《DIVE》Dive 16: It's Time to Train
Short summary of the last chapter:
Spoiler : Voice continued to walk around in his absurdly odd armor. He made a few new recipes, and got a little bit of ‘training’ for heavy armor. He started his first dungeon.
As EDI reached for the door Voice yelled, “STOP!”
EDI turned around in fight mode, heart pumping a thousand times a minutes.
She saw Voice with a pleasant smile, looking at what she assumed was his status window.
Healing Hands
Heals the target’s health by ((20 + light affinity) * Aura).
The base spell cost for this spell is 40 mana.
The healer must touch the target for this spell to be effective.
As Voice read the spell he was grinning from ear to ear. It healed one hp per two mana, but for him it would heal 1.1 hp per 1.6 mana. He was glad he had gotten that aura.
In addition to the spell he gained one point of int after reading the book.
Even though everyone was fully healed he wanted to test his new spell out.
“Hey Troy, can I lightly tap you with my staff to check out my new heal spell?”
Voice knew Troy couldn’t refuse, that’s why he asked nicely.
“Uh, sure.” Troy wanted to say no, but couldn’t bring himself to after seeing his master’s pleading eyes.
Voice lightly rapped on Troy’s head, causing him to be thrown in to a wall. Voice immediately went over and healed the rabbit. Troy had taken about thirty damage, so Voice would have to use his heal spell twice.
Voice walked over to Troy in his bulky armor. He gently placed his hands on Troy and willed his body back to perfection. Troy seemed to glow with a white light, and his body seemed to be fixing itself. The small wound on Troy’s head sealed up almost completely. After the first use Voice got a notification:
For using a light/healing magic for the first time you have gained 5 light affinity.
For casting healing magic without the name, or incantation of the spell for the first time you have gained 5 light affinity.
Voice gotten light affinity just for messing around.
I guess I need to look more into healing magic. Now I heal 33 hp for only 32 mana! My conversion rate is insane! Just a little aura, and use of the spell, and now I’m at twice the efficiency of normal!
Since the normal conversion rate of mana to health for this spell was two to one, the fact that Voice got a little more than one to one was nothing short of a miracle.
After healing his mana he said:
“Alright, now let’s do this dungeon.” Voice said with a confidence in his voice and a power in his posture.
Voice made a plan. He asked EDI what she were in all of the rooms before the level one door. It was four more groups of two bears each, and a ‘boss’ bear. Something like an initiation test that you had to pass to be able to get in. Each room had two bears one level higher than the one before it. It went first door on the left, first door on the right, second door on the right, second door on the left, and so on. She had been in the room where the level five bears were stationed so they hadn’t respawned yet.
Voice’s plan was simple, but no less effective because of it. EDI would open the door to the bears slightly, then Rabs would run in and get one bear out. At least that was the plan.
EDI did as she was told. She opened the first door on the right by just a crack. Rabs ran in and out again in a matter of only milliseconds. EDI was standing behind the door ready to close it as soon as one bear had left. The bear burst through the door so quickly and powerfully that EDI was slammed against the wall, followed quickly by the stone door.
Her health only dropped by 50 points, that wasn’t even a fifth of what she had, but her left shoulder had popped out of its socket. Voice ran up to her even as the second bear ran out of the room. The bear completely ignored Voice as it ran to help its brethren.
Voice put his hands on EDI and willed her body to right itself. The shoulder popped back into place, EDI gave a loud scream, and arched her back in pain. As soon as the spell completed EDI stopped screaming, though she was panting from the experience.
Voice got up and observed the battle field. Both bears were attacking Troy. One bear had a Heather attached to its left foreleg. (Yes a Heather) The other was being rammed by Rabs. Voice decided to attack the one Rabs was trying to distract.
HE ran over with a Roar. Both bears were momentarily shocked. Heather took the opportunity to jump and attach herself to her bear’s neck. She activated her power and dragged the beast down to the ground by its throat. Troy once more roared to get the attention of the bears, before Voice could make it all the way to his designated bear, it had sent Troy across the hall with his left paw.
Troy lost a chunk of health. Voice jumped into the path of the bear before it could charge him. He smashed his staff into the face of the bear, at the same time Rabs rammed himself into the bear’s right flank before ducking under him to get enough distance to do another dash.
The bear swiped his right paw at Voice’s right side. Voice stepped to the right, pointed his staff in front of him, and angled it off to his right even further. The paw followed the staff’s guided path, and left the bear wide open for retaliation.
Voice took the opportunity and jabbed the bear in the face again after the paw had passed the point of reasonable threat. The bear staggered and snarled.
As the snarl rang out in the narrow hallway, EDI had already sat up and started a complex series of thrusts and slashes at the bear Heather was attacking. Well more like eating. Heather was viciously tearing at the beast’s throat. The bear tried to block the attacks, but EDI had an easy time in hacking its eyes. With only one set of movements the bear lost track of her. She was on top of its neck in less than a second.
She plunged both Sai into its eyes. With a sickening sucking sound she pulled both eyes out of the sockets. The bear cried out in pain. Heather dove into the bears neck were she had been tearing.
EDI could hear crunching and tearing sounds that could only be interpreted as eating. EDI quickly left the scene of future carnage and went to help Voice.
Troy had gotten back up and tried to distract the bear. The bear however was far too obsessed with the one that kept attacking it. Having blocked its attack Voice was growing confident in his mobility despite the heavy armor he still wore.
Almost every attack Voice managed to block. Whenever it struck at his right side, he would move right and deflect left. When it struck at his left side, he would move left and deflect right. Voice only got hit a few times, but the absurdly overweight armor protected him from most of the damage.
As the bear continued to strike at Voice, Voice continued to watch its movement. Using instinct occasionally Voice started to see a pattern in attacks from the monster. The beast always moved its left leg slightly forward before attacking with its right forepaw. He would do the opposite before attacking with his left. If Voice was on the left the bear jumped slightly further than needed to the left, and tried to hit Voice’s left side.
Once he confirmed the pattern Voice gave a wicked grin. He started playing with the bear, after he told the others to stay out of it.
The others looked on in awe. It looked like Voice was play fighting a trained bear. Neither the rabbits nor EDI could figure out how Voice perfectly controlled the flow of the battle.
As Voice started to get to his last bit of stamina he decided to end it. He baited the bear’s attack, and struck the beast precisely in its left eye while using critical strike.
The bear conveniently placed its eye exactly where Voice thought would.
Such a considerate fellow.
It even roared in agony approval of the perfect aim.
The bear went into a frenzy.
Seriously what’s up with the frenzy when monsters are close to death?
The monster was much quicker, and stronger than before, but it still held a strong similarity in attacks.
The only problem was that Voice was slowed down in his iron armor; not to mention he didn’t have a physical combat class. He managed to parry the first few attacks with the use of his instinct, but after that he was thoroughly being thrashed.
He yelled to the spectators, “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!? HELP ME!”
Everyone quickly jumped into action. Since Troy couldn’t distract the beast he jumped in front of Voice to take a couple of shots. Heather jumped up and landed on the juicy hindquarters of the bear. She used her strengthening skill to tear a large chunk out. At the same time Rabs had done several quick kicks to the bear’s left hind leg. EDI threw one Sai at the bear, and quickly ran towards the animal.
She managed to quickly reach the bear moments after its left flank was impaled by her Sai. She grabbed the Sai with great precision, and yanked it towards its head.
The beast gave a deafening roar as the Sai cut all the way to its neck. It suddenly lost its footing, fell on the floor, and after a few moments convulsed and stopped moving.
Voice was huffing from the onslaught the bear had forced him through. He had taken a bit of damage so he healed himself. He sat down after the battle. He wasn’t really physically tired, but mentally he was exhausted.
It takes a lot of work to perfectly analyze an opponent in the middle of battle. After Voice had sat down for a few minutes he noticed that he had leveled up.
“Hey furry trio. I leveled up, did you guys?”
The rabbits replied no.
Too much to ask for I guess.
EDI didn’t realize that Voice was in danger until he yelled at her. While she didn’t appreciate being cussed at, she understood that she should have done something earlier.
“Sorry Voice, I didn’t realize you were in danger until I you had already yelled.”
Voice, now without the fear of immediate death, was angry at himself for letting the yell slip out.
It doesn’t matter what the situation is, you have to keep cool or risk losing all of the social connections you worked so hard to build up! Voice berated himself in his inner monologue.
“Yeah, sorry about that EDI, I guess I just got a little scared. I mean I know the bear was four levels lower than me, but it still packed a punch!”
EDI looked a bit worried at the thought of Voice trying to complete the dungeon.
“Are you sure you’re up for this? I mean the monsters just get stronger as we go.”
“Yeah well, I need to train in actual combat anyway.”
When Voice was done resting he signaled for the group to go to the next door. They followed a pattern for the next two doors. EDI would open the door then dash back as Rabs and Voice ran inside. Rabs would lure one bear out, and Voice would practice dodging and blocking with the other bear. He would continue this until the other four said they had killed their bear.
Voice was starting to excel at controlling the battle versus one bear. He would only get hit once the bear was in frenzied mode, and even then it would take a few shots. Once he got hit the group would all descend on the bear, quickly finishing the battle. The level four bears had taken a bit of a toll on him, but he still had half his hp by the end of the battle.
Once they made it to the ‘boss door’ EDI told Voice,
“I don’t think the tactic is going to work here. The boss bear’s basic speed is an average of a frenzied bear and a non-frenzied bear. If he goes into a frenzy it won’t be good.”
Voice thought it over. He decided he and Troy would both tank, while EDI and Heater would attack. Rabs would provide the occasional distraction.
Voice made sure the group was prepared, before opening the door. Before his hand had reached the invisible bubble of air he stopped.
I can tame another seven levels of monsters. EDI said this monster was only level six.
Time to get another slave!
Voice knocked politely on the door. The only response he got was a snarl. He opened the door, and Rabs shot inside.
He and Troy quickly followed, lastly EDI and Heather came in.
Rabs had ran under the bear and nipped its belly. The bear had swung a heavy paw at the little rodent and knocked him into a wall. Blood trickled down his head.
Voice motioned to the bear as he ran to Rabs, “Troy! Distract that thing!”
He ran over and healed Rabs as quickly as possible. When he turned back the fight was already well under way. Somehow in the few seconds that it took him to heal Rabs, EDI had stabbed out one of the bear’s eyes, and Heather had jumped on its back and bit into its spine.
Again with the eyes!?
Voice might have also attacked a bears eyes, but it was actually quite gruesome to see someone else do it.
Voice ran over and stationed himself directly in front of the bear. Troy, realizing what his tamer wanted to do, stepped to the side and behind Voice.
Voice go into position and attacked the bear to get its attention. The bear gave Voice a bone chilling glare. It swung its mighty paw at Voice to squish him like the bug he was.
Voice was happy to notice the movements of the bear, while faster, were exactly the same as the ones before. He managed to continuously block the bears attack, much to the bear’s chagrin.
Voice’s stamina was dropping fast though, and eventually the bear landed a hit. Voice started to falter in the amount of hits he could dodge or block. Eventually
The bear thought that he could kill his prey now, then take care of the rest of the interlopers.
The bear never got the chance. As soon as the bear landed two hits in a row the rest of Voice’s entourage attacked. Troy grabbed the bear’s attention, while Heather powered herself up and landed a powerful leg blow on the bear’s head. The bear first turned its attention to Troy, then was dazed by the kick to the head.
The bear hit Heather away. Even before the paw hit Heather, EDI had ran headlong into the bear. She stabbed both her Sai in front of her, and sliced to the left and right. She created a long jagged line across the bear’s side. Blood sprayed out of the wound, as the bear screamed in pain.
EDI shielded her face. Heather hit the ground and skidded across the floor. Voice ran over to her and healed her. Heather jumped back up, and jumped at the bear that was screaming in pain. She sank her teeth into the bear’s wounded side. The screams of agony the bear let out could be heard halfway to the city.
Voice had gotten up, and by that point was again standing in front of the bear. He wore an evil grin. He hit the bear a few times with his staff to shut it up. The bear lay on the ground whimpering as it felt its life ebb away.
Voice healed the bear slightly. The wound on its side closed somewhat, and the bear’s whimpering subsided.
Voice stood up and showed the bear two fingers. “You have two choices. Join me or die.” The bear roared in response and Heather ended him.
“Well I guess I will have to wait till next time to try and tame him.”
EDI interrupted his train of thoughts. “You know that was a monster not an animal right? Animal tamers can’t tame monsters.”
Voice was bemused. He tapped his forefinger to his chin. He figured that since the bear was an animal shape he should be able to tame it. Even geniuses are allowed to be wrong occasionally.
“Well I guess it doesn’t matter now anyway.” Voice tried to brush the matter aside. “Let’s go through the door.”
EDI hesitated. “Actually if you don’t mind I was starting to think that maybe we could pick this up again tomorrow. I’ve been in this dungeon so long that I’ve gotten tired of it. Also tell your friend Evan that I’ll be back to get more armor. The one he gave me broke to pieces earlier.”
Voice decided that since she was bored of the dungeon, making her play might end up with mistakes that cost him his life. He didn’t even realize that she wasn’t wearing the leather armor, since it didn’t really affect him.
“Sure, how about we meet here tomorrow afternoon?”
EDI gave her consent and sprinted for the city. She looked very happy to be out of the dungeon.
The half of the loot, minus the boss bear, went to EDI. The other half, and the boss bear, went to Voice. Voice went back into the city.
He headed back to the training dojo. It was getting close to dark now. Voice presented the loot to the man that looked like a villager.
The man looked stunned to see that Voice actually managed to kill a beast. He turned suspicious.
“You did kill all of this yourself right?”
Voice admitted he was in a party with EDI.
“Well I did form a party with this girl I know, but all of the planning and strategies were mine.” Voice smirked at the next part. “Not to mention I could completely dodge the bear’s attacks unless they were enraged, since I read all of their attacks.”
Now the man knew Voice was lying. He knew the bear that Voice presented him was an initiation into the dungeon. He also knew how difficult it was to dodge that beast. The villager man could do it, but some youngster in oversized armor? Never.
“You did remember to keep the armor on right? Don’t lie now.”
Voice feigned a slight look of malcontent at being called a liar.
“Of course I did. I was told to do it for training. Lessening your training only lessens the results.”
The old man smiled.
This young man is going places. I think I WILL take him under my wing after all.
“Ok then, you call me Master Blackhand.”
Voice was perplexed by the odd name. “Why master Blackhand ?”
The man gave a hearty laugh. “I got that nickname a long time ago when I single handedly killed an entire legion of Davros’ men in one night.”
Oh fuck, who did I just apprentice myself to?
Voice had a terrible feeling about this.
“Well starting tomorrow we will train you like there is no tomorrow.”
All of the people in the training hall were looking at Voice in what could only be seen as envy, awe, and jealousy.
“Also, in order for you to have the best benefits from the armor you might want to think about a class change. I can see you are some sort of tamer. If you changed that to a warrior class, not only would you get the bonus health and health regen rate, heavy armor would feel a lot more natural for you.”
Voice really had to think about that one.
More health and regen would be great, but I would lose the trio. I can’t really do that until I find some other form of damage dealer.
“I’ll have to decline that. I am not someone that can have their path changed so easily.” Voice figured something like this would be the best answer.
Blackhand smiled, “THAT’S the spirit of a true warrior! So did you finish the dungeon?”
Voice told him no.
“Well then I have your training regimen figured out. You will come here in the morning, and train until noon. After that you will go out to this dungeon until you beat it. Now you said you could read the bear’s attack patterns? STEVE! Let’s see how much you learned.”
You have been forced to accept this quest.
Success: Clearing the dungeon outside of town.
Difficulty: Moderate
Failure: Not clearing the dungeon outside of town.
Reward: ???
Failure leads to decrease intimacy with Master Blackhand.
Steve stopped thrashing his students long enough to come over and give Voice a look over.
“What is it you need?”
Master Blackhand motioned one hand towards Voice. “He said he had analyzed the bears in the dungeon’s movements. I want you to test out how much his abilities have grown.”
Steve nodded as he aimed his swords at Voice. “Well don’t think I’m going to go easy on you just because you went to a dungeon earlier.”
Steve started off slow despite what he had just said. Voice was watching him like when he did with the bears. He got hit a few times full on before he noticed the pattern. Steve would angle his left foot towards Voice before he attacked with his right arm, and vice versa.
Knowing how Steve would attack didn’t help Voice out at all though. Even though Voice knew where all of the attacks would come from, he wasn’t able to even dodge once.
He was frustrated. The entire point of heavy armor was so you didn’t need to dodge. You could just take the hit. Why this man made Voice try to dodge a master was beyond him.
There is probably some sort of trick to why he is teaching me to dodge. Well I am getting better.
He was in fact getting better. He was concentrating so much that he didn’t even notice the plus two agility he had obtained. He would have been really happy if he had.
Instead he was moody since he was just tossed around like a puppet.
His master had a pensive look after stopping the training. “Alright you’ve proven that you have gotten somewhat better. You can rest here, but in a few minutes we are going to finish tonight’s training.”
Voice looked outside, it was indeed nighttime. He had missed any meal that he didn’t have to cook himself. He looked around the hall and noticed that there was a big pot of vegetable stew cooking. No one was attending it so Voice went over to taste it. It was disgusting, it tasted purely like lily pads.
I could cook some stew myself, but everyone here would probably want a bowl. I would lose all of my ingredients. Hmm, but it would be a good opportunity to get in good with all of the other students here.
With the thought of an intimacy spike with the people of the dojo Voice decided to make a stew. He took a long while this time. It took him five minutes. When he started the training hall paused momentarily to look at him, then went back to training.
He was mumbling to himself about how he wished there was at least some salt or pepper, then someone who must have been there to get some water came and gave him a packet with some crushed salt.
He muttered his thanks while adding a little bit to the stew. When he was satisfied he looked up to call the others to have some. He gave a small jump when he looked up and saw the entire training hall had come over to where he was cooking with bowls.
“Uh, I come and get it I guess?” Voice managed to say past his shock. Everyone crowded around while waiting for Voice to ladle the stew into their bowls. By the time he had spooned a little stew into everyone else’s bowl, there was no stew left. The last of it was scrounged together to give Master Blackhand, who seemed to have been waiting a while.
“Well Voice, you seem to take care of those around you. I can’t really say that isn’t admirable, but there is no stew left for you. Have some of my lily stew, then meet me out back.”
Voice gave a nice smile and nodded.
No sense in letting my rage out here. I’ll just bottle it all up until I go back to the dungeon, and I’ll take it out on the monsters.
Voice ate the lily stew without noticing the taste as he planned how he would make the monsters suffer.
Once he was done Master Blackhand led him outside to the back of the training yard. What Voice saw there could only be described as a military obstacle course. He realized it was meant for him to run.
There were round objects on their sides on the ground that looked like wheels. These led to a giant stone wall with a rope hanging down it. After the wall as a small stretch where there were poles being thrown between burly men on each side. The ground on that part was completely muddy, it looked like it was impossible to move at full speed. After the pole death trap was a wall bigger than the first. It was basically a rough cliff face. At the top of the cliff face was Steve.
Oh shit, after that all that I have to fight Steve again!?
Voice almost gave up, but this seemed to be a really special training regimen so he would try it. If only to not lose intimacy with Blackhand.
“Go ahead and try this once. The first time you fall go home and rest. Come back tomorrow.”
With that Blackhand turned and left.
Voice looked at the obstacle course. He knew the whole point of this was to get used to heavy armor, so he couldn’t take his armor off.
He ran up to the first obstacle. He had seen a few military movies before, so he knew how to do this. He ran up to them then started basically jumping from one to the other. As he jumped from the first wheel he noticed something odd. The wheels were extremely far apart. He managed the first jump but when he instantly went for the second he noticed the wheels would move slightly whenever he moved. They were making it so it would be the worst possible jump to make.
It worked, at the end of the second jump he face planted. He got up, dusted himself off, and went back to Susan’s. He slept as soon as he fell onto the pallet, surrounded by three very fluffy bunnies.
While his avatar slept he logged out to get a quick bit to eat. He had a little over an hour so he made some tea, and made himself a grilled cheese sandwich. It only took about thirty minutes to finish preparing and eating the meal.
He logged back into the game after rinsing his face off. He woke up early in the morning. He had another twenty three days until the other players started to flock to the game. He thought it no coincidence that the same day was the ‘annual cook off’. A few days before that was the battle to decide if the church of light or dark was the most powerful.
As soon as he woke up he went and gave the materials he found to Evan. He was sure to mention that EDI might come by to get a new set of armor.
He went to the training hall after making a quick breakfast for him and Susan, using Susan’s ingredients of course. He told his rabbits to go out and train.
“You all can go wherever you want to train, but make sure you get enough food.”
He went to the training hall to train. He tried to be able to block Steve’s attacks, but he was always just too fast. Voice continued to be beaten until noon. He then went to prepare lunch for him and EDI.
Elizabeth had put some extra ingredients on the counter and was looking at Voice with a somewhat pleading expression.
“So,” She started speaking while fidgeting. “I was thinking. You know some pretty interesting recipes. What if I provided the ingredients, would you be willing to make more?”
“Sure, if it’s only for a few people.”
You have accepted this quest.
Success: Make at least ten foods Elizabeth hasn’t seen before.
Difficulty: Low
Failure: Not being able to make at least ten foods Elizabeth hasn’t seen before, or making them poorly.
Reward: Free use in using Elizabeth’s kitchen, she may also occasionally provide ingredients to cook with.
Failure leads to decrease intimacy with Elizabeth.
Voice didn’t expect that to be a quest, but he was happy with it.
He saw many ingredients on the cabinet. He chose three. The ingredients were rice, chicken cutlets and eggs. He made some very nice imitation chicken and rice, and added a fried egg for pizazz.
He went in to the dungeon. He messaged EDI, asking if she could be there.
“Actually I already am. Hehe, I decided to try and see if I could find any clue for beating the boss.” She sounded dejected at the end so Voice figured she had failed.
“Well anyway, let’s get going. Let’s kill the bears again though.”
Mimicking the previous day’s tactics they completely destroyed the five rooms with bears before the boss bear. The boss bear seemed to recognize Voice instantly. He went to attack in a state that was almost like rage mode.
Voice managed to deftly dodge every one of the bear’s attacks. He even got a few hits in himself. After a few minutes of parrying and retaliating, Voice gave the signal to attack.
They had decimated the entire hallway of enemies. Voice only needed to heal Rabs once, and that was because the stupid rodent managed to get himself caught in the mouth of one of the bears.
Voice was basically playing with all of the bears except the last one.
They finally entered the ‘first’ dungeon door. Past the door was a hallway that looked identical to the one they just beat. EDI explained.
“Each floor had a certain thing about it. The first floor is all hallways with six doors, five of the doors contain two monsters of a certain kind, and the last one has a boss monster. I say boss but it’s just slightly higher level and speed than the rest. The monsters all start at level one and continue to the boss at level six.”
The hallway they were in had rooms with wolves in it. They went into the first room, and the four besides Voice took one wolf while Voice trained on the other. Voice was hit several times, but his thick iron armor as beyond the level one wolf’s ability to bite through.
The wolf would angle its butt down just before jumping to attack. If its weight shifted to one side it was going to attack from the other. If it leaned slightly forward it was going to lunge. After only a dozen or so attacks Voice figured this pattern out.
After that the wolves were a cake walk. If he saw the weight shift, he would move to that side and angle his staff accordingly to block. If the butt went down he would wait until just before takeoff and strike in a downwards arc. If the wolf inched forward he would jab the butt of his staff towards the wolf, usually catching it in the throat. Not to mention the fact that he still used his back of the skull trick when he was bored.
The only problem was the wolf boss. Not only was he faster than the other wolves, he was much more ferocious. Voice managed to dodge or block several of his attacks before signaling for help. Once the entire group was fighting him he fell in less than a minute.
EDI was impressed with how he coordinated the battles. He set up plans, and after just the first wolf he breezed through the others.
All in all it was a good haul for Voice. He gained another level, and another point of agility. He also gained two strength, one while fighting the boss bear, the other while fighting the boss wolf. After that he went to the dojo to continue his training.
Stats WindowNameVoice0fReasonClassAnimal TamerHealth190Mana300Stamina290Level8Current TitleBunny LoverHealth Regen/Sec1.9Mana Regen/Sec2.0Stamina Regen/Sec4.1Strength23Agility13Wisdom20Intelligence30Endurance41Dexterity25Luck10Vitality29Charisma11Compassion35Leadership36Logic12Piety25Unused Stat Points45Fame460
Skills WindowIdentify Novice Level 9 Exp 21.11%Skill Fusion Novice Level 3 Exp 00.00%Identify Skill Novice Level 6 Exp 14.28%First Aid Novice Level 1 Exp 90.00%Deception Novice Level 3 Exp 82.50%Critical Strike Novice Level 6 Exp 75.00%Automated Novice Level 6 Exp 25.00%Auto Aid Novice Level 1 Exp 90.00%Alchemical Aid Novice Level 1 Exp 00.00%Speed Reading Novice Level 1 Exp 00.00%Auto Read Novice Level 19 Exp 57.89%Identify Compatible Skills Novice Level 1 Exp 00.00%Skill Dissembler Novice Level 1 Exp 00.00%Cooking Novice Level 5 Exp 20.00%Group Skill: Key to Self-Sustained Alchemy Novice Level 8 Exp 57.23%
Affinities WindowNature10Light10
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8 100 - In Serial16 Chapters
My Poetry
So I think some of you know that I already write poetry. Most of my poetry is free verse. I thought why not go ahead and just make a poetry book in here. Some of this is poetry I've already written, others are brand new. God I'm really nervous about this, I don't usually share my poetry.
8 117 - In Serial14 Chapters
Chronicles of The Dragon Empire: Rise of the Dragon King (Rewritten)
this is the rewritten version of Chronicles of The Dragon Empire: Rise of the Dragon King, as i promised that i would do. Also, I took some time due the necessity of think in a new way to tell this history. So i will change a lot of things. (Actual synopsis) Around the 1950ties, an strange fossil was found by a genetic scientist. Howeverm since he was one of the freakest freaks, he wanted to mix this fossil's DNA with an human, and create something useful from it, like he didwith several species in the past. However, the genetic compability was terrible, and no human could handle the DNA... until he found one child. A newborn boy. Killing his family, he kidnapped the baby and mixed his DNA as soon as possible. The result was astonishing. Accelerated growth, enhanced healing, strenght, speed and even fire breathing. This hybrid was named Fafnir. One day, Fafnir was able to break free from the laboratory, killing everyone in the process, includng the scientist that kidnapped him. After 60 wandering trought the world, he reachesthe modern days. Unable to age, Fafnir lives for a long time, and have many adventures in his lifetime. And now, in a retirement of sorts, he studies human society, and as part of it, he enters a japanese highschool for research purposes. But one day, while in class, a strong light comes from the ground, summoning the whole class, includig Fafnir, to another world.
8 94 - In Serial40 Chapters
Harry Hook X Reader X Carlos De Vil
Join Peter Pan's daughter in her adventures with the VKs to save Auradon from Maleficient/Audrey. Also in her adventures to find herself and her true love, sounds cheesy right? But that's the story. Read this to know if she's going to choose the son of Captain Hook or Cruella De Vil's son.**This was supposed to be an 'X OC' Fanfic but I decided to change it into an 'X Reader' because that's really more ideal than the other**
8 174