《Hiro's Journey》Chapter 25: Returning Home


Sorry it has been so long since I entered a chapter but things have been crazy at work. Please enjoy this chapter. As always don't forget to rate review and comment.


Chapter 25

The morning came and Kaura, Rain, Hiro and Leo met at the entrance to the town. The chief, Snow, Ora and several members of the army met to tell them farewell. Hiro embraced Snow and waved farewell to everyone. He told Rain and Kaura to mount up on Leo. He decided to take the morning to train his speed and vitality by running alongside Leo. They ran off. They could hear Ora roar in the distance. Hiro was concentrating his ki into his legs. He was keeping up with Leo, however, he wasn’t wearing his armor.

“Don’t get cocky Hiro, I am only warming up” , said Leo

Leo than raised his speed and like a flash he started quickly leaving Hiro behind. Not to be outdone Hiro concentrated nearly all of his ki into his legs. His speed went up dramatically but it still was not enough to catch up with Leo. After a few moments Hiro was so far behind that he had trouble even seeing Leo and the girls. Hiro called to Leo and told him to stop. Leo stopped near the entrance of a forest where he and the girls waited while Hiro caught up.

A minute or two later Hiro ran in at high speed. He stopped when he reached them. He was sweating profusely and breathing heavily. He bent over and put his hands on his legs trying to catch his breath.

Your agility has increased by 3

He finally was able to compose himself he looked up and saw Rain with her blue aura surrounding her. “How long have you been doing that now Rain?”

Rain replied, “About 2 hours now.”

“Congratulations! You don’t even look tired. Your training is progressing very well.”

Rain blushed making her pale cheeks extremely red. “Thank you sir” said Rain as she bowed her head.

Hiro thought for a while about his team. "These two are definitely much more skilled than the rest of the army soldiers. They now have command experience. They deserve a promotion."

He decided it was time for Rain and Kaura to become lieutenants in the army and by earning their promotions they should get partners. He thought long and hard about what kind of pet they should have.

“For you Kaura, I think we should find a quiet animal that hunts in stealth. That’s it! The perfect animal for you Kaura would be a night viper. What do you think?”

“A night viper that sounds great.” Replied Kaura

“For Rain, I don’t think you should have a physical animal but something that is magical.”

“What do you mean?” asked Rain

“I mean we should find you some way to call forth an elemental spirit to make use of you mana and you affinity to magical energy.”

“Wow.. you know about those. I would love to be able to do that.”

“I don’t know exactly how you could do that but maybe we could find out something from that book that they chief gave you. First though let's go look for a night viper for Kaura.” The two nodded their heads.

Hiro used his detect presence ability. He was able to quickly locate a night viper. It was strange though it seemed different than the others as it was exuding a lot stronger aura than any of the others that he had faced before. Hiro equipped his weapon and armor and led the group to the place where he sensed the night viper. All of a sudden the presence vanished. Everyone raised their weapons to be ready for an attack.


“Hiro this was the same as when they were out hunting” said Leo.

The presence had been completely erased. It was if the snake had completely vanished. Hiro inched forward while activating his armor of wildfire ability. His body was completely engulfed in the flames. From the flickering flames, Hiro noticed that there was a shadow on the ground that had nothing attached to it. Hiro immediately cast his fireball spell and threw in the direction of the shadow. A snake suddenly appeared in front of the group. It was almost identical to all of the night vipers he had fought before but it was completely invisible until he cast his fire spell on it. The snake writhed on the ground in pain.

They tried to slash the snake but it quickly avoided their attacks. It then shot out venom from its long fangs at Hiro but he quickly raised his shield to block the attack. The snake moved extremely fast as it quickly moved towards Rain. She quickly cast her lightning spell and the snake received more damage but now it was paralyzed. Hiro quickly went up and attacked using his tiger style. He opened his hand then bent his fingers so that it resembled the claw of the mighty tiger. While the snake was paralyzed Hiro used his claw like palms to scratch at the beast tearing parts of its flesh away. Then he grabbed the snake below the mouth and smashed it onto the ground. The snake went limp and the familiar red glow that indicated that the beast could be tamed showed on the snake's scales.

Hiro instructed Kaura to come near and touch the snake. He activated his tame beast ability.

Kaura has a pet!

Hiro quickly cast heal on the snake. It recovered Its wounds quickly as the flames extinguished.

Kaura said, “I think I will name him Orochi.”

Hiro said, “Train him well and he will increase your power.”

Kaura nodded. She told Hiro to stand back and watch. She closed her eyes and she and Orochi vanished. Hiro could no longer sense her presence at all. Then she suddenly reappeared on the other side of the group.

“I call that our camouflage ability. We are able to erase our presence and blend in to the environment allowing us to sneak up on our foes without detection.”

“Not bad, you two you should continue to practice as scouts and assassins. That camoflauge ability will definitely aid you in the future”, Hiro said.

They returned to the road outside the forest and continued on their journey back to Kaito. As they traveled the road Hiro did not see anything he also could not detect anything. He felt that they were all safe. That night the four camped out together.

While around the fire Rain sat and read the book given to her by the chief of Snow’s town. Hiro saw her scouring the book. She meticulously read page after page.

“Rain, are you hungry?” asked Kaura. There was no response. Rain… Rain, can you hear me?” she repeated.

“Huh.. uhhh… Oh I’m sorry” said Rain as she slowly took her head from her book. “This book is so amazing. I’m learning so many things.”

“Well you do need to eat though” Hiro said with a smile.

“I guess you are right about that.” Rain said as she raised her hand to take the piece of food Kaura was offering.

“What have you learned so far?” asked Hiro.

“Oh so many things. I have learned the theory of how to cast a two new spells, blizzard, a magical shield made of water, but what is most intriguing is that the book describes how to make a pact with a water elemental spirit guardian.”


“That is amazing Rain! Now you could have a partner just like us.” Said Kaura

“Similar but not quite the same” Rain said to Kaura. “By making a pact with a water elemental spirit guardian I will gain the protection of that spirit but it will cost me my mana to manifest that spirit and it will cost mana to keep them in this world. My mana becomes the conduit that brings it here and the energy it needs to remain in a physical form. The more powerful the spirit the greater the drain on my mana.”

“Oh I see so we need to find a way to increase your mana” said Hiro.

“Yes but that will be difficult. With the training that Hiro taught me I have been able to significantly increase my mana. Maybe I should make a pact and then train my mana using the same method” said Rain.

“What do you mean?” asked Kaura

“Well Hiro taught me that mana is similar to a muscle in that the more you use it the more you will possess and the more efficient your body will be in using it. By that logic if I summon a relatively weak spirit constantly, I should be able to train the skill up getting more powerful as I practice.”

“Sounds like a plan Rain” replied Hiro.

Rain closed her book and stood up.

“Stand back please as the discharge of mana for this will be massive in order to make a pact.” Rain said. She placed her hands together and her aura began to show.

This aura was nothing like what Hiro had seen on their trip. Now, she showed her true power. Wind was whipping around her causing a gust to blow in all directions away from her causing Hiro, Kaura, Orochi, and Leo to brace themselves for fear of being blown away. Around her the aura was massive. Hiro could faintly hear Rain’s voice.

“Oh spirits of life hear me call. Please share with me your power!” said Rain. “Share with me the essence of life and the strength of cold!”

Suddenly, droplets of moisture in the air started to condense. Slowly moisture began to take shape. Little by little, the water formed a beautiful woman who was made of the clearest blue water Hiro had ever seen. The water even began to take on the color of skin, hair, even clothes formed from the water.

“This is amazing!”, Hiro thought to himself.

Then the water being spoke, “I am Shiva master of all that is water, why have you summoned me?”

“Mistress Shiva, I ask you to make a pact with me to help me protect those around me.” Replied Rain

“You would use my power? You have not yet grown enough to wield my power young one.”

"How can I grow to use your power and protect those around me, Mistress Shiva?”

“You must increase your magical energy. By summoning me you nearly depleted all of your mana have you not?”

“Yes Mistress, it took almost everything I had to summon you. I am barely able to keep you here.”

“I will form a pact with you but I forbid you from summoning me until you can summon 3 large spirits at once and maintain them in your world for an entire day. If you try to summon me in battle at the present time it will cost you your life. At your present level you can only summon 2 small spirits for a short period of time.”

“Yes Mistress Shiva.” Rain said as she bowed. Shiva grabbed Rain by the hand and the light grew so bright that Hiro had to avert his eyes. When his eyes returned to her she had fallen on the ground. Hiro rushed over and picked her up.

“Rain, are you ok?” asked Hiro

“Yes I’m fine. It was just a strain to summon a spirit that powerful. I couldn’t even keep her here for a few moments. She must be super powerful” said Rain as she panted. Her head was soaked with sweat. Hiro carried her to Leo and laid her on his soft fur.

“Rest now Rain and recover. Tomorrow continue your training and grow stronger”, said Hiro softly.

“Is she ok?”, Leo asked Hiro.

“Yes, she just needs to rest”

Hiro looked a Rain and for the first time actually looked at her status bar over her head. It said “Rain Clearwater Lvl 32”

Rain ClearwaterHp: 1,800/ 1,800Mana: 8,000/8,000Intelligence: 450375

“Her stats are pretty high. No wonder she such a powerful mage.” Hiro thought to himself.

“Are you planning on trying that?” asked Leo.

“No if she couldn’t do she has almost 3 times as much mana as I do, I think it might be too much. Besides I don’t need to summon a partner when I’ve got you Leo.” Hiro smiled.

“That’s enough for one night. Everyone get some rest and we will get back on the road in the morning.”

Hiro awoke from his sleep and the sun had barely crept over the horizon. Hiro decided to wake up and get an early start on his training. “After seeing what is to come I can’t slack on my training. I need to keep at it.”

“Commander, what are you doing up so early?” asked Kaura

“Oh… this is my time to train. I usually do it by myself but I wouldn’t mind having a partner if you don’t mind?”

“Well… Commander, I won’t be much of a match for you. My skill is in stealth killing not straight melee combat.”

“Well then I guess we will have to remedy that. I will teach you what I know about melee combat and then you will spar against me. I will only defend so feel free to attack all you like. As a matter of fact you will get to be the first to see my newest skill. Stand back.”

Hiro harnessed his ki and summoned his clone.

Clone skill reached level 7

“Whaaaatt!?! How did you do that?”

“It is a shadow clone. He is exactly like me except for he only possesses 15% of my strength. ”

“Is he real? I mean like can he actually hit me?”

SMAAAAACCCCCKKKK!! The clone thumped her on the head and said, “Does that answer you question.”

Hiro smiled and laughed as Kaura immediately pulled out her katana. “Let’s do this then.”

She squared off against the clone. He pulled out his blade and said, “Don’t worry if you get hurt I will use the healing spell and help you recover.”

“It will be you who needs the healing” said she charged the clone.

The clone immediately pulled out his shield and sword and prepared to defend. Hiro watched from the sidelines as he meditated. Kaura advanced just into the clone’s striking range and then as the clone braced his shield for her attack, she vanished. The clone looked around puzzled.

“You’d better watch out!”

The clone turned and immediately Kaura slashed at him. The clone’s ki defense managed to keep his head on his shoulders but he definitely lost his edge in the battle with her being able to disappear.

“You’d better figure out a way to find her” Said Hiro.

“If I can’t detect her presence, I need to figure out what she is doing in order to conceal herself. If she erases her presence how does she do it. There is no smell no, no sound, not even an outline.” She may be able to bend the light a contain her smell and sound but she can’t stop external forces from acting upon her. That’s it! She can’t stop the light so there must be a shadow!”

The clone looked down on the ground and there it was a shadow that had nothing attached to it.

“There you are!” he said as he threw his shield. The shield struck something metal and then Kaura reappeared on the ground.

“Not bad. You actually found me. No matter, if that is all the strength you have I won’t need that ability.”

She dusted herself of and twirled her blade. She motioned to the clone to come on. He quickly obliged and came at her. He used his dashing slash and he covered the distance immediately. Kaura ducked under the slash but he quickly followed his attack up with his shield bash. The impact of his shield hitting Kaura was sickening. Her body quickly flew about 10 meters sending her crashing to the ground.

“Finished already?” said the clone smugly.

Kaura stood up wobbling and said, “I’m not done yet.”

She put away her katana and pulled out 2 daggers. Hiro’s clone dropped his blade and shield and assumed his snake style stance. They both inched closer and closer together until they were both able to strike. Hiro’s clone looked like a viper ready to strike. Kaura slashed first. Her daggers were lighter so the attacks were much faster. The clone dodged several attacks to his head and neck, but he had to block attacks that came to his body using his hands. Kaura’s attacks were fast and varied. The clone was having difficulty keeping up. She even mixed in some martial arts strikes that included kicks, elbows, and knees to keep the clone off balance.

Little by little the clone began to grow accustomed to her speed and range. As he grew more comfortable he began to attack. His strikes were lightning quick. He targeted her joints and vital areas such as the eyes, ears, and throat. Surprisingly, Kaura’s agility was high she was able to dodge most of his attacks. Those that she couldn’t she was able to parry with her blade. The battle was furious. Neither side was giving an inch.

“This clone is pushing me to my limit and he is only 15% of the commander’s strength. How strong is the commander.” Kaura said to herself.

“You are fighting me! Don’t take your focus away from the battle!” the clone said has he landed a sharp elbow to her temple.

Kaura was flattened immediately from the force of the blow. The clone looked over her body. She was unconscious but she was still alive. The clone quickly cast the healing spell on her until she had fully recovered. The clone also cast the spell on himself regaining his own health. The two continued on sparring while Hiro began his personal training.

Hiro opened his menu for weapon skills. It showed that he had 60 weapon skill points.

“Currently I am using a sword so I think the best thing to do would be to increase my sword mastery skills. I’m at level 8 so

I would at least like to get my sword mastery to the advanced level.”

He opened the sword mastery skill menu and there were 8 bubbles that could be selected. There were 3 level increase bubbles, 3 agility increase bubbles and 2 sword skill bubbles. Hiro selected 2 of the level up bubbles.

Sword mastery increased to advance level 1.

Upon increasing you sword mastery to advanced level you now do 25% more damage when you use a sword.

Because of your skill and experience with a sword you gain a 20% change of doing critical attacks with your blade.

“That was great. When I get back to town I should check with Matsuro to see if I am ready for his training. If he accepts me I wonder what his training will be like?”

He looked at the amount of points he had left and it read 3.

“Wow! Those levels were pretty costly but I guess that was better than grinding the skill in battle. Oh well let me practice my sword form for a little while and see how my sword skills have improved.”

Hiro took out his blade and shield he closed his eyes and imagined the troll he faced outside of Snow’s village. “I need to improve my skill with the sword so I think this time I will try to face him without the aid of my ki” Hiro thought to himself.

He readied his sword and shield and the troll came at him. The troll’s slashes were extremely fast Hiro dodged, ducked, and rolled out of the way of the attacks. He was unable to retaliate right away but he tried anyway. Several times the troll’s blade passed through his neck when he did not time the attack properly.

“I’ve really become dependent on my skills as of late and I have not really honed my skills. That is definitely not what I wanted. I need to continue with this type of combat practice.”

Hiro continued for a while working on his timing and finding ways to turn his shield defense into offense. Each time however, he was met with the end of the troll’s blade.

“Am I really this weak without my abilities? I can’t take on one enemy without them?”

Hiro ended his test feeling dejected. He had been excited to gain all of these powerful abilities but since he gained them he relied on them so heavily that he was unable to fight without them.

“I will continue to practice like this every day. I will spend time honing my abilities but I will also spend time honing my fighting skills.”

“Commander how did you split yourself into 2 beings?” asked a soft voice

“Oh Rain you’re awake. It is a spell I learned called shadow clone. It allows me to materialize a clone of myself. He is considerably weaker than I am but he works well with Kaura” replied Hiro.

“Commander are you ok?”, Rain said.

“Yes just feeling a little down. I have been relying too much on my abilities and I have neglected my fighting skills with the sword. By the way Rain what is that on your shoulder?”

Hiro was referring to the little blue fairy looking thing now residing on Rain’s left shoulder.

“Oh he is one of my water spirit guardians. I plan to let him stay with me all day until I can summon another. I call him storm.”

“Pleased to meet you storm” said Hiro. “Are you two ready to go?” Hiro asked the clone and Kaura who were currently sitting on the ground.

“Yes sir!”, Kaura said. “That training was great! Do you mind doing it again tomorrow.”

“Of course, we need to improve more and more each day.”

“Thank you sir.”

Hiro dismissed his clone and it disappeared in a poof of black smoke.

Martial arts increase to level 5

ki manipulation increased to level 7

Healing spell increased to level 5

Shadow clone increased to level 8

Then next 3 days went by with the same routine the group training in the morning while Rain kept her guardian spirit active throughout the day.

Four days past and they finally made it back to Kaito. The city had changed again. While they were gone the city had dramatically increased in size and a wall had been erected around the city. In addition there was a large gate at the entrance and four towers one in each corner. As they came closer to the city, the gate began to open. Some of the soldiers they had trained were waiting for them at the door.

They greeted the group and asked of how things went on their trip. Hiro walked and talked with them describing the battle and how Snow decided to stay in his home town. Hiro walked to the center of town he noticed that the population had increased as well. He sensed two, three, no nearly 400 more people than there were before he had left.

“How did the population increase this much!?”, Hiro asked one of the soldiers.

The soldier replied, “It is because of you sir. Your fame has begun to spread and people in villages that had been attacked by monsters have abandoned their home and come here to be protected by the man who tamed the liger.”

Another soldier said, “They came in carts, on foot, on horseback, and one guy came on the back of a gorilla.”

Hiro was amazed that he was becoming a legend.Soon Foria and Korin came to greet him. When Foria’s eyes met his she rushed into his arms. He held her tightly and kissed.

“I’ve missed you so much” Hiro said. Foria couldn’t even form words. All she did was bury her head into Hiro’s muscular chest.

“Alright now that the hellos are finished let’s talk about the state of the area. There are a few towns that have been ravaged by the orcs and they have all but been destroyed. We started taking in the refugees from all over. Right now we are the only town still standing in this area aside from Snow’s hometown in the North. The capital city of Atraps is to the south but the shortest route will take over 2 weeks to get there.”

“So what you are saying is that we are the only line of defense for all humans in this area?”

“In the simplest of terms yes”, replied Korin

“What about Dwarves or Elves?” asked Hiro

“The dwarves’ main city is about 3 weeks journey towards the east and it is over rough mountainous terrain and the elves… well we don’t know much about their towns as they try to remain hidden from all others” said Korin

“I see so the only help we can hope to get is from human refugees and possibly help from the capital?’ asked Hiro

“That is about the sum of it”, replied Korin

“Enough business for now”, interrupted Foria. “How was your trip to the north?”

He told them of their trip, the battle in the North, Snow’s decision to stay, and how Kaura now had a pet with an amazing ability. He also discussed how Rain was able to form a pact with a water elemental guardian spirit.

"How has the army been since I left?" asked Hiro

“People from all over have brought their talents to this town. We now have over 100 soldiers.” replied Korin

“The army has grown that much? When I left there were only about 20 people now we are over 100? Who is training them?” asked Hiro

Recently we have found someone who we thought could be an interim replacement for Captain Snow” said Korin

“You found someone to replace Snow?" asked Hiro with surpise

“Well one of the refugees, who came from the capital has recently been training our new recruits. His name is Caesar and he has a large gorilla as his partner.

"Is he really strong?”

“By his looks, I would say so.”

“I’ll see about that”, Hiro said with a devilish grin. “Thanks for updating me on everything. Foria do you mind coming by later?”

“Nothing could keep me away” Replied Foria

Hiro decided to go check on his army and their new trainer but first he should go and practice his blacksmithing skill by doing some repairs at the dwaves’ shop.

Hiro and Leo walked through town towards the smithy. The people cheered as the man with the Liger walked through. Hiro was filled with pride but somewhat embarrassed with all the fuss people were making over him. Hiro opened the door to the Dwarves smithy shop. The store was filled with customers. There were weapons of all types mounted on the walls and on several hooks around the store there were complete suits of armor hanging in different areas.

Hiro sat down and waited for the other customers to be served. One by one the customers got their orders filled and went on their way. Finally, It was his turn the dwarves squealed with joy at the sight of their friend. They ran from behind the counter and embraced him.

Brandani asked, “How did the armor fair in the battle?”

“It was fantastic. Those orcs did not stand a chance against me.” Hiro smiled. “ I brought back some weapons and armor that I looted from the dead orcs. Would you mind if I try and repair it using the forge? I have a lot of new recruits so I need more equipment to arm the growing army.”

“Sure no problem” said Lun.

He then took out the 2 swords he got from the trolls. The Lun’s eyes lit up. They looked as big a saucers.

“These are exquisite. They are worth at least 100 gold pieces each.”

“What do you mean?” asked Hiro.

Lun began to speak, “These are actually 2 parts of a single blade. A single sword was broken to make these two swords.” Master Lun continued and said, “There are shards of lightning gems in one blade and shards of a fire gem in the other blade, so if it was returned to its original form it would be quite the weapon.

“Hold onto the blade. I will return with the money to pay for them to repair the sword as I know I don’t have enough skill to do that at this point.”

“You are quite astute. It will take you some time to complete your training and repair a weapon of this high quality. I will charge you 50 gold pieces to repair the sword.”

Hiro agreed and then he showed them the mysterious metal that he got from the chief of the village to the north.

They looked at it and said, “Where did you get this?”

Hiro told them, “The chief of the town I saved gave it to me. He said that only a master smith would be able to forge something with it.”

Lun said, “I have never seen anything like it. It was so light but it was stronger than the highest quality mithril. Would you give us the pleasure of forging something out of it. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for a blacksmith.”

Hiro asked, “What do they think they could forge?”

Brandani said, “A shield that would be nearly impossible to penetrate and if you let us work on this material we will fix the sword for half price.”

He smiled and nodded his head in agreement seeing how much it would mean to the dwarves. He said his goodbyes the left the shop and went out to the town. He continued walking around looking at all of the new buildings when he came up a sign for a shop that he had not seen before. The sign read, “Tanner’s shop.” Hiro decided to go in and see what kind of items he could find in the store.

He opened the door to find all types of animal fur and skins hanging on the walls along with various types and colors of leather armor, boots, gloves, and cloaks. Then tanner came to the counter and said, “Hello.” He noticed immediately the man with the liger, the legendary warrior, Hiro was in his store. The tanner was excited. Leo opened his bag and pulled out 100 sets of leather armor. Can you sell me the items necessary to repair these?

“Yes”, said the tanner. “I’ll give you a great deal, free.”

“Free? What’s the catch?”

“No catch just buy your leather supplies for your army only from me.”

“So you want an exclusive deal?”

“Yes. Battles are going to happen and I just want to be the guy that helps out the army.

“Help out the army or line your pockets with gold?”

“Well do I have to do one or the other? Why can’t I do both?”

“Promise to keep your prices fair and you have a deal.”

They shook hands and Hiro took the leather kits and coarse thread. It was getting late so he decided to go see the army in the morning. He and Leo went home where they would rest for the night. Hiro rubbed Leo’s fur as Leo purred.

“We did well today partner. Now sleep. You deserve a good night’s rest.”

Hiro removed his armor and placed it on the rack along with his shield and weapon then he walked slowly up the stairs. His body was feeling weary. When he got to the top of the steps he opened his door and there she was. Foria was standing there in a soft white colored robe looking out of the window.

“Took you long enough.” She said as she smiled.

“I’m sorry I had some army business to attend to.”

Foria came over and helped him get out of his clothes. “You look exhausted”

“I am but I can’t rest not while people’s homes are being destroyed by these monsters.” Hiro said while clenching his fist. "I will not let innocent people be harmed by the orcs, goblins, or any other monsters"

Foria felt the muscles in his body tense as he spoke. “Hiro do not let the woes of this world consume you. If war is all you think about you will be no better than the orcs, trolls, and goblins you fight.”

Hiro quickly turned and looked at her. “Once again, my love, you are absolutely right. I can’t save the whole world. I will focus on protecting the people here. I won’t go looking for a fight but I will stand up for those who are under my protection.”

“I like the sound of Hiro the Protector more than Hiro the Conqueror.” she said with a smile

“Me too.”

The two of them got into bed as Foria nestled her body under Hiro’s arms. He felt her lips kiss his neck softly. Her breath was on his chest. She slowly rolled him onto his back and climbed on top of him.

“I want you to forget about all of the fighting for just a little while” she whispered softly into his ear.

Foria began slowly began to move her hips. The motion of her body put Hiro in ecstasy. The two of them groaned and moaned as they made love. As she sped up she removed her robe to reveal her ample bosom. It bounced gently up and down as she rode Hiro like a thoroughbred race horse. Soon they both came to their climax. Her nails dug into Hiro’s chest scratching him as her legs quivered. Hiro pulled her closely and kissed her forehead. She laid down on his chest and they both quickly fell asleep.


Thank you for reading. Please rate my story and leave any comment whether you like the story or not. I will respond to any comments that are written good or bad. I love any kind of feedback that my readers give. I really want to make this story great. I'm looking forward to hopefully getting in the top 50 fan fics on the site so please review, follow and favorite my story.

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