《The Sleeping Immortal》Chapter 6 - Knowledge


Screaming shrilly Fiend Yuki hopped around a little bit before catching his breath, then pointing at the figure that hasn’t even talked in yet but stared at him blankly as if looking at an idiot. “It’s AN ELF!!!” saying that Fiend Yuki couldn’t control himself and started to scrutinize the figure.

The figure had a molted green robe covering most of their figure with only their face revealed, their skin was tan with blue hair that was held back by a headband, their ears poked out of their hair by a few inches, they had icey blue eyes which shimmered with a hidden strength, and… they were floating.. Startled by that Fiend Yuki then screams again “IT’S A GHOST ELF!!!”

After being startled by Fiend Yuki’s yells and screams the elf regained their composer, “Greetings human child, I’m shocked you know the tongue of my people few do. My name is Saeflwyn of the Aquamamosis people…”

Looking back at the floating figure Fiend Yuki said “What do you mean? I don’t know your tongue? Are we french kissing??”

“Human child do you not know common courtesy of introducing yourself to the person whom saved you in the forest! Speak your name and why you’re here child!” Immpatiently said Saeflwyn.

“O-oh yeah… This was just my first time seeing an Elf, my bad. I’m called Fiend Yuki, and umm I doubt you’d believe me buy God killed then revived me and tossed me out here… and I’d let you know I was doing perfectly fine, until I got trapped by my foot!” replied Fiend Yuki nervously avoiding eye contact.

Staring at the human name Fiend Yuki across from her, Saeflwyn calmed down “Poor child… You’re not the first one that he has killed and sent here, all of our races progenitors have been killed and remade anew and stronger by Him. *sighs* But you… you’re unbearable weak compared to the other, even those whom aren’t blessed.” said Saeflwyn as she slowly drifted in the door silently closing behind her.


“Wait there were others before me!? Does that mean I won’t be insanely OP and unique in this place..?” bemoaned Fiend Yuki

“No, if anything you’re the weakest thing I have ever laid eyes on.” spoke Saeflwyn

“What do you mean?” said Fiend Yuki as he focused on Saeflwyn triggering Analysis.


Insanely stonger than you, you'll be kill by a sneeze again if you fought.

Staring at the message, Fiend Yuki silently gulps.

A smirk quickly flashed on Saeflwyn’s face which quickly disappears before Fiend Yuki noticed, speaking slowly “Young child it isn’t nice to stare at a female so intensely and gather her personal information you know.”

Jolting Fiend Yuki stared at her “You could sense that?”

“Oh yes I did, while you’re different from anything I know there are basic fundamental rules where even God couldn’t change and have to follow.” said Saeflwyn as she spoke to Fiend Yuki.

Fiend Yuki started to look at Saeflwyn suspiciously “Why are you telling me all this?”

Looking back into Fiend Yuki’s eyes causing him to blush “Because you’re the first person I’ve met that I can hold a conversation to in over 10 Solar Cycles.”

“O-okayy…” replied Fiend Yuki “Then could you tell me more about this world?”

“Hmm, knowledge is priceless it’s good you know this at such a young age. Very well I haven’t taught anyone in so long that this must be fate since he sent you here…” replied Saeflwyn trailing off at the end.

Fiend Yuki’s eyes brightened when he heard her say that she’d teach him about this world, thinking that since she’s obviously stronger than him, and the common conception that elves are generally smarter and knowledgeable than others made him think he struck gold.


“Starting off this world is called Aeath, which is broken down into 3 major continents which are Drogon, Aqualis, and The Alliance. 10 major races call this place home, the Beast/Monster race ruled by the might Dragon clan which rule over Drogon. Elven race whom rule over Aqualis with the Dwarven race, and Fae race. The Human race which is the weakest but most populous race which could be found everywhere but mostly on The Alliance continent where sects, kingdoms, and warlords fight among themselves and only unite against outside threat. The Demon race which dwell within The Alliance continent as well. The Merpeople whom dwell within the depth of the water. The Spawn which are horrendous creatures with vile personality but consistency of cockroaches unwelcome everywhere but are everywhere. The Dungeonborn who are created by their masters the Dungeoncore to serve and protect them to grow ever stronger doing so. Lastly are the Dark Dwellers which live deep inside Aeath but one day saw light battling the Dwarves whom discovered them one day down deep inside their mines. There are a plethora of other races, crossbreeds, hybrids among the race but these ten are those which are mightest.”

Lights were flashing inside Fiend Yuki’s mind at how diverse this single place was, so many races… most importantly… DRAGONS!

Seeing Fiend Yuki dazed Saeflwyn coldly coughs snapping him back into focus.

Seeing that she got his attention Saeflwyn starts to talk again “What’s most important in this grand world of ours is power, strength, might. The only reason that the ten races are the ten races is because they have the strongest experts, if not then it’s just be the 9 or however many stronger ones there are or just the many races.”

“I see, but how do you judge whom are the strongest people then?” asked Fiend Yuki

“CULTIVATION! The martial way, body strengthing, Qi, and Soul. Essesentically, skill, how good your body is, life essence, and the power of your soul are the major 4 pathways we take.” explained Saeflwyn.

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