《Gods of Tartarus: Haven Forge》Chapter 23: Savior
“Good morning milord. I hope you slept well.” The receptionist lady from last night was at the counter again.
“We did, thank you. Here is another silver to cover for today as well.”
“Thank you very much sir. We look forward to your return.” She bowed and they headed out.
“Ah! We really are in Merluka!” Ruby was excited to be in her home town.
“Is there any place you recommend Ruby?” Dite asked.
“Oh, um, there is a good food stall that sells really delicious kebabs!” Ruby led the way toward the shopping district.
“R-Ruby! There you are, I have been so worried. Um, where is your mother? Who are these people with you?” A thick woman came out from behind the kebab stand Ruby was leading them to the moment she saw the rabbit girl.
“Hello Auntie Susan. Mother, she…” Ruby’s ears drooped and she began to tear up.
Phaestus stepped in. “Hello, Miss Susan is it? I am Hephaestus, this is my wife Aphrodite, and this is our friend Rorroco. We helped rescue Ruby from slavers around a week ago. Sadly, from Ruby’s account, her mother and uncle did not make it. We are escorting her to Obai during our own trip there. We heard that she has some distant family. Here is the notice for the mission.” Phaestus showed the cautious woman an official letter from the city of Meerka he had Lady Vannil create.
“Oh, I see. Well, thank you very much sir.” She bowed her head.
“But to hear that Sheila and Hara, I am so sorry little Ruby.” The woman hugged Ruby caringly.
“Thanks Auntie Susan. I miss mama a lot, but now I have big brother and big sisters!” She smiled through her sadness.
“Well, let me treat you all to some of my kebabs then. This way.” She led them over to the stand and handed them four fresh kebabs.
Phaestus ordered four more for Rorroco, even though she was smaller, her stomach was still far bigger than theirs.
“My, that girl can put some food away.”
“Yup, big sister Roro has a giant appetite!” Ruby joked.
What a clever joke! Though only us who know the truth would understand.
Rorroco laughed while Phaestus and Dite smiled happily.
“Miss Susan, did Ruby’s mother happen to say anything about her family in Obai?” He took a bite of the kebab.
Oh, is this oyster sauce? It tastes similar, I will have to ask her before we leave.
“Not much really. I do remember her saying that she was disowned by her family for refusing some marriage or something. She came here with her husband who was the son of a merchant here. His family was also against the marriage too since Sheila lost her family’s support. The two of them did not care though, ah, their love was a beautiful thing. Many ladies would hope to have a marriage like theirs, while the men looked on jealously. Hahahahah!” She laughed.
Phaestus fell into thought, now wondering if it would be better to not take her to Obai.
“I do remember though, before Sheila and Ruby left town last, Sheila’s family supposedly reached out to her again. I never did learn what it was about though.”
“Maybe we can check their home here.” Rorroco offered, Phaestus translated.
“Oh, is that the giant’s tongue? I only heard it sounds like a person singing. Anyway, I know that Sheila sold their home and were moving, hmm, where did she say they were going? Oh right, Lenmos!”
They were coming to my town. Phaestus thought sadly.
“Have a lot of people been moving? I heard a rumor of people leaving Merluka’s territory.” Phaestus asked Susan.
“It’s no rumor. A lot of people in outlying towns are either leaving or disappearing. It is some bad times for Merluka right now, with the king passing away and his young son taking over. We are thankful that the new king’s uncle was there for the poor boy. First losing his mother, than his father.” She shook her head sadly.
“How did the queen die?” Dite asked.
“No one really knows if she died or not. She used to travel the city to speak with the people, but at some point she disappeared and it was announced that she fell into a coma. None of the doctors or healers could heal her.”
Yeah, someone definitely made that happen. Could it have been the uncle? Maybe someone who didn’t plan on the uncle.
“What is known about the uncle?”
“Oh, the old king’s brother? He is a good man. Their father decided on the deceased king to rule against the wishes of the nobles. He was a good man who cared more for the people. The nobles tried to get the uncle to challenge for the right to rule. They even rigged a situation where they would have to fight, right here in the main courtyard! It was a sight to see. The nobles cried out for the fight to begin and the uncle grabbed his dominant arm and broke it himself! Declaring that he would sooner destroy his own body before he would take the throne from the rightful king! Many looked on in shock at his actions. His brother rushed forward to him and tried to heal him, but he refused to be healed so that he would always have a bum arm.”
That is a hell of a commitment. Yeah, most likely not the uncle.
“Alright, well we have a meeting we need to get to, thank you very much Miss Susan.”
“You’re very welcome. Please visit again with Ruby please.” She smiled.
Their group was let into the palace and brought before the throne room door.
“Are you ready milord?” The palace attendant asked.
Phaestus nodded and they opened the doors and allowed them in. “Entering, Duke Hephaestus and party of the kingdom of Dunlap.”
There were a handful of nobles at the sides, clearly divided.
Yeah, that side looks like the corrupt sleazy side while that side likes to sit on their high horse, and that small group look like decent people.
Phaestus made out the various groups of nobles, noticing the group of corrupt looking nobles was larger than the others, even if the other two groups joined together. They stopped and bowed before the king. The king was a young merfolk boy with bluish hair and scales. He looked to be around sixteen years old. Next to the throne was a strong looking merfolk man with graying blond hair and beard that both were neatly trimmed. One of his arms looked to be smaller than the other.
That must be the uncle.
“Greetings Duke Hephaestus, I have heard much about you. Is it true you slayed a Queen Basilisk by yourself?” The young king asked.
“Yes your majesty, through our concerted efforts, we were able to kill it before it could escape.”
The young king seemed to get a bit excited over his answer.
“They also say you are the origin of the new method of hunting large monsters, and creator of crossbows!” The uncle put a hand on the young king’s shoulder with a smile, calming the excited boy down.
Yeah, that’s a good man.
The uncle then spoke up, “You carried a letter of introduction from Ella Dorn Ironwall. How is she?”
“She is well, currently in my employ in my town of Lenmos, along with her husband.”
“I see, I am glad to hear that. Your request said that you had important information for our kingdom?”
“I do. Tell me, have you seen these?” He pulled out one of the marked collars and handed it to an attendant that showed it to the uncle.
“This seems to be a slave collar of Goun. What of it?”
“This one is different. Consider the marking on the inside of the band. This collar, which we have dubbed as a Domination Collar, is a more dangerous version of the illegal slave collar. This one is truly terrible as it strips a person of their will even further. A person with the basic collar would only be at risk of the collar choking them, but allowed just enough freedom for them to run and escape if they could. This one though turns a person into nothing more than an unfeeling doll.”
The nobles began to chatter amongst themselves.
“This is a terrible item, where did you come across this?”
“I am sorry to say, but within your borders.”
The nobles became outraged, but the uncle silenced them with a word.
“On my way here, my group came across a caravan from the township of Yauli. They were on their way to my town of Lenmos when they were set upon by bandits. My group helped turn the tides and defeated the bandits, only to find out some of their numbers were missing. We found that there were slavers working with the bandit group, attacking anyone who traveled the main road. We captured the slavers and turned them over to the city of Meerka for interrogation. It will only be a matter of time before anyone they may have been working with to be found out.” Phaestus noticed the uncle’s eyes shift to the side of corrupt looking nobles briefly.
“I see. This is terrible news. But now that we know of it, we will have make sure inspections are increased at our borders. Thank you for this information Duke Hephaestus. Would you like to join us for a private meeting? I believe the King would like to hear of your adventures.”
“I would gladly share them.” Phaestus said with a smile.
“Everyone is dismissed!”
The various nobles left the throne room, the corrupt looking ones seemed to be moving a bit faster than the others though, and Phaestus’ group was led into a side room. The young king, his uncle, and some knights were in the room along with Phaestus and his group.
“Duke Hephaestus, I am guessing you held back some information there?” The uncle asked, which cause Phaestus to smile.
“You would be correct. The bit of information I held back was that the countries to the north have a method to detect said collars. That mark on the inside of the collar is similar to a curse. If you set up detectors at your borders, gates, and ports, you should be able to find anyone who is smuggling them into your country. I can teleport to Meerka and see if I can get a sample one for you, if you want?”
“That would be helpful. Tell me Duke, how you at healing or medicine?”
“Medicine not so much, but I can use various healing spells. It depends on the ailment. Are you asking for your arm?”
“Not my arm.”
“My lord, you don’t mean to-.” One of the knights cut in.
“What choice do we have? No one else was successful.” The uncle silenced him.
“Uncle, do you mean to ask him to heal mother?” The young king asked.
“Yes, the stories of you Duke, you sound like a miracle worker. We were hoping you might bring a miracle to us.” Phaestus nodded and they were led through the castle to a heavily guarded room.
After getting inside, a maid welcomed them. She was tending a woman who was lying in bed, her eyes devoid of light and her face expressionless.
That is a very familiar sight. Phaestus thought, a black flame of anger igniting deep within him.
“The queen has been in this state for nearly four months. Do you think you can heal her and do her no harm?”
“I don’t know, but I will do what I can to help you.” Phaestus turned to see one of the knights was using [Truth Seeker].
Glad to see they are making sure.
The knight nodded to the uncle and Phaestus proceeded.
No Mark of Domination on her forehead, what is this?
“What is this choker on her neck?”
“It is my lady’s favorite item, it was an heirloom from her mother. She wore it all the time.”
“And you never removed it? And why?”
“Um, no, like I said it was her favorite item, I could not bring myself to remove it.”
He looked over at the knight who still had the lie detection spell active and saw no reaction from him.
“Then let’s try removing it.”
Instead of trying to remove it normally he shifted it off her neck to his hand right after touching it.
“What did you-?” The uncle began, but stopped when the queen took a sharp inhalation of air.
The room went silent as everyone looked to the queen, anxious.
“M-mother?” The young king broke the silence.
She spoke weakly, “I’m, back?”
Hearing her words the young king rushed to her side taking her hand with tear filled eyes.
“Mother! Mother! Mother!” He held her hand to his head.
“My little boy.” She moved her hand and caressed his face.
Many of the people were tearing up at the scene, Phaestus smiled and summoned a vial of the divine water from his well.
“Here, give this to queen. It will help to restore her strength and remove any abnormal conditions.” He handed the vial to the maid who moved quickly to help the queen.
“Hmm, that, tasted like really clean and crisp water.” The queen commented, but her pale skin started regaining color.
“What an amazing feeling. I feel warmth throughout my body. Thank you good sir. May I know your name?” She asked, sitting up in the bed she was in.
“I am Duke Hephaestus of the kingdom of Dunlap your majesty.” Phaestus said bowing his head.
“Well Duke Hephaestus, I am in your and your kingdom’s debt.” She bowed her head.
“What was that Duke? She looks far better than she had.” The uncle asked.
“A gift from a close friend. I cannot say more than that.”
“Taelba, what has happened since I have been in this state?”
Phaestus asked if they wanted him to step out, but the queen asked him to stay, saying that she would appreciate advice from her savior.
The uncle, Taelba, went into discussing what happened to the king, the coronation of her son, the disorder among the nobles, the disappearance of their people, the marked collars, and Phaestus’ timely arrival.
After the uncle finished getting her up to speed, anger was apparent in her voice. “Damn them all. Trying to turn my son into a puppet. Thank you Taelba for returning and helping my son.”
He bowed. “I just wish I knew who among our nobles were responsible for all of this.” Taelba said.
If only Lord Tulsen could appear and do that thing he did… No? Oh well, let’s see what we can do.
“Why the hell were we called back so soon, we just left!” A fat man in noble attire complained to a weasel looking of a man dressed at the same level.
“They said that something happened to the Queen and that everyone was to return.”
“Heh, maybe she finally kicked the bucket.”
They entered the throne room and joined their group.
“Any of you hear what this is really about?” They all answered no.
“What about the other’s?” The fat man asked with disdain in his voice.
“They know nothing either. Some of them are hopeful that she has recovered, that would mean bad news for our group.”
Lord Taelba entered the room, “Good, all of you are here. Now entering! His majesty King Falbus Lao Merluka and Queen Mother Pina Mary Merluka!”
The Queen! They all thought.
The young king and his mother entered the throne room and they sat on the thrones. The Queen was in a regal light blue dress and she was wearing a monocle over one eye.
“Oh, Queen Pina, it is great to see you have recovered, we were truly worried.”
Tch, bootlicker. The fat man thought.
“I thank you. I received a miracle medicine delivered to me from a friend of Dunlap. I was deeply saddened to hear of my husband’s passing but I am back and intend to assist his majesty in getting our country back on track. I intend to bring each of you into the meeting room to hear from each one of you. Each meeting will be brief and you will be sent home from there. Please wait until you are called, I do not intend to take much of your time.” The queen stood a bit unsteadily and was assisted by Taelba.
Oh, she is still weak, we might be able to deal with her still. The fat man thought.
One by one the nobles were called in by starting from the highest ranked. Two hours had gone by and they had gotten through nearly all the nobles.
How much longer do they intend to make me wait?! I have to get back soon so that I can play, hueh, hueh, hueh.
“Baron Markus! Please come forward!” The fat man, Baron Markus entered the meeting room.
At the large round table, the Queen sat at the opposite end with the young king next to her. There were knights along the walls along with the masked man the Baron saw earlier.
Why is he here? Duke Hephaestus was it? He had some fine ladies with him, they would make better playthings for me. In his mind, he smiled wickedly.
“Have a seat Baron Markus.” Taelba directed him to the seat directly across from the royals. Hmm? What is with that look? He seems angry over something.
Duke Hephaestus had a cold look in his eyes toward the Baron. He took his seat and the Queen began. “Now then, how are things in your domain?”
“Things are well. Though people have been mysteriously disappearing, I had to increase security in my domain, so I had to raise taxes. They were unhappy not understanding that I was trying help and they began abandoning their homes! So ungrateful.”
There, that should cover me for that bastards comment about those ingrates who escaped from Yauli. They still had some fine looking women too, such a shame.
“I see. Next tell me if you know anything that may help in finding if the king truly died of disease or not?”
What? Do they know? They can’t know that we had been poisoning the king for years can they?
“I am sorry your majesty, but I know nothing.”
As if I would admit that those of our entire party were a part of it.
“I see. Thank you. Do you happen to know anything of what had happened to myself?”
Hah! As if I would tell you that Earl Weasim was the one who swapped your choker for the collar a bitch like you deserves! Why don’t you bend over and shake your pretty little rear for me!
“All I know is what I was told, that you fell into an unfortunate coma. I was glad to hear of your recovery.”
Damn bitch, I will see you dead before the month’s end!
“I see. Thank you Baron Markus, you have been most helpful. You may exit through that door there.” She motioned to a door that did not lead back to the throne room.
Oh, that is why no one came out.
“Thank you majesty, I hope your health continues to improve.”
Drop dead.
He stood and moved over to the door. The knight opened the door and as soon as he walked through, he felt an explosion of pain in the back of his head and everything went dark.
After another hour the queen finished with the final noble.
“Thank you Baron Winddrum. You can head through the door there.” She motioned to the door opposite the one she sent Baron Markus. The knight opened the door for him and he went into a waiting room where a number of other nobles were lounging.
“What’s going on here Earl Reinheart?” He could be heard asking as the door closed behind him.
The queen let out a heavy sigh, “You truly are a slave driver Duke Hephaestus. Having a weakened woman such as myself do this.” The queen said jokingly.
“I truly am sorry, but this was the best I could think of on such short notice. Better to strike when the iron is hot then to let it cool and warp. It was in your countries best interests to deal with the corrupt nobles now. If they heard of your recovery, they may have targeted you again.”
“I understood when you explained your plan. But these objects are truly amazing. This monocle allows one to see when a person is lying, and this plate allows one to hear the surface thoughts of the person touching the other. It was a clever idea to hide it under the cushion of the chair they would sit in.”
“Thank you. I am glad to be of assistance.”
“You said these items were a gift of your goddess?”
“Correct. They are a one of kind items that I am required to return. They are too powerful of items.”
“Please be sure to thank your goddess for me. Also, what is the name of your goddess? I would like to dedicate a shrine to them.”
“I must apologize, I heard her name spoken, but as I was told, no mortal can understand their true names. But she is a friend of the guardian god of our world, I know his name. It is Lystmour.”
“Lystmour? Do you know what he looks like?”
“I have been told he has a bit of a wild look with long brown hair, tan skin, muscular, and golden eyes.”
“Hmm, that should be sufficient, I will commission a statue in his honor.” The queen said with a pleased smile.
“What do you plan to do with the corrupt nobles?”
“All of them will be imprisoned, interrogated, tortured, and summarily executed. All of their assets will be seized and repurposed to help the nobles I intend to put in place of them. To think so many were corrupt. A little over half of the nobles of Merluka were corrupt beyond redemption.”
The following three weeks were bristling with rumors and reports of what would later be called the Poisoned Water Purge. The many crimes of the nobles were revealed to the masses. Amongst the majority of estates of the corrupt nobles, the royal army found a majority of people who were reported missing, locked away in secret dungeons. They were all wearing the marked collars that were robbing them of their wills or regular slave collars. The amount of enslaved people was one-hundred-and-twenty-seven. The name of Duke Hephaestus quickly spread, calling him a savior as he removed the collars, freeing the people.
In the throne room, the young king and his queen mother sat upon the thrones. The remaining nobles and multiple knights were present.
“Entering! Duke Hephaestus! Hero of Merluka!” The doors open and Phaestus and his party entered. They stopped and bowed before the king and queen.
“Thank you for coming Duke Hephaestus.” The young king spoke regally. “Your assistance has been invaluable to my kingdom. This is a debt that Merluka will never forget. As you are already a high ranking noble of Dunlap, we will not offer you a noble title as we could not give you one higher. In exchange, we offer this monetary reward of five royal gold coins and recognition of Honorary Duke of Merluka. You will be awarded an estate here in Merluka for your personal usage. We also award you this medal, recognizing you as the Hero of Merluka. I, King Falbus Lao Merluka, thank you on behalf of all the people of Merluka.” The young King bowed deeply to him.
The rest of the people in the room bowed deeper than the king shouting in unison, “THANK YOU! HERO OF MERLUKA!”
What followed was a grand celebration and festival that would last for three days and three nights. It would become a national holiday celebrated each year, known as the Fire Lord Celebration.
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