《FORSAKEN》1-9. 「Starting life as adventurers」 (Summon Arc)


1-9. 「Starting life as adventurers」

Beams of lights shone through the window gaps.

Sensing the brilliant light through my eyelids, my body told me that it’s already morning, and that I should get my ass off the bed for morning exercise. Then prepare breakfast and something for lunch before going to school…

「…oh. That’s right…」

As I opened my eyes and saw an unfamiliar ceiling, felt an unfamiliar bed below my back, I came to notice that right now I’m not on Earth. There is no need to go to school. In fact, those people from school are the ones that pushed me into this situation.

But isn’t that a good thing? I don’t have to receive hostile gazes and deal with the nosy bitches anymore. This is a more…quiet life, if I do say so myself.


「…seems like she worked hard」

Glancing over to Yui, who’s using my arm as a pillow in addition to the pillow we’re sharing, her defenseless sleeping face came into view. In this world, where Level and Magic exist, naturally, magical power also exist. That said, when Yui used her hidden skill to invoke her pyrokinesis ability, it consumed magical power.

Yesterday she used it quite a lot to back me up during fights with the goblins. Though I don’t know exactly how strong a level 81 person like Yui is, I do think that she was quite drained using that skill so much.




「What the hell are you doing, poking out your lips?」

With her eyes still closed, Yui held out her lips, tempting me for a kiss. Honestly, if she made it a bit more natural, I would’ve fallen for it. But too bad it was so obvious that I lost interests.

「Dummy onii-chan…being all stingy with your sister even with just a morning kiss…」

「It’s your fault for impatiently making it obvious. Anyways, let’s go back to the Guild today」

Saying so, I got up and started preparing and changing clothes to go to the Adventurer Guild.

Though this inn the Guild suggested was decently cheap, I still rent one single room instead of two separate ones. It wasn’t because I was stingy, but partly because Yui wanted to share a room, and partly because it’s easier to defend ourselves when we’re together. If something came up, we could’ve worked together and protect each other more effectively than each using a separate room.


I went to sleep with a collar shirt and my school uniform pants, so I only needed to put on the jacket and I was good to go. But when I glanced over to Yui, who finally sat up and got off the bed, she was stark naked.

「Oi. What’s with sleeping naked? What if there was an intruder?」

「Eh? Ufufu…could it be that you don’t want anyone else see my naked body~?」

She asked me with a playful smile, attempting to tease me again. But this time…

「Of course. Do I have any reason to let other people see my little sister naked?」

「W-What if it’s my boyfriend?」

「If he 「survives」 my interrogation before going out with you then fine by me」


Yui froze on the spot, pouting and sulking at the same time saying things like 「dummy!」, but she obediently began to put on clothes, of course, starting with her undies.

Yesterday we took a bath together and did all those things, but Yui was behind me the whole time so I didn’t really see all of her body. Now that she’s changing right in front my very eyes, I had the chance to take a good look and my little sister, who I have not seen naked in a very long time already.

Aside from her humble bust, the fine curve cutting in at her waist would take any man away easily. That isn’t all, the moment the curves went down towards her butt, they drew out beautifully wide arcs, defining her voluptuous buttocks. On top of all that, her snow-white skin with some slight glimpses of the blood veins was more than stunning enough.

A strange impulse urged me and I spaced out, staring at the beautiful body of my little sister.

「Hyan! O-Onii-chan?」

「Hm? What…?」

At Yui’s voice, I regained my consciousness and let out a stupid voice. Not until I saw Yui’s deep red face that I noticed my behaviors.

Feeling something soft and squishy in the palm of my left hand, I lowered my line of vision. There, a hand that comes from my wrist, which came from my elbow that came from my shoulder, was grabbing Yui’s left butt cheek. Even as I’m trying to process the situation right now, that hand still moved around subtly, enjoying the sensation.


「Uh…t-this is…」

Yui averted her eyes and mumbled something I couldn’t hear.


Walking the busy streets towards the Guild, Yui is still pouting at me.

「What happened to the girl that played with her brother’s penis last night?」

「T-T-That was different!!」

「How come?」

I smiled sadistically and pressed the question with devilish eyes. Yui’s face turn red again as she pinched my sides, stuttering:

「B-Because I was prepared…b-but this morning…o-onii-chan g-grabbed my butt suddenly……」

I have a feeling if I try to tease her any more than this, steams would start coming out from her head, so I curved the flow of the conversation to something else and we chatted while walking towards the Guild.

But that was surely strange on my side. I seemed to lost consciousness for that moment, but I certainly remembered approaching Yui and laid my hand on her butt. Agreed that they looked pretty charming and tempting to touch, but normally I have more self-control than that. I guess the things happened in the bathroom last night flipped some kind of switch inside my head, or at least it opened up a dam that held me down all this time…I think.

「You know, that was the first time I touched a woman’s ass」



「Name…age…primary weapon…done.」

Finishing the application, I handed 2 silver coins over to the receptionist lady, one for me and one for Yui. It was the fee to register as an official adventurers here at the Guild.

The Adventurer Guild is an independent organization that have branches at a lot of places within human territories. They are not under the direct control of any kings or rulers, that’s why I can ease my mind a little about the possibility that those shitty bastards at the royal palace would fuck my life up through messing with the Guild.

I also find it funny that the language mainly used here is Japanese. I mean, why? Why isn’t it English or some kind of lost runes, but Japanese? But I guess anything is possible when it’s a parallel universe, an otherworld.

「Congratulations, you have officially become an Adventurer belongs to the Guild. Would you two like to set up a party also?」

「Ah yes please, and thank you」

Since the last fight yesterday with the Jack-class Red Goblin, I became level 35, and that’s more than enough to join the Guild. The receptionist lady was dumbfounded when she checked Yui’s level with her crystal ball, seeing the number 82. Speaking of which, seems like the number on our left chest can be shown on any other places depends on our references, it can also be faked, that’s why the Guild must check with their own equipment for those who registered for the first time.

Becoming adventurers means we can now take on official requests that have high rewards and the Guild will also take responsibility if the real situation was different than what was written in the requests.

Of course, I don’t plan to settle my life as a mere adventurer risking my life everyday to secure money for my daily basic needs. That’s no different than the dull life I had before the transportation to this world. I have a cheat-like ability to make use of, so I am going to try my best to make the best out of it and enjoy my life, even though I might have to give up on trying to come back to Earth.

The origin for my current inner conflicts lies in whether I even want to return to Earth or not. Well, before that time comes where I have to decide, I’ll just try my best to live in this new world. Naturally, I will pay attention to these problems and give them some thoughts whenever I have the time to. The first step to solve a problem is to admit that there is one, running away from it doesn’t help.

Settling myself with such decisions, I walked towards the request boards and discussed with Yui what kind of request should we take on today.


Author's NoteAnd be patient folks, I ain't dragging the relationship of the siblings out endlessly.


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