《Cursed Anti-Hero Against the Gods》Ch 14 The Dukes arrive


Under the light of the full moon, history was being made at this momet. Witnessed by only five people. Farah and the four Dukes who watched from afar in an awestruck state of mind, although all they saw from the distance of just entering the lake was the black beacon. Once the beacon of black light descended from the heavens, Eradin's wounds began to heal at a faster pace. Then once they were fully healed, Farah quietly backed away from Eradin to the edge of where the light from the heavens beacon touched. Slowly under Farah's gaze, the body of the Hydra slowly disintegrated to bones. It left behind only two things. One was an egg which formed and took shape from the flesh that was disintegrated, which much like Eradin's equipment, forcefully fused with Eradin's body leaving a small tattoo etched with the ancient runic symbol meaning "rebirth" upon his left shoulder blade unbeknownst to him and Farah since she couldn't see his back. Then all that was left from the Hydra was a golden light orb. This orb was the soul of the Hydra. Eradin's Death God Scythe forcefully revealed itself and allowed the golden soul orb to enter it. Finally from all over the surrounding area where the battle occurred, any blood or body parts and even the bones left behind, anything at all that was a part of the Hydra began to release an aura. This was its divinity that was severed and stolen. Slowly as the beacon of black light faded, the severed divinity travelled to Eradin and fused with his aura. The effects were unknown until Eradin checked his status, but at the moment despite having a healed body and having leveled up, he was mentally tired, completely and utterly exhausted. The level up should've rid Eradin's body of fatigue as if he slept for an entire day, but even so, with a body that consecutively used an ability like [Rage of the Dragon God], it couldn't be recovered completely at his low level. So with his faith in Farah and not knowing that their were four Dukes with the title of Four Calamites flying over, Eradin simply passed out.

Farah didn't see anyone after a quick glance, her sensory skills were quite high but with people at the level of the Four Calamites, it was no use. The egg confused her quite a bit, but for now her utmost priority was Eradin. At once thinking there wasn't anyone around, she began removing daily necessities from her spatial ring and set up a camp quite quickly. Farah started a small fire, covered Eradin in a blanket, and set up a small two person tent. After everything was finished, Farah began to make herself some food and opened the Abyssal Night Tome to study the runic spells of the Abyss while waiting for Eradin to wake up. Her new level was 28. But right as she began to get comfortable reading, a deafening cry of a Gryphon shattered the night. Farah looked up over the lake to see four people fully clad in combat armor that she recognized quite well approaching quickly. The blood red armor of Duke Bloodrain. The Black Armor of Duke Ravencrest. The gold armor of Duke Elenwith her father, and the light blue armor of Duke Fairlin with his fairy wings spewing light from his back. They were the Dukes she knew as the Four Calamities, the last time she had seen them fully armored riding their gryphons it was in the middle of the Aspect War where they were rampaging in bloodlust at a level no less than the demi-gods. They were four of the pillars holding the country of Algon together, and also their ferocity was the reason that the city closest to the border was their home. No country wanted to send people to invade with these four Dukes being the first people that they would encounter.


Duke Elenwith had bloodshot eyes, he was furiously angry. There was only one reason that he knew that elf before his eyes was Farah. There was no one else this deep in the forest, and after seeing a black light fall from the skies, he could only assume that it was the demi-god accompanying Farah. Unmounting his Gryphon, the Duke rushed over to Farah and forcibly dragged her away from the demi-god.

"Dad what are you doing! Stop dragging me towards the Gryphon. I can't leave, do you want me to die!" Farah shouted vehemently, she could see her father wasn't thinking at all. He completely forgot about the blood contract and wanted to bring Farah home and never have to get involved in something so dangerous again. If she left, there would most certainly be ramifications for leaving Eradin behind in the forest. She might not die from the contract as long as she didn't break any of the conditions, but you could never be too careful with something so fickle. The slightest mistake could lead to everlasting torment even if the breach of the contract didn't kill you. But Farah's greatest reason, she was Eradin's [Eternal Guide] and couldn't just leave him behind. They were bound in life and even in death.

The three remaining Dukes who heard Farah say those words were in clarity already and understood the implications behind her words. If she left the demi-god, something would happen, something terrible Duke Elenwith would regret for the rest of his life. They all scrambled to stop the incoherent Duke Elenwith that was still dragging Farah to his gryphon.

"Duke Elenwith stop! Do did you forget about the blood contract!"

"Don't do something you will regret! Return to clarity from anger!"

"Don't you dare leave without listening to her report, she is an adventurer who sacrificed herself for the masses first and your daughter second!"

Duke Elenwith continued to ignore them. He knew full well she was in a blood contract. But there was also a time-limit to said contract. As long as the contract time ran out and neither side fulfilled their conditions, then it would dissipate without either party coming to harm. The best solution was to lock Farah away where even this demi-god wouldn't reach her until it ran out of time. In that time, he could let his anger subside while understanding the changes to his daughter from her account. If she was changed in any way for the worse permanently changed, he would unleash the full force of the city upon this demi-god. While Farah screamed, and the other Dukes attempted to stop him. An aura appeared behind him, it was weak at first, but it grew ever stronger, then it took on a draconic form. Turning around, Duke Elenwith saw a dragon. It was the exact same dragon he participated in sealing during the Aspect War. The aura was exactly the same. This dragon was phantasmal and surrounding the youth who was now standing, directing all of his anger, rage and bloodlust at him alone. His eyes were turning into reptillian slits, the pressure emitted was far stronger than any level twenty eight on the continent. It was closer to that of a level forty. Even then, it seemed endless and the ground was beginning to crack under his pressure.

Eradin simply looked at Duke Elenwith, he could already guess these were four prominent figures. They hopelessly outclassed him at his current strength. Even one of them alone could easily take him on. That didn't matter to Eradin, he was on the brink again for the second time in only two days. Seeing Farah being dragged away, Eradin's anger was teetering on the edge of his absolute anger being unleashed again. With his current level now, if it was unleashed, the destruction would be on a scale completey different than when he was only level thirteen. The Dukes would certainly kill him, but not before he unleashed every ounce of his strength trying to keep Farah from being dragged away. She was now his only lifeline to not going insane from solitude and anger. Without his one and only friend in the entire world, he wouldn't be able to contain his rage.


Eradin only said one line, "Let her go, before you see something that you definately don't want to see." Then he simply stood their trying to contain his anger.

Farah knew that he was on the verge again, simply seeing his eyes turning to reptillian slits, that never happened before meaning something about Eradin changed when he leveled up, he quite possibly was becoming more dragon-like as he grew stronger, if so she couldn't let such a walking time bomb explode. If he raged again, she didn't know what would happen. Turning to her father, Farah began to plead, "Please at least let go of my arm before he goes on a rampage. I have a memory that I shall transfer to you in order for you to understand. He is not like other demi-gods, compared to them, he is far more dangerous. If you don't let me go, the whole world would eventually be ravaged under his anger." Without waiting for an answer, true to her words, Farah chanted in the runic language and spread her previous memory of Eradin raging to the Dukes. At which, Duke Elenwith finally let go of Farahs arm understanding finally that Eradin was a monster that shouldn't be provoked despite his low level while the other three attempted to understand what they were witnessing a level thirteen do in their minds.

Farah approached Eradin while using [Soothing Song of the Abyss Mother], her melodius voice channeling softly towards Eradin, as if she was singing to a child. It's effects were immediate, Eradin began to lose the aura, his eyes returned to normal and once again he came back to sanity. Due to waking up while already fatigued and almost forcefully using [Cursed Child of the Sealed Gods Absolute Anger], in such a state, Eradin faltered in his intimidating posture. He fell heavily onto Farahs shoulder who stroked his hair and kept singing as if she were using a lullaby on a baby under the gazes of the Dukes who couldn't comprehend the situation. Eradin's aura returned to the virtual nothingness it should be when he wasn't fighting, all his life signs faded once again, and he was breathing in heavy ragged gasps. Eradin's eyes glazed over, the stress on his body at an all time high and he once again fell unconscious. Despite starting to be affected by x10 gravity of the worlds pressure causing Farah to suffer from using x10 energy, she sat down and let Eradin's head rest on her lap. Farah didn't care about being affected as it was far easier to deal with when you had full strength, she could only imagine how much stress it put on Eradin's weak body.

Under the Dukes gazes, Farah took out her Abyssal Night Tome and chanted in the runic language, she was attempting to channel the power of the Abyss to regain her energy that was lost from even the simplest of movements. Then, Farah finally switched out her lap for a clumped up blanket once she knew Eradin wouldn't wake up again for at least a day. While constantly channeling Abyssal Aura to Eradin, her gaze went piercing towards the Dukes who were silent and the aura around her silver eye became much more visible due to her sharp words and anger at her father. "You should all count yourselves lucky. To think that his divine wrath was almost unleashed on a scale incomparable to when he was only level thirteen. That is what is truly terrifying, even if he only leveled once, I am almost certain that it would increase his strength in that state exponentially. Now then, what you all wish is a report? Thats what is most plausible to guess." Her words stung their prides for having the titles Four Calamities a bit, but they waited for her words, all except for Duke Elenwith who was moving his hands towards the long sword strapped to his side.

That motion didn't escape Farah's eyes, "Dad, don't even think about killing him, I am bound to him in life and death. If he dies then I die. It is that simple, now you can kill him while killing me, or you can act like the person who is supposed to be the most controlled and logical of the Four Calamities. Your choice, it won't bother me either way, the moment you thought of killing him I knew just based on your eye movements from him to me, at which point a rift was formed in my trust of you whether it was your anger or not."

Duke Elenwith was furious at his daughter for blatantly disrespecting her father, he didn't even need to think of it now, that demi-god permanently changed her in a bad way to be rebellious towards him, she never acted in such a way even once. Her appearance and personality were not the same, this demi-god didn't need to be disposed of, he needed to be tortured and slaughtered the moment the blood contract dissipated. "Don't you dare act so disrespectfully to your father, you haven't earned the right to act that way at all! The moment the blood contract ends, he is dead!"

The three Dukes only watched, it was a fight between father and daughter, they didn't need to get involved. Then from Farah, they saw a black cloudy mist come from her body and surround the area. This was Abyssal Aura. Her silver eye now looked like it was on fire from its aura due to how angry she was, it was clearly visible for all to see. Farah had once said she was a higher rank in every way than ordinary elves and she meant it. Only Duke Elenwith felt it though. His blood felt like it stopped moving, almost like it became shackled in place. Much like how the hydra momentarily felt the urge to prostrate itself in fear to Eradin due to bloodline suppression. Duke Elenwith was fighting the very same feelings. In the end he didn't, but a cold sweat was going down his back. This....this was his daughter?

"Let me rephrase that, the blood contract is infinite due to my destiny. I am not allowed to tell you all anything about what I learned without Eradin's permission. What I can say though, is it is my choice to be with Eradin, he needs me far more than any of you understand. Now if I so wanted to, I think I could take over as head of the house since I am a superior race in the Elenwith House compared to before. What I can tell you all as well is my conditions for the contract. Eradin's and my party is permanent, if it dissolves we die. He is to come to Elren City and meet you first before deciding to pledge his allegiance to any country, although that condition is considered fulfilled since he just met you, albeit on bad terms. He is not to kill anyone in Elren City unless they direct killing intent at him or attempt to kill him or if he witnesses a crime for the time he is in the city. All conditions except for the party will fulfill themselves when he successfully visits Elren City once and follows the blood contract. These were my conditions. As for the ones he imposed on me, they were simply to help him and a don't tell secrets without his permission or attempt to kill him in anyway, whether I attempt it or try to get someone else to. That is all, if you want to learn anything else then you need to wait for him to wake up."

The Dukes faces all blanched to pale white. Duke Elenwith even more so. His daughter was bound to a demi-god for the rest of her life, and it was her choice! Who was supposed to inherit his position now as she was clearly implying that she would not inherit his station. Despite that, all the Dukes simply mumbled their agreement in defeat. They all set up their own camp next to Farahs, and avoided her and Eradin. All answers would have to wait until the demi-god woke up.

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