《Road of the Immortal Tao》Chapter 20. Enter the Autarchs!!!
Attention all users!
Individual gateways will appear to take the participants which passed the trials to the Immortal World!
For those that did not qualify for ascension, the individual gateways would represent fatal danger.
Do not attempt to cross over unless qualified!
The message was there for all to hear and more importantly, for all to see, as it was more or less plastered on a big patch of the sky. The more impatient ones already jumped through the blue doors, while those cautious enough were waiting to see if anything bad would happen to the rest before attempting to cross over.
Herman also finished saying his goodbyes to his family and close friends, also leaving some orders behind for his 'business' cartel to keep acquiring land at a faster pace, irrelevant of the money they had to spend. He only had six months after all.
"All that's left is crossing over. *Sigh* After coming this far, there's no turning back, unfortunately. I'll have to work myself to the bone again..."
Complaining while taking the first step through the gateway, Herman heard the same words he heard in his past life. This time, however, he wasn't baffled by them and instead, smiled coldly.
Please select your destination!
If you are unable to name a specific destination, a random one would be picked by the System.
"Mount Taihang!"
Mount Taihang has been selected as your transporting location!
Travel through space and time will be now initiated...
While Herman was just beginning his journey, in a far corner of the Immortal World away from the Neutral faction, a group of people was calmly walking out of the Travel House. A Travel House was a waypoint connecting different locations of the Immortal World, permitting teleportation between different realms. With the System's interference, every world could become a waypoint and many closed off realms become ready for exploration.
That's how the Immortal World was able to keep grooming more and more prodigies without ever running out of resources in the process. The Immortal World itself was only two times bigger than Earth, yet it was continuously expanding its territory with the System's help, annexing new worlds that have even the smallest connection with potential cultivation resources.
If Herman would've been there he would probably turn tails and run the opposite direction, yet he would recognize them no doubt. If there was another group that was equally famous in his past life besides the Peak alliance, it would be them...
[Finally here... They say the grass is greener on the other side, yet the air is also fresher here.](?)
[Fresh!? It freaking burns my nostrils and all down to my lungs. The difference between a world with Primordial Qi and one without is quite terrifying...](?)
[Come now! You are all Autarchs! Stop being so frightened by anything new you see. I, the Autarch of Lords is here to guide you in these foreign lands!](?)
[Never... please stop with the weird shit! There are people around and all looking our way! Don't embarrass us here as well!](?)
[As the Autarch of Procrastination, I would expect more from you Phoenix von Valinor! There are people around us? So what!? We are the Autarchs! The ones that...*mphf*!](Never)
[Enough you nutcase! I don't want to have the reputation of a lunatic in this world as well!!! Just selecting Phoenix Valinar as my nickname, and that after you pressured me into it, is embarrassing enough!](Phoenix V)
[Can we not talk about nickname picking, please!? This moron selected my name as 'Saint Valencia' without my approval and the System actually accepted that! It's bullshit I tell you! Now I cannot change it unless I get my hands on some sort of pill...](Saint Valencia)
[Release your hands Phoenix! It seems that the Autarch of Cuteness is disgruntled by my choice...](Never)
[STOP! 'Cuteness' your head! What exactly is cute about me!? I'm a warrior you numbskull! Our titles should be awe-inspiring, not... weird.](Saint Valencia)
[Says the 'warrior' with five cats at home. Aren't you always talking with Prawn Arryn, asking him to paint portraits of yourself and them? Autarch Joseph, don't you agree?](Never)
[Okay, I'm officially confused. I get why Prawn Arryn since we decided on the name together, but how the hell did you come up with Autarch Joseph as my title? It makes no sense at all...](Prawn Arryn)
[To be fair... I have no clue at all. It just fits!](Never)
Hearing the nonsense pouring out of Never's mouth akin to a never-ending river, the rest of the group facepalmed and were discretely distancing themselves from him. All of them gained a bad reputation back in their Blood World because of this hyperactive and overly imaginative idiot. He meant well and is also stupidly powerful... it was just his choice of names that was headache-inducing.
[Let's focus guys! Millie, what were we supposed to do next?](?)
[Bill... I mean, Autarch Jingshi, address the Autarch Real News properly!](Never)
[You... *Sigh* It feels like I'm being mentally drained of all my energy each time I have to deal with you... Millie?](Bill)
[We need to have Tug and Abs lead the way and help us join the sect that person informed us about. Then...](Millie)
[Autarch of Real News! Address them as the Autarch of Autarchs and Autarch... well Autarch Abs... yeah, I didn't put much thought into that one, I'll admit...](Never)
Their charade and bickering continued for over half an hour, drawing an ever-increasing crowd. The group didn't even pay that much attention to their surroundings, however, the surroundings paid very close attention to them. As recruits, everyone present knew that they were probably impressive prodigies that passed the trials to get here.
Looks of admiration were focused on them, further pouring fuel into Never's fire. Seeing the riveting expressions on the crowd's faces, he went into a frenzy that would put even the best show host on Earth to shame.
[Listen and rejoice, cultivators of the Immortal World! We, the Autarchs, have arrived at your world!](Never)
[Oh shit! No, no, no!](Phoenix V)
[F*ck! Someone stop him now before it's too late!](Saint V)
[Do you think we can? When he gets into that mode, he would drown in his fantasies. Unless Tug decides to beat him awake, there's nothing much we can do about it...](Prawn)
[The shame!!! If he starts talking shit here, it won't be just one world that will make fun of us this time! It will be 361 plus the entire Immortal World as well! Abs, say something!!!!](Bill)
[Just give up Bill! There's nothing more we can do about it...](Abs)
If Herman would've assisted at this scene and heard the conversation between them, he would probably laugh himself to death. In his past life the Autarchs, or better put, the Crazy Autarchs, as people called them behind their backs, were a force to be reckoned with in more ways than one.
Leaving aside their absurd strength that even LinkWill or Bian Hua would steer clear off, Never's rants were something that cultivators feared even more.
The scene they made once they had ascended to this was engraved in the minds of everyone, especially after someone recorded it with a talisman. Funny enough, right after they left the Travel House, a group of cultivators only at the early Foundation realm wanted to beat them into submission and force them to join their sect.
All 56 cultivators died most horrifically, cementing the name of the Autarchs in the minds of all cultivators who heard the story. To leap an entire realm while barely coming in contact with cultivation itself was... scary!
[Listen well, ye mortals of the finite realms, for We are the Autarchs that were present at the beginning and shall be present at the end! We are the Holy Inheritors of Elon, transcendent of all races! We are the darkness and the light, life, and death, Gods and Demons! We have seen generations trickle by in the river of history, yet remain unfettered by time!
Those who proclaim themselves as people of power are nothing to us, for there is no apex past us! We are a power that rivals the Heavens! A power that has become the Heavens! Who here dares claim to be our equal‽ Deep in the void, amongst the stars, we have written our story for future generations to bear witness to; the legend of the Autarchs is still being written now in your world! Rejoice and bear witness to our glory!](Never)
[*Cough**Cough* What 'mortals' you nimrod!? All of them are cultivators!](Saint V)
['Present at the beginning'? We are barely twenty years old... my cheeks are burning! The shame!!!](Bill)
[Wait... 'Holy Inheritors of Elon'? Isn't Elon the current king of the fourth continent? How the f*ck are we his inheritors if that bastard hasn't even died yet!?](Abs)
[I need to start digging a hole and bury myself in it. This sort of shame is not something we'll ever be able to live down! Tug, do you think we can cultivate while buried in the ground?](Phoenix V)
[Make it a hole for two please!](Prawn)
[I think it sounded kind of cool though.](Millie)
[[[[...]]]](everyone else)
[*Cough*! Nevermind.](Millie)
Strange enough and to Never's immense happiness, the surrounding crowd were listening to the bullshit he was feeding them with eyes open wide and gaping mouths. Sometimes the sound of gasps could be heard while he was recounting their war stories where many mythical creatures were slain with ease, of course, while the rest of the group behind Never were reminiscing about how not even close to reality the truth was.
Tug spotted something in the crowd that made his bitter smile turn sinister and the rest of the group didn't fail to notice it. Never also realized the change in attitudes of his friends and exuberantly continued with his bullshiting session.
[That person said they will be here. Apparently, He was right again.](Bill)
[Don't remind me, please. Do any of you have any idea of how horrifying is to witness all that!? I'm getting the chills each time I remember it.](Millie)
[That might be so, yet with His help, we distinguished ourselves from the rest of the elites of the Blood World, didn't we? It seems like we owe him quite a bit and are about to increase that debt further.](Tug)
[He did say something strange at the end. Something among the lines of 'my debt to you has been paid'. He's weird...](Millie)
[Did he now? Tug? What's your take on it?](Abs)
[Not sure. However, all the information he gave us so far was accurate, so I won't start doubting it now. Didn't we profit quite a bit from it? Now that the 'encounter' with the welcoming party is happening, what should we do next Millie?](Tug)
[He burned the paper pretty fast, but I remember most details on it. We should...](Millie)
The whispering group continued to scheme, while Never focused on drawing all the attention to himself. Among the crowd that was engrossed in his capable storytelling, five people were making their way to the front. Sneers were plastered on their faces and were looking at the cultivators around them as if they were idiots. Who the hell would believe such obvious lies?
The cultivators couldn't be blamed though. It's always hard to distinguish between truth and lie if the lie has truth mixed in it.
[Enough! Make way, you idiots! Make way!](?)
[Tsk, tsk, tsk! Look at them being entranced by this shameless liar's stories. Aren't you ashamed of yourselves? And you call yourselves cultivators!? Ptui!](?)
[You there! Blabber-mouth! Stop talking crap and come over!](?)
The crowd almost flew into a rage and pounced on the ones insulting them, yet they all stopped when seeing their faces. These newcomers were in quite a pinch since the ones creating a ruckus weren't of the good sort. Some of the people in the crowd felt bad for the newbies and tried to contact the Inspectors. If they managed to do that, the five people who were up to no good would surely flee in a heartbeat.
Unfortunately for the person with good intention, a pat on his shoulders disrupted his attempt to call for an Inspector. When he turned around, he was greeted by a fist knocking him into unconsciousness. Soon after, the plaza surrounding the small Travel House as well as the crowd within, was encircled by cultivators wearing a strange gray robe.
[Now why would you go ahead and call an Inspector just to ruin our fun here? I don't think I need to explain what's going to happen to the rest of you if you try the same thing, do I?](?)
The cultivators didn't dare to meet this person's eyes and looked away in panic. While the newbies were in danger, the same could be said about them. These people were a cultivation gang with quite the notoriety in this small town. Rumors say that they are even backed by an evil sect, making those that want to eliminate them have second thoughts.
That's why the crowd parted and the five made their way towards Never. Ignoring them, he continued his rant, letting people present know of his and his group's amazing feats. Unfortunately for him, a slap came out of nowhere and slammed him into the ground. With his right foot on top of the victim's chest, the aggressor sneered while taunting the 'prodigy'.
[I thought I already said to shut that trap of yours. Why? Are you deaf? Huh!? What happened to that passionate voice from before?](?)
Seeing things turn violent, the crowd shook their head secretly and prayed that the newbies don't do anything stupid. Then, they heard the most ridiculous thing they could possibly imagine.
[Tug, Millie are these the retards in question?](Never)
[I think so. They act as the local bullies and have the same trashy lines that a one time appearing small fry would have in a novel. Should be them.](Tug)
[I also think so. Even if Never's rant was embarrassing, acting like they own the place with just their pathetic level of strength is truly shameful...](Millie)
[So? What now?](Never)
[Dunno. Millie?](Tug)
[Hmm, we should place our bets!](Millie)
The surrounding cultivators, as well as the aggressors almost fell to the ground when they heard the conversation between them. Not only were the newbies not afraid, they even wanted to place bets on the fight between the blabber-mouth and the one that just flattened him to the ground!? Did they somehow become brainwashed by the one called Never and fail to recognize the difference between fantasy and reality?
To their despair, things only became stranger from there onward.
[System, I want to make a deal!](Millie)
[System, I want to make a deal!](Tug)
[System, I want to make a deal!](Phoenix V)
[System, I want to make a deal!](Prawn)
One by one, every newbie said the same sentence, and even if they couldn't hear its contents they realized that these people were betting with the System on a fight between Never and the aggressors. Not only that, but the currency being used would surely be Spirit Jades, since nothing else usually is of interest to the System. Indeed, the newborn calf is not afraid of the tiger, but to go as far as betting on it winning, have these people lost their minds!?
[Hahahaha! They are betting on this trash winning against me? With Spirit Jades as well? If I didn't know better, I would think I am still in bed dreaming. Hey, blabber-mouth, aren't you going to bet...](?)
[System, I want to make a deal!](Never)
Please specify the contents of the deal!
[I would fight alone against all others holding evil intent against myself or my group. I want to bet on it using Spirit Jades.](Never)
Acknowledged and accepted!
The bet will be accepted at a 3 to 1 chance, 3 for the user's win, and 1 for the aggressors!
Please specify the amount you want to bet!
People around couldn't believe their ears. A 3 to 1!? That was a Qi Gathering cultivator we were talking about and he was supposed to fight over fifty others at the Foundation realm. It should be a 50.000 to 1 chance!
Even the ones dubbed as the 'aggressors' couldn't help but laugh.
[Who knew! Even the System can malfunction now and the... ARGH!](?)
Hearing such a heart-wrenching scream filled with pain, everyone turned their heads to look at the one still standing arrogantly in the middle of the plaza while stepping on the youth called Never. Now, however, the person in question was on the ground himself twisting and turning like an eel. The scariest thing about him would be the missing leg and the pool of blood gathering around him.
An amount of 30.472 Spirit Jades has been placed as a bet.
Hearing the amount betted by Never, the other Autarchs bitterly shook their heads. The System didn't publicize the contents of the deal unless the user requests it. This friend of theirs was too high profile for their own good. And they weren't wrong about it! Everyone in the crowd felt their worlds shatter around them.
Someone betted on being able to win in a fight as a Qi Gathering I cultivator versus 56 early Foundation and latter Qi Gathering cultivators alone. Not only that, but the said madmen used 30.472 Spirit Jades to do so. 30.472!!!
Gulping while looking at the still crying and yelling aggressor, they saw a leg ripped out of its socket in the hands of Never. Without much thought, he whipped it towards the head of the one that just slapped and stomped on him, crushing his head into bits.
[And then there were only 55 left...](Never)
The change in tone of voice brought shivers down everyone's spines. It was now calm and emotionless, completely different from its previous exuberant and boastful self. The silence in the plaza and the lack of a screaming voice made it plenty obvious that the first one died already. He came in such an arrogant manner and slapped the youth, asking for his silence... only to be permanently silenced himself. What irony!
[I already told all of you. We are the Autarch Haven! We are the ones that announce the Heavens to be too low and mourn at the lack of adventure. Now that a new Heaven has shown itself in front of us, those that try to put a damper on it... will all perish!](Never)
[What are you waiting for you morons! Attack him!](?)
The closest among the original five attacked with his fists, only to realize a second later that he couldn't feel his hands anymore, and instead searing pain could be sensed from four different spots. To the amazement of the crowd, in the blink of an eye Never ripped the attacker's hands off their sockets and stabbed the unlucky bastard with them. One went through his chest and one through his abdomen. The sod died before even realizing what happened.
From there on, all hell broke loose and the 'newbie' started hunting the ones he betted against. With the System's interference, none of them could leave given the huge amount of Spirit Jades involved and instead were slaughtered one by one. Occasionally they would get hits in, however, it didn't appear that they did any damage to Never whatsoever.
Half an hour later, 56 corpses, most of which were lacking limbs or had crushed skulls were laid on the ground.
[As always, you are too messy, damn it! Look at what you did! There are limbs strewn across the entire plaza for f*cks sake! I think I'm going to be sick...](Abs)
[Can't help it. Didn't you see that some of them used weird techniques? I know none using Qi, so I had to resort to brute force...](Never)
[You always resort to brute force...](Prawn)
[Prawn you bastard, do you want to have a go as well!?](Never)
[Oh, what happened to the Autarch Joseph?](Prawn)
[Enough! We've created enough of a scene. Did everyone get their Spirit Jades reward?](Tug)
[Yup! Over 90.000 Spirit Jades here!](Never)
[Cocky bastard! You're lucky that your pain tolerance is higher than mine.](Phoenix V)
[It's not much of a difference between you two, so why are you arguing?](Saint V)
[He opened his acupoints in a 1, 2, 2, 5, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 100, 100, 100 sequence, while I did in a 1, 4, 5, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 100, 100, 100 sequence. It's obvious I'm superior.](Never)
[I'm confused...](Saint V)
[Oh? Didn't Tug and Abs had better results than you Never?](Millie)
[You!? Aren't you supposed to be on my side!?](Never)
[As the Autarch Real News, how can I lie?](Millie)
In the sound of a boisterous laugh, the group of prodigies that called themselves Autarchs left the plaza. In their wake, 56 bodies remained on the ground deader than dead. Those nearby that heard their rants went pale when realizing that the 'sequence' they were talking about was how they opened their primary acupoints before starting cultivation. Those monsters opened one hundred acupoints at one time each, more than once?
Leaving the plaza and heading for the nearest sect after some inquiries, Tug looked at Millie and asked calmly.
[What should we do next?](Tug)
[Grow stronger. That's all I remember written at the end of the paper He wrote.](Millie)
[Gifting us a way to strengthen our bodies, helping with the opening of our acupoints, giving advice about the trials and now helping us triple our Spirit Jades... it seems like we owe him quite a bit indeed. What did you say His name was?](Tug)
[Herman Roy!](Millie)
[Herman, huh? I wonder what kind of monster is he?](Tug)
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