《The Demon Lord will have his revenge!》Chapter 39.6: Aftermath


“Would you like me to take you to them?” The black gas like figure asked politely.

Shin stood on the roof in deep contemplation. “This is not a dream?” Shin asked once more as he struggled to remember what had happened. How did he end up on the roof of the building? Where was this place? Why couldn’t he recall what all happened in the last few hours?

“This is definitely not a dream. However, this is not the mortal realm either, as you may have guessed.” The black gas like blur spoke. “This is the illusory realm.”

“The illusory realm?” Shin asked with surprise and a hint of shock on his face.

The black blur seemed to be nodding in agreement. However, the existence was more shocked by Shin and his attitude. Shin’s reaction showed that he understood where he was and he was sensible enough to discern this was not a dream. The black blur could have lied to Shin – but its instincts told him Shin would notice the flaws of the lie.

The black blur had been passing through this hospital by mere chance when he felt the presence of a strong soul. Curious, the black blur found the owner of the powerful soul – a human boy named Shin or at least that is what the medical record in the ICU ward said. What was stranger was, as the black blur observed Shin’s body, it noticed traces of the Ryu-sama. No more precisely, the Ryu-sama and this boy had been in contact. That is when the black blur decided to talk with Shin.

Shin was aware of all the major realms in existence. It was something he had learnt about as Demon Lord. Each realm is a world on its own completely independent of other realms – governed by different laws. There exist five major realms in the world; the Divine Heavenly realm, the Mortal Realm, the Nether Realm, Spirit Realm and the Illusory realm.


Japan or where humans resided was the Mortal realm. The old Demon Lord castle, or the place where Maou-sama was slain was the Nether realm. The Spirit realm was the realm which house the undead, souls of the dead and so on. The Divine Heavenly realm was a realm was inhabited by Divine beings. Lastly, the Illusory realm – the most mysterious realm of them all – nothing other than its name was known. Now that Shin stood in the illusory realm – why did it resemble the human city? There were so many questions Shin wanted to ask this shadow of a person…

Shin’s expressions turned pale and he proceeded to ask another question, “Senior…this small one just realized, he does not know who you are, yet has imposed so many questions on you.”

The black gas blur appeared to be smiling. “Ah…me….now how would I describe myself to you…I am much like you…”

“Just like me?” Shin asked curiously.

The black blur appeared to be pondering about Shin’s question. “No maybe that was a bad comparison…although we are similar we are not similar at all….a lesser divine being. A minor God? Or atleast that is what she calls me. Do you understand?”

Shin stood bewildered on the spot. What does that mean? A minor God? Isn’t this a divine being – something far greater than the Ancient One? No maybe because he is minor, he could be considered an existence on par with the Ancient One? Shin immediately bowed to the black blur. “I apologize for not recognizing your exalted existence! To think I imposed upon you without care! Please forgive me!”

The black shadow seemed to be quiet surprised and amused at the same time. This human child was different – he possessed an attitude quite different from other humans….could it be because he is a child? Most humans would be in awe of divinity however Shin treated it similar to how one would treat royalty. Although both divinity and royalty are exalted existences, they both evoke similar yet different reactions from humans. “Exalted? I wouldn’t think that highly of myself…and it is me who has imposed upon you, Shin.”


“You have?” Shin asked in surprise. “No of course it is my honour to attend to your request.”

If words of flattery were to be learnt, then Shin was the go-to teacher. The minor god spoke after a pause, apparently quite satisfied with Shin’s attitude. “I do have some requests for you, Shin. Although, I am unclear as to how you know the Ryu-sama. I clear feel Ryu-sama’s presence from your body. Could it be you are Ryu-sama’s servant?”

“Ryu-sama?” Shin pondered – who the heck is Ryu-sama? Shin then recollected the Ancient One’s words at the police station – ‘You may call me Ryu -sama’.

But why is he calling the Ancient One, Ryu-sama?

Shin nodded to the minor god’s question. “Yes, I am a lowly servant of Ryu-sama.”

“Is that so? Strange….in the thousands of years I have known Ryu-sama, he has never kept a servant…but I can see why he may have chosen you. You possess a rather strong soul for a human. It is good that he picked himself a servant. Then I don’t have worry about him.”

“Worry?” Shin asked curiously. Why would anyone worry about the Ancient One?

“Ah!” The minor god exclaimed as though he was a complete kultz. “It seems you are not aware, but your master has been injured…then again how would you know if you yourself are so badly injured…”

“WHAT!!!” Shin screamed out. The Ancient One injured? How is that even possible?

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