《The Demon Lord will have his revenge!》Chapter 22: Name?


Part 1

Several hours ago….

The scene was a bit too outlandish and something that only occurred in fantasy anime, novels or movies – above the clouds, high up in the sky, too far from prying eyes, a little boy sat on the back of a man. The two people were not in an aircraft rather, the man had wings on his back and was gliding through the sky like a bird.

Such a thing should be shocking to any child or adult, however the little boy viewed it as extremely normal. The boy did not understand that ‘a man with wings’ does not exist in this world. However, the boy originally did not come from the human realm. In his previous life, the little boy was the Maou-sama of the Nether realm but in the human realm he went by the name ‘Shin’.

In the nether realm, strange creatures such as a ‘man with wings’ or a ‘man with a horse’s body’ were common. Contrary to the normal sense of this world, during Shin’s six years in the human realm, he was shocked to observe that there wasn’t a single ‘special’ being other than humans. Even the place called ‘zoo’ that he visited did not house any monsters. Hence, by that line of reasoning, seeing a humanoid capable of flight in the human realm was not extraordinary for the little boy.

Even the experience of flying through the air was not new to Shin. When he was Maou-sama and was required to travel long distances, he did so on the back of the Immortal Phoenix. Thus, Shin was quite comfortably seated on the broad back of the flying person – even though they were nearly twenty thousand feet up in the air. Strangely enough, even though they were that high, Shin did not find it difficult to breath. Shin also wore nothing more than ordinary cotton pyjamas, yet he did not feel the freezing cold air that gushed by him. It was as though a barrier protected him.

There was no fear of height or speed in Shin’s eyes which greatly surprised the ‘pervert with wings’. The pervert had lived many years and in his life time, he had never once come across a human that was not scared of him or flying freely through the air. However, having lived an extremely long life, the pervert could only think of Shin being as an extreme weirdo of sorts and gave it no such further thought. The pervert was instead happy that the little boy was not trembling in fright or fussing because that would have been more difficult to handle.

Clearly, common sense was lacking in both individuals in a variety of ways.

Shin quietly stared at the passing farmlands or towns beneath him. This was the first time; he got an aerial view of the human world that he lived in. Everything was tiny from such a height and Shin barely understood what he saw. The only thing shin could conclude was that the humans had advanced much more than he had imagined. Ever since, he was born in the human realm, humans kept surprising him with a variety of technological advancements. However, this was the first time he understood a fraction of the poweress of the humans. The humans ‘controlled’ vast stretches of land as far as the eye could see. This was proof enough of the growth of human power. In the time, when Shin was Maou-sama, humans would struggle to be able to defend a village from invasion. But the world, that he could see now was poles apart.


Shin soon lost interest in the landscape below and turned his attention to the man with wings.

“This lowly one would like to apologize for his rude behaviour before.” Shin spoke up after considering his choice of words.

“Hahahahaha….” The man laughed as turned his head back slightly to glance at Shin. “To think that someone as young as you knows a thing or two about manners….hahahahaha….well don’t think too much about the past, there are mistakes that can be forgiven and others that can be forgotten. What is your name kid?”

“My human servants call this lowly one, Shin.” Shin courteously replied back.

“Hmmmmm….Shin? Not a bad name.” The man replied back. “It would be rude if I did not introduce myself however introducing myself is a difficult matter for I have been known by many names and titles. However, if my memory serves me right, my oldest title is the Ancient One….”

Before the Ancient One, could say anything more, he felt Shin’s grip around his waist go weak and Shin’s body trembling violently.


Shin knew that the winged man was a powerful being however he was not expecting the identity of the winged man to be the ‘Ancient One’ – the most terrifying existence of them all. Shin knew for certain this winged man was not lying to him – the aura he felt was nostalgic and vaguely familiar. When the winged man said he was the Ancient One, Shin immediately recognized the winged being. Although Shin did not understand why the Ancient One was disguised, such thoughts were considered trivial – the thoughts of such a great being could not possibly be understood by a low life such as myself.

Who was the Ancient One? He was the supreme ruler of the Nether realm. The Ancient One’s words were the law in the realm. If anyone dared to violate his laws, that creature would cease to exist in any plane or form. Shivers went down Shin’s spine as he remembered what all he thought when he met the man and how he behaved. Such behaviour would be punishable by death! Shin rather die by his own hands with the hope of reincarnating than cease to exist altogether.

“Hmmmmmm….what are you doing standing?” The Ancient One asked nervously, a human standing on his back while he flew at ludicrous speeds could only be dangerous.

“FORGIVE ME ANCIENT-SAMA!!! FOR THIS MORON TO BE STANDING ON YOUR BACK!!!” Shin shouted out as he jumped off the Ancient One’s back immediately – free falling through the air. Shin was not scared of death as he was scared of the Ancient One. To be standing on the back of the Ancient One! Shin could not possibly imagine a bigger crime. Further, he was riding the Ancient One!! Unforgiveable!! – in Shin’s eyes. Although Shin thought like this, he had completely forgotten it was the Ancient One who told him to sit on his back. However, Shin was too scared to think straight.

The Ancient One immediately stopped flying as he paused to watch the free-falling-child. The Ancient One was shocked by the behaviour of the little boy – having no regard for his life at this age? Remarkably courageous? Or utterly stupid?

Part 2

“Name?” Shinichi asked in a disinterested tone. He had to be literally dragged into the ‘meeting’ room to assist the ‘lost robber’. Shinichi held up a pen ready to note down all the details and observed the man in front of him. The man in front of him was brought in by two patrol officers, for attempting to dine and dash. He also appeared to be a bit suspicious for various reasons, so the officers decided to bring him to the station for further questioning.


“Fool! Do you not know who he is?” A small boy, in night pyjamas, shouted out as he stood on his chair to be on the same eye level as officer Shinichi.

“No. I don’t which is why I asked him his name.” Shinichi calmly replied which he cursed his captain in his mind (Damn you…giving me all the weirdos to handle…). “Also, little boy, could you please sit down on the chair.”

“Unforgiveable!” The child cried out. “To not know this person!!”

Shinichi sighed as he turned to his junior. “Oye…is this guy some western celebrity?” Shinichi had no clue when it came to idols and celebrities. The way the child in front of him was talking – it was obvious that the man who resembled a biker gang member was some sort of celebrity. He didn’t look Japanese and had western features. So Shinichi wondered if the man he was questioning was some western celebrity. Shinichi normally kept a low profile and if this was some big celebrity, he didn’t want to be dragged into the net of the media.

“No….I haven’t seen him before. Maybe he is some children TV show celebrity-host?” The junior suggested as he moved a bit closer to examine the man in front of them.

Oye…baka junior since when did men with scary tattoos become children TV show hosts? – Shinichi wondered if there was any point of having his junior in here with him. In the last five years, this junior had learnt absolutely nothing from him. All members of the special investigation committee were promoted after they apprehended the suspect. However, his baka-junior managed to earn a demotion in two months.

“Shin-kun, it is alright, if they don’t recognize me.” The arrested man finally spoke up seeing how the two officers didn’t know how to address him. “I have changed my true form. Furthermore, the fact that they don’t recognize me proves that my disguise is effective.”

“Of course! The Great One’s disguise is super effective! Even I didn’t recognize who you were at first. So it is to be expected that stupid low life humans like them can never recognize you!” Shin responded hurriedly with a bow to the arrested man.

“Shinichi-san….” The junior officer called out. “I think we have been had by Captain-san. He gave really gave us two weirdos this time.”

You noticed this now?? Shinichi groaned – this baka junior was really too slow in understanding the situation. Without saying anything further, Shinichi continued, “So does this Great One, have a name?” Shinichi decided to play along rather than enrage the young boy – who clearly held the man in very high esteem.

“You insect! Do you lowly humans have a right to even talk to him!?” Shin began shouting at the top of his voice as he stood up on the chair once again.

“Kid quiet down…and sit down on the chair…this is a police station.” Shinichi glared at the little boy whose eyes were burning with inexplicable feverence. “Speak loudly once again, and I will lock you up here for an eternity.”

Shin opened his mouth but froze seeing Shincihi’s unwavering glare – this man was a police officer. As Okasan explained, police officers take naughty children and lock them up in dungeons, so it was best to listen to police officers. Quietly but grudgingly, Shin sat down on the chair.

Every time Shin needed to speak, he needed to stand up on the chair, just to be on the same eye level as the police officer. Shin’s ego and pride would never allow him look up to a human and speak – at the very least he would need to maintain the same eye level. Hence, Shin had to stand on the chair.

“A name….” The man murmured as he pondered about what reply to give. “I have been known by many names and many titles, and with changing times the names and titles keep changing….I guess it would be better to use the name people of this land have given me. I am known in this land as Ryu-sama.”

Shinichi’s eyebrows were raised – what kind of answer is that? Should I even pen down that name? It obviously sounds made up. And what is with adding a -sama to your own name? Isn't that a self proclamation? Why do I have to deal with all the bakas of the world....After hesitating for a moment, Shinichi penned down the name ‘Ryu’.

“A Japanese name? Is there a family name, Ryu-san?” Shinichi asked with the hope having a family name would make it easier to search the national citizen database.

“Hmmmm….family name? …Not that I know of any family….but I have always wanted to be known as Immortal Ryu. Is that okay?”

Oye-oye-oye! What do you mean, I would like to be known as Immortal Ryu? Why are you asking me if that is okay? Argh….I hate the Captain….Shinichi smacked the forms on his forehead as he cursed the Captain. Somewhere in the police station the Captain could feel inexplicable shivers running down his spine.

Shinichi quietly penned down the entire name and then added in brackets – (fake name / alias).

Ryu looked at Shinichi’s words with great interest – his eyes followed each movement Shinichi’s hands made as he wrote down the name. Ryu paid such great attention to Shinichi’s writing that everyone in the room noticed it – even Shin was wondering what was the Great One looking at.

“What?” Shinichi finally snapped as he could no longer stand the staring.

Ryu raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Nothing….I wasn’t aware such excellent writing instruments were available….I have always used quills…”

Shinichi had no discernible expression on his face – which era does this guy come from? The Edo period?

“You can have my pen.” The baka junior spoke up as he handed Ryu a pen from his shirt pocket.

“Thank you. This precious gift of yours will always be treasured.” As Ryu spoke his eyes dazzled with happiness and excitement.

“No…it isn’t really all that precious…I bought it at the 100 yen store….I can get more from the police stationary….” The baka junior began explaining but then quickly shut up when he noticed Shinichi-san’s blazing glare.

“Alright, Immortal Ryu-san, your age?” Shinichi continued in a dull tone, as he put down the paper on the table and began noting the remaining details.

“Human, you dare ask the Great One his age!!! Such rudeness will not be forgiven!!” Shin began once again however he was quickly stopped. Officer Shinichi lost his patience, in the process breaking his pen into two pieces (which saddened Ryu), and then carried Shin out of the room along with the baka-junior.

“Hey what are you doing? Put me down! This will not be forgiven!!” Shin could be heard as Shinichi picked up Shin and handed him to the baka-junior. “Keep an eye on the child, don’t let him back in here till I am done with this guy.” Shinichi instructed the baka-junior as he threw Shin out of the room.

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