《Chronicles of a Dungeon Core》3rd Princess of Gowen
After entering the small room Leo gave his shirt to Amy, which caused her to blush brightly, but she didn’t dare refuse in her current state. It has been about an hour since then, and after a “what now” conversation from the group, and Amy’s magic has recovered enough that she heals the group’s wounds. I slide the screen to the side and begin clean-up on the dungeon.
I still haven’t got any food to feed the prisoners so I devise a plan that I hope works. Going through their belongings I find their Adventurer IDs which I add to the others on the desk, 87 of the small gold coins, and various other small items.
Adventurer #16,822 [Gunnar] Base: Gowen Capital
Race: Human Gender: Male
Rank: D Level: 3
Class: Duel Warrior Favored Element: Fire
Commissions Complete: 58
Dungeon Crystals Destroyed: 0
Adventurer #16,823 [Leo] Base: Gowen Capital
Race: Human Gender: Male
Rank: D Level: 4
Class: Scout Favored Element: Fire
Commissions Complete: 58
Dungeon Crystals Destroyed: 0
Adventurer #13,257 [Belinda] Base: Gowen Capital
Race: Human Gender: Female
Rank: D Level: 6
Class: Spear-woman Favored Element: Water
Commissions Complete: 104
Dungeon Crystals Destroyed: 0
Adventurer #13,258 [Amy] Base: Gowen Capital
Race: Beastkin (Squirrel) Gender: Female
Rank: D Level: 4
Class: Mage Favored Element: Light
Commissions Complete: 72
Dungeon Crystals Destroyed: 0
I take 5 of the small gold coins, make sure no one is near the dungeon, than move out to the adventurer’s camp. I look for the two sacks they received the supplies in the day before and fold them up setting them in an obvious location I set the 5 small gold coins on top. I then take their bedding items and return to the dungeon core room.
When the villager on horseback returns that evening with more supplies he checks the camp not finding anyone. He then finds the empty sacks and the coins, and taking the gold coins he replaces the sacks with filled sacks then leaves.
Once he has cleared out I move in take the supplies, add them to the bedding stuff, and have one of the kobolds deliver it to the group. They quickly jump to their feet on guard when the kobold enters, but after dropping the supplies and leaving they begin to look though the things.
Belinda: “Hey, this is my stuff.”
Gunnar: “Mine too, there is also food here.”
Leo: “These supplies seem to be more from the village, you don’t think the village is working with the kobolds do you?”
Amy: “That crazy. That nice man probably came to deliver the supplies, and when he found no one around he decided to just leave them there. The kobolds probably just gathered the food afterwards.”
Gunnar: “Without pay?”
Belinda: “You are the one that told him I was a princess. Maybe he felt obligated?”
Amy wraps herself up in her blanket then sits back on the floor.
Leo: “Well, at least we won’t freeze now. It looks like you two were starting to get pretty cold.”
Belinda: “What is that supposed to mean?” –She says angrily, grabbing her blanket quickly, and covering herself.-
Leo: “That not…” –Leo gets cut off by Gunnar.-
Gunnar: “Look at you, drooling over the poor un-clothed young ladies.” –He says with a smirk.-
Amy’s face turns scarlet and she hides it behind the blanket.
Leo sighs and moves over to the food supplies and begins going through it.
Leo: “It looks like we won’t be able to use the uncooked items, but there is some dried meat, and some bread.”
I watch them till midnight and receive 150xp from them, and then I set [Menu] to alert me if they try anything then head to bed.
The next few days are if nothing else entertaining. By the second or third day the group begins to get more comfortable with one another. The fourth day consists of them just them telling each other more about themselves.
It gives me a bit of a chance to learn quite a bit of humans, or at least the noble side of them. Even after four days Amy still remains quite quiet while the others talk. When Leo asks about Amy to talk more about herself Amy looks seemingly to Belinda for permission before answering with little vague answers.
I learn that Gunnar and Leo’s families were best of friends and Gunnar and Leo were raised practically as brothers, but when Gunnar’s father and Leo’s mother decided to have an affair it brought both families into turmoil.
Gunnar and Leo found it stupid that due to their parent’s stupidity they were no longer able to associate with one another so they simple became adventurers and left home. Likewise Belinda seems to have joined the adventurer’s guild as a way to avoid the endless marriage proposals.
As little as Amy has talked about herself the most I can piece together is she seems to be some kind of servant or something of Belinda’s and has always been by her side.
By the fifth day things start getting interesting as they begin to bicker back and forth and I start to see the more sordid side of human behavior. On the sixth day you wouldn’t even know they were talking civilly a few days ago.
On the seventh day they don’t look like they can take much more, and villager has seemed to get rather suspicious lingering by the cave more and more each day. Today he doesn’t appear like he has plans to leave until he speaks with the group.
I decide to wait for a while, but after darkness sets in the villager still hasn’t left.
Belinda: “They haven’t brought the food today…”
Leo: “It has been a week, maybe the village has given up on us.”
Gunnar: “Not only are we stuck in this mess, but now we are going to slowly starve to death. This just keeps getting better and better.”
Belinda: “It was your guys’ idea to give ourselves up.”
Leo: “Well it was better than dying!”
Belinda: “You call being held for a week then slowly starving to death better?”
They seem to start arguing again, so I decide something is going to have to be done.
I wait till midnight and gain the xp from holding them. Seeing that the villager still hasn’t left their camp, I send a few kobolds to the group. The group begins to struggle as the kobold try to drag them from the room, but once they are tossed one by one into the tunnel they simply look back at the kobolds.
Belinda: “Are they releasing us? Wait where is Amy?”
Gunnar: “Who cares? Don’t question it. Let’s just get out of here.”
Belinda: “I am not leaving without Amy!”
Gunnar: “Suit yourself, I am getting out of here.”
Leo: “I am sorry princess, but he is right.”
Gunnar and Leo abandon Belinda in the tunnel rushing for the exit. Belinda remains in the tunnel calling out to the kobolds.
Belinda: “I am not leaving my friend behind! Release Amy or I will be back with the entire army!”
I was hoping to keep at least the mage to learn the spells, but if what the princess is saying is true, I can’t risk it. I instruct the kobolds to drag Amy out tossing her into the cave tunnel as well.
Belinda rushes over to Amy hugging her tightly. She then stands looking at the kobolds staring at her blankly.
Belinda: “Thank you…”
Without another word Belinda and Amy leave the cave. When they reach the outside of the cave the villager is standing there dazed and confused, but relief seems to pass his face once he sees the girls. Although he after seeing their appearance he quickly begins to blush and adverts his gaze.
Villager: “Are you ok? I was really starting to get worried. The other two rushed out here without grabbing any of their things and just took off. They said you were still inside, so I didn’t want to leave till I found out if you were ok or not.”
Amy: “We are fine now, but let’s just get out of here.”
Belinda nods then enters her tent quickly getting dressed. Amy gets dressed as well, and they begin to break down the camp while telling the villager what happened to them.
Belinda: “Oh, I am sorry all this talk about us, and I forgot. I lost all my money in the dungeon so I can’t pay you for the food you have been bringing, but I promise once I get back I will send it to you.”
Villager: “That’s ok what you have been leaving is plenty.”
Belinda: “What we have been leaving?”
Villager: “Yea I have been taking the 5 gold you left behind I been leaving behind the supplies.”
Belinda and Amy look at each other curiously.
Villager: “See.” –He takes out 5 coins from a pouch showing them. - “This is what was here today. I figured you were just busy in the cave, but after a week even with the food gone and the coins I still wanted to make sure you where ok that’s why I waited today.”
Belinda: “Well thanks.” –She says smiling at the man.-
The villager just scratches his head, and once they have gathered all the gear, Gunnar and Leo’s included. They head down the mountain out of sight. I then head to bed.
Over the next few weeks I don’t see any more activity except for a hunter or two down by the lake but they keep a wide distance from the opening of the cave.
Surprisingly enough the very next people to show up at my dungeon are both Belinda and Amy. Belinda has a new spear and armor but it is not as heavy or fancy as the last. Amy’s new robes look like standard magician’s robes.
Unfortunately this time they don’t set up camp and after only entering the cave section of the dungeon for around ten minutes they head back down. The next few days go quietly then a large group of adventurers coming heading up to my dungeon one morning.
The group consists of around fifteen people, ranging anywhere from human to beastkin. All of the people’s equipment is in very poor condition except for an iron band around each of their necks. The man calling the shots stands out in the group as he is a burly older man wearing a fancy heavy armor and a sword on his hip.
Once they reach the entrance to the cave the burly man waves his hand ushering the others to enter the cave then he sits down on a large stone taking out a large book. As I look closer I can see they seem to be the Adventurer IDs lined on the pages of the book.
Most of the group entering the dungeon looks like they have never even held a weapon before, except for 4 or 5 at the front of the group. They carefully tread though the tunnel, and once they reach the archway the more experienced ones call out warning of enemies ahead.
They quickly send in a few but the first one passing the archway trips the spikes instantly killing him, The archer and kobold mage quickly begin firing as more start pouring though the archway after the trap is lowered.
The kobold drop an intruder with pretty much every attack however there are just too many of them and when the first room is cleared half of the invaders remain. This time they skip over the trip wire at the entrance of the large room, but they can’t even manage to drop 3 more kobold before the last one falls.
Once the last one falls the burly man at the entrance scoffs and throws the book on the ground. He then stands and retreats down the mountain side.
Even after breaking down the useless equipment into xp, the 15 people only net me 50xp. I collect the book at the entrance and after looking at IDs within all 15 of the adventures were under level 3 with most being level 1. I set the book next to the stack of other IDs I got.
Later that same afternoon I have another group heading up to my dungeon. This time consisting of two men and a young woman, these three don’t seem very experienced either. As a precaution I move the group in the large room forward to the small square cave room, and one of the groups in one of the side rooms I move to the main room.
They manage to avoid the trip wire but not long after they start fighting as soon as one of them falls the other two quickly throw down their weapons pleading for their lives…I decide to go ahead and throw them in one of the rooms.
For the one that died plus breaking down their gear I only get 15xp. When I wake the next morning they have already exhausted all the food they were carrying and only gave me 2 xp between the two of them so I have them tossed out of the dungeon.
The next few days continue like this. By the end of the week I manage to build my xp up to 3126xp. I also find out that by using a magic similar to [Menu] I can add the entire collection of adventurer IDs I have been amassing into the book the burly man from the first day had.
I finally decide to head down to the village to find out what is going on. Early the next morning I make my way down the mountain. Once I reach the village I can see that there are a few people gathered building a large building on the edge of town, I ignore it for now and head to the adventurer’s guild.
The inside looks much different than last time. Even though it is still pretty early all the chairs are on the floor and there is even a few people sitting in them. I see one of the adventurers that I held for 2 days sitting at a table talking to another group.
In the corner there is a new counter set up, and sitting behind it is Amy. Next to the counter there is a bulletin board on the wall with several hand-written notes on them. I decide to go take a look at them.
Mapping Ancient Kobold Stronghold:
Rank D+
Reward: 20 gold
Reward granted to first person to complete a map of each floor of the dungeon only.
Ancient Kobold Stronghold Information:
Rank D+
Reward: 5 gold
Any new information gathered about Ancient Kobold Stronghold will be granted a reward per item. Reward granted to discovery and a second confirmation once confirmation has been established.
Kobold Study:
Rank D+
Reward: 25 gold
A study is being conducted on the strange nature of the kobold within Ancient Kobold Stronghold. Anyone able to provide detailed behavior information about the unique kobold of the Ancient Kobold Stronghold will be granted a reward.
Ancient Kobold Stronghold Trap Information:
Rank D+
Reward: 5 gold
Any new information on traps discovered within Ancient Kobold Stronghold will be granted a reward. Reward will be given to discovery and a second confirmation once confirmation has been established.
Ancient Kobold Stronghold Second Floor:
Rank: C+
Reward: 50 gold
Reward granted to the first group successfully able to reach the second floor of Ancient Kobold Stronghold.
Ancient Kobold Stronghold Monster Information
Rank C+
Reward: 50 gold
Reward granted for information about new species of monsters found within Ancient Kobold Stronghold. Reward will be given with provided proof.
Tobes Inn
Rank: Any
Reward: *
Reward granted to each individual participating in the construction of Tobes village inn. Reward amount determined by level of engagement in project as determined by Forman Mathis.
All rewards paid by 3rd Princess Belinda Gowen, of the Gowen Empire, at the adventurer’s guild of Tobes.
Until further notice: Ancient Kobold Stronghold dungeon currently protected under Gowen Empire law.
Protected under Gowen Empire law sounds nice, although that’s a lot of commissions in my dungeon. No wonder I have been getting so many people this last week.
Amy: “Excuse me. Sir?” –She says to me from behind the counter.-
Amy: “If you are an adventurer heading up to the Ancient Kobold Stronghold, I suggest you find a group. Don’t let the kobold part throw you off the dungeon is quite difficult.”
“Oh, I am not an adventurer.”
Amy: “Oh, if you are here to become one I can sign you up, or if you don’t have the funds Princess Belinda has allowed acceptance of Tobe’s inn commission as payment.”
“Just curious but what is the fee required?”
Amy: “It cost 10 gold to perform an adventurer ID binding.”
“ID binding?”
Amy: “Yes sir, an ID binding is a magic that is added to an adventurer’s ID. It provides a magical link to and ID so that the information is automatically updated. It also serves as identification if the adventurer loses his or her life.”
Belinda: “Amy can you give me a hand a minute.” –She says as she walks up. - “Oh, I am sorry I didn’t realize you were helping someone.” –She extends her hand to me. - “Hi, I am Belinda. Is there anything we can help you with?”
I shake her hand but when I go to introduce myself I quickly remember I still haven’t chosen a name…
“I…uh…call me Two-Twelve.”
Belinda: “Two-Twelve? I’m sorry I didn’t know.” –she says sullenly. Then she smiles and speaks. - “Well I am glad to see you are here now regardless of your past.”
Apparently using a number for a name is not as unusual as I thought. Although she seems to be misunderstanding something I will just let it go at that.
“Amy was explaining what exactly adventurers are.”
I learned quite a bit about everyone the week they spent in my dungeon so I automatically called her by name even though she still hasn’t introduced herself. Luckily Belinda just said it a second ago. I need to be a bit more careful.
Belinda: -She nods with a sullen face again. - “I understand.”
It seems the misunderstanding is getting deeper but at least it’s benefitting me.
Amy now switches from a matter of fact kind of tone to a softer tone when she continues. “Oh, if there are any more questions you have I would be happy to help.”
“What exactly are adventurers?”
Amy: “Well, a long time ago when dungeons first began appearing around the world. Many sent out monsters attacking anybody they came in contact with, so something had to be done. That’s when the first human went into the depths of a dungeon destroying its heart.”
Belinda: “History kind of gets fuzzy from there but what matters was humans discovered they could gain a great deal of power if they destroyed the heart of a dungeon. They began forming groups and factions to complete that task. Once they began to merge into a grand organization that is when the Adventurer’s Guild was formed.”
Amy: “Nowadays though most adventurers preform simple tasks for villages and cities, much like the inn construction commission. Many countries regulate the destruction of dungeons as they don’t want the power one gets from it to fall into the wrong hands.”
“Then you don’t plan on destroying the Ancient Kobold Stronghold?”
Belinda: “Not for the moment, it may have been sealed for a long time, but even when it was uncovered none of the monsters have caused any trouble outside the dungeon. Besides there are several aspects of the dungeon that fascinate me, I want to learn all I can about it.”
Amy: “In other words, she would like you join the adventurer’s guild, and help with her research by taking commissions.”
“I better think it over…”
Amy starts to say something but Belinda cuts in.
Belinda: “We understand, but if you change your mind we will be here. You can also work on the inn construction commission if you like, I will let you take that one without requiring you to join the guild.”
“Thanks anyway.”
I head out of there and make my way back up the mountain. It seems like I won’t have to worry around my crystal being destroyed, but surely all the humans don’t follow the rules so I can’t let my guard down.
Once I make it to the lake I have to hide for a few minutes while a party heads into the cave. I give them a few minutes the head up to the entrance and quickly enter the dungeon core room. Watching from one of the screens the party doesn’t even last 10 minutes before they lose two of their own and retreat.
It lets me acquire 18 xp more and the mage rift in the square cave room even managed to gain a level.
Things continue that way for the next few weeks and just like that a month has passed since Belinda has taken over the adventurer’s guild in Tobes. I have gained another level, and managed to replace all the kobolds on the first floor with rifts. The two rifts in the square cave room have both reached level 3, and the two in the main room have reached level 2.
I have taken a few trips back to the village and there always adding new commissions about my dungeon. They even posted a commission about the little treasure chests I had hidden around after the first was found. I have had to replace them pretty often ever since then.
The burly man with fancy armor returned a week ago bringing in over twenty people this time. They managed to clear both the square cave room and the large central room but when I moved in the kobold from the side rooms they all fell. He again retreated in a sour mood leaving me another book for adventurer IDs.
Yesterday I got hit by three groups, one right after the other. After defeating the first, and capturing the second, the third group freed the captives and managed to push down to the second floor. They however retreated after seeing the crimson kobold with the steel equipment.
I then decided to add a few of the icy spike traps and ice dart traps to the second floor now that they have made it that far. I plan on saving up to add another floor next, and I am just under half way there with 4832xp.
I have tried to keep in contact with Thirty-seven but she rarely replies anymore. After speaking with Madam Erin about it, she said that Thirty-seven has been busy in her dungeon, but I get the feeling she was just trying to make me feel better.
Sara seems to be having a tough time, about a week ago the goblins that live in the forest around her dungeon, killed a hunter that was living next to the lake.
Alex seems to be struggling as well, as no humans have even come near his dungeon. He has been sending out some of his monsters into the mountains to kill wild animals to bring back just enough xp to keep him from starving.
Derek on the other hand has seemed to really take off more than doubling the size of his dungeon, but I was only able to learn that from the Dungeon Core Information book. He still doesn’t answer me when I message him.
Newt’s dungeon hasn’t seemed to grow any but his xp is staying around the same level so he seems to be in the same situation as Alex, but he too hasn’t responded to me.
When I get bored I message some of the other older dungeon cores. Most ignore me, some just send simple greetings, a few however ask me questions about my dungeon, but when I deflect the questions they give me the cold shoulder.
A few hours after waking up I see Amy and Belinda walking up to the dungeon with two men. Amy and Belinda are wearing simple clothing and not their gear, and the two men are barely wearing rags except for a large pack on their backs, and a collar they both wear that looks just like the ones the group with the burly man in the fancy armor has. Once they reach the area just outside the cave I decide to listen in.
Belinda: “I won’t force this on you, but if you want to repay me for what I did for you. I ask you to do this task for me.”
The men look rather nervous as Belinda takes a small key from a pouch on her waist and inserts it in a hole in the collars removing them.
Amy: “They held us for a week, and then released us, so there is no reason to think they won’t do the same for you.”
Belinda: “You can take the food and gear in the pack and leave here, or you can go in there offer it to the kobold and try to help me with my research. If you go in and they don’t release you in a week I have several groups willing to go in and break you out.”
Amy: “don’t get us wrong this could be very dangerous we don’t know how they will react, but we believe if you give them the gear and let them take you captive no harm should come to you.”
Belinda: “Once you return I will personally give you both the reward for the commission and give you your adventurer IDs.”
Amy: “And don’t forget to keep an eye out for everything we talked about.”
The men nervously nod their heads and begin to head into the cave.
Belinda: “Don’t forget to step over the trip wire in the door way leading out of the tunnel!”
I don’t know she is planning but if she is willingly just giving me some prisoners, I am not going to turn them down.
Soon enough the two men step over the tripwire entering the square cave room, and sure enough they toss the two packs down in front of them raising their arms immediately. The kobolds lead the men to one of the side rooms off of the central room and I decide to go through the two packs.
The packs are stuffed full of dried meat and bread. Each pack also contains leather armor and a steel sword both of which is of superior quality. There is also a hand written note in both packs.
To whom it may concern.
I, Belinda Gowen, 3rd Princess of the Gowen kingdom wish to speak with the entity that leads the kobolds in the Ancient Kobold Stronghold in the mountain inside the Emeraldline forest. By observation of the uniqueness of the monsters within, we have determined that the Ancient Kobold Stronghold is a dungeon with some form of intelligence behind it.
I send this letter in hopes that you will release the men carrying this letter within one week’s time. I also hope if possible you will return them with some form of return acknowledgement of understanding of this letter.
I wish to personally thank you for releasing any that surrender within your dungeon, and that you do not send any monsters loose on the nearby villages. If there is any way I can compensate you for your actions I am willing to hear it.
Sincerely, Belinda Gowen
The letter continues in what appears to be at least 3 different languages each looking more foreign then the next. I set the letters on the desk then take some of the food sending it to one of the kobold to deliver to the men.
From what I have read in the Dungeon Core Information book I have seen that dungeons have negotiated with humans. Even one of the elders has a pact with a kingdom, but for the moment I think it would be best just to maintain silence.
As long as I don’t do anything crazy I think my dungeon will be safe, so I want to keep as much information about it as I can as a secret. It seems the misunderstanding she has of me lets me ask many questions without suspicion. They just nod with a sullen expression and answer, so I can probably ask her anything I want to know myself when I go down to the village.
I decide to send a message to Sara.
“How are you doing? Are you recovering well?”
Sara: “Not really, the goblins are now taking out the pixies and fairies mere hours after they come out of the rift. One of them even stumbled on the opening of my cave, but I was able to take it out before he could tell the others.”
“I am sorry to hear that. I have something strange going on here as well.”
I continue to tell her about Belinda, the two captives, and the letter.
Sara: “That is strange. You’re not going to reply are you?”
“I hadn’t planned on it. Besides I can gather any information I want to learn from her just by going down to the village myself.”
Sara: “Yourself?!” You actually leave your dungeon to go into a human village?”
“Well I have a few times. It’s not that big of a deal.”
Sara: “I can’t even imagine leaving the dungeon to go to a human village.”
“It’s really not that bad. They seem to have some sort of misunderstanding about me, but it works in my favor because it seems to explain anything I do that normally seems odd to humans.”
Sara and I talk for a little bit longer before the goblins hit her again so she had to deal with it. The next two days pass easily enough, I only get 10xp per day from the prisoners given to me, but their food was provided and everything so I might as well just keep them for now.
On the third day I have two groups enter one right after the other, and after the first group died and only 2 people left of the second group they finally retreated with only 3 kobold left on the first floor. I now realize though with the prisoners in one of the side rooms, two sets of kobolds can’t exit the rift.
Well I wanted to save for another floor, but I might as well get this out of the way now. I decide to build a new room on the second floor making it 110 feet long, 21 feet wide, and 10 feet tall.
Using stone walls one foot thick I make 10 perfectly square prison cells running down a long hallway. I put heavy lockable doors on each room and add two crimson kobold guards, for now equipping them in the high quality leather armor and the swords that I got from the prisoners.
The new floor is looking further away now that I only have just over 2000xp now.
I use the newly summoned kobold guards to usher the prisoners down to the second floor putting them each in their own room.
The rest of the week passes smoothly, and on the seventh day when I wake up Belinda and Amy are already making their way up the mountain. I wait for about an hour before I toss the prisoners out into the tunnel.
When the prisoners exit from the tunnel Belinda seems excited.
Belinda: “Good, they released you. Did they give you anything?”
Man: “No they just turned us loose.”
Belinda’s attitude returns to normal.
Belinda: “Well you two are safe that is the important part, let’s head back to the guild, and you can tell us what you saw.”
The group then returns in the direction of the village. Later that same day a group enters the dungeon that looks tough. Pushing hard though the dungeon they manage to completely clear the first floor. Once reaching the second floor the situation changes and they retreat after losing two of their members. They managed to take out the crimson kobold mage as well so I barely gain any xp from their encounter after replacing it.
They are starting to fight the crimson kobolds now…Belinda said that the adventurers shouldn’t break the crystal but I am still worried they are getting that close to it. Later that evening I get a message that makes me want to work a bit harder.
Dungeon Core #307 [Travis] has lost his life at the hands of the hero beastkin (cat) Listel.
I look up Travis in my book to find out more about him.
Current Dungeon Core #307 [Travis] (Deceased) Location: Southern Merretta
Dungeon: Dwarven ruins Crystal: small fire agate
Dungeon contained at its peak: 6 floor, 23 room, 143 monsters, 20 traps.
Dungeon core level: 10 XP: 3451
Dungeon active: 2 years
Dwarven ruin is in the southern forest of Merretta. #307 has recently started to produce goblins in large numbers, and sending them out into the forest. Once the humans took notice a hero was sent in and eliminated the crystal. Most favored monster goblin brute, most favored trap pit trap, most purchased monster goblin brute, most purchased trap spike trap, boss monster goblin king (deceased).
Previous Dungeon Core #307 [Godfreed] (Deceased) Location: Adra/Merretta border
Dungeon: Border Fort Crystal: small water fluorite
Dungeon at its peak contained 21 floors, 116 rooms, 1943 monsters, 209 traps
Dungeon core level: 49 XP: 173853
Dungeon active: 128 years
A fort on the border between Adra and Merretta, both kingdoms sought the fort to create a stronghold on the border. It is rumored that more humans where killed within this dungeon by the hands of other humans then from the dungeon monsters. Godfreed lost his life when a group of 5 heroes from the Merretta capital attacked the dungeon. Most favored monster lizard-man, most favored poison dart trap, most purchased monster small lizard-man , most purchased poison dart trap, boss monster lizard-man lord. (deceased)
That dungeon sounds like it is in the same forest as Sara. I wonder if the goblins that have been attacking her are from Travis’s dungeon.
Soon Sara sends me a message asking the same thing.
Sara: “Did you get the message? I wonder if Travis was sending monsters after me because I put my dungeon so close to his.”
“Well did you know he was even there?”
Sara: “Well no, but you don’t think it’s my fault that he was killed do you?”
“That doesn’t even make sense, why would it be your fault?”
Sara: “If he sent out goblins because of me, and that was the reason why he was killed. Doesn’t that mean it’s my fault?”
“If he was really sending monsters from his dungeon out to attack you, I think the last thing you would be worried about is his death.”
Sara: “I guess you are right, but what if the hero comes for me now?”
“Well I believe they attacked him because of him sending the goblins out in the forest. After all you said they killed that hunter that lived at your dungeon, and that probably wasn’t the only one.”
Sara: “You don’t think she will come after me then?
“I highly doubt it, but just to be safe you might just want to lay low for a while.”
Sara: ”Ok…”
- In Serial10 Chapters
Ragnarök Delayed
After I died I received an offer to be reincarnated in a Fantasy World.The problem is - I'm not exactly going to be a "hero" of that world, it wasn't really an offer to begin with, and the strange shapeless black entity who gave me that "offer" wasn't really trustworthy... or sane. Now I am alone in a world that wants me dead. A world I am supposed to ruin as a part of a game I don't understand. I don't even know who plays that game... but it looks like it's a game in which everyone - from pawns to players - is trying to cheat.**********Mature Content Warning - foul language, gore (in the future), potential sex scenes (in the future).
8 182 - In Serial41 Chapters
Era Of The Kobold
Era of the Kobold Returning July Third! Hi there! Thought I forgot about this series, didn't you? In all seriousness, I am sorry for not posting in such a long time. I've been really busy with other things, mainly my education. However, once July hits and I get the time needed to write, I'll be continuing EotK where we left off. It'll be the regular one chapter a week at least, though I'll try to post more frequently for that month. Hopefully you all have been doing well! I'll see you in July. Synopsis: All he wanted was to spend his life gaming. Samuel was an absolute nerd when it came to video games, RPGs especially. He'd play them all day, rarely leaving his house, or even his room for that matter. His peaceful days were sadly ended before he even finished college, however. Despite his expectations, he finds himself reincarnated in a new world as a Kobold. He must now live a hard life as a weak creature that tends to die young and is seen as a monster. How will he manage in this new life and what will he do with it? The rate of publishing will slow down, as I focus on my education.
8 164 - In Serial40 Chapters
A History Through Blood
A collective summary of stories which follow the vampress Victoria as she travels the world. Releases Tri-Weekly, Saturday 20:00 UTC -4
8 160 - In Serial12 Chapters
No matter what other person you are, I'll do my best to keep you all safe in paradise.
You can only call someone a part of your family when they accept you for who you are and what you do, and when they never let you go. That was their philosophy since that day, that one fateful day and in that specific spot. Exactly that day neither one of them would ever forget not even in a hundred years. The day they met, the day they...
8 136 - In Serial49 Chapters
The Cakeboss Chronicles
A microfiction(300 words or less) saga of one Chomp's adventures to eat all the cake in Cakelandia - the land of living desserts. Gotta chomp em' all! [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
8 208 - In Serial27 Chapters
Rain Revert (Reboot Con.)
A continuation of [Rain Revert]… Begins at Chapter 66
8 239