《The Demon Lord will have his revenge!》Chapter 6 - Thank you for your hardwork


Part 1

*Tring* *Tring* *Tring* *Tring*

“Moshi Moshi! Tohoku Central Academy’s reception, how may I help you.”

“Sumi masen, I am calling from Miyagi Rosai Hospital. May I speak with Tsushima Saijo?”

“Eh? The principal? He is a very busy person. Do you have a telephone appointment?”

“Umm…this is a medical emergency it is related to his wife and child, Tsushima Sui and Tsushima Tatsuya.”

The receptionist turned pale at the words of the caller. “Tsushima-san is currently away. Could you please leave a message?”

“Yes, please let him know his wife and children have been admitted to the hospital. This is in connection to the recent bombing. It is quite urgent that we speak with him or family members who can approve the medical surgery….”

In the background a panicked voice could be heard, “Excuse me, I am Tsushima Saijo. Please tell me where my wife and children are?”

“Eh???” The hospital attendant was in shock. The person in question was here already.

He immediately cut the call and began speaking with Tsushima-san.


Dust climbed high into the air, as several choppers flew in the vicinity. The area of the explosion had been cordoned off to the general public. From the distance, people could only tell that the once scenic park of their city which was full of birds chirping now was lay silent as the graveyard. Truth, be told it had truly become a graveyard. Ambulances gathered around the park, to move away the deceased. Those who survived the accident had already been airlifted away.

Many of the people who had gathered could be heard grieving. Some were crying out names of their children and some were crying out for their wives’ or mothers’ names. The sadness and pain inflicted on the innocent silently moved everyone to tears. The damage was not limited to only the park but also extended well beyond that. The sides of shopping stores facing the park were charred black. The many store’s windows had been shattered by the impact of the shockwave from the explosion. Fortunately, those inside the store suffered no loss of life. They only suffered minor injuries and like cuts and scratches – nothing that required more than one or two stitches.

Outside the cordoned area, several reporters had gathered and began setting up their gear. A woman reporter wearing a construction site helmet began speaking. “We are at the scene of the bombing. The police have concluded that this was not an accident, but an act of terror and they have announced that they will do everything they can to find the truth. The injured are being rushed to the closest hospital, Miyagi Rosai. The police have yet to confirm the total number of casualties. The Prime Minister has condemned this violent act of terror and is expected to give a formal speech later in the day today….”

The early morning golden sunlight flowed into the room through a tiny gap of the drawn curtains. In the upper corner of the darkened room, a TV softly replayed the reporter’s broadcast. Currently, the room was occupied by a woman, Sui, and her husband. Sui was unconscious. There were long transparent tubes connected to her arms – blood and IV drips. Saijo’s head rested against his wife’s bed – he had been awake all night.


With the light outside growing more intense, Sui slowly opened her eyes. The light stabbed her eyes as she tried to open her eyes. She was feeling groggy and her body was aching everywhere. The room appeared dark and foggy to her. Her eyes slowly began to adjust the darkness and her surroundings. She had no recollection of what happened or how she got here. As she tried to move, she felt a searing pain through her back. She also felt a stabbing needle pain in her arms. The pain got her senses back together. Sui looked around carefully as her vision no completely adapted to her room. She stared at the IV and blood drip needles stuck in arms. Her line of sight then fell on Saijo. An uncanny tension began to fill her heart. Why was she here? Why could she not recollect what had happened to her?

“The Prime Minister has announced that a special investigation committee will be set up to investigate the act of terror. The total number of casualties confirmed by the police is a hundred and forty three. The mayor has promised to erect a memorial for those…”

Bit by bit…the memories began coming back to her. It was a beautiful day like any other. She took her children to the park….it happened at the park. The park, the flames, the screaming, the children, Tatsuya – my son.

Part 2

Sui’s body began to tremble in fear. “Saijo….” She tried to speak out, but her voice came out hoarse and cracked. Her arms had no strength and she could barely get herself to sit up straight. Worry engulfed Sui’s heart, all she could think about were her children.

“Saijo…” Sui restlessly called out once more, as she clenched her fist tightly and punched Saijo lightly on the head.

It was enough to wake up Saijo – who currently had two panda like swelled up eyes. Seeing his wife awake, two stream of tears began flowing down his eyes. He immediately hugged her but seeing her flinch in pain, he let her go.

“DOCT…” Saijo was about to call out for the doctor when he felt Sui pull his sleeves. Seeing that she wanted to speak with him, he lowered his head closer to her, so that he could hear her.

“Where are my children?”

The question was like a stab in the heart. Saijo’s joyous face momentarily froze before he began speaking, “The children they are fine. I left them with your mother. I couldn’t bring them to see their mother like this could I?”

It was easy to discern the panic in his voice. He wasn’t lying but he wasn’t telling the truth either.

Sui could tell instantly that Saijo was lying. Her voice became firm as she tightly clutched Saijo’s wrist, she asked again, “Saijo, where are my children?”

Saijo hesitated and then spoke. “Shin is with mother….” He hesitated before continuing.

Sui’s heart began beating faster. “Saijo?” She asked in a weak voice.

“Tomo is fine. He had a surgery but he is fine.” Saijo answered seeing his distressed wife.

“Saijo?” Sui’s voice was tearing up. He was avoiding the question she meant to ask. What happened to Tatsuya? Deep in her heart she already knew the answer but she was afraid to accept it.


“Tatsuya..” Saijo’s lips began to tremble. How could he say it? He himself couldn’t accept the truth.

Tears welled up in Saijo’s eyes. “He didn’t make it. I am sorry…” Saijo replied as he fell back into the chair whilst holding Sui’s hand. “I am so sorry….” He muttered to himself. “I am so sorry….”

A single tear rolled down Sui’s eye as she closed her eyes tightly – the pain was too much for her to bear.

Part 3

“Excuse me, you cannot enter here. The patient is still resting.” A nurse hurriedly chased three men wearing brown rain coats. The three men stopped in their tracks and one of them men pulled out a badge from his waist coat pocket. “Criminal Affairs Bureau, Special Investigation Committee. Officer Yamamoto Shinichi.”

“Officer, the patient is still resting.” The nurse hurriedly spoke up after verifying the badge details.

The man who seemed to be leading the trio, indignantly spoke up, “As I understand, the doctor said the patient is awake. We won’t take much time we only have a few questions to ask her.”

The nurse backed off sensing the fierce pressure the men emitted. These men were very serious about their job and they weren’t going to back off just because a nurse told them a patient is resting.

“But still….The doctor said other than family no one is allowed to visit…she is still recovering” The young brave nurse murmured.

The stern looking leader simply turned around and headed for the patient’s room. “We will keep that in mind and avoid unnecessarily straining her. You do realize that we are here for the bombing attack? She is the only survivor. If we must apprehend the criminal we must speak with her…” The captain haughtily replied as pushed open the door. However, to his surprise, the door opened on its own.

Saijo had opened the door hearing the commotion outside. “How may I help you officer?” Saijo asked in a dull and dark tone, as he blocked the groups entrance into Sui’s room.

“Tsushima Saijo?” The captain confirmed the identity of the man who stood in front of him.


“We are here to ask your wife, Tsushima Sui, some questions relating to the terror act.”

“I am sorry, my wife is currently recovering. She is still not in a condition to answer your conditions. Please come back at a more suitable time.” Saijo calmly replied.

The reply stunned the three men – who did this man, blocking their path, think he is? They were from the Special Investigation Committee! And currently they were investigating one of the most deadliest terror attacks in Japan.

“We have already spoken with the Doctor and he has informed us that your wife has already regained consciousness. I understand your concern about your wife’s health and we make sure we don’t strain her.” The captain replied as he tried to push past Saijo.

Surprisingly, the captain found himself unable to push past Saijo.

“You…” The Captain growled angrily. “Are you blocking my path? Did you not understand what I just said?”

“I think you haven’t understood what I have said.” Saijo calmly replied. “My wife is still recovering and once she recovers she will cooperate with your investigation. I hope till then you can leave my grieving family out of your affairs.”

“You!” The captain lost his cool and his blood began to boil. His face was completely red. “This is a national level investigation. Do you not understand the importance of this investigation? Your wife may be instrumental in identifying the criminal here.”

“I understand but please come back at a later time.” Saijo replied back indifferently – he was completely unaffected by the men’s fierce aura.

The nurse gulped in fear. These men were the police – who would dare to block their path?

Before the captain could forcefully move Saijo aside, the captain’s arm was stopped in mid-air by a stranger.

Part 4

“Who are you?” The Captain angrily asked as he stared at the stranger tightly clutching his arm. The stranger was a man roughly twice the age of the Captain’s. However, there was something far more terrifying in his appearance which one could not easily discern.

“Since when did the police start raising their hands on civilians?” The old man asked the Captain. The stranger’s voice conveyed his old age and maturity – rich with experience. His grip was exceptionally powerful. No matter how much the captain struggled he couldn’t break free. It was embarrassing that a young man could not break free from the grip of an old man.

Where did such a monster come from? The captain wondered. The two officers reached for their weapons, to assist their captain.

“That won’t be necessary.” A person standing behind the stranger spoke up seeing the other go for their weapons.

It was only then did the police officers notice the three well-built men, wearing black leather rain coats and black sunglasses, behind the old man.

One of the black coated individuals went for an item inside his coat – his actions only increased the tension in the atmosphere. However, the officers were relieved to see he only pulled out his wallet. But what followed them next shocked them. The man opened up the wallet to reveal a badge.

It read, “Director - Public Security Intelligence Agency”


The old man released his grip and the three officers immediately saluted the old man in front of them. The previous arrogance and pride of the officers completely disappeared.

“Gentlemen, you will be receiving a call from your supervisors shortly explaining you the circumstances of our arrival. For now I would like to thank you for your hard work and request that you interview the patient at a later time.” The man behind the old man explained.

“Yes Sir!” The men immediately nodded and scurried out of the premises.

“Ara….” The old man sighed as he looked back at his subordinate. “Jinsei, you don’t let this old man enjoy himself.”

“Sorry sir. But please sir, stop joking around.” The man who had displayed his identity wasn’t in the slightest apologetic. While adjusting his glasses with two fingers by the nose, he continued speaking “Having the Chairman of National Intelligence, rough up some children is a terrible headache for me. So if possible please control yourself.” The Director of the PSIA didn’t mince his words in the slightest. In fact, he clearly conveyed his displeasure in taking care of the old man. “Also, please refrain from calling me Jinsei in public….especially in front of my subordinates. Even my wife doesn’t call me Jinsei…”

“So you say…” The old man muttered.

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