《Rain Revert》Chapter 26: [ The Tolant Queen ]


Like a chick breaking its own egg, Lafetti and the others broke the ice that was covering them like a cocoon.

When they finally managed to get out, Rain couldn’t help but suck a cold breath, yeah Cold!

Because, everywhere around here was like a world of white ice, cold and freezing.

Everything around them was covered by bluish-white ice, giving the usual dim and dull looking tunnel a magnificent view.

Just what the heck!? Rain’s eyes trembled, in fear, in shock, in amazement, and in awe…

If this was Zarda’s [Unique Skill] just how possibly was it to be this strong? It's already balanced breaker to the point that he wanted to call the GM immediately to report a bug.

How can be this strong…?!

Rain surveyed the entire frozen area with wide eyes,

[ Master, ] at this moment, Sylphy’s voice rang out inside his mind.

[ If I’m not mistaken, that monster’s patron was the Goddess Prim; The ruler of the World of the Dead! ]

Goddess Prim, Rain repeated that name as if engraving that name in his mind. Such strong power, anyone who experienced it would feel terrified.

“The Chief is here!”

As Rain was in deep thought, a voice woke him from his daze.

Not far away from him, Drova and Stagna were holding an unconscious Zarda in their hands. Shock, Rain immediately runs along with the other Lamias.

“What happened to the Chief?!” Rain asked, anxious.

Lafetti came and put her hands on his shoulder. With a smile, she answered, “It’s fine. It’s just the usual…”


“When the Chief used his [Unique Ability], she will hibernate for quite some time and when she woke up, she will lose half of her strength temporarily,” Drova answered Rain.

“Isn’t that bad?!” Rain exclaimed. The side effects of that power were quite enormous – Though it should be normal judging by the power her [Unique Skill] possess.

“Well, we’re finished here, the Queen shouldn’t be able to survive –”


Lafetti muttered but before she could finish, a sound of cracking resounded from somewhere and seems to be saying ‘Lafetti, thanks for creating a Flag!’ and ‘I’m Alive!!’ with that seemingly appropriate description, Boom! Something exploded and in the part where a huge mountain of ice was located broke apart, revealing a very distressed and haggard woman with a lower half that of an ant.

She has a short, red hair reaching her shoulders and a pair of antenna standing at the top of her head.

That should be the Ant Queen…

“Good job for the Flag, Lafetti,” Rain gives a thumb up.

He then immediately went towards the unconscious Zarda and took her from Drova and Stagna while the other Lamias immediately surrounded them.

Rain knows that he wasn’t strong enough to contend against this monsters yet so he choose the best option, that is to step back and protect Zarda while the others fight.

As Lafetti and the others are prepared to engage, suddenly,

“Wa, wait! Wait, I surrender!! I give up!” The supposed to be Ant Queen, waved her hands in front of her, flustered and pathetic.

When she saw Lafetti and the others walking towards her, she almost looked like a cute hamster, stumbling down, panic-stricken and afraid.

However, no matter how much she begs, Lafetti and the others wouldn’t spare her.

A predator wouldn’t let her prey escape…

Lafetti and the others rushed towards the Ant Queen – giving the latter a scare of her lifetime. She hurriedly tried to run away but she was already surrounded – she was even rained down by arrows and magic, like a rat surrounded by cats – she has nowhere to run.

The Ant Queen grabbed a giant ant that had turned into a Popsicle stick beside her and throws the almost doubled her sized corpse towards a group of Lamias in fear.

“Wait, wait, I really give up!” She begged but the Lamias were still shooting at her with arrows and magic and even the others was still hot on her tail, intending to kill her.


Rain looked at her, feeling a bit of sympathy.

[ Master, this is the law of the world. Monsters like that had also killed many beings, they are all murderers…] feeling Rain’s conflicted emotions, Sylphy comforted him.

[ You can feel pity but never go against the rule now, Master… or you will be hurt one day… ]

[ All the strangers around you, even those who you see as friends and family, they can kill you without batting an eye. This is unlike your original world, free of violence and feared the law… ]

I know, Rain thought with sadness. Of course, he understands this.

This isn’t only human nature but also that of every being. Evil lies deep in the hearts of every living thing.

The Ant Queen, right now, looked like a pathetic and pitiful being but she too has her own share of evil.

Blood spilled on her hands and her throne standing above of bones – but even still,

Rain sighed as he knows that what he will do was extremely and utterly foolish – but as a youth that had lived in the 21st Generation that had enveloped by the God’s Doctrine of evil and good –

‘Evil has no positive nature, but the loss of good has received the name 'evil.'’

Carrying Augustine’s belief, ‘All which is corrupted is deprived of good.’ Rain moved.

He gently placed Zarda to the other Lamias and started running towards the Ant Queen.

[ Master, ]

“I know, but as someone, as I am, I just can’t change myself in just a short moment of time. I will help those people who ask for it in front of me,” Rain said with firm determination.

The Ant Queen might be evil but maybe she did it because she was deprived of goodwill, then why not show her goodness that can chase away her evil nature?

Carrying those naive thoughts, Rain rushed at the battlefield.

“Lafetti, guys, stop! Stop fighting!”

Rain’s call was extremely effective. After Rain running towards them, all the Lamias stopped attacking as they all send curious and confused expressions towards Rain.

“Rain?” Lafetti called out. Just what is he doing?

The Ant Queen saw that all the Lamias had stopped attacking and immediately felt relieved. When she turned her head and saw Rain, running towards her, she immediately moved and dashed like a bullet at Rain’s direction.

Rain’s was her only chance of survival.

The Ant Queen’s action didn’t bypass the other Lamias and was immediately alarmed. They desperately tried stopping her with Magic but the Ant Queen easily avoided them. While the other Lamias frantically run, trying to intersect Rain and stopped him but they were a distance apart and with Rain and the Ant Queen’s speed, they wouldn’t be able to make it in time.

“Rain! Stop!!” Lafetti was extremely anxious as the others, wishing that they had four legs to run on.

Rain ignored the others and in just less than a second the Ant Queen was already meters away from him.

“We don’t need to fi–!?”

Rain wanted to convey his desire for peace but before he could finish his words, he suddenly saw the Ant Queen’s desperate crying face and like a panther jumping to its prey, she jumped him!

I’m so stupid!


Rain wanted to curse his idiocy, his stupid mindset that if one just ignored the ugliness of the world, or smoothed it over, everyone can get along. This is what he gets for being too naive...

Rain regretted his foolish decision and has prepared himself for the conclusion but instead of pain, he was suddenly pulled into a warm embrace and instead of pain scream, he began hearing a sobbing voice.

“Helv vme!! Pweash helv me!!”

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