《Gods of Tartarus: Haven Forge》Chapter 16: Lord of Fire
Two days later Eric woke up, completely relaxed and recovered from the business he had dealt with over the last few weeks. Sitting up in his bed, he looked over and saw the tanned back of Micah as she continued to sleep. He smiled, shifted his clothes to some comfortable ones and shifted to the kitchen to start on breakfast.
“Let’s see, some rocket boar bacon, thorn rabbit sausage, a few chicken eggs, aaaand some grapes.” He got to cooking when Luna showed up in her usual fashion.
“Heya Eric, been having a good time? Huhuhuhu.”
“You’re laughing like a perverted old man Luna.” Eric chastised her.
“Oh come on, I am happy for you two! Is that so wrong?”
“It is, you peeping tom.” He retorted.
“Hng!” She flinched, knowing she could not deny it.
“I told you to show some restraint Luna. Elder ****** will end up recalling you again.” The senior goddess appeared as well.
“How you would like your eggs?”
“No eggs for me please. Just some fruit.” Eric nodded and put together a bowl of some fruit for the senior goddess.
“You’re so nice it her…” Luna mumbled to herself.
“Yawn, good morning Senior Goddess, Luna.” Micah came down dressed in some fluffy pajamas.
Eric served out breakfast to Micah and Luna and ate his own.
“Oh right, we came down to let you know that you will want to return to the project soon. They hit a large open field and are being skittish about continuing without you.” Luna said.
After breakfast, the goddess’ went to enjoy the hot spring while Eric and Micah prepped to head out.
“Ah my goddess’, we are heading out.”
“Ufufufu, I got that reference.” The senior goddess laughed, causing Eric to break out into an appreciative smile. Luna and Micah did not get it as they never saw the anime. With that, the two shifted out.
“Oh! Master Phaestus, Lady Dite, we are glad you have returned.” General Douglas welcomed Phaestus and Dite back.
“Hello General. How are things?” Phaestus asked.
“Well, our scouts said that there is a large open area right in the middle of the forest path. We asked Aalra to call for more help. They just got here this morning.”
Phaestus looked over and saw some more giants around, as well as one familiar, twenty-foot tall giant.
“Gahahahah. Hello brother Phaestus.”
“Hello Elder Ooolba.” The old giant grinned mischievously, as she raised her personal ballista.
It was massive compared to the others, it even looked like it would be too big for her to handle, but she hefted it with ease.
“That little queen fulfilled my request quite well. I tested it out when I got it, it fires great.” She also had a belt quiver with ballista bolts specific to hers’.
“There like pointed trees.” Dite looked in awe, causing Elder Ooolba to laugh.
Phaestus and Dite moved with a scouting party up to where the open area was.
“Here it is Master Phaestus.” The head scout said.
Phaestus moved up and took a look. He felt a bit of nostalgia as he looked over it. He smiled and chuckled lightly.
“Phaestus?” Dite asked.
Phaestus realized that the spot they got to, was where his life in the world began. It was the field that his home appeared, where he met the goddess Luna and her senior. His origin in the world.
“This place should be okay. But we need to be cautious. It is going to be a pain to do, but I think we should split our efforts and surround this whole clearing. We will keep the giants and Elder Ooolba toward the center, their long range will be able to cover both sides.” Phaestus said with a warm smile.
“Understood sir. Let’s fall back and report to General Douglas.”
After a few hours, they made it to the entrance of the clearing.
“Hmm, so why do ye want to surround this whole area Master Phaestus?” The General asked.
“This can be a rest area. I have been thinking that it would be good to have something at the mid-point that can be used like that.”
“Hmm, that is a good idea. It might be good to also include some smaller ones along the way.” They continued their planning as the construction team continued their work.
Hours later they had one third of the area was walled off. Elder Ooolba and multiple giants were closer to the middle, ready to assist either side of the construction efforts.
“Hmm? Everyone! Caution!” Elder Ooolba called out.
Phaestus was with their group, “What is it?”
She gritted her teeth. “We had some of my people scouting the opposite side of the forest, I felt, their sparks of life extinguish.”
After she finished explaining, a horrendous roar sounded from the forest area. A large number of monsters came charging out of the forest.
“Fall back to the walled area! Vulta-corp! Stop their charge!” General Douglas ordered.
The giants were killing as many monsters as they could while they fell back to join the main force.
“M-Master Phaestus!” Simon came running up to him.
“Simon what are you doing? Get to safety!” He ordered.
“It’s an apex! That had to be an apex basilisk!”
“Are you positive?” Phaestus was worried.
“I know a basilisk call when I hear one, which was far more powerful than a Greater, it has to be an apex, a king or queen.”
Phaestus called out the warning, just as it broke through the forest. A massive basilisk, broke through the forest edge. It looked like a larger version of the greater basilisk, but this one had two horns protruding from its’ forehead.
“Gah!” Elder Ooolba fell down a knee.
She had glanced into the eyes of the monster.
“No! Don’t look into its’ eyes! It will stop your heart!” Simon cried.
Elder Ooolba was clutching her chest.
Phaestus used his ability force a barrel worth amount of divine water to appear in her stomach. She seemed to be recovering, but it was taking time. There were many other basilisks charging forward while the queen class stayed toward the rear. Phaestus heard a bellowing laugh.
“Phaestus! Look! On top of the Apex Basilisk!” Dite called out.
He looked, and upon the top of it on a saddle, sat a golden bearded dwarf.
“Luxa.” Phaestus muttered.
“Bahahahahah! Run! Run you fools! Witness the power of the Church of Light! Queen Basilisk, have your forces crush and kill them all!” In Luxa’s hand was a golden rod.
The Queen Basilisk roared and its’ forces charged forward. Many of the dwarven forces were falling prey to the paralyzing sights. They were able to keep their losses low with the vulta bolts blinding the large monsters, causing them to thrash in place. A giant launched a special vulta ballista bolt at the Queen Basilisk only to have it deflected by Luxa’s magic.
“Bahahahah! I will not let this mighty weapon, bestowed upon me by the God of Light, be threatened!” Luxa laughed maniacally.
“Dammit it all!” Phaestus pulled out many of his advanced weapons. He tossed a satchel of explosive orbs to Dite.
“Prioritize the furthest out Dite!” Phaestus then pulled out his rifle and took aim at Queen Basilisk. BANG! The round flew true but hit a magic barrier.
“W-What? Tch.” Luxa casted another spell that reinforced the barrier he had around the Basilisk Queen.
Dammit, I need more power.
Phaestus pulled out his shotgun and prepared to charge forward, but Dite latched onto him.
“Are you insane? Even with the mask, you would never get close enough to hit it.”
“Then what do we do? Our friends are dying!”
“We either need Elder Ooolba or a military level magic, and we don’t have that!”
Phaestus then had an epiphany. “We do have it.”
He then began a long incantation, which Dite recognized.
“Conjoin mine power, focus mine soul of fire, form together to bring forth a burning fragment of the sun,”
Luxa realized what was happening as an enormous ball of fire collected above Phaestus, “Q-Queen Basilisk! Kill that man! Quickly!”
Lord Tulsen was right about religious fanatics, they blind themselves to suit themselves. No longer, I will not allow this, even if I hurt myself casting this. I will survive using this spell, because it is fire, because I am Hephaestus! THE GOD OF FIRE!
The Queen Basilisk roared, but before it could charge forward, Phaestus finished.
“Touch and scorch all before me, [SOLARIS CONFLAGRA]!”
The massive fireball above him shot up into the air and crashed down, directly upon the Queen Basilisk.
The whole area was encompassed in fire, consuming every last monster and stopping just short of the dwarven and giant forces. Many shielded their faces against the heat as several trees burned up instantly. The fire receded, leaving nothing but ash and monster corpses.
“Cough, Phaestus!” Dite was moving through the smoke and dust, looking desperately for her companion. “Phaestus!” She was not hearing his voice.
“Here Lady Dite! I found him, h-he, he has fallen!” She charged in the direction of voice, tears in her eyes.
Elder Ooolba rose to her feet, seeing over the smoke and ash. “Damn monster. Hmm? Heh, you think you will escape after what you did? You’re two hundred years too early to think that!” She aimed and fired her massive ballista, clearing out the smoke before her.
The Queen Basilisk charged through the forest, its’ hide charred, still burning a bit, one of its eyes were destroyed, the other heavily damaged.
Must run, must get away. The small one with the rod is dead. I no longer must follow commands. I will run, I will heal, I will procreate, I will rule my territory.
A severe pain shot through its’ body.
W-what happened? What hit me? I must run, must get away from that human.
Turning its eye, it could only see something on its’ back.
M-must run. Why can’t I move, something is holding me in place? The burning is receding? I feel cool… I feel tired… I can rest here. I saw the dangerous human fall. I am safe. I can rest here… Nothing will, challenge, the, queen…
The Queen Basilisk slowly closed its’ working eye, never to wake again.
A few days passed. Many who were injured were either moved back to their road encampments or back to Uulwer. The dwarven forces continued their construction of the walls, getting the expanded clearing completely enclosed. The forest giants used their special magic to heal the scorched land and added a few trees for shade. Under one particular tree, Dite sat at its base, slumped against it.
“Good news! Great news! Exciting news!” A little gnome charged over to the tree she was at.
“Master Phaestus, huff, I have great news!” Dite was leaning up against the tree with a very exhausted Phaestus laid up against her, his head upon her chest, and her arms about his shoulders and chest.
“Phaestus, Simon is here.” She caressed his face.
“Hmm? Oh, hi Simon. What is it?” Phaestus could barely move and seemed exhausted.
“I am sorry to disturb your rest Master Phaestus, but I wanted to let you know that we figured out a way to keep monsters from settling in the tunnels!”
“Truly? How?” Phaestus asked with a smile at his excited friend.
“Popa mushrooms! The forest giants confirmed that monster don’t like being around them. To regular people like us, they mostly have an unpleasant smell, but nothing that terrible. To monsters, who have strong senses of smell, they don’t like being around it for long. We made some holes in the tunnel walls and made small planter areas with vents. The scent will permeate the area and keep them from settling inside! We did have to tweak the amount a bit, but we now have it to the right level.”
“Excellent work Simon. Your team has done well. Have you heard back from your flying monster expert friend?”
“Oh, not yet. My guess is that she will come charging over here faster than a black saber cat.” Phaestus shared a laugh with the gnome.
“Lord Hephaestus.” General Douglas approached.
“Yes General? And, Lord?”
“Hahah, I heard about your offer to become a noble of Dunlap. Anyway, here is a report for the palace, only when you are recovered enough. No rush, please, rest.” Phaestus smiled and thanked the General while Dite took the report and put it into her [Closet].
“Master Phaestus!” The head of the civic crew came, causing Dite to get a perturbed look.
“Um, sorry Lady Dite, I will be but a moment. I just wanted to consult you on where to build the underground tunnels, we were thinking directly below here.” He showed an area that cut right under the open field.
“No, do it a short distance from the entrances. If monsters burst from the ground, we don’t want it in our safe haven here.”
“Ah, a very excellent point. Thank you Master Phaestus. I will leave you to your rest.”
“Before you go, work with Simon to have some Popa mushroom planters set up at the top of the walls with the vents pointed outwards. Set them up at regular intervals so that we can keep monsters away from the walls better.”
The civic dwarf nodded and the three left the two lovers to relax.
“Sigh, you really work yourself too hard. Why in the world did you cast that spell?”
He chuckled lightly, “I had faith.”
“Yes, faith that Luna made a mistake when she gave me magic.” Dite and Phaestus shared a laugh, if they had listened closely, they might have heard the cries of a young goddess being forcibly summoned for another lecture.
After a few hours, Phaestus gained enough strength to use a single teleport to return to Dunlap.
“You take a good rest Lord Hephaestus.” General Douglas said to Phaestus while shaking his hand.
“I will General, you hold down the fort here while I am gone. I plan to relax in a private hot spring for a few days. Dite and I should be back by then.”
“Yes sir, Elder Ooolba said she will stay to keep things progressing quickly. Our goal is to have the path done by the time you return!” The General promised.
“Also, we plan to leave some of our team here to begin building this area up as an outpost. So expect some of that to be done when you return.” The head of the civic team promised.
“Thank you all. We will see you all soon. Behave Elder Ooolba!” She laughed at Phaestus’ comment and he teleported back to the palace of Dunlap.
Eric and Micah were relaxing in the Haven hot spring.
“Haaah, I feel alive…” Eric commented.
“Well you deserve this rest.” Micah commented.
“She is right brother Eric, you push yourself way to hard.”
“This place is amazing!”
“You are right father!”
“Big sister, this place is so much better than the one at home!”
“This water makes your skin feel so smooth, could I get something like this in the Meerka palace when I marry Prince Alan, Master Eric?”
“That is up to Black.” Eric answered Princess Delenia.
The Dunlap royal family were also inside Eric’s Haven enjoying the now expanded hot spring. The King was enjoying his spot on the Queen chest while the Princess’s and Prince Alfa were enjoying the shallower area with Micah and Eric. Eric also made it an uncompromising rule that they must ALL wear bathing robes or be kicked out. His memory of what happened before with the Queen returned to him and he knew his mind would not be able to take seeing her godly body again. The senior goddess and Luna joined them as well, bringing with them some human sized puppets that went about cooking and serving the group.
“Ahhhh, this is truly heaven Master Phaestus, er, Eric. I truly hope you accept our offer of becoming a Duke.” The King said as he enjoyed some alcohol.
“Wait, Duke? I thought the offer was for a Viscount.”
“That was before you obliterated a massive force of large monsters and killed a Basilisk Queen single-handedly.” The Queen answered.
“Technically it was Elder Ooolba who killed it, I just singed it.”
“You did more than that Eric. Simon examined the corpse, he said that it would have died of its’ wounds anyway. Elder Ooolba just kept us from losing the materials.” Micah cut in.
“Hmm, I am still not sure.” Eric was still conflicted about taking on the responsibility of being a noble.
“Look at it this way brother Eric, you can use it as a base of operations. As we said before the battle, you would not be required to do things for Dunlap. Though, if you completely defeat the Church of light, then we might have some expectations. Maybe even a political marriage to the second princess?” The Queen finished with a teasing smile.
“M-Mother!” Princess Lindi cried out.
“Sorry Lady Delvirra, but I only intend to take Micah as my bride…” Eric realized at the moment that he basically just announced he was going to marry Micah.
He looked over at Micah who was redder than a [Solaris Conflagra].
“Um, well, if you would have me, I would be the happiest woman in the world.” Micah squeaked out with a smile that was the combination of happiness and embarrassment.
“I can do the honors of sanctifying it Eric.” The senior goddess said with the biggest smile he had ever seen on her face.
“Well, then how about on the day of my noble commission?”
“We are fine with that. It will be tomorrow then.” The Queen said with an uncompromising smile.
What? Did she think I would get cold feet on Micah? Oh, no, she thought I might back out on the noble commission, which makes more sense. Haaaaah, it is going to be busy tomorrow. What ever happened to my break…?
The following day, as promised, Phaestus was called to the Dunlap throne room. All the major nobles of Dunlap that could make it were present. They did not want to miss out on seeing the ‘Apex Slayer’ join their ranks. Phaestus’ attire had a bit of change. His robe had been a dark gray robe, but it was now a jet black, hooded waistcoat with more intricate mithril inlaid designs. The robe glowed with power with the runic symbols sewn in. He was still wearing his mask but had his hood back.
“Kneel, brother Phaestus.” The Queen ordered.
Phaestus kneeled before the podium.
“Master Hephaestus. For your great service to the country of Dunlap, and in light of your many achievements. New weapons and techniques to defeat large monsters. Coordinating the manufacturing of said weapons. Coordinating the Grand Forest Path and assisting in its’ creation. Saving the life of Princess Delenia. Helping to expose the corruption within our country and our allies. Saving the life of Elder Ooolba. Saving the lives of our people. Defeating a large force of Class A monsters. Executing a traitor and defeating a Basilisk Queen. The royal family of Dunlap have chosen to offer you land, estates, and the title of Duke with all of its’ encompassing benefits. Do you accept?” Minister Warf finished his speech.
“I accept.” The King and Queen stepped down from the podium their thrones were upon and stood before him.
“Then rise, Duke Hephaestus of Dunlap, and receive thy just rewards.” The King spoke.
Phaestus stood and the King added a pin representing his station onto his clothes, gave him a medallion, a large bag of coins, documents, and a mithril dagger. The dagger had a symbol that was of a mask and hammer emblazoned upon a symbol of fire.
“Now then! Let us all welcome, Duke Hephaestus!” Minister Warf cried out.
The various people within cheered out in joy and excitement. The Queen picked Phaestus up, kissed him on the sides of his face, and hugged him.
“Well done brother. I am proud of you.”
“Thank you Lady Delvirra.” The King tugged on her dress.
“Um, dear, he has a wedding to get to.”
“Oh, right. On to the next event!”
Without even putting Phaestus down, she walked toward the exit. The King could only shake his head at his beloved wife’s whims.
Phaestus had a resigned and tired smile on his face as the Queen carried him like a little girl would carry her favorite doll around.
“Hahah! The poor lad, the Queen is at it again.”
“Looks like the Queen found a new toy to play with!”
He heard some of the residents of Dunlap say to each other.
Ahh, this is so embarrassing, I can feel Micah laughing her butt off seeing this. Hmm? Who is that?
Phaestus noticed an elder woman standing on the dais where he and Micah were to be married. As well as another person wearing priestly robes. The elder woman had a soft smile on her face. Her robes were simple but beautifully made. The Queen placed Phaestus down and went to take her seat where her husband was.
“Greetings Eric. I am Elder ******.”
The senior goddess was next to her wearing a Japanese-style priestess outfit.
“Ah, so you are the Elder goddess. It is a pleasure to meet you.”
She nodded. “When I heard about the wedding from *****, I thought I would come down and bless your marriage. As thanks for everything.”
“You are most very welcome. Um, where is Luna?”
“She is with your bride-to-be.”
“And?” He looked over at the other person, guessing they were also a goddess.
“You thought right! You can call me Aphrodite.” She smiled.
“Oh, I uh, kind of used your name for-.”
“For Micah, yes, I know, thanks for that! I thought it was nice.”
“Uh, if you exist, does that mean-.”
“Yes, my husband does exist.”
“I kind of feel like I should apologize.”
She laughed. “No, no, no. Hepi was quite happy when he heard. Your survival when you casted that spell was because of him you know.”
“Wait, what!?”
“Yup, he gave you his Blessing of Fire. So any fire magic you use will be super powerful, and cheap for you to cast.”
“Wow. Thank you and praise be onto you, the true Hephaestus.” Phaestus offered a prayer.
“THE BRIDE ARRIVES!” A coordinator called out.
Dite arrived at the end of the aisle heading up to the dais. Phaestus thought to say beautiful, but his heart would not allow such an insignificant word to be used for who was approaching. Dite was wearing a white, form fitting dress that floated like the clouds. Her veil shimmered like an aurora. Luna was just behind Dite, holding the back part of the veil up. The crowd was silent as she walked by them. Dite arrived, wearing her mask. Phaestus was partly glad that no one else could enjoy her true beauty, which only he could see. She stood before him, he could see just enough through the veil that she had a happy, somewhat sheepish smile on her face as she looked up at him.
“Now then. We are gathered here to witness the joining of… One moment.”
The elder goddess flicked a finger out and a bolt of lightning struck a man who was holding a poisoned weapon, turning his existence to ash.
“I will not allow anyone to ruin this happy day, is that understood.” The elder goddess stated, causing everyone to nod immediately.
“Anyway, where was I? As yes, we are here to witness the joining of two souls in divine ascendance. To be one in this life and the next, to be each other’s strength and support. Let their fates be entwined even beyond the end of time. Hephaestus Eric, do you wish to join in divine ascendance with Aphrodite Micah?”
Phaestus heard their real names in his mind. “I do, now and forever.”
“And do you, Aphrodite Micah, wish to join in divine ascendance with Hephaestus Eric?”
“I do, now and forever.”
“Then I, Elder Oribaba, recognize your eternal joining.” With the elder goddess’ words, a divine light shone down upon the two of them. Phaestus raised her veil, and the two of them kissed. Instantly the whole crowd burst out into cheers
After enjoying their next few days as husband and wife, Eric and Micah returned to the Grand Forest Path as it was soon to finish.
“Hurray! Lord and Lady Hephaestus!” The workers cheered out on their arrival.
“Welcome back Lord Phaestus, Lady Dite.” General Douglas welcomed them again.
“It is nice to be back. How goes the progress?”
“Quite well my lord. We held back a bit since we felt it best to have you present for the final push.”
“I appreciate it. Let’s go then.” They headed to the end of the path where several forest giants stood.
“They await your command my lord.” The General said.
Phaestus walked up to the trees and pulled out a large axe himself.
“Let’s do this!” He swung with all his might chopping a third of the way into its large trunk.
The giants smiled and matched him. With one additional strike from each of them, the path was clear. A cheer roared through their ranks. Prince Alan had joined them for the finishing of the Grand Forest Path with the intensions of notifying Meerka of the road’s completion. After saying his congratulations and farewells, the Prince and his entourage headed off back to Meerka to notify them of the new path and organize a celebration.
Multiple nobles and others met with Phaestus, congratulating him on the success of the project, his noble appointment, and his marriage. Dite watched on with a happy smile on her face at the treatment her husband was receiving.
“So then, Lord Hephaestus, what are you going to do next?”
“With agreement with Meerka, the entrance to the Grand Forest Path with remain in control of Dunlap. A town will be established at this entryway, which will be a part of my duchy, along with this great road that now connects our two nations. My wedding was indeed grand, but next is the marriage that will join our two nations in an alliance bound by spirit and blood. May our people prosper and grow ever closer!” Phaestus cried out.
The people cried in unison, “May our people prosper and grow ever closer!”
“Today, marks the beginning of my duchy! I declare the establishment of the town of Lenmos!”
The crowd erupted in cheers.
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