《Adventures in Planus》8. Omega
Chapter 8
The adventurers and their rock construct, took a looping path angling around toward the lake. When they came upon the rocky shore it was plain to see why Clear Waters had gotten its name. The lake was pure blue and you could see straight to the bottom. It was one of those beautiful sights you come across and they paused to take it in. People had a natural inclination to be drawn toward water perhaps dating back to ancient times when water was literally life before you could just go to the fridge and grab a beverage. The crystal clear water was a drinking source, plentiful fishing, trade and travel with boats, it was obvious why Clear Waters was a bustling small city.
Mal could see sailboats tacking back and forth out in the water either fishing or cruising toward the main river delta. Alison joined him as they set a leisurely pace down the rocky and sandy beach towards the city a few hundred yards off. As they got closer there were a few guard patrols randomly wandering about further inland. Either a pair of steel outfitted swordsmen with legionnaire's shields or solo riders on horses with long spears to better run enemies down with. Mal could tell they were NPCs by examining them and also by the town crest, a blue lake on a green field, they had on their shields and uniforms.
With the presence and safety of the guards nearby Mal noted several players fishing along the beach now. Some gave him a small nod or odd looks at his golem shadowing him. One bluntly looked Alison up and down but looked away quickly when she put a hand on her rapier. Alison rolled her eyes to Mal after that one and he just laughed when the face of the leery eyed PC became beet red.
They had much to do in town and the sun would only be up for so long. Mal squinted up at it and guessed it was afternoon by the length of the shadows. He could have checked his interface but he liked the immersion as much as possible. It was easy to forget this was a virtual world and Mal enjoyed forgetting, that is until he needed to look something up on the forums. All the pressure of his old life and living up to his family’s expectations had evaporated as soon as he had put on his nethelmet. Mal knew on one hand he should feel guilty about not missing the real world but he had gone through the back of the wardrobe and it had freed him to be who he thought he really was. Rather than him trying to be who people thought he should be.
With a shake of his head Mal reviewed the things he wanted to get done here in Clear Waters with first and foremost in his mind being finding this Omega guy that Atish had mentioned.
Looking at the fair size of the place Mal knew that could take awhile unless they got lucky so their best bet was to ask around in the marketplace. They took the cobbled streets to the town that stretched out like a web around the town past the 8 foot stone wall encircling the small city. There were farmers toiling away on some of the fields that they passed. It looked like wheat but Mal couldn’t be sure, he wasn’t much of a farmer.
They passed through the gateway into town with no problems, the guards seemed to be nonchalantly guarding against more dangerous foes. Or just keeping an eye out for player theft or player vs player combat which was forbidden in safe zones, if you got caught. That was a big if and was why more unscrupulous players would engage in activities like that even in towns hoping they could get away with it. Mal had read more than one thread of players complaining of being killed or robbed in town.
Their first stop was the leatherworker and they quickly asked a passerby where to go. After getting directions it was a short walk until they started to smell the distinctive scents of leather, tanning, and butchery. The buildings of the town were close together but there was space to move and also there were gaps with gardens or small clusters of trees. It was all very clean and orderly. The architecture reminded Mal of medieval times varying from viking to anglo saxon type of builds.
Turning a final corner they came upon a small courtyard with a gushing fountain in the middle. Around this fountain were many craftsmen type shops. Mal saw an apothecary, herbalist, butcher, woodworker, mason, leatherworker, and others ringed around the stately fountain. Mal heard the ringing of a hammer on metal not far off and made note of it because that was the telltale sound of a blacksmith maybe a street or two over.
Mal and Alison had seen a fair amount of foot traffic along with some horse or mule drawn carts loaded with various goods and this courtyard was no different. Player Characters or PCs and NPCs came and went going about their business. Mal had started to notice small groups of PCs that looked homeless clustered here and there in alley ways. In the courtyard there was a group of about 10 sitting near the fountain looking hopeless. Curious he thought but he had business to attend to.
Then Mal felt a stab of guilt at that last thought. Every busy person thinks they have their own problems or there is nothing I can do when they are confronted with the homeless. Thoughts of ‘hey glad that’s not me’ also bounced around Mal’s head. Mal turned and looked closer at the small group and resolved to learn more about this sorry state some percentage of players seemed to be in.
Alison was already making a beeline for the leatherworker and butcher shop so Mal hurried to catch up. They had an abundance of pelts and meat to get rid of. Mal was going to be glad to carry less weight around and he glanced at Sylvester who’s pack was near to overflowing. Mal followed her into the dusky light and sharp smells of the leatherworker shop.
As they had already decided Alison took charge of the haggling since her trading skill was higher than Mal’s. Mal participated some in the bargaining just so he could skill it up some and he was rewarded when they had sold all their pelts with both two dozen silvers and trading skill.
-Congratulations! You have skilled up Trading, lvl 2! Supply and demand adventurer!
Mal left his leather chest piece with the grizzled leatherworker NPC to repair the gaping hole in the chest of it. He said it wouldn’t take long to throw a patch on it. So after asking unsuccessfully about Omega they headed to the butcher shop and herbalist.
At the butcher shop they traded their meat for dried jerky and coin. The jerky was both filling and recharged stamina. It tasted great to boot with it’s seasoning. Their packs were far lighter now which would be good for when they set out back into the wild. Again no word on Omega.
Next up they hit the herbalist and sold many of their herbs keeping some of the rare ones. Mal had thought about dabbling in potion making, it would be a good skill to have but he wasn’t sure he wanted to learn everything. Mal had a plan to specialize and get a few skills to expert levels to make him more sought after for those skills. A lot of it depended on what a Spellsword could focus on though as well, he just hoped Atish hadn’t steered him wrong on that one.
The fact that certain skills you couldn’t just pick up like you could for example with skinning was going to be limiting. Learning a new language, or other intensive skills, you needed to be trained in. Trained skills also leveled up much slower unless you had the bonus from your class or you choose a crafting profession that boosted it. Potion making and alchemy seemed like it was a trained skill, Mal made a note in his interface journal to look that up later.
The herbalist had heard of Omega and suggested heading to the slums on the northside of town. Mal saw her mouth do a downturn to a frown at the mention of Omega. When pressed about it however she shooed them out of her little sweet smelling shop with only a quick word to bring her more herbs.
Side quest, fetch herbs for the herbalist of Clear Waters, rewards reputation with herbalist and discount on potions, penalty, none
The slums didn’t sound like a promising place to be learning magic but Mal put his faith in Atish and decided to check them out.
A quick stop in the leatherworker's shop to pick up his good as new armor and the travelers began to thread their way through the streets toward the slums on the north side.
As they moved away from the developed areas the buildings became more run down and shoddy. Mal knew they were fully in the slums when it was clear that most of the structures around them were just derelict shacks that were hastily slapped together and were falling apart in some spots.
They passed one alley with the definite stench of a rotting corpse mixed with refuse and Mal traded a glance with Alison. They scanned all around them with their eyes, Mal was keeping his head on a swivel trying to look everywhere at once. Ever wary of that backstab or projectile from above on the rooftops of the ramshackle buildings.
A young NPC boy ran past them and Mal’s hand went to his coin purse making sure it was secure. The boy stopped ahead of them and looked back at them inquisitively. Sensing a potential ally Mal called out to him.
“Hey! Want to earn some coppers?”
“Maybe, what do you want?” the boy said cautiously.
Mal flipped a copper through the air to the waif. He caught it and eyed it greedily but still kept his distance not trusting the travelers and their golem.
“We’re looking for someone. His name is Omega, do you know him?” Alison said trying to coax the boy into helping them.
“Another copper and I’ll lead ya right to that ol’ drunk!” was the reply from the boy who shifted back and forth quickly from one foot to the next. Always ready to run or move in case of danger. He was glancing all around then boldly stared at them. “Deal?”
“Aye, lead on.” Mal said amazed at the detail of the game that they had dirt covered NPCs like this poor boy to add to the realism. He wondered what it was like to be this NPC and have this type of programming, he didn’t envy the poor lad.
“Keep up!” The boy said over his shoulder as he darted off.
Mal and Alison were forced to start running or lose sight of the running youth. Very shortly they were racing through a maze of the slums. Mal tried to gauge his position by the sun but he had to give it up and just follow the boy.
Mal was wary of a trap the boy could be leading them into, it wouldn’t surprise him that maybe this boy was part of a larger gang of some kind. After another few twists and turns Mal saw a man leap into the alley way there were running through in front of the boy. He feared the trap was sprung but then suddenly the man tried to grab the boy leading them with a shout. Their fearless guide dodged to the left but it was only a feint and he shot past the man on the right yelling for them not to stop.
Not wanting to shed blood in the town Mal held his spear cross ways and with a light swing of the weighted end he knocked the potential thief out cold who was still spinning trying to catch their guide.
Congratulations! Your skill with Blunt Weapons has increased to lvl 2!
Then he was past and hurrying to catch up with the boy who had put on a burst of speed at the attempted accosting. Alison kicked the thief for good measure when she passed with Sylvester rumbling along behind her.
They ran on from that encounter for another couple of minutes then suddenly the boy stopped seemingly at random in the middle of an alley that looked exactly the same as all the rest. Bewildered Mal pulled up next to the boy and caught his breath while his stamina bar started recharging.
“Why’d we stop?” Alison said from behind Mal.
The boy simply pointed at a pile of trash then held out his hand. Mal thought maybe the kid had lost his mind but then he looked closer at the pile of trash and saw a hand sticking out the side of it holding a dirty bottle. Alison noticed too in the same moment and was as sickened as Mal. Mal turned to their guide with his hand out.
“What’s your name?” he said reaching for his coin purse.
“Why?” The boy said warily and he started to edge away from Mal and shifting his weight again ready to run.
“Well I want to know who I’m giving this gold coin to.” Mal said fishing one of his valuable gold coins out of his coin pouch. The boy’s eyes lit up like it was Christmas.
“They call me Slip but my name is Allan.” The boy said promptly.
“Well Allan I give you this gold coin if you give me a promise, OK?” Mal said.
“What promise?” He said on guard again despite the gold.
“That you do your best to get out of these slums and find somewhere to live and work. Make something positive out of this shit situation you’ve been dealt. Find a trade or craft or an apprenticeship. Deal?” Mal said.
You have given a quest to Allan to change his life. If he chooses to complete it you will gain reputation with him and potential other rewards for both of you.
The adventurers watched Allan turn this offer over in his head and an ember that seemed to be almost cooled flared to life before their eyes. He leapt forward and snatched the gold coin with a huge smile on his face.
Allan has accepted your quest.
“I’ve always loved books! Maybe I can become a scribe! I’ll do it mister!” he said.
“The names Mal and if you ever have trouble reaching this dream of yours, seek me out.” Mal said with a smile caught up in the boy's excitement. Mal fished in his coin purse and pulled out a second gold coin and flipped it to the boy. Mal had decided to double down on his given quest. It surprised Mal he could actually give quests to NPCs but then again he wasn’t THAT surprised since so many details had been added to this world.
Allan ran off delighted with his huge score leaving Mal and Alison standing there with their pile of garbage. Mal looked at the trash heap and saw it slowly rising and falling in tune with someone breathing. He was extremely discouraged, how was he going to learn spells and the way of the Spellsword from someone like this.
The trash began to shift and a very disheveled and stinky man stood up out of the debris. He blinked his bloodshot eyes at them as he absently picked filth out of his raggedy black beard. He took a long pull on his bottle he clutched like his life depended on it.
“Where’s my gold piece?” He croaked. Then he gave a nasty cackle of a laugh.
“Are you Omega?” Mal said hoping it was some kind of big mistake and the real Omega was waiting in a mage’s tower with arcane magical equipment somewhere waiting to teach him spells.
“Aye that’s me. Who sent ya? If it was Sturgeon tell him I can’t actually turn lead into gold, permanently anyway, hahah!” he laughed nastily again.
“What? No. Atish sent us.” Mal said and that evoked a response from the dirty bum. Mal could see his free hand was now in a fist and the one holding the bottle was squeezing hard. Deciding to push it and see where it led Mal continued.
“Atish said Svetlana wouldn’t want you to be living this way….” Mal said and gestured at the trash heap.
At the mention of Svetlana the NPCs eye’s bulged out disturbingly and with a snap the bottle he was squeezing shattered in his hand. Omega seemed to hardly notice the blood oozing from his clinched fist. His arms started to give off sparks and he started mumbling under his breath.
“He’s casting a spell!” Alison shouted in alarm
Mal quickly swung the blunt end of his spear at Omega’s head in a reflexive defensive act hoping to interrupt the spell which would probably not be beneficial to the adventurers. The spellcaster dodged to the right, away from Mal, still mumbling and glowing but his dodge had brought him in range of Alison. With a flick of her rapier the point of her blade was against Omega’s throat.
“Cease speaking, or die, up to you.” She said deadly serious.
Omega swallowed and a small pinprick of blood formed at the tip of the rapier from the movement of his adam’s apple. He stopped his spell though and the dangerous aura that had been forming around him dispersed. Slowly tears started streaming down his face and a pained expression took the place of the anger that had been there only a moment ago.
Omega collapsed into the pile of garbage wracked with sobs saying the name Svetlana over and over again between sobs. Mal shrugged at Alison not sure how to proceed given these strange events. Alison took charge though giving comfort to the poor man she had just almost killed.
She knelt by him in the trash and whispered soothing words as she gently pried his bloody hand free. She removed the shards of glass carefully and began a song of healing quietly. The wounds healed as the notes of her song echoed around their small space adding a strange counterpoint to Omegas sobs. It seemed to Mal she was as much singing to his spirit as she was to his hand.
Alison’s ministrations had the desired effect and slowly Omega gathered himself and sat up. Mal briefly considered using his awakening ability on the NPC but he quickly dismissed the idea. This NPC could barely handle his life now, let alone what his awakening ability would make him aware of. Instead Mal extended a hand to help the poor man to his feet.
“I’m Mal and this is Alison and my golem Sylvester. Let’s get you to the bathhouses my friend? Sound good?” Mal said after he helped the man to his feet. “Can you lead us there? We’re new to the city.”
By delivering Atish’s message you have gotten through to Omega and roused motivation in him. You and Alison gain reputation with him, current level, acquaintance
Mal closed the notification while waiting for Omega to respond.
“Aye.” Omega said with a nod and now that he had a purpose he set out abruptly leading them onwards at a brisk pace.
They were soon out of the slums and making their way toward the center of town where the bathhouses were. Mal and Alison hung back from Omega a bit if only to keep out of range of the stench of the slums that hung on to the man. Omega kept looking at Sly in appreciation obviously recognizing the advanced magic that made the golem what it was.
“That’s one hell of a golem!” Omega said over his shoulder to them as they entered the bath and inn district.
“Yeah, he’s been quite useful.” Mal replied.
“Must have taken you a pretty large mana crystal to create him eh?” Omega said to Mal’s confusion.
“Mana crystal? What’s that?” Mal wondered.
Omega stopped dead in his tracks and spun around on them causing Mal to tense up fearing another erratic spell.
“How did you make that golem if you don’t know what a mana crystal is??” He said incredulously.
“Oh I found him.” Mal said simply.
Omega stared at Mal for a moment then just shook his head. “You lucky son of a bitch.” he said returning leading them to the large bathhouse.
Omega stopped at the entrance of the bathhouse by the doorman who was collecting money so that people could enter and use the services. Omega gestured to the collector and nodded to Mal. Mal sighed and paid the gatekeeper a silver for each of them which seemed like a lot.
“A silver each? This had better be an epic bathhouse.” Mal grumbled.
“Oh don’t be a tightwad.” Alison teased.
“I didn’t see you paying!” Mal said as they entered the building.
The bathhouse was a large open building filled with steam and pleasant scents. It was divided right down the center by a large billowing silk sheet with women on one side and men on the other. Alison saluted them as she moved off while Mal and Omega headed to the baths on their side.
There were female attendants that helped them strip down and stow their gear in lockers. A big burly shirtless guard with a large axe watched over the lockers. That reassured Mal who didn’t like being parted from his gear that had saved his virtual life many times over.
The men eased into the hot water of the large baths that were almost like small swimming pools to Mal. Mal let out a contented sigh as one of the pretty female attendants knelt on the side wall of the bath and kneaded the muscles in his shoulders. Then she shampooed his hair and massaged his scalp.
“Ah this is great.” Mal said to no one in particular. Mal glanced around after a bit and the place wasn’t that crowded at this hour. He saw Omega over in a chair in front of a mirror getting a shave and haircut, Mal had to admit the hard scrabble man needed it.
Omega eased back into the hot bubbly water next to Mal and he was hardly recognizable now from his appearance when Mal had first seen him. He was clean shaven and his dark hair was close cropped to his head with a splash of grey at his temples. His piercing grey eyes locked onto Mal and they were no longer as bloodshot and looked far more alert.
“So Atish sent you?” Omega said.
“Yes.” Mal said contentedly still enjoying the bath. He brought his mind around to the moment though because it seemed Omega wanted to know why they had sought him out. “Atish led me to believe I could be taught spells by you, perhaps even start on the path of the Spellsword.” Mal said regarding Omega.
“Well.” was all Omega said in return and he gazed off into space for a long time. Mal waited him out hoping his efforts weren’t a waste here. At the very least he had bought this poor man a much needed bath so that was good. Mal got a strong sense of doing the right thing when he helped people like this. If more people would help other people one day the world would be a far better place than all the strife and wars that took place in it. The terrible disparity of the rich and poor. The hate that filled some people for their fellow man just because someone is different or has different views. It sickened Mal and he felt he was a foot soldier in a much larger war, he felt his duty was to progress the cause of peace, tolerance, and even love.
That carried over to here in the virtual realm to a small extent, it was just who Mal was. These small kindnesses left him feeling full of heart and spirit. He especially loved examples like when he had saved that poor player some pain from that Player Killer in an unfair fight. That wasn’t exactly peace and love but it was rough justice.
“Aye, I can teach ya.” Omega said slowly coming out of his deep thought trance. “We’ll need a couple spellbooks, I sold mine long ago for wine to drown out my pain….” a strange expression flitted across his face at that. With a sigh he continued “Also you’ll need a better sword if you wish to see if you have what it takes to be a Spellsword. I saw the one you have now and it will surely shatter under the pressure of the spells.”
Having given Omega further purpose again you gain reputation with him. Current level, friendly Do you accept the quest to pursue the path of the Spellsword? Yes or no, reward, Spellsword special class, penalty, loss of reputation with Omega.
Mal selected yes and then answered Omega.
“Those shouldn’t be a problem, my man. Let’s get out of these baths and get started! Also I have a quest to find a hidden valley, would you join me in this quest? I could use a solid spellcaster at my side.”
“Aye, let’s do it, Atish is right I’ve been wasting away in this place for far too long. I can teach ya the mysteries of magic. Let’s get moving there are still a few hours of daylight left!” Omega said excitedly. The change in him was dramatic just from having a purpose. Having a strong purpose that you believe in can carry you a long way through the trials and tribulations of life. This was plain to see on the bright face of Omega now that he had a mission.
He added Omega to his adventuring party and was pleased to see the caster’s health and mana bars in the corner of his vision with Alison’s. Mal smiled a private smile to himself at having acquired a new ally and the manner in which it was done.
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