《The Adventures of a Skyrim Modder in Another World》Chapter 8: To South, To The Holy Wall!


(Mika’s POV)

I left Shadowmere on the stables and went to my room, the bunny girl on my shoulder. Surprisingly, when I said that she was a slave, the innkeeper left me alone, and the weird looks from the onlookers stopped.

In my room, I made a cut on my finger and took off her shirt, revealing her body. Her face turned red, but I ignore it. It’s not my first time seeing a pair of big titties. But it’s the second time that I see a tattoo between them.

So this is the slave crest. I rub my blood on the blank space in the middle of the crest. My blood on her skin moves by itself, becoming part of the pattern of the crest. Nodding to myself, I stop blocking the regeneration of my body. After all, it would be a hindrance to not to bleed when needed too.

I also don’t feel any pain if I don’t want too. And many other things. As I feel the tug on my mind, feeling linked to the slave mark. So this is how it works… I now can reproduce them, and even improve them. This is one of the cheats that I have from modding. I always liked to make things with roleplay elements.

So, my character, whenever he was hit with a magic, or anything magical entered in contact with him, he would learn that. The roleplay behind the mechanic behind it is that he analyses the magic and learn it. And now that roleplay thingie is what actually happens.

I snap my fingers, releasing the paralysis. She instantly covers her breasts, looking shily at me, with some anger in her eyes. Less than before though. Is it for the shirt? She doesn’t seem as angry as that time that she tried to run away in the forest.

Ignoring her anger, I say:

(Mika): “You can put your shirt back on. So, now that we are calm, I can finally explain things. Hi, my name is Mika, and now, I’m you master.”

The girl, now dressed in her shirt, speaks in a surprisingly cute voice.

(Lily): “Lily Blackfoot. I’m a rabbit beastman, from the Battle Rabbits tribe.”

I nodded, sitting in a chair in front of her, since she’s sitting on my bed where I laid her to bind the seal.

(Mika): “Alright, let’s get right to business. I originally bought you to guide me to the dungeon city… but my objective has changed. I want to see more of the world, since I lived in seclusion until some time ago. So, Lily, what can you tell about this world?”

(Lily): “What do you want to know specifically?”

She asks, tilting her head cutely.


(Mika): “You can start by this kingdom an it’s famous places, after that, you can tell me about the things on the other kingdoms in our journey.”

(Lily): “Well, the Folia kingdom doesn’t have that much interesting things. There is the capital city, with it’s Magic Academy that is an impressive building… but that’s it. The Folia empire is famous for it’s combat prowess and formidable army, as well it’s knight order.”

Knight order… Lucia’s face comes to mind. She did give me that emblem. I should visit her on the capital sometime later. But my immediate amusement comes first.

(Lily): “The Folia Empire has a deep and long-lasting relationship with the Holy Kingdom to the south, the Lustra Kingdom, that are leaded by their pope. To the south of Lustra, there is a peninsula that was corrupted by black magic long ago, turning the dead in an infested place of the undead.

There, they have built one of the Five Wonders, the Great Holy Wall, a wall so massive that inside they have a city, the headquarters of the paladin order. There’s also the Bone Palace beyond the Wall, but it’s impossible to cross the Wall-“

(Mika): “Great! We are going there!”

I interrupt her, getting up suddenly from my chair. She looks at me surprised by my jump, saying:

(Lily): “What?”

(Lily’s POV)

Master surprised me when he suddenly got up. Unfortunately, I can’t escape from him now that he bound me, so no use running, might as well at least serve him. I thought he was going to rape me, but in the end he just binded my slave crest. I’m letting my guard down though. I learned that to survive, you need to always suspect.

This doesn’t mean the he won’t force himself on me later. I also don’t know what to think of him. He definitely doesn’t seem to be a nice person at all. I can see on his eyes under the hood. As a beastman, I have sharper senses than the humans, as well a natural trait to understand people better.

He has a coldness on his eyes, a coldness that I have never seen before. I have seen the eyes of scorn from my people, seen the gentle eyes of one human, the greedy eyes of humans, as well their murderous eyes.

However, when he looks at me, I can’t see that evil glint in his eyes. They’re just… uninterested. And now, when I mentioned the Great Holy Wall, his eyes almost seemed to glow with interest. It was just like the eyes of a child, who found something new to play with, it even had that innocent feeling to it.

When he got up, his aura changed completely. His previously disinterested face changed to an affable and friendly smile and expression, turning his image upside down.


(Mika): “Very well, Lily! We depart to south right now!”

He says, grabbing me by the shoulders and throwing me on his left shoulder, carrying me outside. What’s with him, carrying me around like this every time?! He checks out of the inn, taking his horse. For that, he put me sitting on the horse, and mounted on it behind me, hugging me from behind.

I went stiff from this. I might be a warrior, but I’m not used to be so close to a guy!

(Mika): “Shadowmere, to south!”

The horse neighs, running to the south entrance of town. As soon as we get out, quicker than I imagined that a horse could run, that fast! However, as soon as the town gets out of view, he stops in the middle of the forest, getting off the horse.

(Lily): “Master? What’s wrong?”

(Mika): “Well, we can’t go without arms, right? What kind of weapon you use?”

His questions take me by surprise as he helps me down the horse. I hesitate for a moment, before saying:

(Lily): “Well… I normally use a bow and knives.”

(Mika): “I see. You also have a big magical power… I guess that I have something good for you!”

Wait, how does he know that I mage high magic power? My thoughts leave that subject as soon as he pulls something out of the air. It’s a pair of daggers, different from each other.

(Mika): “These two are called Blade of Woe and Mehrune’s Razor. The Blade of Woe will heal you as you strike your foes. Mehrune’s Razor has a chance of killing your enemy instantly with one blow, no matter where you hit or how you hit.”

He gives me the two daggers in their sheaths, leaving me speechless. I holt both daggers with trembling hands. If they do as he said… they are priceless artifacts!

(Lily): “Master! Why give me something so expensive and important?!”

I end up asking. After all, if he dies, so do I because of the slave crest. I have to at least keep him safe. He smiles to me, saying:

(Mika): “Don’t sweat on it. If you get shocked by just this, you will die early.”

He says, now taking a beautiful golden bow with a silvery quiver from thin air.

(Mika): “This is Auriel’s Bow, and it’s Sunhallowed arrows. When you shoot this arrows with this bow, you will cause small explosions of sunlight where the arrow hit, and the arrows will burn your target as well.”

He says, giving me the bow. I quickly tie the daggers to my bel and take the bow and its arrows. As I equip them, he says:

(Mika): “As I said, we will head south to the Great Holy Wall, and if needed, we will change our way to challenge any giant creature that we meet on the way.”

(Lily): “Y-yes, Master.”

(Mika): “That said, if I use my Dragonbane everything will be too easy… I should also change weapons…”

He says, clearly to himself. I keep quiet, as I have no idea of what he is talking about. He then takes his strange sword of his belt together with it’s sheath, storing it on thin air. Making a pensive face, he says to himself:

(Mika): “I do have some practice with swords, so it would be boring using them right away, although I do wish to master them… ah! There’s also that!”

He says, raising his hand. However, nothing happens after a few seconds, so I look at him weirdly. He makes a confused face, saying to himself:

(Mika): “Um? Wait, it’s a daedric artifact that I got during that test phase, and if I’m not wrong, I ended up making it a summon… what was the chant? If I’m not mistaken it is… Come to me, skull breaker, earth shaker, bane of giants! Return to my hands once more, Volendrung!”

Suddenly, something fell from the sky right in front of him. Whatever fell, cracked the ground, making it shake for a few seconds with a deafening sound, making me fall on the ground, raising a lot of dust.

I look around, scared. The horse, Shadowmere, is completely calm behind me, as if this was the normal. A gust of wind suddenly appears, cleaning the dust. I protect my eyes with my arms until the wind stops.

I hesitantly look to the thing that fell. It’s a hammer. A giant hammer, with a menacing large head, with spikes, with the same height as Master, who is looking at the hammer satisfied.

(Mika): “I had forgot about this, since it was just an animation before. But dude, seeing this live is awesome.”

He grabs the dark hammer. When his hand clenches the handle, it gains a green aura, and Master easily picks the heavy-looking hammer. He spins it over his head with ease, as if it weighted nothing.

(Mika): “As expected, it’s heavy. I’m itching to swing this at something big!”

Resting the hammer on his right shoulder, he puts his left hand on his waist and looks at me, smiling.

(Mika): “Time to go. The tremor will attract some unwanted attention.”

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