《Lucian》The picture


In the morning, Lucian was getting dressed and while he was doing that, Luerci behind him said"Hey Lucian. I'll be leaving today."

"Okay."he replied and he continues"Also...Get the fuck out of my room!"

"Why? Are you embarrassed that a girl is seeing you naked."

To this, Lucian materializes a sword in the air and levitated it next to her neck.

"Okay okay. I'll stop."she says and leaves his room. Lucian dematerializes the sword and continues dressing. Once he is done, he leaves his bedroom and goes to the kitchen, where he eats his breakfast. After that, he leaves the apartment with his back bag and goes down the stairs, to the ninth floor.

After a minute, Yamis mother comes out of the apartment and says to him, when she is near him."Yami will be out soon."

"Okay."he continues"Also. To you know him?"he says and shows her a picture of a man on his phone. Her face shows surprise and he says"Okay. I have my answer now."

"How to you know him?"she asks and he answers"I make my business to know."he says and before she could reply, Yami came out of the apartment and asked them"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing much. I just told Lucian to take good care of you."she says and leaves.

"Lets go Yami."says Lucian and she replies."Okay."

In their way to the school, he asks"Why are you still keeping your old hairstyle?"

"I'm used to it already."she simply answers and he replies."I understand."

They reach school and Yami changes her shoes after entering and Lucian doesn't change like always.

They walk to their class, while talking with each other in japanese. Once they get there, they sit down on their seat and wait for the lesson to end.

Five lesson past quickly and now they are eating lunch together in the cafeteria. Lucian is eating a sandwich and Yami some lind of fish and potatoes. While they are eating, two girls are looking at them and while talking.


"Hey Sarah. Who's they gray haired one next to the tall girl. I haven't seen her before."says the girl with dyed blue hair to the girl with a brown hair.

"I think she was a transfer student that transferred to first year."she replies.

"Hmm. She looks pretty."

"I agree."

"Okay. I'll try it."she says and the brown haired girl asks"What are you going to try?"

"To get here."she says

"You'll be disappointed Karen."says the girl with black hair with the ends turning purple.

"Why Is that, Sam?"she asks her.

"Because the gray haired one is a boy, not a girl."

"Now way. How? I mean...she is so."

"Pretty."her sentence is finished by Sam, who has now sat down on the chair and started eating her food.

"Daaaammn."cries out Karen."And here I thought I found the perfect one."

"Sorry Karen. Maybe soon you'll find your one."says Sam, trying to comfort her friend.

"But seriously. For a guy to look prettier than most of the girls is kind of unfair."says the brown haired girl.

"I agree with that, Sarah."says Karen, who continues"To you think that he and the tall girl are dating?"

"Maybe. They seem close."Answers Sarah and who then asks"What to you think, Sam?"

"Probably yes."she answers. She had finished her food already and now was stretching her arms. This caused her shirt to lift, which revealed a black marking on the right side of her body. She looked at the two and thought'The boy is a demon. That I am sure. Though I don't what kind of demon. But what the girl is, I don't know exactly. I do know, that she isn't completely human nor a Hunter. She also doesn't seem to be Wingless. So who exactly is she and why can't I sense the boy, unless I am near him. They seem to be interesting pair. Maybe I should test them out.' a small grin forms on her face, when she thinks about that.


"And these she goes grinning again."says Karen, when she sees her friend.

"So who to you want to fight this time?"asks Sarah

"Won't tell."she replies and gets up from the table with the tray and walks away. Sarah and Karen follow after her. When they pass Lucian, Lucian thinks'So she is the Fallen in this school huh. Good to know. Next is to find the two wingless here and those three weird people, who give off a weird sense.'

He takes the last bite and so does Yami. After chewing their food and swallowing it, he says"Lets go, Yami."and he gets up from the chair. They go to their final lesson and after that is over, they are walking back home together. After they are far away from school, they hold hands and lock their fingers.

Because they are walking next to each other, the then 10cm height gap between the two is easily seen. Once they reach their apartment, he says"Wanna come to my place. I can help you study math, which you have problems with."

"Isn't your sister home?"she asks and he replies"She left this morning."

"I guess we can go."she says and so they go to his apartment. Once they get there, he says"I have to clean my room, so look around in meanwhile."and he goes to his room, to clean up.

As for Yami, she is looking around the apartment and in the living room, she notices a picture there with a note next to it. She know she shouldn't read the note, put still decides to, because of her curiosity. She opens the note and reads.

(This my gift for you Lucian.


She puts the note back and looks at the picture. It's a family picture with six people, smiling. In the middle of the picture, there is Lucian with his dark gray hair and blue eyes. He looks to be nine or ten. On his lap, a young six year girl is sitting. Her hair is ashen white and her eyes bright blue. Next to Lucian, a girl is sitting, who looks exactly like Lucian. Same face, hair and eyes, but a female. Only way to tell their difference is their clothing. Lucian is wearing shorts and a hoodie, while the girl a one piece white dress. On Lucians left, there is a girl in her twenties with gray eyes and silver hair. She was wearing a shirt and blue jeans. On the right there was a teenage girl, who seemed to be fifteen. She had bright gray eyes and blue hair. And behind Lucian and the girl next to her, there was a woman who looked very young for her age. She had snow white hair and sapphire blue eyes like Lucian and the other girl. As she looked closer, she noticed that everyone in the picture had the red markings like Lucian on their body and Lucian even had a little on his face.

She looked at the picture and thought'So this is Lucians family. The one in the back must be her mother and the other four her sisters. But I don't see the father...could it be...that he is dead?'

"What are you looking at?"says Lucian behind her and then hugs her.

"This."she says and shows him the picture. He takes the picture in his hand, after releasing her and looks at it. His face turns grim and he doesn't say a word. He just puts the picture face down.

"Lets go."he says and pulls her arm. Yami seeing that the picture probably reminded bad memories to him, doesn't ask him about it.

'What could've happened, that he doesn't even want to see it.'she thought to herself.

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