《Fighting Back The Tide》Chapter Twelve


"Ok girls I think that is all we can manage for now. Will have to make another three to four trips to get the rest not to mention we haven't gone into the food department part of the block."

Laded down with supplies the girls followed me while Annabeth complained about the fact that I wasn't carrying as much as them.

"So much for chivalry making us girls into pack mules for you. Why don't you carry some of this stuff?"

"Simple really. One of us has to be ready to fight at a moments notice and if we all carry so much stuff how can any of us fight? Also if I did carry all that then had to fight and drop it all it might hamper my movements or prove to be fatal and I might trip over it like I slipped on the blood back there. That is not a mistake I am in any hurry to make again thank you very much."

"I don't mind being your pack mule you know? Owners can ride on their mules if they wanted to" this was from Fran who had a slightly red face and was panting a bit more then the time of carrying the weight would allow unless she was really unfit.

"If that was your pick up like it could use some work."

"Fran do you not remember anything we discussed back in that room? What the hell do you think you are playing at?" Virginnia yelled at her.

"Eh you snooze you lose and the early bird gets the work and all the other idioms" Fran shot back

"You lot knock it off I am trying to listen out of monsters here and it is made more difficult by your yammering. If you want to argue or tease each other or whatever it is you are doing then I am sure it can wait until we get back."

That caused a bit of a strained atmosphere which I immediately felt bad about. I didn't know there three well though I had grown to like them a lot in the short time we had been together. What if this was their way of blowing off steam and their coping mechanism? In an effort to lighten the atmosphere I started talking to them again while increasing my visual surveying of the surroundings.


"You girls wanted to come with me to get stronger right? So what level are you on now?" I asked them.

"I am level seven not sure what to invest my stat points in. Maybe we could discuss it later when we get something to eat?" Virginnia asked me with a hopeful tone.

"Ah no fair Virginnia I was hoping to snag him into eating with me. Oh by the way I am at level six" Fran replied pouting slightly.

"Same here I am level 6 as well. Why don't we discuss it with all of us eating together as it affects all of us if we are going to party us together long term. After that maybe we could chat a bit about other things and I could recommend some books for you to read in the library."

It seems Annabeth was the peacemaker of the group or so I thought but the last line had all of us looking at her which caused her to blush and lower her head not meeting any of us in the eye.

"How sly even Annabeth is trying to muscle in on my territory. Good for you but I didn't know you had it in you. Guess you just needed the motivation huh?" Fran spouted some outrageous and dangerous words.

"Excuse me what do you mean you territory? I was clearly here first and there is no way I am backing down. I have been after him for ages you newcomers will have to get in line. The far back of the line" quick as a whip Virginnia fire back.

How can they talk about me like I am not even her? In many ways I am conflicted and am experiencing a multitude of feeling right about now. I shook my head from side to side and reminded myself not to get caught up in their pace. Women without fail brought trouble especially the beautiful ones. Generally the more beautiful the more trouble comes with them. Judging from past experience the best way to get girls to stop talking is to be up front and in their face and tease them a bit so with that in mind I turned to Virginnia.


"Virginnia saying things like that could be interrupted in many ways but the first thing that comes to mind is in a romantic way. Could it be that this is an indirect confession of love from you? I thought you were more romantic then to do it in this place covered in bloodstained clothes. Also traditionally the man does that and should have flowers and some even go down on one knee." I ribbed her mercilessly.

"Ah..Er no that is...Um.To say we are just having a conversation about you and boundaries not you so if you please stay out of this until we get things sorted out." Virginnia said this while glowing bright red. Any redder and I think steam would have come out of her ears and she would have blown a gasket. I could practically feel the heat pouring off her. How cute.

"Come on Vi we might as well have it all in the open so we can get a move on. Besides that there is no point setting up boundaries as you put it if he isn't interested" Fran plowed on.

"Fine although this is not how I would have liked it to come out I am interested in you Robert. I have been for years and I have tried to express it in many ways but never as direct as this. Are you interested in becoming my boyfriend?" Virginnia rushed the words out so fast that it almost sounded like one sentence. It was like the words were a burst dam and they just kept pouring out. After saying that she fidgeted shyly and stood facing me with a red face, back straight and chest thrust out as if she was bracing herself for the worst and would endure whatever came.

"Before you answer that I think it is pretty clear that I am also interested in being your partner as well and Annabeth has certainly warmed up to you and might be interested as well." At that Annabeth looked me in the eyes nodded once then looked down again.

How the hell was I going to get out of this one? I mean they are all beautiful wonderful girls and all friends but no matter what there would be hard feelings if I picked one over the other. That and the fact that I was trying to survive in a crazy world and wasn't looking to enter a relationship of any kind or have anyone plastered to my side for who knows how long. Guess being alone is a hard habit to break.

I looked at all of them and they seemed deadly serious. Varying displays of nervousness, embarrassment and competiveness showed on their faces. I tilted my head to the side as I pondered for a moment before replying.

"If everything is as you say and that all of you are interested in me then I would be a fool to pass any of you up. You all phenomenally beautiful, very charming and lovely in your own ways. However I feel that I am not yet ready for a relationship and your feeling maybe due to the suspension bridge effect. Give it some time then we will talk again if you feel the same way. Also no offense but I have to be careful about who I have a relationship with as there is the chance that you might be using me for a free meal ticket to have someone protect and provide for you by feigning feeling for me. Of course I understand your personalities aren't like that so I know that isn't the case but I have to be wary of other people and so I bought that up. Same applies to you other people might start seeing your strength and will try to seduce or manipulate you so be on your guard."

To that there was a stunned silence so we carried on to the cafeteria like that and when we arrived we handed the supplied to Yuki and had her arrange people to get working on fortifying the place while we got cleaned up and headed for some grub

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