《The Demon Lord will have his revenge!》Volume 2: Intermission Chapter 2


Part 1

“Tomo! Could you get me some milk from Endo-san’s shop?” Sui’s sonorous voice echoed in their huge house. It had been exactly three years since they moved to the country side. Life in the country side wasn’t as exciting as the one in the city. Neither was it a luxurious life, unlike their home in the city, where super-marts are located quiet close by, the nearest super-mart was located on another hill/mountain. As the distance was quiet far, a retired neighbour, Endo-san, opened a small outlet selling small quantities of basic goods.

Since Endo-san was the only vendor in such a small town, everyone knew him. His food stall was also quiet near the house – near enough to trust Tomo to run an errand without supervision.

“Okay!” Tomo shouted back as he rushed down the stairs and straight into the kitchen. He ran like the wind, clamouring as quickly as he could to do the errand.

“What did I say about running in the house!” Sui reminded Tomo as Tomo made all sorts of ‘scrambling sounds’ as he descended down the stairs.

Tomo meekly walked into the kitchen pretending as though he wasn’t the one running. “No running in the house.” He assured his mother as he took cautious steps into the kitchen.

For a child to be so enthusiastic to run a mother’s errand should be considered praiseworthy. However, Sui’s maternal alarm bells began ringing – something is wrong here!

Sui suspiciously inspected Tomo – he is up to something.

Tomo was fidgeting impatiently as he extended his hand out for the money. Although he agreed to run the errand, his mind appeared very distracted. Sui's motherly instincts were certain that Tomo was up to no good. Tomo the laziest child in the house, ran out of his room and down the stairs without hesitating to do an errand.

Too suspicious.

“What did I ask you to buy?” Sui asked sternly as she wondered if Tomo even heard her.

“Milk?” Tomo asked with a confused expression – why is she asking me that?

Sui nodded in agreement; Tomo was indeed paying attention to her. However, his excitement didn’t settle well with her.

“No pudding.” Sui sternly confirmed after a bit of pondering. Sui continued to observe Tomo’s body language for any changes. Surely, Tomo must be planning to spend the balance money on getting sweets for himself as a reward for the hard work.

However, contrary to Sui’s expectations, Tomo simply nodded in agreement. “No pudding.” He repeated after his mother with a great deal of impatience.

Sui’s eyebrows were raised an extra inch – too suspicious!

Tomo didn’t even budge when she mentioned ‘no’ pudding. This little brat is surely up to something….

“No sweets or any kind of candy, Okay?” Sui checked once again as she slowly took out money from her purse and handed it over to Tomo.

“Okay Okasan! I get it!” Tomo shouted out as he grabbed the cash and hurriedly rushed to put on his shoes.

His sudden burst of enthusiasm baffled Sui but she gave up on trying to figure out what was Tomo up to.

“Okasan? Have you seen my jacket?” Tomo cried out – again impatiently as though he couldn’t waste a single second.

“Did you check your room?” Sui suggested.

Tomo groaned as he began to hurriedly remove his shoes – shoes were not allowed in the house.

“Why are you in such a hurry?” Sui casually enquired resuming her kitchen chores. Sometimes the best way to understand the child is to directly confront them. Sui imagined the response would be something really childish – like I want to get back to drawing or watching cartoons. However, the response she received was beyond her realm of imagination.


“Shin-chan said he will teach me how to use magic today.” Tomo replied without thinking about it too much.

Part 2

Clear blue skies and a bright yellow sun. The weather could be described as excellent as the sun shone brightly over the town, Kutchan, which was located deep within the mountains. It was such a small and remote town that no map indicated its location.

The houses were simple Japanese architecture; curved tiled roofs and brick walls. All the houses were two storeys high and gave a very rustic appearance. Being a remote town, there was barely any activity at any time. In that sense, this town was very different from other remote towns where communities would come together.

Two boys walked together on the sidewalk. In Kutchan, this could literally be described as the peak of human activity. It was evident these two boys were brothers given their facial similarities and difference in age. What made the sight curious was that a pigeon had perched itself on the shoulder of the younger child.

The two children were engaged in a lively discussion as they headed towards the town’s only grocery store – Endo-san.

“Tomo hurry up!” Shin complained as he dragged Tomo with him.

“But Shin-chan! You are walking too fast!” Tomo explained as he tried to keep up with Shin.

“This is what happens when you slack off your training.” Shin smirked.

How did Shin end up on an excursion to buy milk? Where did it all start from….

“Why are you in such a hurry?” Sui casually enquired resumed chopping the onions.




“Shin-chan said he will teach me how to use magic today.” Tomo replied without thinking about it too much. When Tomo finished his sentence, the kitchen went silent.

“Ara….for the younger one to be teaching the elder one….you two are very odd.” Sui spoke in an uncanny tone. “What games do you two keep playing? Why don’t you take Shin-chan along with you to buy milk.”

Tomo made a question mark like expression on his face. “Take Shin-chan with me? Shin hates doing house work!”

Although Shin never (rarely) did any house work, Tomo was still considered the laziest in the house. At the very least Shin loved running and exercising everyday. However, Tomo would prefer to sleep any day over moving the slightest muscle. The only good point was that Tomo would never refuse to do the work – unlike Shin who argued about it for several hours.

“Ara ara ara….for my son not to understand the words of his mother. If you take Shin-chan with you, won’t he be able to teach you magic on the way?”

Tomo’s eyes began sparkling. He wanted to quickly finish the errand and come back. However, if he were to bring Shin with him, then there was no hurry. What’s more if Tomo ran the errand on his own, then the time spent would count against his magic learning session. However, if he dragged Shin-chan with him, then he would be able to maximize his learning time. Without giving it a second thought, Tomo ran back up the stairs and dragged out Shin from his room by the collar.

“Come naa!!! Okasan is calling you!!!”

The two boys stood facing their mother both of them were panting from all the wrestling they did getting here. It was nearly a full-fledged fight, however in the end Tomo was the elder one and over-powered Shin – dragging him in front of Okasan.


“Okasan!! Shin-chan is not listening to me!” Tomo complained as he held on to Shin’s collar in order to prevent him from escaping.

“Shin-chan, please go with Tomo and buy some milk.” Sui requested patiently while placing a pan over the stove.

“How many times do I have to tell you!!! I am Maou-sama!!! Why does Maou-sama have to accompany his servants for measly errands!!” Shin shouted as he tried to break free from Tomo’s grip.

“Ara….for this boy to be speaking so rudely….who is your servant?” Sui asked as she shifted her gaze to Shin. It was an icy cold stare and Shin could feel the intense cold seep into his bones. What made it particularly scary was that Sui asked the question while holding up the big kitchen knife.

Servant Okasan is really not a human but a demon in disguise – Shin thought as he stopped trying to escape.

“Why do I have to go with him? I am in the middle of training….” Shin whined as he implored to Okasan not to disturb his training.

“Ara….you are always in the middle of training. It might do you some good if you take a break once in a while.” Sui suggested calmly while resuming cooking today’s lunch.

Shin suspiciously stared at Okasan, was this some kind of test? Or hidden advise?

“Maybe Maou-sama’s powers might awaken, if you buy milk.” Sui softly whispered but it was loud enough for it to be picked up by Shin. In an instant, Shin and Tomo disappeared from the house, leaving behind only a trail of dust. Tomo was being dragged through the streets as Shin led the way hurriedly.

In the kitchen, a woman hummed a happy tune….Sui wore the smile of a devil. She had successfully manipulated both her children. She understood the motivation buttons of her children well – Tomo could be made to do anything as long as it was about magic and Shin would do anything if one hinted ‘and maybe by doing this the powers of Maou-sama will be awakened…’ Sui found Shin’s motivation button terribly cute – most playschool children role play as heroes or some other fantasy character. Shin was no different in this regard. Albeit, he took his role sometimes more seriously.

“Pffftttt…” A silent laughter escaped from the lips of Sui as she praised her own brilliance.

By convincing Tomo to go with Shin, she knew Tomo would be in no hurry. This ensured the safety of the milk – Tomo can be very clumsy when he is in a hurry. By convincing Shin to accompany Tomo, Shin was being secretly trained in the ways of the household errands.

I can proudly tell my mother, I have mastered the art of being a mother. Sui thought to herself.

Part 3

“Tomo…don’t move.” Shin advised as he carefully paid attention to his surroundings.

“Mou!!! Shin-chan what are you ….”

“Shhh!” Shin silenced Tomo. Tomo adhered to Shin’s request patiently but his puffed cheeks hinted he was nearing the end of his patience. This was the fifth time that Shin had stopped along the way to the grocery store - they would walk a few steps, stop and Shin would begin concentrating on his surroundings.

Still nothing. Shin sighed as he resumed walking without giving Tomo any explanation. Okasan said that if I undertake this quest, my powers will be awakened…..then why haven’t my powers awakened already? Could it be I need to complete the quest? Then the powers awaken? Isn’t that how it normally works….*Sigh* I don’t know how this entire adventurer thing works in the human world. I have to defeat some monster too right? That’s it!

Shin stopped walking for the umpteenth time now – much to the annoyance of Tomo.

“Shin…” Tomo began to complain.

“If you listen to me, I’ll teach you a two circle magic today.” Shin quickly cut in. Shin knew all too well Tomo would desperately do anything as long as it was for magic.

Tomo’s eyes began sparkling and his body began trembling. However despite the excitement, he did his utmost best to calm himself and stay as quiet as possible.

What a simpleton! Shin thought. However, the irony of it all was, that Shin didn’t understand his own identical weakness.

Shin closed his tightly as he began to concentrate on his surroundings. Shin slowly extended his mental presence, stretched his listening skills to the maximum and began searching for the enemy.

Found you! Shin excitedly shouted in his mind as he detected the hidden presence in his surrounding – it was a single person. Shin was certain this person was the enemy and the key to awakening his powers.

How did Shin know this person was the enemy? It was the way he concealed his presence – no other human in the region bothered concealing their presence. Furthermore, now that Shin was aware of the enemy’s presence he could map it back to something vague he felt the moment they stepped out of the castle. This would imply, that his enemy had been waiting for an opportunity to pounce on them from the very moment Shin stepped out of his castle.

Shin wore a devilish smile as he patted himself mentally for figuring it all out. However, the smile did not last too long – now that I found him…how do I defeat him?

This question stumped Shin. He did not have any magical abilities, in his hurry he forgot the carry any weapons and Tomo was too weak to aide him in any way.

Shin opened his eyes and observed his surroundings – Maybe there is something I can use.

However, there was nothing that Shin could find – weapons aren’t exactly scattered around in the open.

“Shin-kun?” Tomo called out wondering if it was okay to talk now. In between Tomo even held his breath so that he could be as quiet as possible.

“Tomo…if we are to defeat someone stronger than us, how would you do it?” Shin asked as he wondered about the solution. Shin wasn’t really asking Tomo the question, he was just speaking his mind.

“I would hide and then surprise them.” Tomo replied immediately.

Shin’s eyes were wide open as he stared at Tomo in shock – This little twerp….even though he looks like an idiot, he could think of a strategy quicker than me! Muahahaha!! No wonder he is my servant!

However, there was nothing intelligent about this plan – Tomo’s suggestion was based on the excessive cartoons he had been watching all summer. (Author’s note: Something Sui should look into) Furthermore, compared to Shin, Tomo could still be considered creative. Shin always used raw power to overcome any obstacle and never thought of strategies – that was Xerxes-san’s job.

Part 4

Haaa….why have I been assigned to such a useless job. Join the PSIA they said. Be a spy they said. See the world while in mortal peril…oh the thrill….god damn it why am I trailing two children in such a hick town!!!

A middle aged man, a government agent, groaned as he quietly followed the two children who were on their way to the grocery store. It was sunny day but being in the mountains the air was always cold. Hence, the agent wore casual clothing – summer shorts along with a moderately thick green jacket to stave off the coldness. He blended in perfectly into the surroundings. Any passer-by would mistake him as another fun loving neighbour. However, with a silencer hidden in his shorts – there was nothing fun and loving about this man. He was a PSIA agent, belonging to the elite division. He only had one objective running through his mind – protect the Tsushimas. His duties were simple, if any of the Tsushimas left the house, they were to be put under surveillance – for their own safety.

The middle aged agent had been on this job for nearly six months. No matter how he looked at the Tsushimas, he only saw a normal family. This only made him more miserable because he missed his own family. Initially, it piqued his curiosity as he wondered why the family was under government protection. However, when he could not discover the reason, he could only pray that the threat was imminent – something like an SUV filled with thugs armed with semi-automatics would pull over any time. But with six months on the assignment and nothing happening – the middle aged agent had to undeniably accept the truth – this was a meaningless assignment. However, not once did he lower his guard. The assignment was a year long, before he would be rotated out and the agent intended to let nothing slip by during his tenure.

Today, the children had been tasked with buying groceries from the local vendor. The middle aged agent, fondly recalled the time when he had sent his own children to run errands. This was no different – even back then he had secretly trailed his own children on their first errand.

However, the discrepancies began trickling. The two children were nothing like his children. For some reason, the younger child would always stop in the middle of the journey.

Maybe he is getting tired from walking? However, the middle aged agent dismissed that thought. He was fully aware of how fit that younger child was. After all he would secretly trail Shin and his father during their morning runs.

Then the two children did something even more suspicious….they began running away at full speed.

Did they notice me? No way….

The agent leapt into action so as to not lose sight of them – the children took a sharp cut to the right, disappearing from his view….

The middle aged agent gulped and sped up….


Part 5

“Haha! We succeeded!” Shin declared as he retracted his foot. The two brothers, took a sharp turn and then hid on the edge – waiting to surprise the enemy.

The result?

In front of the two boys, lay a middle aged man rolling on the ground groaning while clutching on to his b*lls in deep agony.

Shin wore a particularly big and arrogant smile on his face. “Haha! Come now!! Awaken my demonic powers!” Shin spoke out aloud as he stretched his hands up in the air.

However, after a minute or two of nothing happening – the smile on Shin’s face disappeared.

“Maybe…I need to properly finish him off…” Shin said to himself.

The middle aged man wasn’t rolling on the ground anymore nor was he groaning in pain. However, he could still not stand up – the impact had been too strong and unexpected. As the middle aged man somewhat recovered, he opened his eyes to see Shin staring at him no more correctly at his groin… “What are you…”

However before the man could complete his question, Shin kicked the groin region once again.

“Mother f*cke….”

Shin kicked once again even though the man was already covering it and rolling on the ground – the slightest of pressure was terribly painful.

With each kick, the agent found himself weaker and more vulnerable than before. This happened several more times, till the middle aged agent found he no longer had the strength to protect his nether region – the final flow sent the poor agent into an unconscious state, with his mouth foaming.

This story would later circulate throughout the PSIA, however it would be dismissed as a joke. Later that day, government officials visited the old man and informed him that due to man power shortage they would be unable to temporarily provide cover.

On a side note, much to Shin’s dismay, his demonic powers did not awaken even after defeating the enemy and completing the quest.

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