《The Demon Lord will have his revenge!》Chapter 3: Shin or Maou?


Part 1

*Ding Dong*

“I’ll get it!” Two boys cried out as they rushed towards the door in excitement.

“No running in the house!” Their mother’s reminder went unheeded.

“No! I will open the door!!” Tomo-chan could be heard arguing, as Tatsuya used his body to block Tomo from opening the door. The war to open the door ended with Tatsuya pushing Tomo to the ground and Tomo crying off to his mother.

“Okasan!!! Ni-san pushed me!!”

“Tatsuya!” Okasan cried out loudly as she picked up the wailing Tomo-chan. “What have I said about playing with door!!” She scolded the elder one harshly.

Somewhere in the corner of the house, a little baby too rushed (crawled) towards the door….

What!! What is happening!! What was that melodious bell sound? Is that an alarm?? Is that a battle gong going off??? Are we at war??? Why are my two children servants running off? Hey don’t leave me behind!!!

….It is just Otusan at the door….these stupid human children. Why do they get so excited to open the door….don’t tell me they want to be gatekeepers when they grow up….now that I think about it, it might be a job worthy of them….rather the only job they might be worthy of….

The baby stared at his two elder brothers with a look of pity. If one had noticed, they would have been surprised to see a baby make such complex expressions.

I have never seen these two train! Not even once, have they participated in sword training or stamina building exercises and never have tried developing their mana sensing abilities...I have watched these two pitiful servants of mine for a long time and this pretty much explains why they have zero talent in magic.


I might as well get back to my training. Unlike these useless servants of mine, I don’t have frivolous time to waste. I have been wisely utilizing my precious time training my pathetic human body to the fullest. I am also taking my time to decipher the human language. Although it is not much, but I can understand basic words…for example ‘kutabare!’ (drop dead) means ‘Stop whatever you are doing!’ and ‘shinjimae’ means ‘go to the nether realm!’ and urusai means ‘Keep quiet’ and ‘kuso kurae!’ means ‘eat well’.

You must be wondering how I succeeded to learn so much in such short time – but nothing is impossible for the Demon Lord! By observing, human behaviour repeatedly on the recordings of the flat magical tool box, I have been able to decipher quite a bit of the human language.


I have also learnt quite a bit of human nature – these simple creatures are actually quite crafty – whether it be in the matters of violence or love. How do I know this? Tatsuya, has been poorly imitating battle techniques on Tomo. And Okasan keeps crying whenever the man in the magical tool box begins sticking his tongue in the woman’s mouth. Seriously, it is so disgusting, how can okasan watch something like that repeatedly? And why does it evoke the response of crying? And not disgust?


Humans are so troublesome when it comes to understanding them. They make absolutely no sense. Their stupidity knows know lower bound.

Patience…patience….soon I will wipe them off this realm.

Part 2

Recently, otusan has been rubbing his rugged cheeks in my face. Wtf useless human servant is this some kind of game!!! It’s annoying and it hurts!! This human body of mine is being hurt by your beard stubs!! So stop rubbing those damn stubs against my face while smiling!!

And what is up with this pikaboo sh*t?

Why are you hiding your face behind your palms and then revealing your face whilst saying pikaboo? Is this a human way of greeting? God!!! You are annoying!! You don’t even let me train in peace.

Just when I thought, there would be no end to his torture of stupidity, at the height of my frustration, salted water began dripping from my eyes and I called out for Okasan to get rid of this pest. With my undeveloped vocals, my voice came out more like wailing but the surprising thing is – it worked!

Even before okasan arrived, otusan ran away in terror. Heh. Showed him whose the master around here.

Since that incident, I have learnt the art of getting rid of all those who annoy me. Just make some wailing sound and most nuisances will run away in terror. If that doesn’t work, grab anything and throw it in anger. Lastly, if that doesn’t work, swing your arms and feet in anger –super effective technique.

Part 3

Today, the old woman servant has come back. She pulled my cheeks so hard, I felt as though she intended to rip my face off my skull – damn you woman. When I become powerful almighty, you will be the first one I will finish off!! The demon lord never forgives and certainly never forgets!

“It has been a whole year, and you still haven’t given him a name. What kind of stupid daughter are you?” The old grandmother spoke as she washed vegetables in the kitchen.


“It hasn’t been easy for us, there are so many choices….and he still so young. Do you know how many kids are unsatisfied with their name today? There was a survey in People’s magazine and it said 67% of young people wished their parents thought more carefully before coming up with their name! I certainly wouldn’t want my little baby hate his name! Now would I? Also, isn’t there plenty of time before he requires a legal name?”

“Sui” The grandmother took a stern tone. “Don’t be lazy. Hurry up and just finalize on the name. What names have you finalized?”

“….we have picked three names. Shin, Akito and Hikaru. What do you think?”

“I think those are good choices…” The elderly spoke with a soft voice. “A bit old and classic, but they have a nice ring to them.”

Her daughter nodded in agreement.

“Well which one is it going to be?” Her mother asked as she stared at the sleeping baby with great affection.

“To be honest, I was thinking of Shin. But Sai…wanted to go with Akito.”

At this moment Tomo walked into the kitchen, greeted his grandmother. Then opened the fridge door, pulled out some ice cubes and ran out of the kitchen. He did everything while completely ignoring the existence of others observing him.

The two women stared at the little one silently, observed his actions without saying anything till he left.

“This…” Tomo’s mother had a terrible premonition of something terrible going to happen.

The next moment, something could be heard crashing on to the floor, followed by Tomo running past the kitchen. Next, Tatsuya could be seen, completely tomato red, chasing after Tomo.

Sui (the mother), didn’t waste a second and chased after the two. These two were so dead.

Unlike Sui, the grandmother had a more complex emotion across her face. “You woke up because of the noise?” She asked as she passionately stared at the baby with a smile. “Yet, you didn’t even cry because of the sudden surprise….what an astonishing child. Most babies would be wailing their heart out when disturbed from their slumber. Yet, here you are as calm as ever. You sure are a strange one….what child cries when his father approaches him yet stays unperturbed when woken up from deep slumber.”

The grandmother continued making conversation with the baby as though the baby could understand her. “Do you know how worried your mother was when you crawled out of the house! She frantically searched for you everywhere! And when she couldn’t find you, she was called me up and was crying her heart out. Lord, you gave the woman the fright of her life. She has raised two children but neither of them has been as naughty as you were at your age. But neither of them has been as calm as you are at your age either. I am not complaining, but in my life I have seen babies, and you sometimes certainly don’t behave like one. Especially by the expression you make sometimes. I have never heard of a baby being able to emote beyond the basic emotions of happiness and hunger. I may have grown old but these eyes of mine have only grown keener with the years….”

“Naughty, calm and deep. You are this family’s Maou-sama, aren’t you?” The grandmother joked as she lovingly picked up the baby in her arms. “Although, I don’t agree with your mother’s naming sense. This time, she has chosen a great name. Isn’t Shin is a great name? Don’t you agree with Obaasan?”

The baby silently stared at Obaasan and then smiled. “Mau…” He said, as he struggled to speak.

Obaasan froze whilst holding the baby.

Part 4

“SUI!!!!!” Obaasan cried out as she trembled in excitement while holding the little baby.

Sui rushed back to the kitchen, in one arm she was carrying Tomo and in another Tatsuya. “What happened?” She asked as she tried to catch her breath. She ran at top speed when she heard her mother scream. “Okasan?”

“Shin-chan spoke!!” Obasan trembled with excitement as she stared at the baby fondly. She then glanced at her daughter passionately.

However, Sui (baby’s mother) was very skeptical of her mother. Her left eyebrow was raised as she asked, “Spoke?”

“Yes!! He spoke his first word!” Obasan continued.

Realizing what her mother meant, a face of great displeasure spread across Sui’s face. “And I missed it!”

She then shot a stern glare at both her kids – it’s your fault, I missed your younger brother’s first word!

“Come on Shin….say Maou again. Maou…”

“His first word was Maou?” Tomo asked while still dangling in the air – held up by his mother.

“Of course…..” Obasan replied, without even looking at her second grandson.

Sui sighed as she looked at her mother who was currently cajoling a one year old to say Maou. “Mother, did you take your medicine recently?”


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