《FORSAKEN》2-2. 「Unexpected meeting」 (Demon Tribe Arc)


2-2. 「Unexpected meeting」

「Oh? What have we here?」

「! ! …Yami—」

Seeing me and Yui, the 2-A class rep. bitch immediately switched to her scornful look and gazed at us with disgusted eyes. Hiroshi, the male basketball team captain, was about to call out to us, but stopped himself mid-way, hanging his head in dejection.

Ah, I think he’s still bothered by that time when I was kicked out. I hope he gets over it, because I certainly didn’t mind it. We weren’t any kind of blood-sworn brothers or something, so he shouldn’t keep being like that whenever he faces me, we might have to go against each other in the future, who knows.

「Yui, let’s go」


Yui was reluctant to just go past that expedition of heroes exiting the forest, but at my words, she obediently turned her heels and followed me. It would’ve been all good if everything ended just like that. But apparently the 2-A bitch that I don’t even know her name didn’t intend to just pass by each other.

「Hey, where’s your manners. Respect the heroes who are keeping your head away from the demons」

「Oh, hi. Now, bye!」

I gave a peace sign and immediately peace’d out, but the bitch suddenly appeared in front of me with her sword outside its sheath. I heaved a sigh and pretended to make a surprised face. I made it fucking obvious that I was screwing with her and wasn’t taking her seriously, but the bitch was thinking with her pussy instead of her brain and smirked.

「Don’t be so surprised, this is the difference between noble heroes and trash, you see」

「Yeah yeah, I’m so scared, please spare my dick, uwaaaaa (monotone)」

The bitch’s face twisted as she grasped her sword more tightly, her silver armor glittered brilliantly under the sunlight. Judging from her equipment and stance, she was well trained by people that know what’s up, not just some random soldiers.

「Hey, Shinomiya-san! That’s enough!」

Hiroshi called out from afar, but his words didn’t reach her ears, not even close.

As I stole a glance back at my schoolmates, all of them either looked other ways or straight up left the place at their own convenience. They didn’t have any kind of deception magic, so it was quite easy to appraise them with my skills. Most of them are around level 82, a few others, including Hiroshi and this 2-A bitch Shinomiya, were on the 90s. Their equipment was cuts above the Knight-dude.


That means my 「Ten thousand lovely kicks」 won’t work on them…or so I wanted to conclude but…this time, it’s a fight between level 90 and level 175. I can only sigh, imagining the outcome of this meaningless fight.

「Hey, I told you to go die, right? Why are you still here?」

「’Cause I have no obligation whatsoever to listen to your trash-talking?」

「Watch your words, trash and noble heroes are different」

「Yup. That’s true, it’s different for me who’s an adventurer and for you who’s a hypocrite slut」

The moment those words left my mouth, the shiny orihalcum blade of her sword swung at my neck with half the speed of sound. It wasn’t a threat, the bitch’s head was screwed up enough to tried dealing a blow that would surely decapitate me on the spot. Yup, it was a splendid one hit kill strike.


「! ? ! ?」

Yare yare, I thought, leaning my head backwards a few centimeters and dodge the blood-thirsty blade by a hair.

Agreed that her sword skills were splendid, it was just the matter of me being way stronger than her in every way possible. With skill 『Sword Master』, my perceptive vision was boosted greatly to follow the movements of my own sword. That’s why her sword looked like a slow motion video clip to me, though if I were a commoner, my head would have flown in half a second.

When I glanced to my side, Yui was smiling while humming. She seemed to be enjoying me showing off my flashy skills. Yui definitely knew there is zero chance for this bitch to win against me right now, I can one hit kill 3 Ogres after all…

As the bitch was surprised by my dodge from her sword, she immediately jumped back a few steps and put up a stance with almost no opening. Very good reflexes, I can understand why she’s highly valued among the hero army. She’s always on the newspaper as the idol of the heroes group.

However, that’s all. Good reflexes can help her fight demons, splendid swordsmanship will keep herself alive long enough to improve and fight stronger demons. But against a cheat existence like myself, who got his skills polished rapidly during these past few months, it becomes a simple unfair fight. Well, that said, I won’t go easy on people who openly insulted me, blame fate if you think this is a one-sided fight.


「Now then, my turn, no?」

「Don’t think a lucky dodge from a piece of shit like you can win against me!」

「Yeah, I can’t win against you, because if I did try to win, your head would’ve been on the ground already」

「Let me teach your arrogant attitude a lesson!!!」

The bitch dashed towards me with incredible speed. The crowd of my other schoolmates became noisy, but nobody ever voiced an objection. Wait, what? I saw a lot of people leaving without even looking, but there are still quite a lot of people staying behind to watch this? Well, not that it matters, I’ll show them some of my sword skills that I used to warm up in the morning too.

I made a simple side step and dodged her sword by a hair again, but the blade suddenly changed its path, aiming for my head for the second time.

「Hero Arts • Feint Cut!!!」

Ah, so the first strike was a feint, but it was also a one hit kill technique of its own. This thing called Hero Arts is quite scary isn’t it. Should I end it in one knock on her head? Or should I place the sword on her forehead? No wait, maybe I should just tear her clothes apart and get a good meal for my eyes?! OH!! That was genius!! Good job, me!!

「Onii-chan~ please refrain yourself from doing unnecessary things, okaaay~ ?」

Yui’s sugar sweet voice pierced my spine from top to bottom. I could almost swear I could see fire dancing around her cute smiling face even if I didn’t look at her.

「Tsk. Let’s just threaten the bitch then…」

Keeping on dodging the deadly slashes of Shinomiya, I chose a simple move from all the sword techniques I had in my head and took a look at her. Her face was burning with confusion and anger. You didn’t expect the guy who was level 1 several months ago to be dancing around like this, did you?

「Right. Without yelling the name of my technique…THIS should do it!!!」

I abruptly stopped my step and turned my body 90 degrees. Having her target disappear from her aiming field threw the bitch off and she lost balance, destroying her posture, making her fall forward head first towards the ground.


Taking advantage of such opportunity, I thrust out my hand from the opposite direction of her fall and grabbed her neck. Without using even 1/5 of my strength, I lifted the girl up high to the sky with one hand. Being the tallest male student in the school proved beneficial in situations like this, where I can just hold the 2-A class rep. girl, who’s only around 160cm tall, up in the air.

「Guuh! Kuu…let……me…kuu…go……」

「*Sigh*…nice try indeed. But next time, don’t just blindly come at your enemy like that…you won’t even know when you died」

Finishing my speech that I made up to try to act all cool and badass, I threw the bitch. She rolled on the ground and arrived at Hiroshi’s feet.


Author's Notes: They'll meet again in the future, so this little quarrel will end here.

Also, a little bit of insights about the MC and magic: this wasn't mentioned in the actual chapters, but Yami did try to learn magic from Yui, problem is that she has a hidden skill so the way she uses magic couldn't be applied for Yami, thus he'll get his hands on magic a bit later on.


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