《The Demon Lord will have his revenge!》Chapter 17 - The pervert


Part 1

How dare they humiliate me the Demon Lord!! What does a mere servant consider themselves to be? To raise their hand at the Demon Lord!! To tell the Demon Lord what to do and not to do!! Even Xerxes-san never dared to hit me. Even when he used to hit me during training duels, Xerxes would apologize and beg for forgiveness. I used to get a headache reminding him that it is alright to hit me in a duel. But this human woman Okasan dared to hit me twice!! Even this Otosan hit me once!!

Hah! You think I want to eat your stinky dinner. I am the Demon Lord! I have survived on drops of water and lived days of eating nothing more than maggots and shrubs. You think just because I don’t get any dinner, I will starve?

I am leaving these stupid servants behind, only when they notice my absence will they realize how great I am. Incalculable times, have I exhausted myself guarding the house and servants against enemies….this one time a wild animal (mouse) entered our home and who drove it away? Me! My servants are frightened by even the smallest of creatures. Especially Okasan, she was hysterically screaming when she saw the wild animal and even jumped on a chair.

Ingrates! That is what they are.

I am sure there are more humans who are willing to serve the Demon Lord.

That is what I will do! I will go find Demon Lord worshiping humans and get them to serve me.

Part 2

A thick steamy white fog settled over a hot spring, which was currently being occupied by two girls. The fog was so thick if one tried they wouldn’t be able to see more than ten feet. However, this was to be expected as with the onset of winters.

The girls silently gazed at the stars as they floated on their backs in the hot spring bath. The two beautiful girls were in their prime and could be considered young women. Their bodies were well rounded in *various* places and well-toned everywhere else. Drops of water glistened over the smooth bare white skin, as they trickled down large round mountains – by the pull of gravity.

“Nee..Ai-chan….do you love Takaru?” One of the girls asked.

The other girl’s eyes widened as she began to sink in the water. Her face turned peach red. She was murmuring something under water but all that came out was bubbles. An inaudible voice escaped from the bubble – ‘Stop teasing me Masaki!’

“Hah! Ai-chan loves him! Doesn’t she?” Masaki asked as she suddenly stood up.

Ai-chan began swimming towards the changing rooms in fright.

“Ora!” Masaki screamed. “Where do you think you are going?

Ai-chan tried her best to escape but her efforts were futile – her ankle had been caught. Masaki tugged Ai’s leg and drew the girl closer to her. Masaki had a very scary expression on her face – that of a pervert managed to lay its hands on an innocent maiden. “Hahahaha….you think you could get away from me?”

“Ora~!!!” Masaki screamed as she yanked Ai out of the water and into her arms. “What is this!!! Have these weapons of mass destruction grown even bigger?” Masaki asked with astonishment as she began fondling Ai’s *voluminous* breasts.


“Masaki....chan….stop….it…” Ai complained as her face turned red and she tried catching her breath.

“Ora~ So you like it??” Masaki excitedly asked as she continued the fondling. “To secretly fall in love with my brother and to not tell your best friend!! This is punishment!” Masaki joyfully declared as the intensity of her actions increased.

In the heated moment, a tiny moan escaped from the lips of Ai-chan.


Unknown to these two girls, a shadow lurked in the distance with lustful eyes shining as it watched the intimate moment of two high school girls.

“Kukukukukuku” A mysterious man was smirking as he continued peeping at the two high school girls. If his eyes could pop out of their sockets, they would have already. “To think Japanese women were this erotic!! I knew coming to Japan was the right choice! Kuehkukuku! Yes! Yes! Go on!! Touch her!! More!! More!!!”

Part 3

Where am I going to find more servants? No more importantly, we will need a place to stay tonight…

*Grumble* The Demon Lord’s stomach gurgled in hunger.

We will also need to scavenge for food. …

Immortal Phoenix, find a shelter suitable for me.

Yes my Lord! The pigeon cooed as it flew off into distance.

Now then, time to rest. Once, the Immortal Phoenix returns I will move to my new castle…. However, at that moment, Shin’s train of thoughts were broken by an uncouth voice of a man.

“High school girls are the best!!! Go on!! Retaliate!! Fondle her back…”

Shin turned his head to see the source of the voice….instead he saw a wobbly stack of cartons piled one on top of another. The stack of cartons was nearly thirty feet tall! And on the very top, was a man. It was astonishing that this thin frail structure could hold itself up and the weight of the man.

The man had long wavy black hair and wore black leather skin tight pants and full sleeves black leather jacket. His face was partially covered in flame like black tattoos. Other than that, his facial features were all over rough and rugged but that only made him more attractive to women. To conclude, he had the typical appearance of a biker gangster. He didn’t appear to be too young – maybe around the same age as Shin’s father? In his mid thirties.

The man had a lustful smile spread across his face as his eyes lasciviously gorged on the feast in front of him. While his lewd mind ran amok, there was even a little bit of drool hanging from the corner of his mouth. This man's behaviour could only be described with one word – pervert.

Though the structure kept wobbling and looked like it could collapse any time, it didn’t bother the man in the slightest. The perverted man made the most smallest of movements to balance the whole thing from collapsing on itself.

‘Weirdo…’ Shin thought to himself as he ignored the man. To Shin this man was nothing more than a lunatic who was talking to himself. As Maou-sama, he had no experience in lustful desires. As Shin it was still too early for him to experience worldly desires. Thus to the naïve Shin, this man was nothing more than a weirdo who talked to himself and wore funny clothes. Further, there were more important things that required his attention. While he waited here for the Immortal Phoenix, he needed to figure out his next steps ….


“kukukukukku….they both stood up!! Yes show me everything!”

This idiot….I will never get any thinking done with such an idiot around….what is he even doing up there?

“You, human there, keep quiet! I am trying to think here.” Shin called out to the stranger. However the stranger took no notice of Shin.

“Hahahaha, the power of love! Wrestle young maidens!! Wrestle with all your might!! Press your bodies against each other!!!”

“You….you….I am talking to you!!! Don’t ignore me!!!”

“Very nice….splash more water on each other!!! Make that naked body glisten in the night!!”

Shin’s face turned visibly red in anger. After learning how to speak, Shin made sure his servants never ignored him. He was still very bitter about the three years he could not speak to anyone.

Shin walked over to the pile of boxes and gently pushed the second lowest box with his index finger. “Let’s see you ignore me now…” Shin muttered.

Only when the entire tower of boxes began wobbling wildly, did the pervert take notice that something was wrong. He was an expert amongst expert. As long as it was the natural wind, he would be able to balance himself on this pile of boxes. Clearly, something was wrong here. The pervert then began looking at the ground to find the source of his troubles.

“Eh?” The pervert muttered to himself as he noticed a small boy with ruffled black flat hair and dirty night wear pushing the pile of boxes. “Shoo, kid!! Go away!! What are you doing!! Go!! Shooo!!”

“How dare you shoo me!! I will show you!!” Shin shouted back at the pervert. I am Maou-sama!! You dare shoo the Maou-sama!!! Ofcourse Shin, couldn't reveal his true identity to any human - not before knowing whether that human would support him or kill him. So Shin never spoke his identity out aloud.

“Eh? No kid!! Don’t!! Don’t!!” The pervert pleaded as Shin pushed the pile of boxes with both his hands. The frown on the pervert’s face grew bigger and bigger – this was a considerable height. Falling from here would have consequences the most important one being (for this pervert); he would never get to see the conclusion of this erotic woman wrestling.

When Shin used his full force, the pile of boxes came crashing down. However, the pervert didn’t come down with the boxes – he continued to cling on to the wall. “Damn you kid!! When I get down there, I am going to kill you.” The perverted roared back. Thankfully, he clutched on to the wall with all his strength. There was no way, the pervert was going to miss the conclusion of the two naked women wrestling each other.

“Eeek!? Masaki, did you hear that?” Ai could be heard on the other side of the wall.

“Yeah…something fell down…” Masaki replied as she let go of Ai.

“Do you think….someone was watching us…” Ai asked with a frail voice.

“Ora~~~” Masaki creamed as her eye twinkled. She grabbed a soap bar and flung it where the pervert hung.

*DONG* The soap bar accurately hit the pervert on the forehead.

“Got him.” Masaki roared as she dashed out of the hot spring.

“As expected of our high school’s softball captain!” Ai replied.

“No that is not what you should be saying right now. When I catch that pervert, I am going to show you the true strength of a clean-up batter.”

Both girls were unusually casual about the matter.

Part 4

“A..ouch…ouch…ouch…” The pervert groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. He fell an astounding thirty feet from the air and managed to get away with no serious injuries. The pervert began rubbing his forehead; it had already turned red and swollen. “My beautiful dream….” The pervert cried out as he stared at the top of the wall.

“Noooooooo……” Shin quietly stood on the side as he watched pervert cry while kneeling in front of the onsen’s wall.

Some humans sure are weird, their oddity never ceases to amaze me….first he talks to himself…then begins crying over nothing….

“You!! You are responsible for my misery!!” The pervert declared as he stared at Shin with hatred burning in his eyes.

Shin frowned while tilting his head cutely and wondering what the man meant. Shin only asked him to keep quiet. As far as Shin could tell, the man was doing nothing of importance. Not that anything could be more important that Shin’s worries. Before the pervert could say anything more, voices could be heard in the distance.

“Owner-san!! This way!! I am sure I hit the pervert on the head. Ai, quickly call the police. We are going to catch him today!!”

“Masaki-san, please slow down…you are only wrapped in a bath towel…” Ai could be heard in the distance.

As swift as the wind, the pervert grabbed Shin and disappeared from the vicinity. His figure was like a blur moving in the darkness. Only a second later, did Masaki and two tall and bulky men walk into the spot which was previously occupied by Shin and the pervert.

"Strange... I was sure I heard some voices from here...." Masaki murmured to herself.

Part 5

Master!! I have found a suitable shelter for us!!


Master where are you?

A pigeon flew in circles over the onsen.

I am sure I left my Master somewhere here…don’t tell me!! Master abandoned me!!!

No master couldn’t have abandoned me….I must be lost….Yes!! That is it!! I must have forgotten where I left Master…

But then where is Master?



The Immortal Phoenix hit the window pane of a house and slowly slid down the glass.

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