《Adventures in Planus》11. Taliah and Nena
Chapter 11
Flush with emotions and battlelust from the victory Mal tried to calm down by focusing on his breathing. Inhale and exhale. Inhale and exhale. His heart was no longer pounding in his chest like a heavy drum after a moment of this. Mal walked down the rise headed for the druid to see if she needed aid. She had taken a few hits most notably the arrow piercing her forearm.
Mal dealt with the many prompts he had gotten during the battle that had been auto minimized. He had gotten almost 1000 xp from his kills with the darklings being about his level and he had gotten a fat XP bonus of about 500 from Sylvester killing the shaman. Mal noted he was almost level 8 by looking at his overall XP bar. Also his swordsmanship skill had gone up another level from those 3 kills.
Congratulations you have skilled up Swordsmanship, lvl 4, Live by the blade, die by the blade Adventurer eh?
As Mal approached the wild druid woman he saw her snap the arrow that was embedded in her then proceed to rip the half arrow out of her arm. The blood was flowing freely from the wound and she grimaced at the pain of it.
“Greetings, need a healing potion?” Mal said to her.
“Nay, thee forest be me ally.” the druid said and as Mal watched she cast a spell and a green aura surrounded her and the wound shrunk until it was gone. She stood and faced Mal.
“Me thanks to you, I dunno how much longer I could have held out against those blasted darklings. Ye have saved us.”
Quest completed! You have saved the wild druid from the darklings, Reward, 3000 XP, Ding! Rejoice! You have acquired enough experience to progress to level 8, you have 5 stat points to assign plus 3 additional for the Starkissed ability, May your journey continue adventurer!
Mal was happy to see those notifications flash up before he quickly minimized them to continue his conversation with the druid.
“Those foul beasts deserved their fate. I could tell they were evil just by looking at the dark things.” Mal said then turned and spat in the dirt. “I’m Mal and this is Omega” Mal nodded to Omega who had just walked up. “And that is Alison and Sylvester.” he said indicating Alison who was moving through the darklings looting them and finishing off any still alive.
“I be Taliah and this beasty be me animal companion Nena” Taliah said gesturing to her large sow boar who had come over to her side. There were many nicks and cuts in the boars thick hide oozing a bit of blood. A quick cast of another green glow and those wounds were gone as well.
“Well here is the loot my peeps!” Alison said happily dropping an armful of items and pouches at their feet.
Mal took a quick look at the loot. The pouches had an assortment of copper and silver coins and there was a spear and a scimitar that were average quality. The items that most caught his eye was the wand and bone necklace from the shaman
Wand of dark bolts, casts spell dark bolt, charges 12 out of 20, quality fine Necklace of WIllpower, increases wisdom by +2
“I’ll take that wand if there are no objections.” Omega spoke up.
“Aye by all means” Mal replied. “What about the coins? Shall we divide them up?”
“Yessir.” Taliah said.
“I’ve taken my share already.” Alison said with a twinkle in her eyes.
“Alright then!” Mal said. He donned the necklace and stowed the average quality gear to be sold later in Sly’s pack. Then he divided up some of the coins with Taliah and dumped the rest into his enchanted coin purse.
“Ahem” Omega cleared his throat and held out his hand. Mal looked at him questioningly and had a half smile on his face.
“Umm Omega to get a share of the loot you actually have to kill some of the enemies.” Mal said mischievously.
Alison started laughing outright at the shocked expression on Omega’s face.
“I kept the most dangerous opponent occupied and weakened his shield, young pup!”
“Yes true, but did you actually kill him?” Mal said smiling fully now.
“You know that I didn’t but trust me if that shaman had been able to cast unchallenged things could have gone much differently. Now my share, young pup! There are a few things I’d like to buy at some point.” Omega said holding out his hand again firmly.
“Haha OK! I was just playing. Here.” Mal gave Omega several of the silvers and coppers and also a single gold piece from his own stash. Mal felt so flush with cash from the magic pouch Atish had given him. He didn’t actually know if it there was a bottom to the potentially bottomless coin purse. He knew at some point there were going to be choices and expenses with his finances. It would probably be best to assume that there was a limit to the enchanted coin purse and act accordingly.
“So Taliah, what was the story with those darklings eh?” Mal said turning back to the druid.
“They burned me master’s house down! And killed her!” Talia exclaimed suddenly. Then she slumped back against the rock and sat on the ground with her head in her hands.
Mal was surprised by this turn of events. The druid had seemed so strong and willful during the battle but now that the danger had passed it was all catching up with Taliah. Mal could see Taliah was trembling in either rage or just from the exertions of battle. Alison wisely had her small lute out and was playing a gentle song of friendship and welcoming.
“Your home was burned down?” Mal gently prodded.
“Aye.” Taliah sighed wearily and looked up at the three of them. “Many animals died tryin ta defend thee place. It sits heavy on me soul. Me fox, me stag, and even me dog, brave companions all, we couldn’t stand before thee darkling’s. Nena only survived because she’s a brute, then we ran. Thank the forest spirit you found us when you did.” She said as Nena nuzzled up to her. “Me druid master, died trying to cover our escape. Me master wasn’t no adventurer like us so there will be nay respawning for her.” Taliah trailed off with a faraway look in her eyes.
“I’m sorry for your losses.” Mal said respectfully.
A silence settled over them when Alison finished her song and the moment stretched on. Taliah threw her arm around Nena and stood up. With a firm look of resolve on her face she faced the adventurer's party.
“I owe ye a debt for saving us. Me n me brave Nena. With me home and me master gone I would travel with y’all and look to a chance of repaying yous.” Taliah said locking eyes with Mal. “Me son entered me in the lottery to be a part of thee beta testing so I know a trick or two thanks to me master I knew to seek out in these woods.”
It didn’t escape Mal that she could be a powerful ally and he was moved by the despair he had seen a moment ago when Taliah was speaking of her lost companions.
“Of course. You are most welcome to come with us, we are on a quest as a matter of fact and your help would be invaluable.” Mal said.
“Thank ya.” the druid said quietly.
“No thank you for joining us and adding your power to ours!” Ma assured her.
Mal added Taliah to his adventuring party via his interface and he saw Taliah’s stats pop up in his vision. Underneath Taliah’s little mini portrait were the stats for her companion boar, Nena.
“Well let’s move out Ladies and Gents...and Mal! Daylight is a wasting!” Alison said cheerfully. Mal rolled his eyes at her silly joke that she was quite pleased with. Alison winked at Taliah as Omega took point again leading them back to their route.
Mal’s merry band took a north, northeasterly direction on the compass and he monitored their progress on his mini map he had figured out he could keep at the corner of his vision. Omega led them on and he spoke to Mal about the things he would need to know as a Spellsword. Alison brought up the rear with Taliah and Alison kept up a steady patter of conversation at the druid trying to get to know her better.
The miles melted away under their comfortable hiking pace and the lush green woodland started to give way to more hilly terrain. They managed to do some hunting as well as they traveled because Omega cast a spell on himself that allowed him to see the lifeforce of animals long before the animals became aware of them. Also Taliah being a druid was so in tune with the wildlife she also knew well in advance when there was prey and pelts to be had. Mal got a good deal of practice in with his crossbow and a small amount of XP from his kills.
Congratulations! Your skill in crossbow proficiency has improved to lvl 4! Make those targets a pin cushion!
The pressure was on for Mal to make a perfect kill shot because if he didn’t Taliah would roundly cuss him out with a great fury for making the animals suffer. Mal found this pretty silly because they weren’t real animals so was their suffering actually real. He supposed she was getting into the role playing of being a druid and so he endeavored to make clean kills. On his couple of wounding and bad shots Alison saved him with a well thrown dagger to end their prey’s struggles.
Mal’s group made good time but then darkness started to slowly settle over the land like a gentle caress and the shadows lengthened. Mal saw that Taliah was also collecting herbs much the way he had been earlier. He had stopped his collections however when his talks with Omega had started because the spell theory he was learning was preparing him for learning his first spells. He couldn’t have been more excited to learn some spells. It had been his dream as far back as he could remember to use magic or the force as a jedi would or anything like that.
Finally they could go no farther in the inky darkness without magically lighting the way so the brave group agreed to make camp. Mal started a fire and was surprised with a skill bump he received.
Congratulations! You have progressed the skill Survival to lvl 1! Man vs Nature who will win brave adventurer?
Alison prepared a hot meal for them over the fire with a cooking pot she grabbed out of Sylvester's roomy pack. As the savory scents filled the air Omega taught Mal his first spell. Or attempted to anyway, Mal was having trouble.
“No.” Omega sighed. “Young pup you have to feel the blade as an extension of yourself, then channel your mana into the blade itself. Yet still it is a part of you. Do you understand?” Omega was trying to show him.
“I think so.” Mal said unsurely. He was standing in a crouch a bit of a distance from the fire with his Ironbound Round Shield and Blessed Darksteel Longsword out and ready. He had attached his spellbook to the inner rim of his shield for quick access at Omega’s urging. Apparently most spellswords did the same that used a shield.
There were some sparks of blue light and wisps of blue energy floating around Mal as he tapped into his mana pool. Then suddenly his sword flew from his grasp and clattered to the ground a few feet away.
“Crap.” Mal said as he went to retrieve his blade.
“Keep trying young pup, remember the sword is a part of you. Almost all your magic flows either through your blade, your shield, or your spellbook. Extend your mind and mana into the well forged item but feel the rest of the world around you at the same time. Feel the empty space of the sky and you under it. Feel the ground under your boots. Then feel the sword grasped in your hands. Try now. Again.” Omega counseled.
Blue sparks and wisps floated around Mal again as he tried for what felt like the thirteenth time. This time however the sword didn’t fly from his grasp and a dull blue glow enveloped the blade as the wisps and sparks around him moved down his arm to the blade.
“I did it!” Mal said happily. But then his concentration on the spell was broken by it’s very success and the blade launched out of his hand to clatter into the underbrush.
Congratulations you have learned the spell Mana Blade, with this spell a normal blade cuts like a diamond and can also deliver powerful armor shattering blows when charged with mana
“Well done, laddy.” Omega praised him.
“Come and eat butterfingers! Foods ready.” Alison interrupted his training.
Alison had made a delicious venison stew from the game they had been hunting and the healthy vegetables Taliah had apparently been collecting as they moved through the wilderness. Alison had her cooking skill up to a decent level and Mal appreciated the strong spices she added she had purchased in Clear Waters on her shopping spree.
They chatted amicably over the fine stew as they started to wind down for sleep. The night sounds of nature around them came to life with the stars twinkling in the sky as the nocturnal insects and wildlife began their nightly routines.
“Why haven’t you graced us with anymore of your wonderful music?” Mal asked Alison.
“Oh just saving my reserves in case of trouble. Also how could I get to know lovely Taliah here if I’m singing my heart out.” Alison replied with a smile to both Taliah and Mal.
“Fair enough.” Mal said.
“Yes she is from a place she deems ‘backwoods’ in Kentucky doncha know. Did I say it right Tal?”
“Yes maam, Keeeentucky! I miss thee craphole place now that I am stuck here. I worry abouts me son and me grandpappy taking care of things now without a me there to be helping em.”
“Aye I agree with you, I miss my family and old life as well. To be fair though there are worst places to be trapped eh? And I don’t think we will be trapped here forever.” Mal said thinking of Shiva on the distant horizon.
“Lordy, me hopes you be righto on that bucko, being stuck here forever n ever doesn’t sit good wit me.” Taliah replied.
Omega took first watch after they ate since there was always a danger of attack out in the wild. Mal drifted off perusing the forums and communicating with his family via his ingame internet suite. His family had resumed their day to day lives moving on without him and it made his heart hurt but there wasn’t anything he could do about. At least not right now.
Mal’s mother was ever supportive and his father was raising holy hell at Omni Inc about the poor fate of his son. Mal wanted to tell them what he had learned from Atish but the warning he was given kept him from writing the details out that he knew. Besides the engineers at Omni Inc and the government engineers had pretty much narrowed it down to something being wrong with the AI. They couldn’t figure out how to fix it however because the servers that managed the AI were empty of data. The engineers didn’t know as Mal did that the AI had manifested itself in the game as the avatars Shiva, Atish and possibly more.
Thinking of his new level he had gained saving Taliah he distributed his stat points in a generally balanced manner. He added to strength, constitution, intelligence, and wisdom feeling that was a good mix between martial and magical. He noted a few changes first being he was now a Spellsword after learning Mana Blade which also showed up as his only learned spell. Also he had something called a Mark that denoted his contract with the Royal Casters. It all looked rather cool to him and he couldn’t wait to add more spells to his arsenal.
Mal, human, Level 8, Spellsword
Strength 27, effects melee combat Dexterity 19, effects ranged combat Agility 23, effects movement speed Constitution 27, effects total health points Endurance 28, effects total stamina Intelligence 23, effects total mana Wisdom 23, effects mana regeneration Charisma 25, effects interactions with others Skills, Stealth, lvl 2, Sneak attack, lvl 1, Fishing, lvl 3, Dagger Proficiency, lvl 1, Blunt Weapons, lvl 1, Skinning, lvl 2, Woodworking, lvl 1, Herbalism, lvl 3, Crossbow Proficiency, lvl 4, Blocking, lvl 3, Swordsmanship, lvl 4, Trading lvl 3, Throwing Weapons, lvl 2, Survival, lvl 1 Spells: Mana Blade, lvl 1, beginner Abilities, Starkissed, Awaken Mark: Royal Casters Contract HP, 270, MP, 230, EP, 280
With thoughts of his new life on Planus and old life on earth dancing through his head Mal fell into a deep sleep.
For the next several days the adventuring party fell into an easy routine. They covered many miles during the days and when they stopped for breaks Mal worked on spellcraft with Omega. Then again in the evening Mal spent at least 2 hours at night working on his learning until he was exhausted and just passed out.
Congratulations you have learned the spell Brute Strength, +7 Strength on target for 5 mins/ per spell level
Taliah and Alison became fast friends as the recaltricent druid was swayed by Alison’s outgoing personality. Taliah also continued collecting herbs and vegetables as they moved into more mountainous terrain. Mal noticed that Omega and Taliah had an almost standoffish attitude toward each other. Mal figured it was due to the different magics they both practiced and may have been a byproduct of that. Or maybe it was their backgrounds of Taliah being a wood tick from rural america and Omega having airs of education plus training from the Triple Towers. Or maybe it was just because Omega was a simulated intelligence that showed through from time to time when he said things like ‘adventurer’. Mal hoped the building tension didn’t lead to any drama.
The hunting also went on with many goats, mountain rams and smaller game being brought down. Mal’s crossbow proficiency was progressing nicely even though he didn’t level the skill up again it was roughly 75% to the next tier. Roasted lamb leg was a common fare for Alison to prepare for their nightly meals.
Mal took the lead from Omega and started moving them deeper into the mountains as they veered off from heading towards Dwarven Territory. Their traveling speed slowed with the more difficult landscape. They were able to find game trails and switch backs that helped them along and kept them going in the general direction of their quest.
Then when they were taking a lunch break on their seventh day out from Clear Waters a surprising message popped up in Mal’s interface.
GLOBAL ANNOUNCEMENT The Undead Invasion has begun! All neutral and positive aligned races will now face the Onslaught of the Undead Hordes! All positive aligned kingdoms have greater chance of spawning undead lairs. XP and rewards boosted for slaying Undead and clearing Undead Dungeons. May the strong survive!
“Holy crap!” Mal said in response to the global announcement. “Are you guys seeing this too?” he turned to his companions.
“Yeah I see it.” Omega said. “Hmm an undead blight, could be very troublesome depending what level they are.” Omega mused.
“I like the bit about added rewards I gotta say.” Alison chimed in.
“I’d bet my last coin the Royal Army mobilizes.” Omega posited.
“Oh, does that mean we will be called up to active duty because of our spellbooks?” Mal asked Omega.
“Could be, depends how bad the threat is and also if we come across any Officers.” Omega answered him.
“I hate de undead.” Taliah said out of the blue. “Gimme a chance ta kill thee unnatural things and me and me Nena will a make short work a thee beasties.” She said fiercely.
“Sounds like you may get that chance deary.” Alison told her.
“Time will tell.” Omega weighed in.
“Alright well let’s move out. Keep a wary eye for undead.” Mal said stowing his jerky and getting ready for traveling.
They moved through the rifts and rises continuing toward their objective for several more days. Mal kept at work on his spells with Omega and he had a good grasp of Mana Blade now and he also learned Spellshield.
Congratulations! You have learned the spell: Spellshield, with this spell any ordinary shield has a magically increased area of coverage, the shield becomes more powerful with more mana invested.
Alison took great joy in hurling rocks at Mal’s spellshield as he figured out how to power it with his mana. It became a game for them with her trying to slip a rock past his guard. They even practiced while they were traveling to give Mal a chance to go into spellshield mode quickly. It could save his life one day he knew but he thought Alison was just having a bit too much fun with her cute giggles of laughter throwing rocks at him.
While rooting around for rocks to throw at them one time she called a halt.
“Darn it! Look here! This is a obsidian vein and we have no pick axes!” Alison called out. “This stuff is valuable don’tcha know.” she said a little miffed.
“Let me see.” Mal said coming over for a look.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill prospecting, lvl 1, Thar’s gold in dem there hills adventurer!
“No worries. I’ll mark it on my map and we’ll come back or sell the information to a miner.” Mal reassured her.
It took Mal’s group several more days to close in on their destination but eventually they were right on top of the Vale of Lost Heroes. Mal zoomed in on his map and there was a very large swath of lush green terrain surrounding a large lake that was out of place in the mountains which were mostly rocks and scrub. The problem was the valley was surrounded by extremely steep cliffs and peaks on almost all sides with the exception being the south side of the valley.
There on the map to the south Mal could see a series of canyons and ravines that led to an opening into the valley. The problem was the canyons were almost a maze Mal could see on his map. Even on maximum zoom it was hard to tell which direction and turns they would have to make. Mal led his group along the treacherous cliffs toward the canyon network.
The entrance to the maze wasn’t readily visible to the casual eye. If Mal hadn’t known where to look he would have missed it in the scrub trees and brush that concealed the way forward. The adventuring group picked their way through into the canyon complex. After the first few turns Alison spoke up.
“Do you know where you are going?” Alison said because she could see clearly that it was maze.
“Uhh, kinda.” Mal shot back from the front of the group.
“Oh well that’s reassuring!” Alison called back sarcastically.
“We want to head basically north correct?” Omega said taking charge with his gravitas. He had undergone such a transformation since the days when they had first found him in the alley with a bottle. His old persona of being a leader was reasserting itself. It actually led to a little friction between him and Mal.
“Yes generally.” Mal replied to him. “But I think here we head east, this way.” Mal said maintaining control of the group himself as he was referring to his mini map.
“Whatever you say, young pup.” Omega said falling into step behind Mal.
To Mal the network of canyons, gullies and ravines they were moving through seemed much larger than it appeared on his map. He had faith in the information he had from Atish though and he slowly led them deeper through the maze for several hours and closer to the end of the ordeal. Mal saw on his map there was some kind of structure they had to pass before they could enter into the hidden valley and he hoped it wasn’t going to be trouble. Onwards they pressed deeper into the labyrinth.
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