《Li'Kyes the Scaled Hero [HIATUS]》Chapter 10: Level Limit's a Bitch?
Author notes:
Hey guys! Sorry for the long break, but still in time for the 2 day deadline :D
So yeah, enjoy!
Chapter 10: Level Limit’s a Bitch?
Me: ”What the hell is this?!”
Because of my sudden outburst, everyone else jumped from it, instantly raising their guards.
After a few seconds, they could see that it had nothing to do with an ambush and calmed down, lowering their guards slightly.
Cecelina: ”What is what, Li?”
She asked me, clearly still surprised by my outburst.
Oh, and yeah. Since I don’t have a name yet, they just call me Li. Would be weird if they had to call me ‘little one’.
Me: “Sorry about that outburst. I was just annoyed that my level had reached 100 and saying that it was the level limit. Never heard about that.”
Hearing this, everyone looked at me with understanding and slightly relieved eyes. Must have been relieved that I still had some childish aspects.
What the hell?!
Cecelina: “I’ll explain the basics, but you will have to ask your parents about the specifics, since they change from every race.”
To this I nodded, confirming that I understood.
Cecelina: “You should know about the rankings of ki techniques and magic, right? You do, good. The same ranking also goes for living beings. Everything can level up after gaining adequate experience, and there are many ways to get experience, the most common being fighting and defeating others, not necessarily killing them. When reaching that limit, which changes from race to race, the standard being 100, you reach a limit. This limit is something you need to breakthrough, which changes from class to class. Now, this is where the rankings come in. After the first breakthrough, you reach 1st rank with that class, and then it follows the same ranking, except that they change the ranks after the 10th. But there are only 4 ranks above the 10th, like with techniques and magic. Understand?”
I see, so it worked like that, and I guess reaching the 14th rank will make your strength near the same as gods.
Cecelina: “The monsters we have been fighting have mostly been 1st rank creatures, but the bigger ones we fought were 2nd rank or above, the biggest was 3d, making it surprising that you beat it. But don’t get cocky, these were simple beasts, a skilled creature, like you, can easily overpower someone a few ranks above them. I forgot to mention that after reaching the 1st rank the level limit can increase. The standard, being most of the Human classes, is 100, then 125, increasing the limit by 25 each time. Making the level limit of the 10th rank 350. Some have higher limits, some lower. Anyway, one’s lifespan is usually connected to the rank they have. Like, a human 10th ranker can live for a thousand years; an 11th ranker can live for some thousand years, while a 12th, or above, ranker is immortal, in the meaning that he can’t die from diseases nor age. Of course, these people are rare. Legend has it that only 1 person reached the 14th rank, becoming a God. It also explains that he became a God of some other realm. Someone reaching 10th rank is extremely rare, but those reaching the ranks above are legends. For example, all of us are 3th rank, making us above the average, being 2nd rank. Most Human farmers and villagers reach the 2nd rank, giving them a lifespan of about 75 years. Well, for how yours work, you will have to ask your parents or someone from your tribe, since we don’t know. I hope this helped.”
That certainly helped a lot; it’s going to take some time to process it all.
To sum it up:
There are many ways to get levels, changing with what race or class you are.
Levels have a limit, when reached; you’re able to have a breakthrough, ranking you up.
The level limit changes with the races and classes, and increases with each rank increase.
Ranks are connected to the lifespan, making those strong able to live for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.
That I can beat beasts being the 3rd rank, but with difficulty.
Quite simple really, if you think about it.
Cecelina: “Two last things I forgot to mention. The first being that usually each ranking, when it comes to combat related classes and races, have double the power of the previous rank. For an example, the ‘Elder Kyurn’ you fought is around 4 times as strong as the young ones, if not more. But this is in terms of just power, if you add experience and skills in, it can be several times more. The second is that the breakthroughs for combat classes and races are usually a new technique, magic, or better control of the body, ki, or mana.”
I see, so outside of the ranking system, which mostly connects with the body, there’s also skills, experience and a lot of other things playing in.
With this I returned my attention back to what we were doing.
After returning to camp, we rested for a few hours, before packing everything and heading back to the village.
The return was mostly uneventful, except from the fact that Flurnes never learn.
A group tried to ambush us again, but before they could, I killed one of them, making them retreat.
I did it the same way as last time, except this time I did much more damage. Instead of a deep cut in the back of the Flurne I hit, it was cut in half.
Hopefully, they would know better than trying to ambush me now.
Finally being back in the village, we headed to my house, if you can call it that, in order to split the loot.
Arriving, I found mother in her workshop, as always. From what I gathered, she is one of the best craftsmen in the village, making her work pile up quickly.
Me: “Mom, I’m back!”
Hearing me, she turned around with a warm smile; relief evident in her eyes, ran over and hugged me. She must have been worried about my safety.
Li’Hiet: “Welcome home, little one. Good hunt?”
Me: “Yes, mom. I invited the others here so that we could split the loot in peace, is that fine?”
Li’Hiet: “Of course, little one. I will get you something to eat and drink in a minute.”
Mother told me with the same warm smile she had when she turned around. I don’t know why, but seeing her lizard smile makes me feel happy for some reason.
Returning to the living room, I saw that all the bags had been emptied.
In a pile in the middle was bones, pelt, fangs, tusks, claws and dried meat, the result of a few days of hunting.
Har’Que: “You’re back. We were just about to take it all for ourselves and leave.”
To this, everyone laughed, even I, since it was clearly a joke.
Har’Que: “Anyway, we need to get all this divided. We agreed that you would receive 15% of the total sum, excluding the two Flurne you killed yourself. After a bit of thought, we concluded that it would be best to give you what you wanted, equalling 15% of the total value. So, what would you prefer to have?”
That was nice of them, letting me take what I needed the most, since they were going to sell it all anyways.
After a bit of thought, I chose the pelt from the ‘Elder Kyurn’, its biggest fangs, a few of its claws and bones plus most of the dried meat. This all totalled to around 15%, because of the pelt being high quality and expensive.
My plan was to make some sort of clothing from the pelt. I was getting tired only wearing a rag over my groin. Though there was nothing showing, it was still weird being so naked.
Their reaction to what I took looked as if they had expected it. After packing up the rest, they were about ready to leave, when my mother entered and stopped them.
Li’Hiet: “Why don’t you eat with us and stay the night? There should be room in little one’s room and we have a few vegetables that you could eat.”
(AN: Of course, her speech also has the double ss’s, but won’t write ‘em! You wanted it like that, not me!!! >:C)
To this they looked a bit shocked, and started thinking it over. Shortly after Cecelina spoke up.
Cecelina: “We wouldn’t want to intrude.”
Li’Hiet: “Please don’t be so polite. We would be glad to have you over. Especially because you took so care of our son.”
Cecelina: “In that case, I guess it would be rude to refuse. We would be glad to stay tonight.”
Li’Hiet: “As I said, don’t be so polite. Go ahead and store your things in the workshop, then you can set up your bedding in little one’s room. Little one, why don’t you help them?”
With that, we all got up and moved their bags and equipment into the workshop. Afterwards we set up their bedding in my room, splitting it in two. One side being for females, the other for males.
Although we split it up, it’s not like the girls were scared of something happening, but just a normal thing. Unless someone were a couple, people of opposite sex would rarely sleep close to each other.
Having finished setting up, we went back to the living room, where my mother was waiting with different kinds of dishes. They were made from many different kinds of meat and plants. Most of the meat I recognized as Kyurn, Flurne and other beasts that lived in the near vicinity of the village. I only recognized a few of the plants, reason being that I only ate meat.
After having a fulfilling dinner, we all retired for the night.
I spread out my new pelt over the others I had, giving me with a comfortable and soft ‘bed’ to sleep on.
The next morning, the group ate breakfast with mother and me, before leaving town. I saw them off as they left with the merchant.
It had been fun hunting with them, and hopefully, I would meet them all again one day.
Returning home, I remembered that I still had to ask mother about the level limit thing. Remembering, I ran and found mother in the workshop.
She turned around after hearing me rush in, waiting for me to speak.
Me: “Mom, yesterday I reached level 100 and reached the limit. Cecelina, the Human priest, told me about the level and ranking system, but told me to ask someone else for my level limit.”
I talked like a machinegun, still catching my breath after sprinting with all my strength.
Li’Hiet: “I see, so you already reached the limit, I’m so proud of you!”
She said as she hugged me tight, putting me in a good mood.
I loved my mother very much. She was gentle and caring, but this made her worry a lot and try to protect me by taking my freedom to some degree.
Li’Hiet: “But I’m sorry to tell you, little one, but you can’t have a breakthrough yet.”
Hearing this instantly ruined my good mood, making me a bit gloomy.
Li’Hiet: “I said, not yet, but soon enough. You see, to breakthrough, you need a class, or something equal to that, and you don’t receive yours before becoming a year old. So you’ll have to wait.”
Well, at least it won’t be that long until I become able to breakthrough, only a bit more than 8 months left.
Oh, I forgot to talk about the time system in this world. Well, it’s very simple.
Every year is 10 months.
Every month is 40 days.
Every week is 8 days.
That’s it.
There’s nothing below days, weird right?
Well, it’s like that because people use different methods to slow time in their perception, so people just count the suns and moons, making it days.
Anyway, now I’ll just have to wait for me to turn 1 year old, become an adult and have my breakthrough.
Author notes:
Thanks for reading, and hope you enjoyed it! :D
Will try and write another chapter tomorrow, but we'll see. :3
Anyway, as always, please leave a comment, rate, all that. BUT, only do it if you want, no forcing xD
See ya next time!
Ps. We reached 200 followers, 1200 average views and almost 50 favourites (Stats from just before posting this!) :O THE PRESSURE IS REAL... jk.
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