《The Demon Lord will have his revenge!》Chapter 1: Born as a baby


Part 1

The situation is more dire than I had expected – not only have I been reincarnated as a human but I also cannot use magic. Not being able to use magic may only be a temporary setback. I am not certain about the details of the human life cycle, but if I believe humans can begin using magic after the age of five? Or was that the case for dragons? Or was it humans fifty years? And dragon’s five years? Or was it humans mature into adult in fifty years…..Or was it the other way round…..argh!! I should have paid attention when my retainers taught me….at the time all that knowledge seemed futile since I was bequeathed which such tyrannical powers….but now I understand what Dracula-san meant when he said “Knowledge is power….” I guess that kind of wisdom is born from weaklings….when I become stronger I will no longer have to rely on this stupid thinking. Nonetheless, the truth is I am indeed weak – hence I must gather intelligence.

However, the main problem is neither being born human nor not being able to use magic….but rather it is this woman taking care of me – everyday she assaults me with her voluptuous hills. To be precise, she assaults me three times a day with those massive mountains. Just thinking about sends shivers down my spine.

I think she is trying to win over my affection – so that I may spare her when I begin wiping out humanity. Well if she wants to serve me there is no problem.

You can be my servant as long as you don't reveal my identity.

However, please stop drugging me.

Every time she assaults me, a strange liquid flows out from those “things” . A lucid warm delicious …..*Ahem* ….disgusting white potion!!!

The humans have a disgusting way of feeding their young!! I am absolutely certain, that concocted bodily potion has some frightening ingredients because immediately after drinking it, I fall asleep.

It is an absolutely terrifying sleeping potion!!! However, there are times when I can fight the drowsiness but alas!! This woman is too cunning!! She begins swaying me gently and then hums a melodious …..*Ahem* hypnotic tune….she is far worse than the sleeping potion!! It completely overwrites my baby willpower and sends me into a deep slumber. What a terrifying power!! The humans maintain high guard. But this is not so bad….little by little I am learning about my enemies. Having been defeated by the Hero in such a humiliating manner, I cannot help but learn everything about the Human race there is. It is as Dracula-san once said, “Keep your allies close but your enemies closer.”

To defeat the Humans, I must understand their very minds better than they understand it themselves. Only then, will my vengeance be carried out successfully!!


For now human woman, you may win over me with your massive hills oozing with sleeping potion and hypnotic humming!! But in the end, I will be the one standing over all of mankind!! You hear me!!!....Listen!!! Listen!!!!! (not used to being ignored)

*Wildly shaking hands and feet*

“Isn’t he just adorable?” The woman spoke up as she glanced at the baby beside her. “Come here you!!”

Hey, stop bringing your face so close to me!!!! Help!!! Help!!! What is she doing!!! What is with your mouth!! Stop slobbering your drool all over me!!!!! Are you some kind of dog!!!! This is not how you treat the Demon Lord!! You hear me!!!

Part 2

I cannot understand their language just yet….but given my superior intellect, it is only a matter of time before I decipher their unintelligent language. It took me only a year to understand my pet lizard’s language – and that was a monster far more intelligent than these stupid humans. It is only a matter of time…..

It seems that today there is some war council meeting happening, many humans are gathering around my woman servant. Could it be that I have been born into a royal family? After all, even my woman servant has many caretakers in white uniforms looking after her….this white uniform is a very appealing outfit…when I return to the nether realm, I shall be sure to make sure all my maid servants wear a similar outfit! Pitiful humans!!! I can easily steal your ideas and designs!!! MUAHAHAHAA!!!!

*Ahem Ahem* It seems this meeting is of great important. I see both young and old humans gathering around me. I do not understand what they are saying but I can understand from their appearances they are delighted to see me…..

FOOLS!!! I shall see who is the last one smiling especially when I stand on your pile of corpses!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

*baby laughing*

“Isn’t his laughter just adorable? Just seeing him so happy and smiling like that makes me smile as well. Come to Grandma!!!”

Wait stop!!! What are you doing!!! Foolish lady!!! Don’t grab me like that!! Why are you picking me up!!!

Noo……not this again……NOOOO!!! DON’T BRING THAT FACE ANY CLOSER TO ME!!!!



Is this some human ritual to drool over your young one!!!!




(baby crying)

“Ara! Ara! Ara! It seems like he has become hungry. Gomenasai, everyone. Let me tend to him quickly!” The woman spoke to everyone gathered.

Everyone nodded in agreement and began leaving the room.

The old woman returned me to my woman servant. – Yes, you heard my woman servant!! Return me to her you fiend!!!


Woman servant listen to me!! I don’t like this old woman – she holds me too tight! And her skin is all rough and wrinkly!! I prefer you to her! So don’t let her touch me! Understand? Understand? Even my pet lizard was more intelligent than this stupid woman servant….

Wait…why are you undressing?

“Feeding time..”

No….not this again…..not those voluptuous hills…wait why are you humming at the same time?

Could it be you found out I was listening in on your war council meeting…..so tired….so sleepy….damn this sleeping potion….damn your sweet voice…..

Part 3

“Kucheekoo!!” A deep husky manly voice went.

Kucheekoo my ass!!! Stop that!!! I am the demon lord!!! Hey stop that!!! That tickles!!! Hey!!! HELP ME!!!!

It seems, I have two human caretaker, one female – to feed me and clean me up and one male – I guess he is the body guard since I don’t see him much.

This male body guard is too useless, although he is big and has muscle, I don’t sense an iota of magical power from him. I can only hope that he has some hidden skills to make up for his pathetic appearance.

Every time, I have met this man, he has annoyed me. He gets his rough semi-shaved cheeks next to me and rubs it so hard!!! What kind of treatment is this!! Even to a human baby, it is too cruel!!! If it were my former powerful self, I would have smacked this idiotic man’s head into a wall.

This stupid man servant shares some obvious feelings for my woman servant – how do I know? Is it the look in his eyes? NO!!!!

This damned stupid perverted hentai man actually tried doing various many ecchi stuff in front of my eyes!!! He thought I was sleeping!! But then the moaning started and then he tried to slip into the woman’s bed….thankfully had it not been for the woman-servant in white dress who interrupted the disgusting animalistic behaviour, only God knows what all I would have to witness. Thankfully, that shameful man was dragged out of the room by the ear – serves him right.

How can he be so frivolous as a bodyguard!!! Do they not know how precious my life is? As the demon lord, my life is in continuous danger, especially now since I am so vulnerable. I remember Xerxes-san told me that when I was just a hatchling, hundreds of assassins tried to take my life…..

Still…it seems that these servants of mine are lacking in many ways…..in the future I must ensure they undertake strict training so that they can be of some use to me when I take over the world.

Part 4

It seems I may have overestimated the potential of a human baby. I am uncertain how many days have gone by….but this frail human body does nothing but eat, sleep and poop. Gathering intelligence has been extremely difficult – and I have been confined to this room. Although, I have ordered my woman servant many times to show me around – these humans are too stupid. They don’t understand a word I am saying. I guess I shouldn’t be expecting too much from them, it really is up to me to learn their language.

What is this? Are we leaving this room today? Looks like it!! I certainly have a better opinion of this woman servant now – did my emotions reach her?

Muahahahahahahahaha!!! Finally, Humans!!! Your end has come!!!! I am leaving this room!!! And I will explore your world and learn all your secrets!!!!! Muahahahahahaha!!!

Ah, white dress servant is also here…what is she holding? Is that a basket? Wait…could it be….do they plan to put me in that basket and throw me in a river….I have heard of many such stories from the orphan half-humans that joined my army. They were tucked away in baskets and thrown into the river. The lucky ones drifted into my territory and were saved but the unlucky ones passed on…..

Hey, where are you putting me, you stupid woman!!! Don’t put me in a basket!!!! This is insulting me!!! Stupid woman!!! Nooo!!! How dare you!!! Carry me, I say!!!! Carry me!!!! I refuse to be thrown into a river….I refuse….UNCOVER THE BASKET!!! YOU DESPICABLE WOMAN!!! REMOVE THE LID!!!!

"You think he will be okay, travelling in a car?"

"Honey! Don't worry about it! The doctors have said both you and the baby are healthy enough to leave the hospital. Plus, the boys are so excited to see their younger brother."

"Ah...okay then..."

Tch!!! It seems to be of no use - these two aren't listening to me. This is difficult. What do I do, I have no magic power, otherwise I would have escaped…..but why are they throwing me into a river…could it be they have figured out that I am the Great Demon Lord? The Almighty Demon Lord who will wipe out humanity…..can’t be!! These humans are too stupid to figure something like that out – I mean I would have noticed that much if they knew what a great being they held in their arms…..

Snap! I am running out of energy….so sleepy….are we moving? I can tell we are leaving the castle and going somewhere noisy….now it is quiet again….difficult to focus….I will have my revenge…..


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