《The Demon Lord will have his revenge!》Chapter 8 - The Immortal Phoenix


Part 1

We need to leave like now!!! This kind of murderous intent is not normal!!! Even amongst the monsters of the nether realm, I have never felt such vile killing intent.

“Seriously, why are you crying so much?” Sui asked Shin, as she looked at him worriedly. He had been crying non-stop after the slide ride. “Could it be you were scared of the slide? Or are you hurt?” She asked with a worried expression.

Stupid woman who would be afraid of the slide!!! I am the terrifying demon lord!!! Why would I be afraid of that stupid human training!!! However, if we don’t leave soon, I fear we won’t be able to survive!! Quick we must return to the protection of our castle!! Humans have always found safety in number….


What the …that’s the power of human magic? This is very different from my memories…aren’t human mages a lot weaker?

“TOMO!” Sui cried out.

Don’t use your body to shield me, mad woman!! Cast a mana shield!! What good is your body? Dammit, why must everything be left to me! I can’t even sense mana!! How the heck am I supposed to protect these stupid servants of mine.

Hey, where are you going? Tomo looks fine, but if you listen to me, we need to head back to castle. The enemy is too careless to not check for survivors but if he returns we are doomed. Hey, why are you leaving me here with Tomo?



Tatsuya….right the annoying one….he went back didn’t he?

“TATSUYA!!!” Sui’s hoarse voice quietens. For an entire minute, other than car alarms ringing, nothing else could be heard.

Argh! Someone help me get off my back, what happened to Okasan. What happened to Tatsuya?

As I struggle to my side to get a view of Okasan, my view changes from the smoky blue sky to the that of the pure destruction of the forest. At the edge of the forest entrance, Okasan lay in a pool of her own blood…..

I can sense her breathing – she is alive but her breathing is weakening.

Someone help Okasan! Okasan, hang in there! I am calling for help! Dammit! I am not going to lose any more servants!

Seeing Okasan lying lifelessly reminds of the time the Hero slew all my Generals….In my heart at the time, I swore if I had the chance, I would never let another retainer die before me….Dammit! I am not going to lose my retainers! Not when I have just been born again!! Haven’t I been given a second chance for this?

Okasan you will be okay! It is the promise of your master!!

Someone!! Anyone!! Please save Okasan!! It is the plea of the demon lord!!

Please save my Okasan!

What is this? Why is my vision turning blurry? Water in my eyes? From where? Why is my heart beating so fast…this is not important right now…

Someone!! Please save my Okasan….I hate being human….why are humans so powerless….all I can do is shake my limbs….someone…I beg of you…

A shadow of something flew over me….and then I heard a voice in my head. There is no need to beg, my Lord.


Please save my Okasan, I beg of you!

As I said before, my Lord. There is no need for you to beg. Your wish is my command.

Only now did it register to me. This is….did someone communicate with me telepathically? After being ignored by humans all my life – is it possible there is someone who understands me? My previously pathetic self recovers somewhat, hearing someone replying to my plea of help. What’s more I am shocked that I have been referred to as Lord.

Who is it? Reveal yourself? I command.

Part 2

Who is it? Reveal yourself? I repeat myself.

I stand in front of you, my Lord.

I observe my surroundings carefully, but I see nothing. Are my eyes playing tricks on me? Why can’t I see this person who refers to me as Lord? Could it be a night crawler? They are invisible to the human eye….not just human but to any eye. They make excellent assassins….

Are you a night crawler? If I am your Lord, then follow my command and stop being invisi....

Night crawler!!! I have never been more insulted before!! How can his majesty confuse me for a mere Night Crawler!

The voice speaking to me sounded proud and wildly arrogant. None of my servants would dare to speak like this to me. He isn’t a servant of mine. But then why does he refer to me as Lord…when I said Night Crawler, he was clearly offended. Is he not a night crawler?

Are you a shadow assassin? I am wildly guessing now.

Me!!! A mere shadow assassin!!! My lord how can you be so cruel!!!

Well if you revealed yourself, then I wouldn’t have to keep guessing!!

I have revealed myself!!! I am standing in front of you!! Don’t tell me, my Lord is blind?

I think I will pop a vein, speaking with such an idiot. How dare he think of me to be blind! This is blatantly insulting the Demon Lord!!

Just when, I was thinking of scolding this self-proclaimed servant of mine, a common grey bird pecked me on the nose.

Get away stupid bird! I begin shaking my hands to scare the bird away. Shoooo!

My Lord it is me!! A tearful and hurt voice reaches my mind.

Eh? Don’t tell me this bird is the self-proclaimed servant!!

Eh…Who are you?

Me!! Your proud servant, General of the skies!! The Immortal Phoenix!


Part 3

Haha…I must be hearing things….I thought I heard you say that you are the Immortal Phoenix.

I did!

There again!! Did the explosion partially deafen me?

My Lord, we are communicating through minds…..

No there must be something wrong with me, I keep hearing you claim that you are the Immortal Phoenix.

I am!

You, a tiny grey bird, are the Immortal Phoenix?

I am!

The almighty fiery bird beast, whose wing span can wrap an entire mountain…

Yes that is me!! The bird begins to wildly flap its wings in excitement as the Demon Lord described it.

Oh I see this is your morphed form? That must be it, it makes sense. If he didn’t morph, he would burn me to cinder and ash.

No this is my true form.


I think I popped a vein in my forehead. That’s it I am going to kill you. You think of the Demon Lord as some kind of fool!!! How can tiny bird like you be the immortal phoenix?! Don’t you dare mock the great general of the skies!! He was a creature who even I couldn’t defeat in the skies.

Yes that’s me!! Master! For the longest time ever, I also thought I was nothing more than an ordinary bird the humans called pigeons…and the memories I had were some sort of dream. Just when I was on the brink of insanity, I heard your cries of help, that woke me up and I realized that it was no dream but rather my past life!! And now that I am close enough, I can sense your aura and can confirm you are indeed my master, the Demon Lord!

Eh? Why is the background spinning….the immortal phoenix is a live …yet what is this feeling of self pity?

Master!! It is so good to see you again!! You have no idea how lonely I was!! To be surrounded by stupid birds all day, in capable of an intelligent conversation!! I began to think I am the stupid one for being unable to converse with them…. … Maaassster!!

Why does this story sound so familiar to me?

The Immortal Phoenix, General of the skies, reincarnated as a pigeon.

Part 4

Ambulances and police cars were quick to reach the scene of the attack. However, seeing the destruction, the medics and policemen had no clue where to begin from. They had never been prepared with dealing with an attack of such scope. Just the sight and smell of burnt bodies upset the stomach of the weak.

As the medics stood in a daze – absorbing the entirety of the devastation. A pigeon crashed into the face of one of the medics.

“AAAaaa!!!!” The young man screamed as he waved his hands to get rid of the bird. The pigeon then flew away. Hearing their colleague scream, everyone was brought to reality and they began searching for survivors.

After a while, another medic could be heard screaming as the ‘mad’ pigeon returned and attacked another medic. However, a little bit of shooing was enough to get rid of it.

But then it happened a third time! This time the pigeon was absolutely adamant. It kept attacking the medic – more like crazily flap its wings in front of the medics face.

“What’s up with this crazy bird!” The medic called out.

“Junior, stop playing with the birds and search for survivors. Do you know how big this park is?” Another older medic called out.

“I am not playing with the pigeon…its attacking me!!”


“Stupid bird!! Go away!!”



Come here you stupid human, Okasan needs to be saved! How many times must I call you! The demon lord is already very upset that I have failed to get help twice!! You are looking in the wrong area!! Okasan is not here!

However, the pigeon refused to stop. It began getting more and more violent.

“Someone help me!!” The young medic cried out.

“What is going on here?” A police officer asked as he looked at the young medic fighting the pigeon off him.

“Shinichi-san, a pigeon seems to be attacking Toru.” The old medic explained.

“You guys…even at a time like this, all you can think about is fooling around.” Shinchi angrily spoke up.

“Shinichi-san, it isn’t like that!” The young medic quickly explained as he lay in the ground while fighting the pigeon off his face. “I keep shooing this stupid bird away and it keeps coming back…”

Shinichi’s brows were raised in suspicion. Could it be…this bird is trying to lead us somewhere? Can’t be….

The pigeon flew away once again. However, this time Shinichi chased after it. Seeing a human follow him, the pigeon flew slow enough for the human to keep up. Just when Shinichi thought this was a pointless chase, he noticed Sui lying at the edge of the park.

Shinichi soon forgot about the pigeon and spoke into his walkie talkie. “This is officer Yamamoto Shinichi, I have found a survivor at the northern gate of the park. The survivor is female, young – about 26-29 years old. She is injured and bleeding. Request first aid immediately.”

“Sending a team of medics, officer.”

As Shinichi looked around he noticed Tomo and Shin on the ground.

“I have also spotted a child and an infant at the scene. Please send appropriate support.”


It was only after Shinichi did everything he could; his eyes fell on the familiar pigeon which led him here. It was now seated next to the baby.

“So you are their pet, huh?” He spoke to the pigeon. “Thank you for leading me here.”

Shinichi bowed to the pigeon in admiration. “This is such an unbelievable story…I saved a woman by following a pigeon…If I told my colleagues this, they would make fun of me forever…I guess this is one of those stories you can’t tell anyone.”

Part 5

“Shooo!” Toru (medic) pushed away the pigeon which was crazily flapping its wings crazily around a small child.

How dare you approach my Master so casually, human!! Bow in repentance!!!

However the bird was insistent on not leaving the child.

You think I, the Immortal Phoenix am afraid of your big hands? Hurricane winds!!! Blow this human away!!!


I guess I need to train my powers….for now ‘talons of the fierce’ penetrate this fool’s face!!

No matter how many times, Toru shooed away the pigeon, it kept coming back to the child. It even fiercely attacked Toru when Toru tried to pick up the baby – it was almost as though the bird was trying to protect the baby.

“Toru-san…stop playing with the pigeon.”

“I am not playing with the pigeon….” Toru cried out.

Fool!! You dare touch my Master, the Demon Lord with your filthy human hands!! Suffer the consequences!!

Hah! Like waving those hands is going to harm the Immortal Phoenix!

Wait!! You can’t touch the Immortal Phoenix like this!

Flames of the sun burn this stupid human to dust!

What are you doing filthy human!

Put me down!

Hey, where are you taking me?

How dare you put me in a cage!!

Let me out, you hear me, I am the Immortal Phoenix!!!


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