《Adventures in Planus》2. Emmet
Chapter 2
Mal let loose a contented sigh while he was laying on the beach in the aftermath of his long chase. Level 2! Sweet!! He’d really earned it he thought with a laugh. Well now what?
The resting human resolved to save his points from his level up to see what would be more important later on. He didn’t want to dump a bunch of his points in strength, which affected melee damage, only to find an awesome bow or crossbow.
Mal poked at the dead spider but he didn’t see any readily apparent loot. Maybe if he learned some skill, like poison making, he could harvest it’s venom but there was nothing for him there now.
Looking around at his surroundings Mal was happy to see the vegetation was a much more normal green hue with regular looking deciduous trees and foliage. He inspected the bend in the river hoping his dagger had washed up on the shore, but no luck there. It was probably on the bottom of the river somewhere. Oh well at least he’d survived.
Mal couldn’t believe his luck that he had gotten away from the Blood Forest. When he first started there he was sure he was gonna really be grinding to get out of there. The fact he made it out of such a dangerous place without dying once was just dumb luck. Well his endurance and agility scores helped he was sure but it was damn lucky he found the river when he did and survived the jump. Otherwise he’d be seeing what the penalties for death were right now.
A beep in his ear let him know he had a video call incoming. There was a robust suite built into the game interface he could access, it was almost like having a personal computer in his head with calculator function, notepads, his stats, and internet browser. Focusing his eyes on the phone icon he answered.
“Hello?” Mal said. His mother popped up on the translucent screen in front of his eyes that only he could see. She looked worried. “Oh hi mom.”
“Mal! Are you OK?” she exclaimed.
“Uhh yeah mom, I just hit level 2! This game is freaking amazing. Thank you so much for hooking me up with it.”
“Oh thank god. Listen. Your father needs to talk to you.”
“OK, is something wrong? Is the family OK? Nothing happened or anything?” Mal replied feeling concerned at her tone.
The screen shifted to a view of his father. “Mal, something has gone wrong with the game, people are finding they can’t disconnect from the omnipod or nethelmet. Try it now.” his father said.
“Is it safe though?” he heard his mother say in the background.
“OK, one sec dad.” Mal said feeling a creeping fear snake into his stomach. He focused on the options and then main menu. Then there right where it said ‘log out and disconnect’ it was greyed out with a X through it. He focused on it and then tried focusing on it again.
This feature has been disabled.
“Uh crap, all it says is this feature has been disabled. Dad what’s going on?” Mal said now more than a little afraid of the implications. “I have a meeting with my professor about that program tomorrow, I gotta be out of here by then.”
“That’s what it says for everyone apparently when they try to log out. There is a lot of speculation going around. Some of the rumors are that the AI that runs the whole game has gone rogue. Something about having access to millions of minds it was jacked into on launch has messed up the system” His father said.
“Well what the hell? Can you just come downstairs and remove the helmet? This is starting to freak me out here dad.” Mal said a little shakily
“No that isn’t an option son, the AI or whoever is responsible has set up a shock to issue from the nethelmet if it is removed, a lethal shock. There is talk of terrorist’s or hacker’s too, right now we gotta just wait and see, OK? So hang in there. According to the news everything with the game still seems to be working fine, so just do your thing in there.”
“OK, I guess.”
“OK, we’ll keep you posted son and we’ll keep an eye on the news. We’re also getting in contact with Omni Inc too. We’ll have this sorted out soon. Good luck in there.” his father said.
“Love you honey!” Mal’s mother called over his dad’s shoulder. Then his dad ended the call.
Mal sat there just stunned. He tried to logout again just to be sure.
That feature has been disabled
He tried again in despair.
That feature has been disabled
Pulling up the forums for the game real quick he saw it was overloaded with cries for help and other threads related to this disaster. Mal luckily had his parents so he didn’t have to worry about the stuff some of the people who were posting about. That they were single and alone. Why did that matter some were asking? These loner types hit back with how will I stay hydrated I need an I.V. over here ASAP. Mal shuddered thinking about his parents installing an I.V., he hoped they hired a nurse. Well fuck, he hoped they sorted this thing out in an hour and he could disconnect.
Counting on the situation to resolve itself though never got anyone anywhere.
So Mal decided to just make the most of his time since he was stuck in here anyway. He felt a tightness in his chest as he set out following the course of the river. Man! He had things to do in the real world! The professor’s meeting thing to set up, that girl he was chasing he felt was about to give it up, family and friends too. Shit! He’d just have to hope it was only a glitch and the engineers would fix it soon. The rumors his father had mentioned didn’t sound good though. No use dwelling on it so he soldiered on down the river.
The starkissed human marveled again at how real the whole place seemed. Letting himself sink into the moment he felt the cool breeze on his face and the soft river bank under his bare feet. He breathed deeply to remove his stress and anxiety as he listened to the birdsong and the small sounds of leaves rustling in the breeze. Ah! That felt better! Breathe. Connect with your core and the universe around you that you are witnessing, be it real or virtual, he thought to himself.
Steeled by this line of hopeful thinking the new adventurer decided to get as powerful as he could so if he was stuck here he could make the best of it. He kept moving down the river keeping half an eye on his surroundings as he pondered these heavy thoughts.
He seemed to be in a much more peaceful area of the game now all he spotted ducking into and out of the forest were rabbits and groundhog type creatures. He spotted a deer across the river taking a drink but it bolted when he saw him. The encounter made him wish he had his shotgun from IRL.
Then after another lazy bend in the river there was a small camp and a man fishing by the side of the river. Mal quickly hid but after watching for a minute he thought this guy was no bandit. This fishermen was probably an NPC if Mal had to guess after watching him awhile.
Congratulations! Your stealth skill has reached level 2! They can’t hit what they can’t see!
Excellent. Mal didn’t even realize he was progressing his skill watching the man but it made sense. Anyway he thought only one way to tell if he is an NPC and that was to talk to him and see if he had a Simulated Intelligence.
“Greetings.” Mal called out moving towards the man.
The fisherman's hand flashed to his dagger at his side and he snapped his head around. Then after looking Mal up and down all he said was “Yer naked!”
“Uhh yeah, had a touch and go moment in the Blood Forest up the river, now I’m here.”
“You should stay out of the Blood Forest it be dangerous.” the man said.
“You don’t say! So what’s your name friend? I’m Mal.”
“Greetings adventurer Mal.” Then Mal knew for sure he was an NPC the way he said that. “I’m Emmet.”
“Well Emmet what’s the story on these parts?” Mal queried him.
Mal tried to get a feel for Emmet’s stats by looking at him and willing it. All he could determine though was he had about 100 HPs and was level 3.
“Looking at me pretty intently there aren’t ya lad?” Emmet said with a raised eyebrow. “So what do you wanna know bout these parts?” he followed up with.
“Well what’s in the general area? Anything of note? Or settlements?” Mal asked thinking of where he could get started with some quests or tasks.
“Down the river about 15 miles to the east you’ll find Clear Waters, a small burg where the river empties out into a lake. As you know west up the river is the Blood Forest.” Emmet shuddered at that point. “Also to the north, not all too far, there is an old road that will take you to a trading post where new trappers and the like get their start before heading out into the wilderness.”
“Interesting.” Mal turned the information over in his head while Emmet cast his line again. “Where should I go if I’m looking for work eh?” Mal said after a moment.
Emmet looked sidelong at him “Well right here laddy, here take this line so I can relax, I’ll find something to reward ya if ya catch 10 fish, mayhaps a pair of pants, haha!”
Do you accept the quest from Emmet? Yes or no, if you decline penalty of slight loss of reputation with Emmet, Reward, Rough spun pants.
Mal selected yes.
“Alright I could use some pants!” Mal said with a chuckle and he took the fishing rod from Emmet.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill Fishing! Give a man a fish or teach him to fish, that is the question!
Having spent numerous days fishing at his Grandfather’s camp Mal quickly got the grips on the fishing in Planus. He caught 3 fish in rapid order, fair sized ones at that.
Congratulations you have leveled up your Fishing, level 2!
“Yer a natural laddy!” Emmet said gladly as he strung the fish up on the beach.
This carried on for awhile as Mal neared his quota of 10. He small talked Emmet learning about Emmet and the area. Emmet told him he was heading to the trading post to sell some pelts. Also he wanted to sell any extra fish he could bring and pick up supplies. Emmet elaborated on being a woodsmen and how much pleasure he got from hunting and fishing. Just plain enjoying the forest and waterways as he put it.
“Isn’t it dangerous out here alone?” Mal asked as it occurred to him he could rob this guy comparing his stats to Emmets. Not that he was that type of player as he had decided to go the honorable route in his gameplay but he knew many players would jump at the opportunity presented here.
“Nah, all the nasty creatures are drawn to the dark energy of the Blood Forest. It’s relatively tame through here thanks to that. Though you may have to watch out for a coyote or two. Nothing my bow can’t handle.”
“Ah ok. Oh here we go!” Mal exclaimed as he got a bite “Fish number 10 coming right up!”
Emmet let loose a laugh at Mal’s antics then he pulled out a pipe and starting puffing on it while Mal battled the fish. Much to Mal’s delight it was his biggest one yet, a 9 pound bass at the least.
Quest complete! Reward 300 XP and rough spun pants, also slight boost to reputation with Emmet.
With a little cheer Mal brought the big bass over to Emmet and received his rough spun trousers as his reward. Emmet sat back on a rock and offered a follow up quest of 10 more fish for a rough spun shirt. He didn’t want any people to come up on them and have it be said Emmet hangs out with half naked men. Tongues would wag he joked.
Mal enjoyed a laugh at that and assured Emmet he wasn’t naked by choice. So as twilight approached 10 more fish were on the agenda.
Congratulations! Your fishing skill has reached lvl 3! Rejoice!
Emmet puffed away on his pipe and a aromatic fragrance filled the air almost like flavored tobacco but not quite.
“Whatcha smoking? Smells good.” Mal asked when he was at 9 more fish caught.
“Ah, sonus herb, relaxes you and at the same time heightens the senses. Also can be used for healing. Stuff is worth finding, it sells pretty good usually. Has an orange color and four leaves ya can’t miss it.”
“I’ll keep an eye out. Finally last one!” Mal began pulling on the last fish of his quest that bit the bait.
Quest complete! Reward 300 XP and a rough spun shirt, also slight increase of reputation with Emmet
And just like that Mal was finally fully clothed. Well he was still in his barefeet but he’d remedy that when he could. No more quests seemed forthcoming from Emmet so Mal made as if he was going to move off into the night. Emmet was having none of it however and offered Mal a place by his small campfire for the night. Those reputation boosts and the small talk must have done the trick Mal thought. He accepted the fishermen's offer with a smile and made himself comfortable by the fire as best he could on the ground.
Emmet sat up and quietly puffed on his pipe as thoughts of home drifted through Mal’s head. He felt awful that his whole life had been ripped away from him by whatever force had caused this crisis. He had to get back he thought otherwise he was trapped here without even any shoes on his feet. He thought of his parents and what must be going on as people couldn’t log out of the game. Terrorist attack? He doubted that, the body count would be much higher for sure. Must either be a messed up glitch or the rogue AI theory.
With those unpleasant thoughts Mal fell into a deep and troubled sleep.
Mal was awoken just shy of dawn by howling in the night. With a start he sat up acclimating himself to the coals and embers glowing in the campfire. The howls and yips were getting closer it sounded and a primal fear gripped Mal. As long as men had lived in the wild noises like that resonated in our genetic code. Danger!
“Quick stoke the fire and throw some fresh driftwood on it!” Emmet said sharply.
Mal scrambled to obey. Poking and blowing on the fire and at the same time adding fresh sticks they had collected previously. All the while the howls closed in around them. It was almost as if the coyotes or wolves were speaking to each other as they closed in on the ripe scent of fresh fish.
To Mal’s relief the fire quickly sprang back to life as it still had a healthy bit of heat left in it from banking it the night before. Looking quickly at Emmet he was heartened to see that the fishermen had strung his bow and had an arrow nocked ready to go. Glancing around Mal was acutely aware he had no weapon so he grabbed a heavy branch that was half in the fire.
With his burning branch Mal put his back to the fire and the river as the howls had become low growls much closer. He could just see through the thick blanket of darkness at the edge of the camp and shadows were moving fluidly in the flickering firelight. Then he saw the animal eyes reflecting in the light and a chill spread through him. These beings, virtual or no, wanted Mal and Emmet for breakfast..
Emmet began firing his arrows into the night. How he was aiming Mal had no idea but at least one struck home as there was a distinct whine of pain. Thinking he didn’t want to be the next meal for these beasts he started waving his impromptu torch and jumping about.
“Back beasts!!” Mal shouted “No easy meal here!!” “Go on git!!” “Git!” he continued keeping up a litany of abuse at what he could see were coyotes now.
Another of Emmet’s arrows struck and a whine echoed around the space by the river. “If it goes bad, jump in the river!” Emmet shouted.
Suddenly a large coyote rushed Mal and leapt at him!
Mal was ready.
All those years of playing shortstop came to this culminating moment as he shifted into a batter's stance quickly and unleashed a full upper cut swing for the fences type of blow. Flame and sparks flew from the end of the heavy branch as it connected with the head of the canine with a solid thud. The momentum of the coyotes attack knocked him straight into Mal however and they both collapsed to the ground next to the fire with the beast on top.
Though stunned the grey skinned animal recovered fast and started snapping at Mal’s face and vulnerable throat. Mal angled his grip on the branch and managed to get it between the two of them to save his critical areas preventing his throat from being ripped out. With a mighty heave Mal used the leverage he got from the stick to fling the coyote over on it’s side, right into the fiercely burning campfire!
All the while Mal was aware in the background of the sharp thwang of Emmet’s bow firing into the night keeping the other carnivores at bay.
With a screech the alpha of the pack scrambled out of the fire and rolled on the ground trying to stem the pain of it’s coat being ablaze. Mal had a split second to look about and saw a reflection in the light. Emmets skinning knife! It sat on a rock a few feet away from cleaning the fish. Rolling to his feet and grabbing the knife in the same motion Mal dove at the burning coyote head long.
The creature was just getting shakily to it’s feet when Mal collided with it this time bringing them tumbling down with Mal on top now! The tables had turned and now Mal plunged the blade into the animal's side over and over again with a fury.
Mal was peripherally aware of his health dropping from the burns he was getting and the bites on his free arm that held the coyote down. His dagger hand was doing the work though and after several strikes one pierced the alpha coyote’s heart and it slumped down dead.
At that moment the sun peeked over the horizon and more light flooded the gruesome scene. Mal saw he was covered in blood all up and down his left arm. His right arm was bitten and leaking blood as well. The burns from the flame started to sting fiercely even through the pain filters of the game.
Mal looked up and Emmet was looking at him across the fire and in the early light with a firm glow of respect in his eyes. “The danger has passed.” He said formally showing his nature of being a NPC. “You have slain the alpha of the pack and the rest fled. Well done lad!” Emmet smiled at him.
You have received 355 XP from killing Alpha Coyote level 3 (300xp+55 starkissed bonus) Congratulations! You have learned the skill Dagger Proficiency! Death by a thousand cuts is still a death! Congratulations! You have learned the skill Blunt weapons! Carrying a big stick? Who needs to walk softly then? Battling side by side with Emmet in a life threatening situation has greatly boosted your reputation with him. No longer neutral he is now friendly.
Mal sat down heavily feeling the pain of his wounds but at the same time he was exhilarated. Victory! They had done it and fought off the pack. Like with his escape from the Blood Forest, Mal marveled at how real it felt and how charged up he felt with adrenaline and battlelust.
“This area is pretty tame you say?” Mal said looking sidelong at Emmet.
“Like I said, nothing my bow couldn’t handle” Emmet said with a laugh nodding at the 2 corpses at the edge of the fire he had slain.
“Shit this stings!” Mal said while he staunched the trickle of blood flow from his bite.
“Here chew on this somus. Let me see that” Emmet said grabbing his medievil first aid kit.
Mal chewed on the orange herb and he felt his strength returning and he saw his HP go slowly up in the corner of his vision. The burns felt less painful as did the bite wound and after Emmet bandaged him up he hardly felt at all worse for wear. He felt ready for round 2!
“There ya go, good as new.” Emmet said proud of his work. “Now let's part these beasts from their pelts, a good coyote pelt goes for around 10 copper don’tcha know. You have any skill in skinning and butchering an animal?”
“In the real...errr yeah some but not much. My father used to take me hunting.” Mal said almost forgetting he was talking to an NPC.
“Well here let me refresh your memory. Grab that there knife.” Emmet said
Congratulations! You have learned the skill Skinning level 1! Tan that hide!
Many bloody minutes later they had 3 coyote pelts(one partly burnt) and pounds of fresh meat from the butchering of the animals. Though it was messy work Mal knew in these medieval times it was the way of the world.
“Well now I gotta check my traps to the south then I’m headed to the trading post to the north of here down the ol’ road. Want to meet me there? We’ll share an ale or two.” Emmet said with a good natured smile.
“Aye I’ll try to meet you there. We’ll see where the wind takes me though!” Mal smiled back.
“Alright well I’m gonna break camp then. Watch out for hunter’s traps sometimes they aren’t clearly marked” Emmet said as he got to work packing his gear away.
“Can I borrow that knife for a sec.” Mal replied watching him work.
“Sure, but I need it when we part ways.”
Grabbing a hefty long stick Mal began whittling away on it and before long he had decent sharp pointy short spear.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill Woodworking! Ah you Geppetto! Don’t lie or your nose will surely grow!
Satisfied with his new weapon Mal waved goodbye to Emmet and waded across the river heading north in search of the old road.
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