《DIVE》Dive 5: His First Cure
Short summary of the last chapter:
Spoiler : Voice found finished the quest, but failed to turn it in on time. The alchemist took pity on him and taught him alchemy. He made some potions and became her apprentice.
He checked the system clock before he signed out. He had spent a little over twelve hours in the game. He went out of the shop to log out. When he said “Log out of DIVE,” he was sent to a pure white room. This room seemed identical to the one he had first appeared in. He saw two doors, one said exit while the other said DIVE. He walked through the door marked ‘exit’. When he got out he looked at the clock. It was just under two and a half hours after he first got in. He decided to quickly relieve himself and get back to playing. He also grabbed a cold slice of pizza. He didn’t want any of the other the other players getting too far ahead of him, so that was all he had time for. It took him about fifteen minutes.
Since it was summer and he was a full time college student he didn’t have anything he needed to do. He got back in the DIVE pod and reconnected DIVE. He again appeared in the white room. He decided to try to use some commands, but open stats window and other similar commands didn’t work. He tried saying “Open Help Menu,” and a help menu really did open up.
Apparently he could design his own room up to about a hundred terabytes big. That’s a huge amount. This pod was like a small server in today’s world. There must have been a lot of money and research that went into building these. He decided to go through the DIVE door, so that he could get more experience in potion making, and possibly get more intimacy with Susan.
When he logged back on, he noticed it was raining. He got a notice saying that he had spent more than an hour in the rain so he had a minor cold. It didn’t cause any negative side effects, but might be bad in the future. When he entered Susan’s shop he received a notice:
Intimacy with Susan the alchemist in the city of Rand has gone up to twenty five.
At every twenty five point interval Susan will be more inclined to go to greater lengths to assist you.
Current level: Will help you to a point that does not put her in any danger.
He was pleasantly surprised about this new development. He sold the forty potions to Susan for 200 copper. If you converted that it would be two silver. He asked Susan if she needed anything done.
“Sure,” Susan said after a few seconds of thought. “Take these potions I just bought from my apprentice to Evan.” She gave a small chuckle, obviously amused at her own joke. Voice gave her a smile that said he appreciated the joke. He wouldn’t want to lose his hard earned intimacy now would he? She also added one other, smaller vial to the mix of potions.
The rain had started to increase in the few moments he was in apothecary, so he quickly ran over to the smithy a few houses down.
If I get negative stats for this I’m going to hurt someone.
Voice didn’t see the smith at his forge. As luck would have it the smith decided working in the rain was too much of a hassle. So Voice knocked on the door. The burly smith came only a few seconds later with a worried look on his face.
When he saw Voice he gave a slightly angry sigh. “Look boy I already told you I can’t teach you my craft. Now if you don’t make yourself scarce I might have to call the guards; or better yet I’ll take care of you on my own.” The smith had an evil grin.
Voice wanted to retort with something witty about how he brought potions over and where the blacksmith could shove them. Just before he did though he remembered his goal for this game; he wanted to be a powerful healer in full heavy armor.
For that he needed to befriend this asinine blacksmith. So he said, “Actually, Evan, I have apprenticed myself to Susan. She asked me to bring over these potions that I made. “
The blacksmiths face went from satisfaction at having helped this young man to become an apprentice, albeit in a very indirect way, to dubious when he heard that this boy made the potions.
Voice continued, “She also gave me this to give you.” As soon as Voice showed him the purple vial he grabbed it out of his hands. He immediately ran back inside with the purple potion. He returned several minutes later, after having left Voice huddled under the metal canopy that shielded the smithy from the elements.
When the smith returned Voice asked what the rush was for. The blacksmith seemed hesitant to answer. Voice didn’t want to lower intimacy so he just handed the green bad tasting health potions to the smith and went to leave.
Before he could, however, the blacksmith invited him inside for a moment for a little bit of warm tea. Since warm drinks usually help with colds IRL Voice decided to join him. They sat in silence as the tea was prepared by the blacksmith. Voice wondered at where the blacksmith’s family was. His job didn’t make a lot of money, but surely he had enough income to support a family.
After the tea was ready Evan poured some for both of them. He set his own tea down instead of drinking it. He began telling Voice a story.
“A long while ago I fell in love. It all started when I turned eight years old, and my father had me apprenticed to the city’s blacksmith. My family has lived in this city for more generations than I care to count. There was one other apprentice to this blacksmith. He was a year older than me, but he treated me well. No ploys to gain favoritism or harm me or my work in any way. In fact, any time I had trouble he would go out of his way to help me. It wasn’t until the first time he made a mistake I understood why. My master was under the opinion that if one person in the smithy failed everyone in the smithy would suffer the punishment, of course that included my master. Well after a few years I learned why the other apprentice and I had never met our master’s family. Both his wife and daughter had a very rare form of disease. They would both become irritable before the symptoms started to show. They would occasionally would break out in a sort of rash; any wounds they received would heal slower and not as well. And whenever the disease was prevalent it was hard for them to walk and they would start to have some sort of something on their teeth. ”
Brenton was intrigued; he hadn’t gone out of his way to especially raise intimacy with the blacksmith, so this sudden heart to heart was quite out of the blue.
I smell a quest coming! Voice inwardly jumped for joy. Sure he felt bad for the NPC, but he was only a VI (virtual intelligence) anyway. The difference in VI and AI was that AI could learn and adapt, VI was just a really complicated program that had no independent thoughts or emotions. The government’s scientists had ‘proven’ the impossibility of AI several times, but that didn’t stop sci-fi fans from buying the games or watching the movies based on it.
Evan continued, “Eventually I met his daughter, and we fell madly in love. After graduating from my apprenticeship I asked for her hand. She said yes so I asked my master for her hand in marriage. He agreed to, but cautioned me that if I couldn’t find a cure her life would have many moments filled with despair.”
Voice would have been really worried for this guy if he was real, but luckily Evan wasn’t real. So Voice only cared about the potential quest rewards. Of course he would sill act like he cared. So Voice feigned an expression that seemed sad and shocked at the story.
The blacksmith almost cried, “Please, is there anything you can do to help? I know Susan can only give a remedy that alleviates some of the suffering, but maybe you can help her find a cure?”
Voice said, “Give me a few hours and I think I might be able to help.”
You have accepted this quest.
Success: Curing Evan’s wife.
Difficulty: Basic
Failure: Not curing Evan’s wife, or his wife dying.
Reward: ???
Failure leads to decrease intimacy with Evan the blacksmith, as well as his wife’s eventual death.
Oh this one has a difficulty. Did they just add that?
The blacksmith was dubious, but also had a glimmer of hope. If this boy could be accepted by Susan so quickly, then maybe he might have some special quality that would let him find a cure.
Voice went to Susan and asked about the woman’s symptoms. Apparently the symptoms would disappear randomly occasionally. They would always come back about three months later. He memorized the symptoms and time frame and logged out. He quickly searched the internet for information on the disease. He found several possible reasons, but decided to only try the ones that had known cures.
But who knows, this game might not be based solely on reality.
So he looked up what he could and got a list of known remedies. He could only find four diseases that could be cured with low level medicine; in the hour he gave himself to look it up. He memorized the information and logged back in. As he logged in he saw a beautiful sunrise. The fresh smell of dirt after rain gently wafted to his nose. He quickly ran in the alchemists shop and spoke to Susan.
“Alright, I have a few solutions that might work.”
He gave Susan a list of potential potion effects he needed. She could make three, but had no idea what vitamin C was.
Well I know what the problem is most likely.
He looked around outside for common weed. When he found some he analyzed the area around it. He got a notification once he was done.
Identify has leveled up. Identify is now Novice level 2.
He was extremely excited for a skill to level up. He quickly looked for more plants to research to level it up further. After ten minutes or so he remembered he was supposed to be looking for a way to heal Evan’s wife.
Oh well, he thought dejectedly, I guess I can always look later.
He went to the fruit stand and bought as much citrus as one silver would get him. He got thirty oranges, ten lemons and something that looked oddly like a purple pomelo. (Like a giant grapefruit)
He used identify on each of the ingredients.
A common orange. It regenerates 5 stamina/sec for 5 seconds, and heals 15 fatigue.
You have an inkling that this will help cure the blacksmith’s daughter somehow.
Ps. Way to ruin the fun by cheating.
An uncommon fruit. It regenerates 5 stamina/sec for seconds, and heals 30 fatigue.
It has no real value of its own, but might be useful in cooking.
The peel can also be used if dried.
An exotic purple fruit. It will instantly heal 50 stamina and 50 fatigue when eaten.
It can be used in many exotic dishes. It tastes tangy with a bit of grapefruit taste, although it is much sweeter.
Voice decided to see if any of his new skills could be fused. He tried fusing all of them in order. (I’m too lazy to write out the entire list a and b, a and c…) Sadly they were either incompatible or his skill fusion was at too low of a level.
The results he gained were:
Gardening + Plant Location = Planting intuition.
Skill Fusion + Alchemy = Alchemic Fusion.
Planting Intuition.
Current Level: Novice Level 1 Exp 0.00%
Planting intuition allows the user to know the best location to plant seeds of plants. At lower levels you can sense the climates any seed below uncommon would need. At higher levels you can sense the climates of a wider range of less common seeds, as well as identifying the exact location within that biome that would be good to plant the seed.
Levels in Planting Intuition provide 1% per level increase chance of harvesting additional ingredients using the gardening skill.
Alchemical Fusion.
Current Level: Novice Level 1 Exp 0.00%
Alchemical Fusion allows the user to fuse two or more alchemy potions (up to four) together to make a new potion with most of the effects of both.
The base potion will be augmented with a percentage of the other potion or potions.
Higher levels in this skill increase the percentage of the potions power the new potion keeps.
Current percentage: 24%
His skill fusion became level 2, and his Identify Skill became Novice level 3. He only got two new skills, but he was excited to show Susan his alchemical fusion. It would surely raise her intimacy, then he might be able to get free alchemic supplies to be able to level up even further. It was like everything was set up for him to become the ultimate alchemist.
He gather 99 more common weed and didn’t need any healing herbs as he still had 54 leaves left over. After gathering all of the items, he had gained a level in Gardening. He headed back to Susan’s place. She gave him all her research on Evan’s wife. He looked it over and confirmed his suspicions on the ‘scurvy disease’. He didn’t know how that was genetic but it was the only viable explanation.
He sat at Susan’s alchemist table and began working, Susan watching the entire time. She was enthralled in the idea that her pupil of less than a day could figure out something she hadn’t. Of course she thought he would fail horribly, but it was interesting to see if he did succeed.
Susan’s table had the mortar and pestle, but also various apparatuses for cutting, chopping, and otherwise dismantling plants. It also had a station to warm up any liquid ingredients he might use. He peeled the fruit and set the peels aside seeing as he might be able to make some money from selling those as seasoning when they dried.
He decided to try out a theory before he began actually making the potion for Evan. He made a health potion with extra healing herbs, it did in fact increase the healing potential but only up to a certain point. Any change on the one leaf two weed formula had diminishing returns immediately.
The fruit itself he crushed, getting out all the usable juices. He would be using this instead of water as a base for the potion. He then proceeded to make a health potion. He used twice as many herbs and weeds as the original recipe called for. The potions healed a total of 45 points of health on average. He made 50 potions from the finely stirred citrus juice and the green healing goop.
When he was done he went to identify the new type of potion he made.
You have created a new type of potion. The Vitamin C healing potion.
This potion will not only grant health to the one who drinks it, but it is a great way to help prevent diseases from lack of vitamin C, like scurvy.
For creating a new type of potion you gain a permanent plus five to wisdom.
For making so many potions at once you gain a total of plus two dexterity.
Susan was curious as to what his potions were so she looked over some of them when he was done. She had never heard of this effect, Vitamin C, but it might be helpful to Elizabeth. She had known Elizabeth since they were children, sometimes she would disappear for random intervals of time. It always concerned Susan. That was one reason she became an alchemist, so that she could fight incurable diseases. If this boy could help her she would be forever in his debt.
When Voice was done he brought one potion over to the blacksmith. Susan came with him. Evan opened the door and looked at the glass vial in Voice’s hand. He was suddenly filled with excitement, maybe his wife could be cured after all.
“Hello Mr. Evan.” Voice said, trying to sound a little more important than he was. “I have here a potion I think will cure your wife. Keep in mind though from what I know this will probably take about a month to start working.” Not that it’s a month my time though.
Evan led them both upstairs to see his wife. He saw her lying in bed, weak holding on to life. A single tear rolled down his cheek at the thought of his wife getting better. Nothing would cause him as much joy as that.
“Darling, Voice here has brought you a potion.”
“No more potions please,” Elizabeth’s voice was weak. It was as though she had been on death’s door for several days.
“No darling, you must drink this last potion.” He helped her sit upright while she drank. She did not make it easy on him. She obviously didn’t want to live with this anymore. When she had drank the potion Voice and Susan left the room. A few minutes later the blacksmith followed.
“So how much is the potion?” The blacksmith asked. “I’m willing to pay anything for the sake of my wife.”
Voices eyes lit up like dollar signs, but then he remembered Susan was in the room. Furthermore she appeared to be watching him to see his reply. Feeling unnerved by her stare he said,
“No charge, but if you could make me some armor time comes I’d be very grateful.”
Just before Evan could answer they heard a scream from upstairs. Evan pushed Voice out of the way, almost causing him to fall. Susan quickly followed Evan, and Voice got to the room a few seconds after the others.
What he saw amazed him. Sitting on the bed, where the previously disabled woman was, was a beautiful woman. She had fair skin, beautiful pearly white teeth, and seemed to have the smile of a goddess. The potion worked completely.
“I thought it would surely work, “Voice confessed, “but I didn’t think it would be this fast.”
Elizabeth got unsteadily to her feet. She came up to Voice and gave him a tight hug. Susan and Evan were surprised by this, she never showed any inclination towards affection to anyone outside her family except for Susan. Evan realized this was because Elizabeth recognized Voice as her life’s savior. Evan had tears in his eyes, his wife had been cured!
“She isn’t cured though.” Voice said. “She will either have to eat some sort of citrus fruit such as an orange or lemon at least once a day to make sure she doesn’t go back into that state again. If she does go back I have 49 more potions stored at Susan’s shop. “
The blacksmith thrust his hand out to shake Voice’s. His grip was very firm, a must have for any blacksmith. Voice got a notice before going out to gather more materials to create potions with.
You have created a ‘cure’ for a disease that was not properly known. You will be known as the person to come up with this cure.
Even if you did cheat…
You have gained the title Vitamin C King, The Curer of Scurvy.
When you have this title equipped people will recognize you as the person that cured the genetic disorder scurvy. This title makes alchemists and healers friendlier.
You gain an automatic + 10 intimacy with alchemists and healers with this title equipped. This does not raise the rank of intimacy.
You have gained 125 fame for finding a way to temporarily cure an incurable disease.
You have completed Evan’s quest. Talk to him for your reward.
Intimacy with Evan has reached maximum. Evan will consider you closer than a childhood friend. He will go to almost any lengths to assist you, even put himself in harm’s way to grant you a chance to escape.
Evan called Voice to a stop right before he left the house. He said, “If you ever need anything just let me know. Obviously any weapons or armor you may need for personal use will be free. Repairs as well. If you ever want to learn my trade all you have to do is say the word. If you want any unique items crafted all you have to do is bring me the materials and I will make it my top priority.” Evan had never felt closer to anyone, other than his wife. He decided to make Voice’s life a pleasant one in any way he could.
Stats WindowNameVoice0fReasonClassN/AHealth100Mana100Stamina120Level1Current TitleVitamin C KingHealth Regen/Sec1.0Mana Regen/Sec1.7Stamina Regen/Sec1.1Strength11Agility10Wisdom17Intelligence10Endurance11Dexterity20Luck10Vitality12Charisma10Fame135
Skills WindowIdentify Novice Level 1 Exp 90.00%Skill Fusion Novice Level 2 Exp 25.00%Identify Skill Novice Level 3 Exp 25.00%Herbology Novice Level 1 Exp 20.00%Gardening Novice Level 2 Exp 29.50%Plant Location Novice Level 2 Exp 00.00%Alchemy Novice Level 1 Exp 56.70%Planting Intuition Novice Level 1 Exp 00.00%Alchemical Fusion Novice Level 1 Exp 00.00%
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