《Blood and Honor: Deathwalker》Chapter 1- A New World and a New Start


Character Creation...

Alex opened his eyes and looked around, he was standing in a small glade with trees all around him. The only thing of note was a small fire with two logs set up as seats around it and a cloaked figure sitting there. Alex looked up and saw an unending amount of stars above him, far more then he had ever seen at his family's estate or in Chicago. Too many lights drowned out humanity's ability to see what lay above.

"Come, lad, come here and sit down so we can talk." the cloaked figure stated and gestured towards Alex to come closer. He studied the man and his surroundings one more time and did as invited.

"Thank you for the invitation," Alex told him as he sat down and the man smiled and nodded.

The old man unfocused and Alex could see he was manipulating some interface, "So this is the first time you have been to Ithea, have you been to other worlds like this before?"

"Yes, I have played other games before, but I have never tried this one before. I have been to busy with school and life." Alex responded and the older man frowned.

"Lad, this will be your world, so do not consider it a game. This will be your world and life, so take this seriously.' the old man chastised him. 'Now first off you have to decide your Race. There are many choices that you can choose from, do you have any idea what Race you want to choose?" the old man asked.

Alex frowned and looked away and quietly responded, "Drow Sir." The old man snickered and caused Alex to look at him.

"You are no more a Drow then I am a Dragon lad. Now what race do you want to be." the old man prodded.

His parents plan called for them to become Drow and join up there, but the old man was right, he did not want to be a Drow. "Human, I want to be Human."

The old man smiled, "Now that is an honest answer, follow the torches to the Cave of Creation to create your new Avatar. Once you are done, come back here lad and we will finish up." Alex frowned and was going to ask what the old man meant about torches but when he looked around, the clearing had changed and a new path led off into the nearby forest and it was lined with torches. Alex looked back at the old man who was smiling and gesturing him to go. Alex just shook his head and quickly traveled the path that the old man had indicated.

Ten minutes later Alex reentered the small clearing and he noticed immediately that the torches lining the former path doused and disappeared as he passed them. Magic he thought as he sat down opposite of the old man again. "Ahh, better.' the old man stated as he looked at him. Alex was once again inhabiting his own body, just under six feet tall, with no bulky muscles, he was a runner and built for speed. Blond hair, bright blue eyes, a light dusting of facial hair his family hated, even the scar that ran across his cheek was there, a gift from his father. 'Now being Human you have a choice to which country to start from. Take a moment and make a decision." Spoiler: Spoiler Human Starting Locations...


Nation: Kingdom of Rolling Sands

Description: This nation once cursed by the God Aphophus and was buried under the desert sands of the Great Desert of Arakon. It has recently risen once again and is expanding both westwards and to the south into the Dark Lands. Beware this kingdom faces war with the Empire of Night due to expansion southwards and could face war in the coming days.

Nation: Kingdom of Arang'more

Description: This nation is almost as old as humanity is, it has been destroyed more than once, but Humanity has reclaimed it more than once. Currently, Arang'more is embroiled in a civil war, portions of the nation's southern lords have broken away from the King and Kingdom. Strife and difficulty are rampant throughout this once peaceful nation. "Do you have any recommendations?" Alex asked the older man.

"Thank you for asking, both choices have their own difficulties and advantages. The Rolling Sands is a nation reborn and faces the troubles of a new country. Arang'more is far more established but its civil war is turning bloody. The choice is your lad." the old man responded.

Alex smiled wryly at him, "Not really helping me." Alex pointed out and the old man smiled and shrugged. Joining a new kingdom would provide fewer services to the Immortals, but it might be easier to hide out from his family.

The more developed kingdom would offer more services, but it would also provide more eyes and ears..."Arang'more sir." Alex told him and the old man smiled and nodded.

"Very well, do you have any idea what class you want? Based on what I can see, I would recommend Rogue, there is no class better suited for hiding, running, and blending in. They choose their battles and are best suited for surprise attacks with prepared battlefields.' the old man offered and Alex studied the old man who just smiled back. After a moment Alex sighed and nodded his head yes. 'Very well, please confirm all your choices please Alex." A popup appeared in front of him. Spoiler: Spoiler Race: Human (Arang'more)

Description: Humanity is one of the younger Mortal Races on Ithea and the most common in the world. They are capable of both great good and evil.

Every Level: You will receive 5 Stat Points per Level

Strengths: Humans can unlock almost any class or join any Religion. Due to this, Human Immortals will start Neutral will all Factions and Pantheons despite Nation of origin.

Weaknesses: Due to their common nature, the Human Race gains almost no advantage with any Profession or Skill.

Starting Location: Surface-Random Location within the borders of Arang'more

Note* You will start to accrue 1 Skill Points starting at Level 10.

Base Class: Rogue

Description: The Rogue class can use both melee and ranged weaponry. They excel at hit-n-run attacks and prefer prepared battlefields over a surprising brawl with alert enemies. Their wits and minds are their first weapons before any steel or magic.

Popular Primary Classes: Thief, Ranger, Assassin, Hunter

Note* The Rogue Base Class Damage is determined by the Dexterity Primary Stat.


Combat Ability Unlocked...

Name: Teleport

Description: I go where I want too!!!

Benefit 1: Break any movement impairing Effects/Debuffs

Range: 30 Feet

Cast TIme: Instant

Restriction: You have to see where you are going and cannot Teleport through solid objects

Cost: 100 Stamina and Mana

Cooldown: 5 Minutes "Thank you, that will be fine sir," Alex told him.

The old man frowned and stood before moving closer and placing his hand on Alex's shoulder, "It will be ok lad. It's a new world and start. You can be who and what you want." the old man stated before pulling him in a hug before stepping back smiling and winking. Alex tried to smile and thank the old man but everything went black and disappeared.

Surface- Shinning Hills Region

Kingdom of Arang'more- Fortress of Stalwart Hill

Alex sat up as he recovered from the initial introductory sequence and warnings. Intense was an understatement of current events but at least he was finally here, wherever here was. "Map..." Alex called out hesitantly and a map of the local area appeared in front of him. To the right side were a drop-down menu listing Character Sheet, Skill Trees, Inventory, Wiki, Forums, and a few other things. The map revealed only the immediate area the location name, which was a fortress, but no reference wherein Arang'more it was. At least not yet. His inventory had a single Minor Healing Potion, Stamina Potion, and Mana Potion with 5 Silver. His clothing read as 'Shody Cotten Tunic' with pants and sandals included. None of them provided any benefits and their quality was poor and looked as if they could fall apart if someone sneezed on them.

Alex got up and headed for the door, it was unlocked and outside the room was an empty hallway. Alex couldn't hear anyone inside but he could hear people yelling and the sounds of wood striking something. Alex quickly made his way to the door and outside. Opening the door revealed a large courtyard with several dozen men and women practicing with various weapons. Other more older men and women were keeping an eye on everything, Alex could see no real organization of the madness then the courtyard was broken up only by the various weapons being used. "NEWBIE!!" Alex heard someone below and he looked at an older man glaring at him.

Alex visibly swallowed and pointed to himself, "YES YOU, FUCKING NEW PEOPLE. GET OVER HERE NEWBIE!!!' the man bellowed and more then one person was looking and snickering. 'WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LAUGHING AT!!! TWO LAPS AROUND THE FORTRESS, MOVE!!!" the older man bellowed at the six people that grimaced and took off without question.

Alex flinched at the yelling causing the older man to squint at him, "Relax kid, I won't really hurt you and I am not mad at you. You are new correct?' Alex nodded and the older man smiled encouragingly and looked around. 'CORPORAL YOUNG, GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE ON THE DOUBLE. Listen, kid, Corporal Young will get you the basic equipment and get you lined up with someone that can teach you some things. Good luck kid." the man whispered in the Corporals ear then dismissed them both.

Quest Issued: F.N.G. (Fucking New Guy)

Description: You are a newbie with no equipment or training, listen to your Local guide and get used to your new world or face the consequences for arrogance.

Success: Follow Corporal Young's instructions and do not cause problems

Failure: Do not follow Corporal Youngs instructions

Rewards: 50 Experience, Base Class Armor and Weapons, Food and Water, Information on the surrounding area, Map Updated of the surrounding area

Note* This Quest cannot be refused and has been accepted automatically.

Alex dismissed the information as gestured for Alex to follow him. "I am taking you to see the Quartermaster of the fortress, he will get you some basic gear. It won't be much, but it is far better than nothing." Corporal Young told Alex as the briskly walked deeper into the fortress.

"Thank you for the help," Alex told him and the Corporal nodded his head and glanced back.

"Don't worry about it. I will also be your instructor for the Basic Skills. I am a Scout myself in the King's army and I know enough to train you in either Knives or Bow and Arrow. Do you know what Primary Class you are going to pick or if you want to use melee or ranged weapons?" Corporal Young asked and Alex thought it over as they continued to walk. He remembered that this would be a new world and a new experience, that he could be what he wanted and didn't have to live in the shadow of his family anymore.

"Melee, I need to learn melee weapons and combat," Alex replied and Corporal Young stopped and studied him and nodded.

"I joined the army cause my father was not a good man...they army let me getaway. I understand and you can start over Alex." the Scout told him.

"How do you know my name?" Alex asked as balled up his fists.

Corporal Young chuckled and shook his head. "Look at me and concentrate." Alex nodded his head slowly and did as instructed and a popup appeared in front of him. Spoiler: Spoiler

Name: Corporal Gregory Young

Level: ???

Health: ???

Note* Slaying Kingdom soldiers will lower your reputation with that kingdom.


Skill Unlocked...Analyze


Note* See you Character Sheet for more information about your Skills and Abilities

Alex stepped back and nodded his head. "See, an easy Skill to acquire and once you increase your Skill Level, more and more information will appear. Now let's go." Gregory stated as he started walking again.

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