressed and looked

like a tiny polar bear in a little white fluffy one piece outfit with bear ears. Frore was wearing what seems to be a white

wolf looking outfit with a tail and white wolf ears and Algid was wearing what seems like a fluffy baby penguin suit. I did

however kind of think they all looked adorable. Kurimu and Aluca were ooing and aweing in the back ground so loud in

which it was causing a distraction. It seems they have found a hobby together of dressing these children up in cutesy

clothing or at least that’s what I though. I asked them “where did you even get these outfits?” To my surprise they both

replied simultaneously “We hunted them down last night and had their pelts made into clothing by the drones”. The two

had said something quite terrifying and I felt a chill run down my spine. What was even more scary was when the

children found out they were wearing the pelts of dead animal they began to get happy and excited and ran around

making growling feral type noises. It seems the frost demon’s have incredibly dark instincts from an early age. After my

initial reaction faded I continued the training I was teaching the three how to lower their power level’s. I was connecting

my consciousness with theirs and using the image training technique to share the sensation of lowering ones Ki. Polar

picked it up the quickest it seems he is the one with the most talent when it comes to manipulating Ki. The next to pick it

up was Algid and then with a great deal of struggling Frore learned it last. Now that I taught them this method they could

lower their power-levels so as not to damage their bodies. I was going to remove the weight bands that held their

powers in check but it seems the three demanded to keep them on. Algid shyly even said “Like Da”. I consented it

seems they really respect me since displaying my power. Seeing the children wanting to be like me Aluca and Kurimu

started making high-pitched noises again, I could make out the occasional “Adorable” in the high pitched babble of the


The three children are all males it seems that just like the Namekian’s they are a single sex race. Just as I had this

though Brocco had arrived. He had previously been off planet, I gave him the mission to infiltrate one of Coolers vessels.

This specific vessel is highly guarded as it is one of the ships that transport a portion of Coolers ill-gotten gains from the

galactic black market. I had Brocco and the members of Apule’s race steal all the goods and kill the crew whilst wearing

Freezers uniforms. Brocco informed me that he had his men wait until the ship’s crew sent a distress signal along with

confirmation they were wearing Freezers uniform before destroying vessel and crew then taking the goods for

ourselves. Brocco and his crew stayed in the area cloaked under the stealth device and watched as Cooler arrived as

back up. Brocco then showed me the images captured by the stealth spy drones left on board of an irate Cooler cursing

his brother and promising to end him the first chance he gets. The three Frost demons saw the image of cooler

displayed and became interested. I simply told all three of them that “Cooler is my enemy and we will destroy him” as

soon as the word destroy was brought up they were like children in the highest of a sugar rush only making those feral

noises and playfully fighting each other. After they calmed down I introduced them to Brocco I told them he is their big

brother. The three looked at Brocco as though he was some kind of dirty thing. I laughed and simply offered to let them

fight against him. Algid the strongest of the three took the challenge. We went out to the battle area out the back of my

training field. Brocco towered above the tiny frost demon. Brocco began powering up as he sensed the power the little

creature before him possessed so went with his maximum ability. His skin started to darken as though a dark green ink

began soaking through light green paper. His power level began to rage as it rose in such a violent volatile manner. As

Algid is still yet to learn about sensing power levels he simply reacted to it by sight alone. These children have no

training in fighting at all and simply rely on their natural-born talents. Algid made the first move. He attacked Brocco’s

legs with a sharp and deadly looking sweep kick but Brocco simply stamped down at the approaching frost child. Algid

reacted by a hairs breath and barely blocked the foot that would have crushed his sternum if allowed to land. Algid’s

arms that he held in an “X” began to buckle and shake under the strain of holding back those dense powerful legs. The

super Namekian body has the density of many Namekian’s bodies compressed into one. Should they fuse with every

Namekian every single gram of weight of the Namekian’s is absorbed and condensed creating the heavy feeling figure.

Brocco did this by his own power by growing and compressing enough weight, all this powered by his own Ki that could

rival every single member of his race from Champa’s universe. Added onto that his constant training in the gravity rooms

further increasing the strain from this high density form. He has grown enough to being one of the few who will still dare

to challenge me from time to time. he has grown so powerful I think he may even be able to take on Freezer at his most

powerful now. Added to that his wealth of combat experience he pummeled the young frost demon from pillar to post.

After Brocco had demonstrated his power and gained his new siblings acceptance I walked over to the three frost

demon children and said “Brocco is my son there is no way he would be weak. You are his brothers from now on and I

also expect you all to grow stronger too”. The three were motivated beyond belief and for the next several hours we

competed in an intensive training session myself against my four son’s.

A few months after the frost demon siblings arrived, It has now been exactly twelve years since I was born in this

world today being my birthday. I celebrated with my family which consisted of Mother, Father, Brocco, Algid, Frore, and

Polar. Kurimu and Aluca were also there too, the pair of them were greedily devouring a cake I had made for the day

together. This is quite a bizarre looking family but we were laughing and having fun. Father was challenging his

grandchildren to take him on, the fact that they were all so powerful was like a dream come true for him. At first he was

concerned that the frost demon children would be just like Freezer but it seems their personalities were becoming more

and more playful as the day’s went by. That’s not to say that during battle they don’t completely act as savagely as the

usual frost demons, they become quite vicious and sadistic if one was to fight against them. It is mostly Mothers

personality which doted on them that has made them so innocent when outside of battle. All three had next to no interest

in Gine due to her low strength at first but she won them other with her caring and compassionate attitude. After one

tough training session where I may have over done things and they were slightly injured it was Mother who tended to

their wounds and cared for them until they recovered. Brocco could have just healed them using his Dragon Clan

abilities but she told him not to. She tended to their wounds and doted on them like the kind Grandmother she is, even

though she still looks as though she is in her late teens. The Saiyan’s ability to hold off aging is incredible. The three

frost demons became incredibly protective of their Grandmother after that point. My height sadly has not really increased

much. For us Saiyan’s we grow in short bursts every so many years. This is why Goku in the manga and anime stayed

relatively the same height as Krillin from the beginning until even past fighting king Piccolo at thirteen. It is not until we

reach around sixteen or seventeen until we enter our next growth cycle. Luckily for us Saiyan’s our physical capabilities

are not dependent on our size. Despite looking so small our muscular structure is far more densely packed and our

bones are far thicker and stronger than those of other races. It is because of these biological advantages we evolved

that the Saiyan’s could become as strong as they are. It is also for these reasons we can survive in even the harshest of


As we were enjoying ourselves celebrating my party I suddenly sensed a couple of presences that arrived on the

Brotherhood home-world. This Ki has a different feeling than I have ever felt before and whats more it is far more

powerful than Freezer if I had to estimate I would guess that the stronger one of the two was around 660,000,000 and

the weaker one was around 440,000,000. they came from out of no where and was almost as though they had

teleported right outside of my front door. Everyone was taken a back and were on edge as they had never felt such a

powerful power level before. No matter how many times I tell them there is always someone more powerful in the

universe it seems it is a hard concept to grasp when you think you are reaching the apex of attainable strength.

Suddenly a knocking could be heard at the door. I was quite taken aback by this. I was positive these people didn’t have

an evil feeling aura but to be polite enough as to knock after just teleporting onto my property. My home which is in the

center of Rex city is surrounded by many buildings belonging to various people so the thought that these people could

sneak in till now is preposterous. This gave further credence to my idea that they had teleported here in some way.

Everyone’s faces where ghastly pale in the presence of such power level’s, every one but myself that is. I calmly walked

towards the entrance to my home. The door opened with a whooshing sound after pressed a button embedded in the

door frame. To my surprise what stood before me was the supreme Kai and Kibito.

The supreme Kai is a rather short purple skinned humanoid with pointy ears and a wavy tuft of white hair upon his

head that is styled in a Mohawk. Kibito is far taller with a more imposing figure, he has a broad face with long white hair

and several wrinkles making him seem a bit more aged than that of the supreme Kai. Kibito is looking at me with a

rather disgruntled facial expression where as the supreme Kai is smiling and looking rather polite. “Hello supreme Kai,

What can I do for you today?” I asked immediately showing them I was aware of who they were. Supreme Kai was

shocked momentarily but his calm facial feature returned almost right away. “Hello there, As you are aware I am the

supreme Kai and we have come to your planet to request your aid”. I looked at the supreme Kai and took a guess at

what it could be that someone so high on the universal pecking order could want from me. “Go on” I said urging him to

continue. The supreme Kai seemed to put his thoughts in order and continued speaking. “The evil wizard Bibidy is

heading towards a planet we are not yet aware which one with the goal to awaken a great evil known as Majin Buu. We

have come to you for aid as we have become aware of the existence of your Brotherhood and the strength it possesses.

We are also aware that some how races that were once considered evil such as the Makyan’s, the Demon’s, and the

frost demon’s have somehow become forces for good under your command”. I nodded as I was becoming fully aware

that it would become gradually harder to stay hidden from the eyes of the Kai’s. This is partially why I had been

undergoing such insane training near the black hole in order to become powerful enough to protect my people should

they want to make a move. Luckily however it seemed they have seen us as a force for good. If I was to be honest the

fact we instigated the civil war between Cooler and Freezer could be looked at as an act of Evil from some people’s

perspective so I prepared in case the Kai’s wanted to make a move against us. “Well then why don’t you come in” I

invited them into my home. I led them to the sitting room and had Kurimu prepare some refreshments. Every one inside

was confused as to who these visitors could be. We all took a seat in the lounge area and I encouraged the Supreme

Kai to continue his story. “Well then as I have told you the evil Wizard Bibidy is attempting to resurrect the evil Majin Buu.

He has gathered an army of people he has placed under his control with his evil dark magic. He has gathered such a

force that alas just myself and Kibito here are not enough to handle them all, It is for this reason we have come to seek

the assistance from your Brotherhood”. I reached towards the table in the center and took a small tea-cup and brought it

to my mouth. I took a sip acting as nonchalant as I could. I paused for dramatic effect and watched in amusement as the

silent Kibito seemed to be getting angry with my frivolous manner of behavior. “Very well” I said as I looked the supreme

Kai right in the eyes. The supreme Kai let out a relieved looking smile at my agreement. “So then where are we to

begin?” I asked. The supreme Kai and Kibito looked at one another before the supreme Kai nodded at Kibito. Kibito

stood up and said “First things first I would like to examine your power and see if you can truly be of service to the great

Supreme Kai”. I shrugged and let out a slight sigh. “Very well, follow me to the training area” I got up after saying such

words in as bored a tone of voice I could muster. I was annoyed with Kibito’s attitude the fact they came to me for help

and yet I have to prove myself didn’t sit well with me. Kibito and the supreme Kai followed me, behind them at a short

distance away was everyone else. We made our way to the battle area of my training field and stood facing one another.

Kibito then said “If the rumors are true that you can become a super Saiyan why don’t you go ahead and transform”. I

sighed yet again I am completely unwilling to go at his pace like Gohan did in the manga. “Nope there’s no need for that

at your strength I’m afraid you wouldn’t survive” I gave a little bit of provocation back at him. I know it was childish of me

but with his attitude I fail to see why I should care. “Why you insolent, stupid little mortal” he began mumbling his

complaints before his anger got the best of him and he rushed towards me. In my body I had gathered a large degree of

Life energy from the dual suns near our planet. I kept every single ounce of this energy concealed within my body not

allowing a single drop to leak out. This has been a technique learned while training near the black hole, I had to develop

this level of energy manipulation skill as any leakage of energy would be sucked into the event horizon of the black hole

draining me of my power the longer I stayed near by. Because of this my Ki is almost undetectable as though I am a void

within the universe itself. No degree of sense can detect anything from me which makes predicting my movements next

to impossible. The rushing Kibito instantly lost track of me who seemed to disappear before his very eyes. Not being

able to detect me at all I was able to appear right behind him. I twisted his arm up behind his back and brought him

down to the ground. I planted my knee in the back of his head and further applied pressure to his arm. His head

smashed into the ground as his arm began making creaking noises. It seemed like it took a while for his to react to the

pain he felt but after a brief moment of silence a loud almost begging scream came from his lips. I curled a sadistic smile

on my lips happy that I had put this annoying person in his place. I released him and looked at the supreme Kai. “So did

I pass your test?” I asked. Supreme Kai simply nodded trying to remain composed but I could see the nervousness in

his eyes. I had toyed with his attendant in a mere second and made him scream and beg breaking any resemblance of

pride he held as the supreme Kai’s attendant. Kibito got up from the floor he was holding his arm that was surely feeling

the after effects of being pulled with such torque he was lucky it didn’t get pulled off. As I still lack any ability to hold back

at this moment I was glad it didn’t go down that route. The supreme Kai then said right then shall we go we have to pick

up Bibidi’s trail before it’s too late let us go to the last known planet he was spotted on. I agreed and called Brocco,

Algid, Frore, and Polar to come with us. I told Bardock to inform the others that I am going off world on a mission and

that I will leave everything in the hands of himself Xien and Vegeta. Kibito then had us stand with our hands placed

upon him as we teleported away.

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