《I am a tree》Guardian


It's been a day since Barbra, my new fairy came here. Apparently she didn't know too much about this world except for a few pieces of knowledge. I was fine with that because those few pieces were really helpful. Why? I could use magic! The feeling of being able to use it makes me giddy, well... There's really not much situations I have a good reason to use magic. The hill I'm planted on doesn't really have any threats. Stanford and the other elves will probably never try to harm me and I don't see anyone randomly coming here to attack. I also learned that I've been unconsciously using magic to nurture the land within my domain... it means Stanford was technically right about the 'blessing'.

That got me thinking if the weather was under my control too, I asked Barbra about that and she told me it was. I told her about the storm that happened before she arrived because I certainly didn't control that. The response I got was...

[Didn't I tell you? I bonded to you by an electrical current so I came here though the storm.]

Oh, the reason I became a light show was that. My view was on the elves that were doing their daily routine. They were planting trees and arranging the newly grown flowers. The flowers reproduced pretty fast that some ended up very close to me. They thought the flowers were not worthy enough to be so close to me so they arranged them into their own groups further away from me. What was freaky were the bushes though... when they took out the roots then placed it back down, it immediately wiggled into the soil. Now circling around me were the flowers had been arranged with a bush, flower, flower set up.

Later on I noticed that Barbra had a physical body now so couldn't she be seen by the elves? I don't feel guilty about it so I ask her another question.


◄Are you able to talk to the elves?►

[Yes, they can hear me when I become visible to them.]

◄In that case... am I able to talk to them too?►

I really wanted to know about this. It'd be weird if I just suddenly started talking now, but if I did it sooner than later then it would probably be accepted better. I really don't want to use tree movement's every time I wanted to talk to them. Barbra responded to me, by the way, she's inside of my body right now... Okay moving on.

[You have not matured enough to talk to them. Even when you mature, you can only give a number of them the ability to talk to you.]

There's some hope now! I just need to mature more until I'm able to talk to them. Though I don't know when that point will be reached as I am a freak of nature. While imagining several scenarios of talking to the elves, Barbra said something.

[Did you ignore the fact I can talk to all of those elves?]

Right! She can be my intermediary to the elves. I don't really know what I would say to them, but maybe a greeting? I ask Barbra to give them my greetings so she went outside of the tree as a sphere of light again, she can change her size but not the appearance. She likes being in a small form because it gives the feeling of more space to run around in. Before she went out she asked to borrow some magic so I agreed to it thinking it was need to talk to the elves.

Once she left the tree, the elves naturally noticed as there was a glow. Most of the glow faced, but there seemed to be a light flowing around her body making her seem holy. Was this the reason you needed to borrow magic... All the elves gathered in front of her with Stanford at the front of the group. In other news, I memorized all of the elves names with an 80% chance of getting it right. Barbra finally spoke when they gathered, this time her mouth moved...


"Greetings, I am the spirit of the tree."

Stanford who was at the front made a strange face then bowed down. The crowd followed him and bowed. Stanford then spoke.

"I humbly greet you our savior... the divine tree."

""Our savior the divine tree!""

They all greeted Barbra, but there she corrects them on something they got wrong.

"You are mistaken, I am the guardian spirit of the divine tree and master is the divine tree. I've come to convey a message!"

I see a grin flash across her face when she said that. How are you the guardian when you have to borrow power from me... Anyways, there really is no message; I'm just trying to say 'hi'.

"Master currently cannot speak to you... master's power is being drained away making this land flourish being weakened to the extent that he can't spare strength to speak... no, I must convey master's message first..."

Barbra was completely faking this. She feigned a depressed face when she said I was weakened. When the elves also heard that, their mouths opened slightly with some of them having tears well up on the side of their eyes. Looking at that scene...

◄Barbra! Can you at least give them my greetings properly?!►

It was already too late to take back the words spoken...

[Okay fine, I'll do it properly.]

That conversation took around two seconds making her pause seem natural.

"...Master wishes you all to live here happily and grow! Master welcomes you all!"

Once Barbra said that, I remembered about my unnatural movements. Taking this chance I curve all my branches upwards. With that, Barbra dramatically flew backwards back into a ball of light and phased back inside my body leaving a few words behind.

"We shall meet again saplings of the divine tree!"

I decided to ignore what Barbra said in the end. The elves including Stanford were still bowing on their knees. This lasted in complete silence, usually Stanford would come up with some words to accompany it, but strangely this time, he didn't. 10 minutes passed and they still did not move, after 20 more minutes they still did not move, finally when an hour passed, Stanford seeming to have regain his senses got up on his feet and spoke.

"The divine tree has cared for us without care for its own self! You must remember this for the rest of your lives, the divine tree has only done this since it has accept us as its children! Our tribe shall now be called the saplings!"

It was after Stanford said those words, all the other elves stood up with tears streaming down their face. Stanford did not take any further move on this and went to his house leaving them to think in silence. The group dissolved in around four minutes because nothing else was keeping them there. They seem a little bit more lost without Stanford leading them but they continued to work but with more energy. They continued until it night came; they usually stopped once the sun started setting so they could wrap their work up. They all returned to their respective houses with one another. As I was screwing around with light magic, I saw the door to one of the houses open.

Out came the figure of Stanford quietly exiting the house and slowly closing the door. I stopped using magic wondering what was going on. He walked towards me then bowed down. It continued for a few moments when he opened his mouth.

"Please forgive me divine tree!"

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