《Lucian》The girls in Japan


It was now spring break and so Lucian, Yami and Samantha are going to Japan. Both of the girls were exited to go there for their own reasons. Yamis reason was exited to go back to her birth country and Samantha....well she wanted to see the kitsune twins.

For now they had got off from their plane and had got a taxi. Lucian said the location to the driver and so the driver started to drive there. While the car was moving, the girls looked out of the window at the city. A lot of glass buildings were seen.

After some time they stopped in front of the skyscraper and got out of the car. The unloaded their stuff and Lucian paid to the driver.

"Is this where we will be staying?"asks Yami.

"Where are the fox girls?"asks Samantha.

"Yes and probably at home. So lets go you two."

They take their luggage and move into the building, where the receptionist stops them.

"Excuse me. But you have to register first."she says in Japanese and because Samantha doesn't speak the language, she asks Yami next to her what she said. So she translates it to her.

"I'm a residence. Here."he shows the key and immediately the receptionist apologizes to him.

"It's fine. It's fine."he says towards the girls now."Lets go."

So they walk towards one of the Elevators which has more grand looking frame. Lucian unlocks the elevator with his key and the three go into the elevator. He presses the only floor button here and the door close.

"A private elevator in a skyscraper. As expected from my husband."says Samantha and clings to Lucian.

"Sam. Stop clinging. Also Luc...How do you have all this?"Yami asks him, but the only answer she gets, is a smile from him.


They reach the top floor and the doors open. They immediately a see an expensive looking rooftop apartment, with one wall made out of glass and the rest of the apartment has a modern style.

"Leave your stuff here, shoes off and look around. I'm gonna check on a thing."Lucian says.

"Okay husband."says Samantha.

So Lucian walks up the stairs and towards the double door made out of white wood. He opens the door and sees a huge king size bed there and on the blanket on top of the bed is moving, because somebody is under there. He walks up to the bed and pulls the blanket off, too see two white haired women making out.

When they realise that the blanket was pulled off, they stopped and looked at Lucian.

"So...Wanna explain Yuki, Mashiro?"Lucian asks whiel looking at the two naked girls.

"Uum..."comes out of Mashiros mouth.

"Whatever. Just come here."Lucian says and hugs the two girls, who hug her back. While they are hugging, he sits onto the bed. They stop and proceed to kiss each other for a while.

"Your finally here Luc. I'm happy"says Mashiro with a happy voice.

"It is good to see you too, dear."says Yuki.

"It's great to see you two too, but where is Kuro?"he asks and Yuki replies"She went to the kitchen to eat."

"Ah I see...Oh fuck."Lucian realizes.

As for Yami and Samantha, they are looking around the first floor and made it to a room which seemed to be the kitchen. They looked around and stopped their gaze on a black haired girl with fox ears and tails. The kitsune looked back at them and before she could say something, Samantha yelled.

"It's fox girl!"and she ran towards her and grabbed her into her arms.


"What the hell are doing?? Who the hell are you?! Let me go!"she screams in Japanese and because of that, Samantha doesn't understand a single word she says.

"Uum. Sam. She doesn't like it. So let her go."Yami understanding what the Fox girl wants, tells Samantha to let her go.

"Aaaah. Why? She is so soft and cute."Samantha says and starts rubbing her ears and tails. As for the kitsune, she tries to get free from her grip, but because of Samanthas ridiculous strength, she can't.

"Thats it. Now you will get it!"The kitsune yells out, but before she could do it, she is stopped by Lucian.

"Kuro. Stop!"he turns to Samantha"Let her go Sam."

"Okay husband."Samantha replies and lets go of Kuro, who immediately runs to Lucian and hugs him. He rubs her ears and she makes a satisfied face while he is doing that.

"Lucian. I missed you."she says.

"I missed you too."he says.

"Uum. Luc. Who is she?"asks Yami and he replies"She is Kuro, a kitsune. One of my lovers."he continues"They are too."

He points behind Yami and Samantha, so the two look around to see two white haired girls. The taller one is wearing a kimono and has long white hair and blue eyes. They other is wearing a short white yukata and has medium length white hair and white eyes. Both of them are very beautiful, but the main difference between the two, is their ears. One has regular, while the other fox ears.

"The kitsune is Mashiro, Kuros twin sister and the other is Yuki, she is a yuki-onna."Lucian says.

"Nice to meet you two. I hope you enjoy it here."Says Yuki.

"Hi."says Mashiro.

""Hi.""say Yami and Samantha together.

"Well then lets move to the living room and so you five would get to know each other."says Lucian.

"Okay dear. Follow please."Says Yuki.

Yami and Samantha look at each other and follow the two white hair girls to the living room.

As for the 1,5m kitsune, she is still clinging to him, so he picks her up into his arms and walks after them.

In the living room, the sit down on the two white couches. Yami and Samantha sit down next to Lucian, on whos lap, Kuro is sitting. Across them, the two white haired girls are sitting.

As for Samantha, she is looking at Kuros fox ears and tries to touch them, but before she could, Kuro tries to bit her hand.

"Sam. Stop trying to touch her ears. She only lets me and Mashiro to touch them."Lucian tells her.

"Okay you two. Introduce yourselves."Lucian tell the two girls sitting next to him.

"I'm Samantha, a fallen angel."Samantha introduced herself first in english. Yuki understands what she said and translates it to Mashiro who is sitting next to her.

"My name is Yami. I'm a demi-goddess."she says the last part with a slightly embarrassed voice. She still finds it embarrassing to say this. But unlike Samantha, she introduces herself in Japanese.

"Nice to meet you two. I hope we get along from now on."Yuki says in english and follows with a smile.

"Me too."Says Yami.

"Now that you know each other a little, talk with each other, while I do my stuff."Lucian says and gets up with Kuro, who he puts next to her sister.

He leaves the room, leaving the five girls there.

After a long silence, Yuki asks

"So how did you meet with dear?"

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