《Land Of Zhelerez》Chapter 26.1 – Valentine’s Day
xD There's still other things that I need to work on before I could happily continue writing.
The schedule will probably extend to 1 chapter every 1 week.
Thanks for reading my fanfiction guys!
I know it's a little early but here it is a chapter for valentine's day ^-^
I was thinking to publish it on 14th Feb but seeing how I made you guys wait this long for a chapter
so I decided well why not!
^-^ Enjoy!
Chapter 26.1 – Valentine’s Day
This event took place a week after Ryo flick Reena towards the wall. Conveniently in a world with magic, Elizabeth and her husband were able to renovate their house within seconds. It seems her husband is one of the magician that have the ability to control earth. Reena on the other hand, woke up after a day of sleep and became more depressed about Ryo being stronger than her, well that’s another chapter to talk about.
Reena was worried as there was no news from either her best friend Nanami or the King itself. It felt as if nothing had happened a week before, everyone had already finished tidy up the mess and all of the collapsed walls had been fixed.
[Ryo perspective of view]
“It’s been a month I’ve been in this world, and I still haven’t accustomed myself to this reality. Magic, is far more valuable than science, even though I, myself don’t understand how it works but it feels like they could create anything they want.”
Looking to the top right wall of the room that I am currently living in, with the permission of Elizabeth and her husband. I realize they too had a calendar, bringing myself up from the bed I took a look at today’s date.
“14 February, Mmm valentine day huh. Oh well, it doesn’t affect me anymore, I don’t even have a girlfriend myself. Thinking about it, I had never gotten a chocolate ever once in my previous world. Looking at all of the various anime’s show showing how most girls would create handmade chocolate for their friends and families I felt cheated in a way, well I am probably exaggerating but I really shouldn’t have expected that much.”
Sfx “ Boom Boom Boom”
Brights light suddenly lit up the morning skies, it seems there’s something going to happen today. Haibara had already gone out without saying anything and Reena looks excited of how she was acting yesterday it seems today is the day she was waiting for.
“Eh? Don’t tell me she wanted to create a handmade chocolate for me? No Ryo, don’t think too positive of yourself, look in this mirror………… Sigh….. Well, Reena still probably be scared of me isn’t she? From the day she woke up, it seems she is still keeping herself away from me.”
A sound of my stomach grumbling, telling me that it is time to eat breakfast. Opening the door, I had a slight surprise seeing Reena were directly in front of the doorway.
“Arhh!” (Reena)
‘From how her hand is shape, it seems she probably wanted to wake me up for the breakfast… Wait she didn’t try to wake me up before this, is this it? She’s going to ask me what kind of flavour I like…………. Man, Why am I even thinking about this, Sigh I guess thinking about Valentine day made me hope for something, let’s just ask what she wants’
“Is today a special day?”
‘W-wait! Isn’t that too direct! What if she wanted to surprise me…..? Damn!’
“Yup!” (Reena)
‘……. Phew, she doesn’t look disappoint. She say yup, so there’s really something special about today.’
“Ehh…. So what’s so special about it?”
“Hehehe you should see it for yourself!” (Reena)
‘Hey hey, is she giving me a false hope right now or they really have a valentine’s day in this world?’
Looking over to the window in my room, the sound of boom is still ongoing so it is really that special, making the whole kingdom excited just for this event.
‘I wonder what event it is going to be……….. ’
“Hey Reena, why did you suddenly try to wake me up today?”
“Eh? W-well …. Nothing much I just felt like it hehehe anyway come on let’s go eat breakfast” (Reena)
“Oh okay”
‘Very suspicious indeed….Is it because the event is about me, is it a celebration about me being able to chase away the enemy, no…no probably not, the King doesn’t even try to talk to me much less creating a celebration for me.’
I continue walking down toward the living room, with every step I find myself being taken in by the smell of the most delicious food ever in this world. Steak, not exactly the meat by the same animal but by a six-legged monster called Tugari.
‘I wish I wouldn’t meet this Tugari in future or I probably couldn’t bring myself to eat this delirious food that I was told to only be serve in a rare event. Every time I said event or something similar I wonder why Valentine’s Day keep pops out in my head. Am I that excited about it…?’
In any case, I increased my pace in order to get a taste of these steak. Turn around the corner, there is it, brown meat covered with ….. I’ve got no idea what is that sauce, never seen it before but it is definitely the one that I am smelling right now.
“Ryo you haven’t seen this before?” (Elizabeth)
I unconsciously nodded my head vigorously, after wiping my hand with a clean cloth I quickly took a seat and carry on drooling and staring at the food till Elizabeth husband came in.
“God I thank you for giving us your blessings and allows us to receive this splendid food that is right in front of us, alright let’s dig in” (Elizabeth)
“……………Hey Elizabeth, this is the first time I seen you pray to the gods before we ate the food.”
“Hahaha Ryo it only happen on this day, you see this day is one of the special occasion that we should spent our time with our dear ones, right dear?” (Elizabeth)
“…. Y-yea sure…” (???)
“Ahhh so cute!! You are blushing even though we have been married for over 10 years…” (Elizabeth)
“S-Shutdup…. Come on eat, you two! Stop staring at us and eat!” (???)
‘Spent time with our dear ones huh….’
While thinking about the words ‘dear ones’ I unconsciously turn to Reena that at the same time turn to me. Both of us gave each other a surprise look and quickly turn back to our food that for some reason doesn’t look delicious anymore. I didn’t have the courage to look back at Reena but seeing the expression shown by Elizabeth it seems both of us are blushing profusely.
“burgh… Excuse me”
Putting down the fork, I started cleaning up the plates to help out with the chores even though Elizabeth usually manage to take it away before I got the chance to help but today was unexpectedly different, the atmosphere were too out of ordinary, this couple were still in their own world staring at each other after finishing clearing up, suddenly there was a tug on the back of my shirt, turning around, it was Reena her face were flush red. Seeing her expression it suddenly made me nervous as well and were constantly taking deep breath in order to calm myself down.
“Uhm… Ryo are you free today?” (Reena)
“Y-Yea is there something you need?”
After nodding she replied softly
“Can you follow me today?” (Reena)
‘…..Mannnnn I should be the one that invite her out not the other way around …. There goes my coolness, if there’s one anyway. I wonder why she wants me to follow her.’
“Sure, I’ve got nothing else to do other than practising to control my strength anyway”
“Great!!! Arh….. alright I see you in an hour in the usual bar alright?” (Reena)
“Eh? An hour …. Oh okay?”
‘An hour? Why? She already looks like she could go out with her current outfit, it’s her usual outfit isn’t…… Don’t tell me there’s an outfit for this kind of occasion too? Nice I can’t wait!’
Getting back to my room….. I felt very restless, an hour….. It feels like an eternity to me, I wish I had internet, it is the best way to waste time. I know let’s practice to control my strength to pass the time…
~ After 20 mins of trying to practice
‘I give up….It’s not working, I can’t concentrate, with all of these random scenarios keep pops out in my head and what if moments, what if Haibara sees us……. ARGHH! I hope she doesn’t try to kill everyone later….’
“Sigh ….. Haibara huh…”
“Did you called me Ryo?” (Haibara)
Suddenly appearing and sitting at the ledge of the window of my room.
“Eh ah…….. Wait No! What are you doing there!?”
“I just got back from my business, hooh you look as if you don’t want me here….” (Haibara)
‘She will probably know… the earlier she know, she probably won’t harm anyone…’
“Ha Ha Ha…. Nothing much, I will be going out with Reena. I guess you are free to go anywhere”
The room turns cold in a split second before being back to normal, Haibara were still looking at me with a wide smile.
“Ehhh then I will have the pleasure to accompany you too Ryo…. Al..Right?” (Haibara)
‘Am I regretting telling her?’
“Y-Yea …. By the way Haibara do you know what’s the special occasion that everyone is talking about today?”
“……?? You don’t know?” (Haibara)
“You do!? Come on tell me! What’s with that boom boom boom I heard that made me awake?”
“Did you ask Reena about it?” (Haibara)
“Yea… she said I should see it for myself…”
After hearing my reply, Haibara suddenly made a smile, wider than her normal one…
“You’re scaring me Haibara”
“Fufufu….Well I see you later then” (Haibara)
She suddenly jump out from the window…
‘Oi…oi… It’s the third floor you know… Oh, 10 minutes left, time to get ready, I didn’t realize time pass by so quickly while talking to her.’
Pushing the bar door slowly, rather than seeing Reena, Haibara were waving to me… I slowly walk up to her to ask why she knew where were we be meeting, and here I thought me and Reena were able to go out without her knowing.
“….Hey …. How did you know where we be meeting?”
“I got my ways…” (Haibara)
‘Now that I look at her again, she were wearing a beautiful dress, she never wore a dress before, it is the first time I’m seeing her in it, now that I realize, almost all of the guys in the bar were eyeing her.’
“Oh okay…… Haibara, you look beautiful …..”
“T-Thanks….. Fufufu…. Are you somehow angry at how the people are looking at me?” (Haibara)
“Eh…Arh… You know me well huh?”
“Of course Ryo, I been following you ever since we meet and talk to each other…” (Haibara)
‘This person just confessed she had been stalking me from way back….. A dangerous person with a totally different reason’
“Haibara!! Why are you here!?” (??)
A voice shouting from the entrance…
It was Reena, frowning and continuing shouting at Haibara.
‘Is she mad that I was not alone? In any case, there’s really a dress for this event, she looks dazzling with the red dress that act as if it was created just for her.’
“? Ryo! Did you drag her in this!?” (Reena)
“You look beautiful….”
“Eh.........T-Thanks …..” (Reena)
Reena face turn extremely red while quickly looking down at her feet meanwhile I was staring at her
Silence surround the bar for 10 seconds or more till Haibara broke it…
“Let’s go!” (Haibara)
“…..Haibara! Nanami won’t feel comfortable if you’re here!” (Reena)
‘Arh…… It’s not because she wanted to be alone with me….. Now I feel depress…’
“What happen Ryo?” (Reena)
“No… I’m fine, let’s go Reena”
‘Finally we start moving, I finally will know why Reena called me out’
“Okay… Haibara don’t scare her alright!” (Reena)
“If she doesn’t start flirting with Ryo….” (Haibara)
‘I feel like my existence is getting smaller and smaller, they kept on arguing with each other.’
“Ohhh Ryo here, this shop” (Reena)
Reena excitedly skip to the shop, she looks really happy well except to the fact that she will frown every time she look at Haibara…
‘I wonder what she did to Nanami that makes Reena be like this. This shop looks different than the rest….. It’s a jewellery shop! Are we buying a ring! Oi… Oi stop creating an imba delusion.’
“Welcome vi…..sitor please take a look around” (Owner)
‘It seems the person is kind enough to pause and glare at me due to how I am wearing my normal outfit, he is definitely looking down on me now. Anyway I wonder what she is …… She’s looking at the ring!! No! Stop me!’
“Reena…. What are we searching for?”
“Mmmm searching for a ring that I like….” (Reena)
I wonder why the owner were still glaring at me, it was when I notice the price of each of this jewellery that I realize he thought I was going to steal his items…
‘Though I can’t believe Reena had this much money ….. 20 gold for 1 ring….’
Coincidentally there were a few couples speaking to each other which ring is good for the ceremony…
‘Marriage ceremony huh… No no no stop thinking stupid things!’
Shaking my head a couple of times had somehow attracted attention, now Haibara were giving me a pitiful look, why?
“Haibara…. Not buying 1?”
“….? Why should I?” (Haibara)
“Oh... I thought the ring Reena buying right now is link to the occasion today…”
“Nope I don’t need one, I got you here what’s the point of buying some ridiculous ring, I can just give you a scar to proof you are mine…Fufufu” (Haibara)
‘You are somehow correct and dangerous at the same time….’
“..Oh ok… Reena why are you buying 2?”
“Well of course I need 2 isn’t to proof that the 2 person are connected?” (Reena)
‘There goes 40 gold….. Though is Reena bold or am I just misunderstanding something. In any case today is the day to spend it with your dear ones…’
I walk up to Haibara and slowly pat her head and caress her hair, didn’t know whether Haibara would allow me to do so or not but it seems I am worrying for nothing. She look as if she’s in heaven.
“Fufufu aren’t you bold Ryo?” (Haibara)
“Why? I heard today is the day to spent it with your dear ones so I thought we should do this kind of things once in a while”
“……… Here I thought I am one of the discarded ones… I’m touched… Though I would like if you will do this more often rather than once in a while.” (Haibara)
“Ryo not fair! Do it with me also!” (Reena)
“Oh Reena you’re done with choosing the ring?”
“Mou!! I already finish paying it long ago! You were patting her for so long!” (Reena)
“I guess I was distracted looking at Haibara blissful face that I forgot the time…”
“Hey! My turn!”(Reena)
“B-But aren’t we supposed to go somewhere?”
“Booo not giving your 2nd wife a chance!”(???)
“Yea yea!” (???)
‘It seems that these people doesn’t care about other people privacy’
“Hey I’m going to be the first!” (Reena)
“What!?”(Almost all of the people in the shop)
‘This is getting more and more ridiculous…’
“Reena…. Come on let’s go, I will pat you along the way alright?”
“Hmm! Okay!”(Reena)
“Ryo why are you stopping?” (Haibara)
“But we are going to start walking….”
“Continue …..p…please….” (Haibara)
‘Please…….Oh god, the first time I heard she said that…. It seems she like it that much huh…’
“S-sure Haibara….”
30 seconds later…
“Mom… that guy is harassing two girls…” (boy)
“Shhhhh don’t say anything you will get me in trouble” (Mom)
‘……You won’t get in trouble you know… I don’t kill innocent people….’
I guess patting 2 beautiful ladies head really attract a lot of unwanted attention, it seems every guy really wanted me dead right now. I wonder if I am one of them when I’m in my previous world.
After 5 minutes, they finally looked satisfied and started grabbing my hand, left side taken by Haibara while Reena on my right side and because of how they are not wearing any armour, I could feel their soft chest that touching each of my arms. Now I don’t really care much about the true meaning of this occasion anymore.
‘Thinking back, I am grateful to be able to meet up with Reena, even though she thought I was the enemy, Hahahahaha her reaction is too funny meanwhile I only notice Haibara when she suddenly volunteer herself to guide us, I still can’t figure out why she wanted to do that.’
“Nanami over here!!” (Reena)
‘Nanami huh, it’s been 1 week we never met her…. Oh it seems she’s wearing her own dress and as expected being a noble beats both Haibara and Reena, her clothes looks too gorgeous…… even though she doesn’t match with it…’
“Doesn’t match huh….”
“I heard that Ryo…. ” (Nanami)
“….Hahaha….Your clothes look beautiful….”
“…….Thanks I guess?” (Nanami)
“Mou! Ryo! You are rude to Nanami…” (Reena)
“Ah no it’s fine …….Really it’s fine…. By the way Reena why is ….she doing here? I thought you told me you only going to invite Ryo?”(Nanami)
“Ehh am I not invited?” (Haibara)
“Of course, so it would be helpful if you separate from us now” (Nanami)
‘….. This girl is digging her grave….Well initially I wouldn’t want her to come but now that I know the reason why Reena doesn’t invite Haibara it feels bad to leave her now.’
“Isn’t it fine? Haibara won’t do anything bad right Haibara?”
“……Of course!” (Haibara)
“And if she do anything bad I promise I won’t pat her ever again…”
“Urk………..Err…..Tsk…” (Haibara)
“R-Right Haibara?”
“Y-Yes……” (Haibara)
“Ehhhh I didn’t think you are able to tame this commander…” (Nanami)
‘……Haibara is a knight commander, that’s a first time hearing that.’
“Fufufu, I am not anymore….” (Haibara)
“Eh why?”
“I decided I wanted to travel with you, better than serving someone that doesn’t deserve to be save.” (Haibara)
“Anyway… Nanami hold up your hand…” (Reena)
“Eh? Oh okay…..What are you ………….Reena? A ring for me?”(Nanami)
“Hehehe….Happy birthday Reena, even though its early I thought it is better early than late.” (Reena)
“Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!?? Les?”
“Ryo why are you shouting!?” (Reena)
“Wh….Why are you giving her a ring for her birthday present?”
“….Promise…” (Nanami)
“Eh? Promise?”
“Yeah… One of the stories that we read, it said that if two girls have the same ring worn on their pinky finger it symbolize friendship that will never part, Sigh I thought you would have forgotten about it though” (Nanami)
“I won’t! You’re my best friend!” (Reena)
Reena walk up to Nanami and gave her a hug…
“Happy birthday Nanami” (Reena)
“Thanks Reena, I am grateful and happy to receive this gift.” (Nanami)
After a minute of hugging each other, they slowly break apart and Nanami decided that it was okay that Haibara came along. Somehow or another a carriage conveniently appeared and was waiting for us.
It took 20 minutes, 20 minutes to reach her mansion. 5 minutes to reach her front gate and the rest to reach the final destination.
‘I wonder why they put the mansion so far from the gate…. Don’t tell me they do not want people to get inside their house that much?’
“It’s unfortunate that I can only accompany you guys for 3 hour after that I would need to be back to the castle.”(Nanami)
“Even though it is your birthday?”
“……Ryo you don’t know? Even after the booming that started 3 hours ago?” (Nanami)
“Sigh… I don’t, these two young ladies decided it was best to leave it alone….”
“….Hahaha..I guess they are scared of having another rival… What? Alright Haibara, on top of the special day today, it is the princess birthday for this kingdom that’s why everyone is very excited to come to meet her. Today is her 15th birthday the day she will finally be able to go out from her castle. Well I guess both of them are wary what kind of girls like you hahaha and they are right Hahahahaha anyway welcome to my mansion….” (Nanami)
“Tsk annoying person…”(Haibara)
“Sigh… That’s the reason huh…”
“Why are you being carefree Ryo! Don’t you realize after hearing that you alone had chase away the enemy army that princess wanted to meet badly that she jump down the 5th storey building in order to meet you! Mou! Nanami why did you tell him!” (Reena)
‘Another dangerous person…… Am I lucky or unlucky’
“In any case, I won’t accept her feelings…. Coz she is the princess of this kingdom”
“For now that is….” (Nanami)
“….What did …you just say Nanami?”
“This kingdom has 3 princess the first one is 24 years old, and second is 21 years old. So I don’t think this third princess will be married to anyone else other than you…. Well force I guess?”(Nanami)
“………..HUH…. Don’t tell me …. Haha I am scared of you attacking us, so I’ll be marrying my daughter to you in order to keep you in check…. Argh!! Haibara! Reena! We should go back to Kitaro village”
“Okay!” (Haibara & Reena)
“No need to rush, you guys still have a month before the King would call you out…” (Nanami)
“Hey… Can we forget about the serious stuff for now and enjoy this party?”
“Yea yea! Oh yeah Nanami did you bought any new stories?”(Reena)
“Of course! Follow me!” (Nanami)
‘….So me and Haibara got left out huh, I wonder what I should do with all of these nobles that are glaring at me’
“Pat…. me…….” (Haibara)
“Not now… Haibara anyway did you had your lunch yet? We should grab a couple of bites before Nanami had to leave.”
“Alright….” (Haibara)
‘She sounds depress being rejected, heh she’s really addicted to the feeling of being pat huh…’
After we took a plate of food we decided to sit at the chairs in which it is nearest to the front door. Even though it was abrupt, I blurt out my opinion to Haibara.
“Haibara I’m glad that I meet you…”
Haibara drop her spoon after hearing what I said…. Her expression looks like she is very shocked and happy at the same time, it was too funny that I started laughing…
“Pffft…. Hahha… Hey! Sto….Stop kicking alright alright I’m sorry for laughing!”
Haibara started kicking after hearing Ryo laughter
“…..Me too….” (Haibara)
“I wish I could meet you sooner before you became who you are today but what past is past… Thanks for guiding us Haibara”
“……………We…..sob…welcome…sob..You’re welcome” (Haibara)
Haibara started crying, she probably were thinking about her past. How she became a yandare and a stalker….
“I’m sorry for making you cry….”
I wipe her tears from her eyes and unconsciously pat her head while Haibara started leaning her head on my shoulder.
“I wish we could spent our life doing this carefree stuff …. Sigh ”
Haibara didn’t say anything but just nod her head slowly, I didn’t say but I wish I could look at her smile right now, I manage to catch a slight glimpse before she lean on my shoulder and it was the most beautiful smile I seen from her, it even made me smile to myself.
We spent creating casual conversation about what kind of food she like and the things she do other than stalking me. Only after 3 hours that Reena came back out from Nanami room. I still don’t get it why she wanted me to follow her, what is the actual reason? Reena actually felt bad for leaving us for 3 hours but after I reply no worries as Haibara had accompany me, she frown her eyebrow while Haibara were laughing.
It seems Reena had also manage to eat while she is inside Nanami room, at least we do not need to waste money on lunch for Reena. I doubt she care as she just spent 40 gold for her promise with Nanami. We got back inside the carriage that will drop us at the same place from where it had taken us and then it will continues to take Nanami to the castle.
After waving goodbyes to Nanami, the three of us started our shopping. Inventory sure is useful, I do not need to carry anything and just give them suggestion on whether is the outfit match them or not.
“Reena what did you do for 3 hours?”
“Ahh…….Ah.. N-Normal stuff y-you know, seeing her new book collection” (Reena)
‘Normal stuff…… So why is she panicking this much? Well doesn’t affect me anyway.’
“Mmm should we go back home? It’s getting late anyway”
“Yeah Elizabeth will probably want us back so she could start to eat…Then…. What did you and Haibara do while I was gone?” (Reena)
‘Eh? She is that curious?’
“Fufufu….. We had a splendid moment just between ourselves…” (Haibara)
“Eh? Ryo really!?” (Reena)
‘It really is splendid moment but the way you say it makes her misunderstood Haibara….’
“MOU!! Even though……….I was trying…” (Reena)
“Eh? Did you say something?”
“N-Nothing! Come on let’s go!” (Reena)
‘I wish we had more stuff we could do with each other….. Movies, bowling….. I should create one in the future.’
Three of us had our usual casual conversation where Haibara and Reena will start arguing among themselves and I will chip in once here and there. Fortunately there wasn’t much crowd unlike just now, thus we are able to walk slowly back to our temporary house.
“We are back” (Reena & Ryo)
“Welcome back guys!” (Elizabeth)
“Haibara you should try to make a habit of saying it, it’s the place where you stay….”
“I’ll try….” (Haibara)
‘Hooh it seems she’s in a good mood, she usually would frown whenever I nag at her’
“Elizabeth what’s for dinner today?”
“Tugari!” (Elizabeth)
“Eh really!? You’re awesome Elizabeth!”
“…….Well today it is said that eating Tugari for breakfast, lunch and dinner brings good luck” (Reena)
‘………Doom day for Tugari…..’
“….In any case thanks Elizabeth!”
“You are welcome, come sit, I’ve already serve the dinner on the table. Dear wake up!” (Elizabeth)
‘I should have waited to eat lunch before going out….’’
“Ryo even after going to a noble house and ate a huge amount of food that is more expensive than this Tugari, you still looks as if you had some regrets…” (Elizabeth)
“Eh how did you know that we gone to a noble house?”
“Reena told me, in any case her favour is a unique one…. Hahahaha” (Elizabeth)
“Eli!! Mou!! Don’t say it!” (Reena)
“Oh my you still haven’t pass it to him yet?” (Elizabeth)
“What is it Reena?”
“………………..Err……” (Reena)
“Just give it to him Reena” (Elizabeth)
“F-Fine!! You just want to see his reaction isn’t!?” (Reena)
“….. Reaction?”
I turn to Haibara to get some answer but she looks blur as much as me.
“Hahaha” (Elizabeth)
“H-here….. Here is it Ryo” (Reena)
“…………………..THIS ……This is…..”
A rectangle bar were presented to Ryo, even though the colour is different than usual but Ryo knew, it is a chocolate bar.
“Hahaha Reena tried her best you know…” (Elizabeth)
“I ….I heard from you about how today is valvetime day and people give these things to their love ones… I’m sorry for eavesdropping….” (Reena)
“……………?” (Haibara)
Valvetime? Oh… Valentine’s Day I didn’t expect my eyes would become wet just by seeing this nostalgia food right in front of me… Reena create this?
“Y…You create this?”
“………..I saw the paper and the ingredient… I don’t know some of them so I ask Eli and Nanami about it…” (Reena)
‘She saw the paper that I wrote the ingredient in…. I can’t believe she would do it…’
“Ryo how do you know how to create this interesting food?” (Elizabeth)
“Eh? …………. I….”
“Eli! Ryo going to try the food don’t disturb him!” (Reena)
‘Thanks Reena…. ’
I slowly put the chocolate inside my mouth…………
‘Argh….. Sweet… Too sweet….but it is still a chocolate…’
My body move on my own, unconsciously hug Reena that were currently in a daze. Reena was about to get out from my grip till I bring down my head towards hers and slowly kiss her.
“Thank you Reena……”
“…Eh?” (Reena)
Reena still couldn’t believe what just happen but she slowly realize, her face got red as time goes on finally she squirm in happiness before fainting while standing and having the best smile she had.
Elizabeth and her husband started laughing so hard while Haibara were frowning
I wipe my eyes while looking at the rest of the chocolate I was holding on my hand
‘Finally my first valentine’s chocolate’
That day, Reena didn’t even wake up even after Elizabeth pour water on her while Haibara started requesting Ryo to kiss her too, he decline but continue patting her while eating the Tugari.
As for the chocolate, it was too sweet for him to eat it thus he kept inside his inventory to remind him of this day.
- In Serial74 Chapters
Wildcards: The Dread Captain
At the District One Invitational, a rookie eSports team defied all odds and reached the finals. Their underdog story and humble beginnings elevated them to worldwide acclaim. Media corporations dubbed them, The Paragons. With their main competition eliminated from the tournament during the semifinals, the rookie team sailed through the live finals and won by a landslide. Their prize was to become the first ever players in the most exclusive VR game yet, Abidden. The Paragons never celebrated that semi-final victory. They lost a friend in that match, who never appeared online again. Ten years later, the gaming landscape has changed and Abidden with it. Helena is the last remaining Paragon. Her team now consists of celebrities, influencers and musicians. Abidden has been reduced to a shadow of its former glory, but is the most streamed and viewed game in the world, despite having only a handful of players. None of this matters to James Sylvester. Finally out of hospital, things aren't good for James. He's found himself crippled with medical debt, his gaming licence has been revoked and he's permanently lost his place in society. He now spends his days competing in illegal slum arcades to manage the repayments. When a high-profile job comes along, James gets temporary backdoor access to his blacklisted gaming account. After reactivating it for the first time in ten years, James receives an invitation that could change his life forever. Disclaimer: This story is in no way or form associated with the works of George R. R. Martin and has no link to the popularised series, Wild Cards. This is a LitRPG story of my own creation that shares that name.
8 126 - In Serial29 Chapters
Tome of the Body
Every great story needs an author. Samuel Bragg, an ordinary human map maker, sets out from his humdrum life in a small village to take over the estate of his late father, and discovers that an ancient, fallen god calls out to him in his sleep. Come find me, it says. Intrigued, Samuel sets out to find the deity, assisted by his two new mysterious and powerful friends. Read Tome of the Body to discover what happens when a legend is born. In a world teeming with the extraordinary, what can be accomplished by a young man who is quite ordinary himself? Together, we will learn, just as Samuel does, that even amongst the ordinary, the extraordinary can be born. New chapter every day until completed. This story is posted both on ScribbleHub and Royal Road
8 129 - In Serial18 Chapters
The Forgotten Love
Hi, I love to read the Harry Potter series and watch the movies! And I love fan-fiction. Also, I'm in the LGBTQ+ family. Add that all together and you get... A Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Harry Potter fan-fiction writer! This is my first series. I thought of Drarry first but now I think I should write a Hon / Rarry / candyshipping story.
8 161 - In Serial99 Chapters
My Secret Boyfriend
In which (Y/n) Weasley, the twin sister of Ron Weasley, falls for her family's enemy. (draco malfoy x weasley!reader) you will be described as having red hair. if you don't like, don't read. lolzhighest rankings: 1- dracomalfoy1- dracolovestory1- ronweasley1- hogwarts1- hufflepuff 1- weasley1- fredweasley1- hogwarts2- slytherin1- dracoxreader|prisoner of azkaban- deathly hallows|(all rights to j.k. rowling for her characters and plot.)
8 183 - In Serial8 Chapters
Behind the Scenes of Getting Raped
My name is Maddy Merrill, and this story is about my experience of getting raped. I wrote this story to help others who are struggling as I am. Rape is such a taboo topic, and people do not talk about it enough. If you or someone you know, please get help. The National Sexual Assault Hotline number is 1-800-656-4673 or, I am always welcome to chat. Remember... IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT THIS HAPPENED TO YOU.
8 203 - In Serial70 Chapters
[MXTX] Three Times the Love
One day, three worlds clashed into one. Wei Wuxian didn't understand why a sudden earthquake interrupted he and his lover's time together, why he'd exchange eye contact with an obsessive couple, nor why he'd find a gorgeous stranger weeping over a dirty ol' mantou. However, the cultivation world now has fierce corpses, ghosts, and demons within their lands and only trouble will brew if they continue to go rogue. The unknown had rounded three worlds who'd fight the heavens for their love, and go to the extremes. "We have three times the love!" !WARNING! [contains the three main ships and other multiple ships, such as LiuQiu, ZhuiLing, XiCheng, FengQing]- WRITTEN BY COOLCOOL-AID -============The cover is not mine! The fanart was found on Pinterest.
8 234