《Songs of Legacies: Cavaron [Complete Draft]》Chapter 25
Hmm... ten pages...
Also, have a poll.
The Southern Volshik Plains.
An army of 100 thousand Federal Soldiers are running to Kintab's Recluse to intercept the reported Death Titan. Since a Death Titan was reported, there were no melee-type soldiers, and were made up of 70 thousand rangers, 15 thousand healers, and 15 thousand mages. In such a short time, this army was formed from the numerous cells outside of Volya City that were created in case of emergencies by the Belfron Premier, Tania Rusvich.
Tania was riding on her horse, leading the army's charge. She was wearing a Federal Officer's uniform instead of her Administrative Uniform. A ranger who was riding with the army, approached Tania on horseback.
"Lady Premier!" the Ranger said.
Tania glanced at the Ranger, "Speak." and said.
"Lady Premier! Lord Pietr's own forces are following behind us!"
This made Tania grin, 'Oh Papa, you never change.' and thought of her father leading the army like the past war. "Tell everyone to slow down! Our forces will merge with father's forces when they catch up!"
"Yes, Lady Premier!" the Ranger affirmed and went off to deliver the orders.
It took no more than ten minutes before Tania's army and Pietr's army merged. Pietr's army had melee-type soldiers such as Heavy Cavalry and Large Weapon soldiers. Back during the Undead War 20 years ago, Pietr Rusvich was not only known as the Gentle Demon, but also as the Tyrant of the Battlefield due to his skill in wielding large and heavy weapons along with commanding the same type of soldiers. As such, he was wearing his old Royal Armor and was carrying a massive war maul. His war maul was leagues different from the other Heavy Weapons units because his maul is made of pure Adamantium and its head is enchanted with explosive magic that detonates with each hit crushing anything that meets it. Pietr was also riding a war beast. War beasts were specially-bred monsters that serve as mounts to the Heavy Weapons units. The war beast that Pietr was riding happens to be a muscular bear-like monster.
Pietr directed his mount to meet with Tania. When he arrived, he was literally looking down on her as his mount was massive, bigger than Tania's horse.
Tania looked at her father, "Papa, why did you bring your army? We will be up against a Death Titan." and asked, "Anything that gets close to it will perish."
Pietr looked at his daughter and laughed, "Hahaha! Oh, my dear. You should know that we all itch for battle." he said to her. "Look at our comrades! They all want to serve and protect our beloved Federation valiantly!"
"OORAAAAA!!!" Cheers erupted from the army.
"Hahaha! Come, my dear! Let us charge into battle and help our champion!" Pietr yelled as his bear ran like there was no tomorrow.
"Alright, Papa. All forces! Be swifter than the wind and defeat our enemy!!" she bellowed to the rest of the army.
""" FOR BELFRON!!! """
Back at Kintab's Recluse.
Agrithos arrived at the location where the Felrok Ruins were. Far beyond the entrance, he found Cavaron engaged in a fruitless battle with the Death God.
While trying everything to interfere with the Death God, Cavaron heard his teacher call him. "Teacher! Wynn! I found Wynn's soul!" he shouted, "Her soul is in this thing's core!!" and jumped away to evade the Death God's kick.
"--------------!!" the Death God wailed in fury. After losing its master, it went on a rampage destroying everything.
Shamira delivered a near endless torrent of > everywhere on the Death God. Flying in the sky, she immediately noticed the approaching army from the north. "Cavaron! There is an army to the north!" she shouted.
Cavaron looked up at her, "What are their colors!?" and asked.
"Red and white, with flags carrying the symbol of a dragon with a lion's head!" she replied.
"" Rusvich!! "" Agrithos and Cavaron shouted at the same time. The heraldic symbol of the Old Rusvich family, and now known as the Rusvich Army.
"Shamira! Fly towards them and guide them here! Also, tell them about Wynn!" he shouted to her, while dodging the Death God's attacks.
Without the need to nod, Shamira immediately flew towards the Rusvich Army.
A scout arrived before Tania, "Lady Premier, an angel is headed towards us!" and said to her.
'An angel? Must be one of Cavaron's contracts.' Tania immediately thought. " Alright, guide the angel to my location." and told the scout.
The scout immediately left and waved at the direction of Shamira. Shamira took notice of the scout and saw him pointing somewhere. She followed where he was pointing and found a beautiful woman on horseback beside a ridiculously armored man riding a massive bear.
Tania saw that Shamira was flying to her direction and waved to come closer.
"Welcome, angel." Tania greeted Shamira, "Are you one of Cavaron's contracts?"
Shamira made a bow in mid-flight, "This One is named Shamira, and yes, I am of Cavaron's." and replied to Tania.
"This big man here is my father, Pietr Rusvich." Tania introduced the big guy next to her.
"A pleasure meeting thee."
"A pleasure as well."
Shamira faced Tania and told her everything Cavaron said, including the events in the ruin as well as the near resurrection of the Felrok Empire.
"Wynn... no..." Tania wept as she heard her friend's predicament.
"Worry not, Cavaron has an idea on how to save her." Shamira consoled Tania. "Come, we must help him so we may also help your friend, Wynn."
Tania nodded and looked at her father. Pietr met with Tania's eyes and gave an order, "ALL TROOPS!!! FOLLOW THE ANGEL AND CHARGE FORTH!!! REINFORCE OUR CHAMPION AGAINST THE DEATH GOD!!!"
""" OORAAA!!! """
Shamira then flew high and led the Rusvich Army to Cavaron.
Meanwhile, back in Kintab's Recluse.
As Shamira went to the approaching Rusvich Army, Agrithos thought to be useful and attacked the Death God with his own magic. He launched fireballs, ice shards, and lightning bolts at the Death God. Every attack he delivered was openly received by the Death God without much damage aside from.burning flesh.
"By the gods, this is no ordinary Death Titan..." he paled when he saw how his attacks did nothing.
"Teacher! This is Thanatos' so called legacy! He poured all of his resources into creating this Death God!!" Cavaron shouted.
Each second and each minute that passed had Cavaron merely evading attacks, leaving no time to spare to counter with his own even if his attacks dealt no damage.
'Dammit! I wish I had enough mana to call another contract.' he cursed in his thoughts. A large amount of his mana was spent from fighting against the Felrok Remnants and Thanatos. Then, he noticed the spells his teacher was using, 'Hm? Fire and Ice? ... That's it!' and immediately thought of a way to attack. 'Hopefully there are a lot of mages in the Ruavich Army...'
It took a full hour of fruitless combat for the Rusvich Army to arrive at their location.
"Cavaron!!" Tania screamed.
The reinforcing army saw the size of the Death God. It was colossal, reaching the height of nearly 70 meters, twice the size of previously recorded Death Titans.
"Good gods, that thing is HUGE!!"
"May I go on leave for this battle? I don't feel so good."
"Um, that's just it, I don't want to die."
Chaos spread amongst the soldiers, that is until Pietr got tired of it.
Immense anger was felt from the Tyrant of the Battlefield, and the army was immediately silenced.
"Pietr!" Cavaron shouted, "Can't you do anything else other than shattering our ears to oblivion!?"
Pietr turned red at Cavaron's comment, and Tania let out a chuckle. "Come, Papa. Let us help him."
Pietr regained his composure and said, "Alright, my dear. Stay here and command the troops, I'll personally lead the charge."
"Tania!" Cavaron shouted again making Tania turn to him, "Do you have mages!?" and asked.
Tania responded, "We have 15 thousand elite mages!! What do you need!?"
"I need your mages to bombard the Death God with alternating Fire and Ice magic!! Burn and freeze and burn and freeze and so on and so forth until I see the intended results!!"
Tania and Pietr realized what Cavaron wanted to do, he wanted them to make the bony armor of the Death God brittle by subjecting it to fast temperature changes.
Tania turned to the army and called for the mages to come up front and told them everything about what Cavaron wanted.
A few minutes after, a large volley of fireballs flew over with a high arc towards the Death God, "Shamira! > now!! It doesn't matter if it breaks as long as it stuns the damned bastard!!" Cavaron yelled as he ran for cover.
> immediately wrapped and bound the Death God as it helplessly received the 15 thousand fireballs. Immediately before the fireballs landed, 15 thousand ice shards flew behind the fireballs. With a gap of 10 seconds, the Death God was buffeted with alternating Fire and Ice magic. This continued on for nearly five minutes.
"Ooh, pretty lights."
The other soldiers on standby were watching with awe at the fireworks produced by the mages.
After another minute, Cavaron heard something crack. He immediately looked at the source and saw a crack forming on the Death God's chest. Using his > he looked for the >, "Found it!" and exclaimed. The core was coincidentally, right behind the crack on the chest.
"Tania!! For the next sixty seconds, focus fire on its chest!!" he shouted to the woman commanding the mages. Immediately, Tania dispersed the order. For sixty seconds, fire and ice flew towards the stunned Death God. After a minute, a large crack appeared on its chest, and Cavaron immediately shouted, "Tania!! All attacks on its legs!! We need to knock it down!!!"
"You all heard him! Concentrate fire on the legs!!" Tania yelled. "Papa, prepare your men to knock that thing down."
Pietr hoisted his war maul over his shoulder and laughed heartily, "HAHAHA! TODAY IS A GOOD DAY!! MEN, FORM UP AND PREPARE TO MOVE OUT!!"
Fire and ice flooded the Death God's legs. The > binding it were still in effect but was losing strength. Immediately after the third fireball wave landed, the chains broke, and the Death God roared.
"NOW!! CHAAAAAARRRRGGGGEEEE!!!" Pietr cried and led all remaining soldiers to attack.
The Death God couldn't effectively move to attack them due to effects of extremely changing temperatures. Its body became stiff and and parts broke off whenever it tried to move.
""" OORAAA!!! """ Pietr arrived at the legs and immediately unleashed a powerful swing.
His explosive-tipped war maul hit the leg and detonated, crushing one of the Death God's legs. The other soldiers also delivered their own attacks at the other parts of its body that they could reach. The melee soldiers aimed for the other leg and tried to crush it. Unfortunately, some of them got crushed themselves by the Death God's falling chunks. However, even those did not deter the madmen rushing to destroy it.
The Death God cried as it lost both of its legs, and began to fall over.
"ALL FORCES!! FALL BACK!!!" Pietr bellowed to prevent any more unneeded casualties. The melee soldiers underneath the falling giant immediately scattered away from the direction where it was falling.
The Death God fell on its back. When it did, Pietr and the others came back to destroy its arms.
"Everyone!!" Cavaron shouted, "Leave the chest intact!! I need to extract the > to save Wynn!!" then he ran up to the fallen Death God and climbed to the crack.
The crack was big enough for him to slip inside. Immediately, he entered the Death God's body to look for the core. However, right after he entered, he found it. The Death God's > was huge, bigger than his body.
'Okay... that didn't go like I expected.' he thought to himself. 'Gonna need help.'
He went back outside and saw that the Death God was completely immobile, and the soldiers were standing around waiting for him.
"Cavaron!" Pietr saw him get out and called for him.
"Pietr! Lend me some of your physically strongest men, I need some help!"
"What for!?"
"I'm going to extract the core to revive Wynn but the core is too big, it is bigger than me!"
Pietr turned to his elite soldiers and ordered them to lend Cavaron a hand while he also joined them. They arrived inside the Death God with Cavaron and began to smash open the chest so the core can get through. Cavaron used his > to sever the core's connection with the Death God. After being severed, the Death God froze up and stopped moving. Pietr and the soldiers brought out the massive core from the chest. The core, illuminated by the setting sun, shone an obsidian luster as it was being hauled off to where Wynn was resting.
Anybody know of a good map maker/editor for Android?
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