《Gods of Tartarus: Haven Forge》Chapter 7: Rough Waters
Micah sat down on the bed to calm her heart as she felt it beating loudly and rapidly in her head.
Eric answered the door, “What is it?” His question quite curt.
“I’m sorry sir, Captain Durst has requested your assistance. He heard from Master Barlett that you are a craftsmen.”
“Fine. Micah, I am going to head topside, is there anything you want me to do before I head out?” He was hinting at sending her back into the Haven.
“N-no, I am good. I will come along.” They followed the sailor topside.
“Oh, ho! Master Eric… I am not sure what I did, but I am sorry.” Mr. Barlett immediately apologized to Eric the moment he saw the look in his eyes.
“Ah, Master Eric, thank you for coming and I apologize for bothering you.” Captain Durst gave a slight bow.
“No need for you to apologize, what is wrong Captain?” Eric said, glancing coldly over at Mr. Barlett.
“Eric, look.” Micah pointed toward the front of the ship. The ship was angled, the front stuck into the side of the river.
“What happened?” Eric asked, which caused Captain Durst to sigh heavily.
“Exactly what you were concerned about. A group of bandits attacked the ship. We had little difficultly fighting them off, so we didn’t need to call an emergency, but they got us.” Captain Durst let them to the back of the ship. Looking over the edge, Eric saw the rudder was frozen in a turned state.
So that is why we are stuck aground.
“Is there anything you can do Master Eric?” The captain asked.
Hmm, it’s not too thick, maybe a spike and sledge would work to crack it.
“I have a question Captain.”
“Of course Miss Micah.”
“When you drove the bandits away, did they take their time or did they flee immediately?”
“Why, they fled immedi… ALL HANDS TO STATIONS!” Captain Durst realized what she was getting at and called for an emergency.
“Master Eric, how long would you need to deal with the ice?” The captain asked.
“Five minutes I think.” Eric pulled out some rope, a rappelling harness, a long metal spike, and a sledge hammer.
“I want four people with bows at the aft end to protect Master Eric while he deals with the ice! I want all combat capable people on board topside, now!” Captain Durst gave out his orders and everyone moved to action.
Tying off the rope and putting on the harness, he stored the spike and hammer away and climbed over the edge.
“Eric, be careful.” Micah said readying the crossbow he pulled out for her. He smiled and headed down.
Right when Eric landed atop the ice and pulled out the spike he heard a war cry come from the forest.
They’re here.
Bandits flooded toward the boat to attack, Eric could not see them from here he was, but it sounded like they were at least the fifties to eighties. Driving the spike into the ice, he began hammering it in. Some bandits noticed what he was doing and tried to take aim, only to be dropped by arrows. One particular one who was a caster got a crossbow bolt to the throat. Eric could hear the Captain giving out orders while spells and arrows flew from the deck.
Just a bit more.
He slammed his hammer into the spike a few more times, multiple bandits trying to stop him were slaughtered, the casters being prioritized by Micah.
Too many casters. Micah said that bandits never have more than a few of them. There has to be soldiers from Goun amongst them.
“Kill dat bastard! Before it’s too late!” A bandit leader cried before being silenced by a crossbow bolt.
“Don’t let’em escape!” Another leader down.
Damn Micah is deadly with that thing.
One final impact with his hammer and the ice cracked heavily.
“AYE! AYE! SIR!” After a creaking sound, the ice shattered and the rudder turned free.
“Get us away from the shore!” Captain Durst ordered.
“Ebb and Way [Water Control]!” The sailors used their spells to un-ground the ship and get them back onto the river.
“Ebb and way [Water Control].” Eric casted the spell, pushing against the back of the ship to give them some additional speed.
A couple of the archers who were defending him pulled him up and got him back onto the deck.
“Are you okay?” Micah looked him over.
“I am. You’re magnificent at sniping, and you masterful archers kept me completely safe.”
Eric casted the [Water Control] spell some more to the back of the boat to give them a boost. Captain Durst noticed what he was doing and ordered his casters to assist. With the combine effort of the spells, the river flow, and wind, they rapidly left their attackers behind.
Once things calmed down, Captain Durst turned the wheel over to his helmsmen.
“Master Eric, truly, thank you. You saved us.” Micah puffed out her chest in pride at the Captains compliment of Eric, which caused him to smile.
“It was no issue Captain.”
“That idea of yours to use magic to boost our speed was a helpful one. Do you mind if I use it?”
“Not at all Captain. Feel free to claim it as well if you wish.”
“Oh, no, no, no, I will ensure you get credit for it.” Captain Durst bowed his thanks once more.
“By the way Captain, do you know why they were attacking?” He shook his head.
There has to be a reason. Why would soldiers be involved?
Micah then had an idea. “Captain, could you call everyone to the top deck please? I mean everyone but your normal crew.”
“It will be done Miss Micah.” Captain Durst gave out his command to gather everyone.
Every passenger was gathered on the main deck.
“I wish to thank you all for coming. We have some concerns about the purpose of the bandits attacking. They seemed too organized and far too large in number. Did anyone bring anything particularly valuable aboard? Can anyone think of any reasons why they would attack so hard?” The captain inquired.
Micah had told Captain Durst her theory that a larger organization, or someone with deep pockets tipped off or organized the bandits for the attack. She gave the questions to ask to him and would stand by to watch their reactions. Everyone looked about themselves curiously, but Micah noticed a group of three that did not react at all. After whispering in the captain’s ear he spoke again.
“Alright, everyone can disperse now, but I would like to ask you three there to my quarters please.” A few sailors were nearby in case they tried to break for it, but they complied and followed the captain to his quarters.
“Thank you all for coming. Please, Miss Micah.”
The only people who were in the room were the three they called out, Captain Durst, Micah, Eric, and the first mate.
“Greetings, I am Micah Bell Auora, soldier of the Inquisitor Legion of the city of Meerka. I ask that the three of you remove your hoods and state who you are.” Micah pulled out a symbol of her station and displayed it. It was a black iron coin that had a shield and book on it.
“I see! An inquisitor? That explains why we were picked out. At least I know that you can be trusted.” The person in the middle pulled back his hood revealing his face fully.
He had blond hair and green eyes, completely clean shaven with a beautifully sculpted jaw line. He had a regal air about himself. The two with him removed their hoods as well. One was a woman with light brown hair with a sharp look in her violet eyes. The other was a battle scarred man with tan skin and short, spiky hair.
That guy looks like he would be wield a sword as big as he is. Eric thought.
“Greetings to you, and my apologies for the trouble I may have brought. Though I do not understand how my trip would have been leaked.”
Micah saluted the blond man.
He looks to be either late teens or early twenties.
“I did not know it was you your highness.” Micah answered.
“Please Miss Micah, be at ease. Officially I am deep in research back in Meerka, completely shut in my quarters.” The blond man said.
“And unofficially sir?” Micah asked.
“Private business, only on a need to know-.” The royal cut off the large man’s words.
“Enough Lucas, people could have died here because of me. Also, she is an inquisitor. I have heard the name Micah Bell Auora. You serve under Lady Vannil correct?” She nodded.
Tired of not getting anything Captain Durst spoke up, “Um, forgive me, but who are you noble sir?”
“Insolence!” Lucas roared, getting smacked upside the head by the sharp eyed woman.
“Thank you Lara. Lucas, no more outbursts, understood? Now then, I apologize for the late introduction. I am Prince Alan Veil Allucart, crown prince of the kingdom of Meerka.” Captain Durst kneeled, Eric didn’t budge at all.
Am, am I supposed to kneel or bow? Or something? I am not ready for royals!
“Please, please, treat me like anyone else right now. This is not an official setting and I am traveling in secret.” The prince helped the captain back to his feet.
What a nice guy.
The sharp eyed woman looked at Eric and gave a knowing smile.
Dammit, I got my mind read again…
“Now, I know who you three are, who are you good sir?” The prince was speaking to Eric.
“This is Master Eric your highness. He is the one who helped free the ship so we could escape.” Captain Durst answered.
“Oh my!” The prince walked up and shook Eric’s hand.
“Truly, thank you Master Eric. Thanks to you, not a single person on this ship was terribly harmed.” The prince genuinely thanked him.
“Thank you Prince Alan. I had a good guardian angel.” Eric looked over to Micah who was trying to not to smile, but failing.
“Prince Alan?” The prince asked.
Oops, was I not supposed to address him like that?
“Ahahahahah, how refreshing! Most just call me ‘Your Highness’ or ‘Crown Prince’, it honestly feels like it has been far too long since I heard anyone call me as such. Thank you Master Eric, you have my permission to call me as such.” The prince seemed very happy about it, though a large, dark haired individual seemed to be seething.
Sorry my dude.
“Your highness, may I ask what your mission is? I may be able to provide assistance.” Micah asked once more.
“Hmm, Lara?” He asked his other assistant.
“I see no reason crown prince. The people who work under Lady Vannil are truly loyal to the nation.” Lara finally spoke, she had a very cool and calming voice.
“Very well. The mission I am on is to meet my future wife. The princess of Dunlap.”
Princess of Dunlap? So, she’s a dwarf? Well, that is how political marriages go I guess.
“So this is to strengthen ties with Dunlap? This is great news! Congratulations your highness.” Micah responded, which the prince thanked her.
“Sorry to cut in, but how does this connect to the bandits? Are they just wanting to ransom the prince?” Captain Durst asked.
“Eric? I am sure you have figured it out too.” Micah said, tossing it to him.
Wanting to show me off or something? Stop smiling.
Eric then went into talking about the freezing of the lake, the unusual attack on the caravan, and then the attack on the ship itself.
“I don’t remember seeing you Prince Alan in the caravan. So I think they froze the lake, hoping you would take the road to Tala to save time on your trip to Alta. When that failed, they targeted the boat itself. We believe that this is all being orchestrated by the kingdom of Goun. They may have been using the opportunity to ransom you, kill you, or maybe to prevent the political marriage. As for why? I am not sure.”
The prince was impressed, and worried, with what Eric explained.
Lara spoke up, “The church.”
“Hmm? Oh I see, yes, they might benefit the most with me out of the picture.” The prince said, which reminded Micah of something.
“Eric, it is in regards to the second prince, Prince Emile, he is light headed too.”
Light headed, the term Eric learned when they met with Fizzy, it meant someone who was closely connected to the Church of Light. The prince got a bit confused by the term and understood once Micah informed him.
“Yes, but I doubt my brother had any part in this.” The prince commented.
“Could he have known of your trip?” Eric asked, which caused the prince to doubt his earlier words.
“Only my father and I knew of it, but I guess it is not impossible it could have leaked somehow. But there is no proof, thank you Master Eric for sharing your wisdom.” The prince bowed his head in thanks.
“Anyway, I think that is all for now. What would you like to do Captain?” The prince asked.
“We will continue on our path. I will increase my lookouts, but I think that might have been their last effort on the river. You may want to be careful when we get to Alta your highness. I know Alta is no friend of Goun or the Church of light, but they might still have a presence there.”
The prince thanked the captain for his concern and his group will be cautious in the days to come. The prince’s group headed back to their room to keep out of sight while Eric and Micah headed back to their room.
“Eric!” The moment they opened the door, a pink haired wrecking ball slammed into Eric, knocking him into the wall.
“Are you okay Eric? Those bandits didn’t hurt you right? Huh?” Eric was out cold.
“I’ll be honest Jiggly, Eric was completely unharmed until you came along.” Micah’s comment ended up causing Jiggly cry and start apologizing to the unconscious Eric.
Eric awoke as the new day was beginning with a groan and an ache in the back of his head. He ended up sleeping on the hard bed instead of his nice, soft, Haven bed, so his body felt stiff.
“Oof, this is really uncomfortable.”
Sitting up he looked around and didn’t see Micah in the room with him. He summoned a glass of divine water from his haven and drank it. The soreness in his body rapidly faded away, replaced by a comforting feeling spreading through his body. Feeling much better, he returned the glass and headed topside.
He found Captain Durst on the main deck, and asked if there had been any signs of more attacks, which he responded saying things had been quiet all night. The sun was just beginning to rise, the horizon showing many hues of pink, red, orange, and gold. At the prow, stood a beautiful dark skinned elf, watching the horizon, her silver hair lightly dancing in the wind. She noticed him and invited him to join her. They stood together in silence, enjoying the beautiful view. Captain Durst looked upon them in awe.
“Now that is a beautiful picture.” He commented before turning to go about his duties.
He was not the only one who watched on, a certain pink haired gnome looked on with a resigned expression.
“Yup, there is no way I can compete with that scene. Sigh, you win Micah.” She said with a bitter smile.
“But I will not let you take Master Hephaestus.” She began creepily laughing to herself, not knowing that the one she didn’t want to give up on was one in the same with the one she just gave up on, but she would learn that much later, to her bawling dismay…
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