《Cursed Anti-Hero Against the Gods》Ch 17 Flying to Elren City


When Eradin awoke it was well past sunset into the night, and when he had awoke, his headband was no longer on him, he took in his surroundings through sight and not senses. Eradin was in a dimly lit room with one bed. Multiple crystals were adorned upon the walls barely emitting any light. There was a small nightstand and upon it was simple bread, soup, and a cup of water. Eradin hadn't eaten in days, and he certainly didn't want to. But when he looked up, Farah was in the corner of the room sitting in a chair that had a small light crystal as well shining upon her tome. She had been reading the spells within it all this time. When Farah saw Eradin look at the food and quickly look towards her palely, she simply raised a finger and pointed at the food with a smile on her face that never reached the eyes. Farah knew every one of Eradin's curses, she took great care to remember them all word for word. Even so, she wasn't going to make Eradin not eat food for the taste. He was to eat just like a normal person whether he had the body of a true god or not. Eradin only blanched in terror and slowly grabbed for the bread and water. He adopted the strategy of eating as fast as possible, giving his body as little time to taste as possible. Eradin almost vomited, even with the [Immortal Stomach] trait. The water still smelled like gasoline to him and tasted just as bad. The bread tasted as if it was left out for years. The soup, that was the worst of it all, it was a mixture of what looked like beef broth, filled with a mixture of meats, vegetables, and what looked like spices. When Eradin brought it to his nose, it smelled like garbage that was under the hot sun for days and hadn't been disposed of. Very quickly, Eradin mashed all of it into a pulp before mixing the broth with it. Eradin didn't use a spoon to eat it, he instead chose to very simply pick up the bowl and chug down the soup as if it was his favorite drink. Once all the food and water was gone, Eradin paled, his stomach felt horrible, a new resolution came to mind. Avoid Farah whenever it is time to eat. But finally it seemed as if she was ready to talk to him since he ate food from the underworld itself.

"Come on, get up, the food was horrible for you, but you still need to eat. Your headband is on the nightstand. Let's go to meet my father up on deck. Also, we are roughly a few hours away from the city."

Before Eradin could even respond, Farah began to leave the room, obviously cutting off the conversation. Eradin quickly grabbed his headband and wrapped it around his eyes. Activating every sensory skill, Eradin confined the range to roughly a five meter circle around him. It was training for when he arrived in the big city, too much information might overload his brain if it all was witnessed at once. Eradin planned to get used to it and slowly expand his sensory range as he adapted to being surrounded by many people. The moment he stepped out of the door, Eradin was surrounded by the very same group of elves that almost killed him. In record time, faster than ever before, Eradin withdrew the Death Gods Scythe and readied into a stance while emitting the [Dragon Gods Aura], his anger and anxiety rising. Farah understood immediately how Eradin was feeling.


"Eradin, listen to me, this is their punishment. From now on, until our stay in the city ends, they are to be our escort. If they so much as disobey one of my orders or fail to protect us, even if we get a slight scratch, they will be punished again harshly. What happened was all a big misunderstanding. Trust me, I won't lead you astray."

Ever so slowly, Eradin retracted the Death Gods Scythe into his body. Then he let the [Dragon Gods Aura] dissipate. Eradin looked towards Farah with a disgruntled expression. Although it was kind of a failure since no one could see his eyes. "Fine, as long as they follow your orders, but don't expect me to get along with them that easily."

With the situation under control, Eradin followed Farah while surrounded by nineteen elves. When they approached the deck, Farah's father was waiting for them with the general who previously almost killed Eradin, but she had lost all of her air of dominance and seemed meek.

Duke Elenwith shoved Emerila towards Eradin, "Come on, what do you say when you messed up so royally and almost kill the person you were supposed to escort back to the city."

As if it were the hardest thing to admit in her entire life, the general trembled slightly, she attempted to look up at Eradin but his figure was imposing, he should not be able to seem as such when she was almost double his level but Eradin was simply a freak of nature, he shouldn't be able to fight people even six levels above himself. FInally she just forced it out, " I...I... I am sorry for my rudeness, I had not known the Duke and your grace were sparring. I will be your escort for the duration of your stay in Elren City as my punishment, let us get along from now on."

Eradin only grunted before he turned to Duke Elenwith, "So what did you call me here for?"

"Right to the point I see. Well first off, it was for this over zealous subordinate of mine to properly apologize to you. Now, there is a few hours until we arrive at the city, so I plan to spar with you and afterwards explain some things until we arrive. Now, hurry up, let us begin."

The Duke suppressed his strength to level forty, he once again readied his stance. Eradin similarly entered his own stance. But to his surprise, not only the Duke but the other three as well walked over. All of them with the aura and strength of someone at level forty.

"Ahhhh, I forgot to mention, more often than not, you and Farah will be outnumbered, so the four of us shall all fight you one on one and then two on one until eventually it is four on one. Then when we are about to arrive at the city, we will stop and I will teach you about the city, this world and the country. Suck it up, you want to let Farah not have to worry about you all the time right? You are part god, you should be able to take far more of a beating than all these trashy subordinates of mine who scream at the slightest amount of pain!"

All of the elves in the vicinity paled in fear. They began to remember the torment that they went through hours ago. This boy was to have all four of the Dukes undivided attention. That was an even more terrifying thought. However, what the most stunning thing they saw was not the Dukes, but instead the boy, he actually smiled! Was he a battle maniac like the Dukes?


Eradin only laughed inside, "I couldn't be happier, I shall gladly put all of your subordinates to shame, beat me to a pulp all you want, my blood shall flow, I will be wounded, but I shall not kneel, if you want to beat me, then knock me unconscious."

"Then I shall be the first to accompany you in combat. Don't dissappoint me boy." Duke Fairlin readied his warhammer and the training commenced. All the elves escaped as far away as they could to watch safely. But in the end, the airship deck was built to last even in war, it was durable to the point that only the Four Calamities could damage it.

Two Hours Later

Blood was scattered all over the deck, the elves were watching in awe, no exterior part of the airship was untouched by combat. In the middle of all this carnage was Eradin. Currently he was fighting every Duke at once. Multiple holes were covering his body that slowly regenerated. Blood drained every second. Bones were fractured. Bruises no doubt covered his body underneath the War Goddess Armor. Eradin's headband was long since shredded. And yet to the surprise of the elves, he still had his eyes closed for this entire training session. Never once did he cry out in pain, never once did he ask the Dukes to ease their power. Worst of all, there was still a cheeky smile on his face, no matter how ragged he was breathing. Sweat drenched Eradin. He had entirely put the crew, some of them who were [???] levels to Eradin, to complete shame. He had done what he said he would and really did put all the elves to shame. The Dukes were also covered in wounds and multiple curses. They were also sweating, no doubt if they all increased the level of power from forty to forty-one, Eradin would have absolutely no chance, however they were having too much fun, five battle maniacs were all fighting and they wanted to make that last as long as possible. But what made Duke Elenwith extremely pleased was how Eradin fought. He was extremely talented in fighting, and not just because of his blessings. Eradin had yet to use [Rage of the Dragon God] even once, this showed the Duke he had listened and he had learned. Eradin's talent for combat was simply limitless. But the fight was just about over. Eradin had virtually no stamina left. He pushed past his limits, forcing himself not to use [Rage of the Dragon God] in order to break his habit and focus entirely on what he could do, that was to watch and learn. Every single blow he exchanged had been a plethra of knowledge, even if the power of the Dukes were suppressed, their skill in fighting, especially as a team was not. For Eradin to survive this long, it was due to a heightened state, similar to a battle trance where nothing but he and his opponents existed, and yet he was aware of his surroundings enough where it would not hinder him. This was a state that many fighters could only dream of attaining even once and Eradin used it to learn, his skill was rapidly rising by the minute, and he had fought in this state for a full two hours.

The final exchange was about to happen, all of the Dukes readied themselves. Duke Ravencrest conjured a magical orb and enshrouded it with black flames and launched it towards Eradin. Duke Elenwith and Duke Fairlin attacked from the front. Duke Bloodrain pulled his bow, and a magical arrow appeared. Eradin didn't remain still either, he simply waited, waited for this moment. When they all thought he was at his weakest. Just as the weapons collided and the orb almost touched Eradin, he finally used [Rage of the Dragon God], for once, Eradin opened his eyes in a fight and they were reptillian slits, glowing with a flame-like aura of their respective colors, the pressure of a dragon came from Eradin and he forced it out even more with [Dragon Gods Aura]. The airship shook but remained stable. The shockwave from Eradin disintegrated the flaming orb and he forced back Duke Elenwith and Duke Fairlin, slashing in a sweeping manner, he cut them across their chests down to the legs. Under a heightened state of regeneration due to all physical stats increasing, Eradin was healing quite quickly, but it couldn't replace lost stamina. Despite that, while the two Dukes were backing away to reassert their stances, Eradin bolted past them and towards Duke Ravencrest, but as he slashed outwards, the Duke only smiled. A magical trap rune appeared underneath Eradin, chains appeared that were black and seemed to be made of molten rock latched on binding Eradin and burned him, flesh was searing and turning black. Eradin's vision went black, and he stopped moving, no longer having the stamina to struggle. That was when Duke Bloodrain finally shot his arrow. It flew right through Eradins legs, forcing him to drop down to the ground, then another arrow pierced his stomach, forcing blood to vomit from Eradins mouth. Massive holes were in his legs and they started to regenerate. But the fight was over. Duke Fairlin and Duke Elenwith were standing over Eradin with their weapons poised to kill. That meant he had finally lost. The chains released from Eradin and Farah quickly ran over, beginning to heal him with her [Abyssal Aura], while the Dukes drank potions to restore their wounds. Meanwhile as Eradin was healed, he finally found the slight strength to sit up. He was so weak at the moment and he was beginning to lose focus and regain it, all in a constant cycle. His armor was covered in blood and so was his weapon. Rather than attempt to wash it, Eradin simply retracted the Death Gods Scythe, Cloak of the Evil God, and all the War Goddes Armor from the waist up into his body. This was Eradins method of cleaning the blood off of himself. Since blood couldn't come into his body, it forcefully was ejected with enough momentum to land on the deck floor around Eradin. Even though he was tired, Eradin still was excited, all of his hard work these past two hours paid off, he had new messages.

[Lightning Resistance has been learned]

[Earth Resistance has been learned]

[Darkness Resistance has been learned]

[Holy Resistance has been learned]

[Scythe Mastery and Cursed Slash have now been mastered due to fighting multiple opponents who have all mastered many skills for an extended duration and surviving.]

[Dragon Gods Aura has leveled to 3/?]

Eradin didn't level but he was quite pleased, he essentially had resistance to every attribute thanks to Duke Ravencrest using magic from every attribute. The only ones Eradin didn't have were for special magics like his void or death magic. End of training analysis, [Draconic Body] and dragons in general were overpowered. This was Eradins one and only thought when it came to magic and resistance. That still wasn't the best part in Eradin's opinion. [Cursed Slash] had a new description.

[Cursed Slash has been mastered to the point even the War Goddess would be impressed. It is now passive and every successful attack has a chance to curse the opponent. The chance Increases the more the opponent is injured and the more attacks are successfully able to connect.]

This was extremely synergistic with [Scythe Mastery], now Eradin could manipulate a Scythe to its full potential without any wasted energy and curse an opponent at the same time, this was all thanks to fighting opponents who were originally far superior in level and skill. Had he not fought them today, or if he had no talent originally while also never obtaining blessings from gods that were well versed in the art of combat, then those two skills could have quite possibly taken years to master.

"Well how should we rate him?"

Duke Elenwith was genuinely puzzled, Eradin was talented, but he never thought that even among demi-gods, he had this kind of talent. If he was given room to grow, then the Duke honestly thought that Eradin could become so powerful, every countries armies, and all the Demi-gods combining forces would not be able to defeat him. Quite possibly, he would end up being able to destroy entire countries if he ever seriously attacked by himself. No one would be able to stop him, except for possibly Farah and Gods. That was quite the terrifying thought, just who had he gotten himself involved with, and even worse, it was already too late to turn back. If he betrayed Eradin, he would face not only his wrath when he grew, but also Farahs, which was much scarier. May the gods protect him if he ever made Farah angry to the point she wanted him dead and she had gained the methods to do it. The Duke understood that Farah was the only one with the power to soothe Eradin's anger should it be unleashed. In his understanding, Farah had a world destroying pet as long as Eradin was given the time to grow into his powers.

The Dukes were all silent, until finally Duke Fairlin spoke out for every single person aboard the airship to hear.

"I think he has untapped potential unlike any this world has seen before. He shall lead Algon into a new future where we don't have to worry about any nation and instead we would destroy and plunder their countries if we wanted to. All we need is to stall for enough time to let Eradin to grow into his powers.We have already agreed to aid him, so why shouldn't we start now. Dukes, I think it is time, let us begin our revolution here. Do we all agree?"

"Yes let us begin." Duke Elenwith took the lead, all four Dukes released their entire strength. Merging their auras together, they all stood next to Eradin while staring at all the Elves of the Elenwith House aboard the airship. Duke Elenwith released his killing intent and scared all the elves into submission.

"This killing intent is not directed at any of you. But instead towards the gods themselves! It is time for you all to learn of our true objective for respecting this youth. He is the Hero of legend! However, the legend is not what any of you had learned as children. No, the Four Calamities have learned the truth, and now so shall all of you. We are going to start a revolution against the Church of the Ten Creator Gods and the world itself! The Hero didn't come to the world to work for the Ten Creator Gods. No, he came here to destroy them, they have betrayed us and only rule us on passing whims like a king of tyranny would treat his peasants! There are not Ten Creator Gods, there are more! Four of them were sealed in the Aspect War by our own hands as mortals! They stood up for us, they wanted to let us be free, and instead, we were tricked into the idea that they were going to destroy the world! With the last of their power, this youth Eradin was born into the world as their apostle of destruction, not to destroy mortals, but to destroy gods! To free us from our unknown oppression! But he cannot do it alone because he was cursed by the ten gods, so Farah was evolved into the legendary elven race known as the Abyssal Elf to be his guide. The task will be virtually impossible without our help, for the Ten Creator Gods will surely call on their believers who have been tricked and once again repeat the Aspect War. WE CANNOT ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN! We shall create an underground faction that shall manipulate from the shadows and rise up in the Hero's time of need. Anyone that doesn't agree with this and wish to not participate, they shall be.... EXECUTED FOR TREASON! I pledge to the heavens that what I have said is the truth. If you all wish to join us, then enter into the Area of Effect blood contract magic and pledge yourself to secrecy, pledge your allegience to the new Hero, pledge your allegience to the faction hidden in the shadows which shall be called "Eternal Abyssal Night". Anyone that considers this heresy, come up to me right now, I shall gladly behead you for attempting to make the world fall into slavery. For there is no greater mission than to aid the Hero of legend in his quest! Anyone that shall join us, enter into the blood contract, become an agent of freedom. Release the world from the chains that bind it! Who is with us!

At first, no one answered, but slowly, ever so slowly, one elf after another approached the Dukes and Eradin, they pledged their loyalty to the faction and waited for the blood contract. Sadly there were a few elves that tried to escape from the airship, Duke Elenwith quickly killed every single one of them, until everyone on the air ship that was left was considered a member. After that, the blood contract began. Every Elf, the Dukes and Farah all participated. They pledged themselves to Eradin who they called "Cursed Sovereign of the Ayssal Night", they pledged themselves to the "Eternal Abyssal Night, they pledged themselves to serve until death and to die before they gave information to an enemy. The final pledge, to serve for eternity even if the gods were defeated, to make sure the world always remained free. Eradin could only guess that his title came from his tattoo which was now visible, and the fact Farah and he were considered [Abyssal Lifeforms], just from quickly glancing at it and remembering his daughter's status, who would've thought that the Duke would really be able to spin it into a flowery speech that aroused his people.

Upon the completion of the contract, every single person kneeled before Eradin and said, "Hail the Cursed Sovereign of the Abyssal Night", "Hail the Cursed Hero". And thus, with the sunrise slowly appearing over the horizon, and the city of Elren just starting to come into view, the underground organization, "Eternal Abyssal Night" was formed, albeit much earlier than expected. Eradin could finally see that despite his curses, even if his faction would be wary of him and more than likely serve the Dukes an Farah while avoiding him, there was a tiny thought, completely at the back of Eradin's mind, but it was still there none the less. Perhaps, just perhaps, my path won't be one of solitude, perhaps I can rely on others even if they are wary of me. The first tiny step has been taken on the path to freedom. But there are still many unknown plans that have to be thought of and completed before I have enough power to really fight in this world and continents second Aspect War. And the solution, break all rules, shatter any mold that society tries to place on me, do what I want. That is how I shall come to the finish line quickest.

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