《Chronicles of a Dungeon Core》Pushing our Limits
At last! I finally wake up to a gentle nudge.
I slide over and sit up on my bed to see Thirty-seven walking over sitting down in her chair. I stretch while yawning and check the wound on my stomach… The wound is completely gone, no traces remain.
“Wow that was quick.” I remove the bandage wrapped around me, and I get up sitting in the chair next to Thirty-seven. “Here let me check your wounds.”
I roll up her sleeve and look at her shoulder. I remove her bandage and see that only small mark remains where the wound was, by tomorrow you won’t even know she had an arrow buried in her shoulder.
“I guess that means the wound on your stomach is complete gone then?”
She nods. I then mention the wound on her leg, and she quickly stands and starts unfastening her pants when I stop her.
“No with that wound we probably better leave the bandage on one more day. You can go ahead and remove the bandage before you wake me tomorrow morning.”
Just like that I managed to prevent another disaster. I dispose of the bandages we removed then make sure everything is set for the dungeon battle. I take the newly spawned rift monsters from the dungeon crystal room and placing them in the front room.
“Ok, now with this, we are hopefully prepared. That is for today at least.”
I flip through a few pages of the Dungeon Core Information while waiting for the attack. I find another one of the rookie cores.
Current Dungeon Core #712 [Midget] Location: Dungeon 390
Dungeon: Training Hall Crystal: Basic Training Crystal
Dungeon contains 1 floor, 3 rooms, 1020 monster, 0 traps
Dungeon core level: 2 XP: 2319
Dungeon active: 0 years
Basic training hall is a dungeon within a dungeon to train new dungeon cores. Most favored monster Pretty Pixie, most favored trap N/A, Most purchased monster Pink Puff, Most purchased trap N/A, boss monster Pixie Protector.
Previous Dungeon Core #712 [Han] Location: Tranquil Hills
Dungeon: Tranquil Hills Mine Crystal: Small earthen agate
Dungeon at its peak contained 24 floors, 5 rooms, 1 monster, 0 traps
Dungeon Core level: 42 XP: 32,032
Dungeon active: 53 years
Tranquil Hill Mine was a unique dungeon that used humans symbiotically. Dungeon Core #712 [Han] built only a basic tunnel filling it with ores and gem deposits that humans desire. Humans mined in the dungeon for over 40 years before even discovering it was actually a dungeon, but they never attempted to destroy the crystal because they received over twenty times the resources then from a standard mine. Han’s death was caused by a group of heroes hired by humans that wanted to stop the production of ore from the mine. Most favored monster Beastkin (Wolf), Most favored trap weak spike trap, most purchased monster goblin, Most purchased trap weak spike trap, boss monster Beastkin (Wolf)
“Midget? I am glad that Madam Erin is allowing me to choose my own name so I don’t end up with something like that…”
Thirty-seven: “Many of the Dungeon Cores don’t give their students proper names. It is a way to make them try harder because once you are given your own crystal you are allowed to change your name the one time. If you end up failing like I did you must remain with the name given to you by your teacher. Mine didn’t bother naming me. She just called me by my number.”
“That’s why your name is like that? Becoming a full-fledged Dungeon Core the only way you can change your name?”
Thirty-seven: “I have become your boss monster, so you could rename me once. However once you leave to start your own dungeon it will revert back.”
“That’s unfortunate. I would have liked to be able to help you since you are helping me with so much.”
Thirty-seven: “Think nothing of it. I have gotten used to my name. However you better make up your mind on your own name before the end of the month so you too don’t remain just a number.”
“I will think hard on it… I also seen that Han the old #712 didn’t fill his dungeon with monsters he just used treasure items so live humans would keep coming to his dungeon.”
Thirty-seven has a disgusted look on her face. “Yes some Dungeon Cores choose that route but as you see it never ends well for them. Humans are vile, evil creatures, and they should all be wiped out.”
Thirty-seven looks like she is about to explode. “One of the Dungeon Core Elders even brags about the xp she earns by having a human city sitting on the base floor of her dungeon. “ As she finishes she eventually calms back down returning to her normal self.
That actually sounds like a good idea, although I am smart enough not to say so. Then by being saved by the bell we receive the message.
Intruders have entered your dungeon.
Wave one and two hit and there are no problems, wave three even starts off stronger with a goblin getting a good hit on the crimson kobold. This time, although one is badly damaged, neither of the slimes loses their lives. Also they are only able to manage to take out one of the goblins.
Wave four slams the first room again, but this time not even one of these enemies falls before the room is wiped. Once again, when they enter the next room they are greatly outnumbered, and the intruders fall.
“Now is the deciding factor.”
I manage to heal the monsters with xp, but only just, as the next wave hits the dungeon. We luck out as the group contains another 4 crimson kobold set, but this time has an extra great sword wielder and sword and shield wielder.
We still outnumber them with an extra archer and mage but I decide to send in the new great sword goblin brute, Block, Slash, and Archer as well. I order the three named crimson kobolds focus on defense and not lose their lives.
I still manage to lose the goblin brute and 4 crimson kobolds, but we obtain victory with all the named kobolds still alive.
Intruders Neutralized
The message appears showing me all the equipment I gained and even managed to pull in 225xp, but I am sure I will still be in the hole after replacing monsters. The goblin brute, young kobold mage, and hobgoblin rifts, all three manages to gain a level.
Instead of replacing the goblin brutes I decide to place a new hobgoblin rift set to 2/day for a total of 2, setting me back 700xp. I set them to be equip with [Basic Chainmail], [Steel Swords], and [Large Steel Shields]. I also replace the current hobgoblin rift’s equipment load-out to include the [Basic Chainmail], and a [Steel Great Sword] instead of the axe. Lastly for the first room, I throw in another blue slime.
“I should have set that blue slime rift 2/day, oh well…”
650xp later the crimson kobolds are replenished in the middle room, and I move the named guys back to the crystal room.
“Well I think we are ready to go hunting now, and depending on how well we do might need to add some defenses to the core room.” I however am stopped by a message.”
The message received is from Madam Erin.
Madam Erin: “I see you managed to survive 5 days, but I had no doubt you would with your setup from yesterday. Think of it as taking it easy on you to prepare for tomorrow. That’s when the party really starts.”
“Thanks for the warning, I will make sure not to disappoint.”
Madam Erin: “That’s the spirit pup, just don’t get to cocky.” There is a short delay then she sends another message though. “Oh, and since you trashed all the kobold on the first floor I decided to up the difficulty in my dungeon a bit. Good luck.”
“Looks like things are constantly getting more interesting around here.”
Thirty-seven: “We may want to prepare some back packs for the kobold to carry if we want to bring any items back with us.”
“Ok, I will take a look.”
Looking through [Menu] I find a [standard backpack] for 10xp and buy one for each of the kobolds.
“That should do it, are we ready now?”
Thirty-seven nods.
With a few short moments in [Menu] Thirty-seven and I leave the dungeon along with Block, Slash, and Archer.
As soon as we leave the dungeon things quickly take a turn for the worse as two crimson kobolds charge the group.
I quickly hit one with a [Fireball], and Archer hits the other with an arrow but neither slow down.
Block stops a massive steel sword with his shield, and Thirty-seven darts past him slashing the enemy twice.
Slash and the enemy kobold’s swords collide echoing into the hallway, and creating sparks.
With Block and Thirty-seven on one enemy, I decide to help out Slash casting [Freeze]. Archer has the same idea as he shoots an arrow. Between my spell and Archers arrow the kobold steps back giving Slash the opportunity to bring his sword down finally ending the enemy.
The kobold decides hitting Block’s shield is pointless so turns his attention to Thirty-seven. She however nimbly dodges his swing and attacks with two more. Block then brings his sword down on its neck nearly removing its head from its shoulder.
“Seems like everything is going to be harder from here on out… Well if everyone is ok let’s move on.”
After checking the doors it seems they all have been converted back to their original bedroom forms.
“I guess we need to go to another floor then, so should we go up or down?
Thirty-seven: “Knowing Madam Erin I believe either way will be the same, but I believe she will have something special in store for us if we manage to get up to the throne room by the end of the month.”
“So, up then? Sounds reasonable enough.”
We head up to the next floor exiting onto another long hallway. Midway down there are three crimson kobolds that spot us, and begin rushing our way. Thirty-seven, Block, and Slash prepare for defense as Archer and I attack.
I manage to fire three spells before the enemies reach us, but only one of the spells hits its mark. Archer on the other hand hits one of the enemies with four arrows seriously wounding it.
Slash takes the wounded one, Block takes the uninjured one, and Thirty-seven pairs off with the one I hit with a spell.
As the kobold attacks Thirty-seven she dodges diving behind it slashing its back, and giving me a chance to hit it with another [Freeze] spell.
Block doesn’t make any headway as they both block each other’s blows.
With one more arrow from Archer it causes the other kobold to hesitate just enough for Slash to bring it down without it ever swinging its sword.
After my third [Freeze] spell connects with the kobold he begins icing over as Thirty-seven brings her sword around sending it crashing to the floor.
Finally with five on one the last enemy can do nothing but die.
“We luckily haven’t taken any damage yet, but we need to consider how to retreat if the battle gets to be too much.”
Thirty-seven: “It is simple, you fall back and any of us that remain will cover you.”
“We can’t really afford to lose anybody here, so I would like for all of us to retreat if things start getting to be too much.”
Thirty-seven: “Never losing anyone may sound good, but life rarely works that way.” –She says sternly then returns to normal. - “When you order the retreat, Archer will stick close to you. I will follow up behind him along with Slash. Block will bring up the rear with his shield and hold off enemies. If anyone does fall, just keep moving. If you die, it’s all over.”
“I hate feeling like a glass keepsake following you guys around, while everyone makes sure I don’t break.”
Thirty-seven: “Our lives depend on you. That is just what it means to be a Dungeon Core. If you don’t like it, the only answer is to get stronger.”
We check the first door, but it is securely locked, the next door has a single room with a lone crimson kobold that is just no match for us.
We prepare to open the next room, once kicking the door in we move in finding an empty room with a single large object in the room with a cloth sheet over it. Block stands in front of me guarding while Slash, and Thirty-seven pull the tarp.
Underneath is just a large pile of rocks. However Thirty-seven begins to panic screaming for us to fall back. Before anyone has a chance to move the rocks begin rumbling and iron bars cover the doorway.
Thirty-seven: “Damnit! Block, no matter what happens protect master with your life. Archer arrows are pretty much pointless, but your daggers might work if you get in a lucky hit. Slash, you and I will do our best to keep all of its attention on us.” –She quickly turns her attention to me. “Your [Freeze] spell will be the most effective attack we have, every chance you get hit it with it, but don’t use too much magic till you black out.”
The rocks on the floor begin to come together forming a single creature with no head but two arms and legs, standing at least twice our height. As the final rock comes into place one of the stone arms comes crashing down where Thirty-seven stands.
Thirty-seven manages to dodge the huge rocks crushing blow by few short inches. I quickly cast [Freeze] hitting it dead center but doesn’t even slow it down and its arm moves almost all the way around the body aiming at Slash.
Unable to get out of the way Slash tries to block the swinging blow with his sword. His knees buckle and he slides across the floor. He took a lot of damage but is still standing.
Everyone manages to back of a ways while I manage to cast off two more [Freeze] spells.
After my spell hit it, no damage is visible but it pisses it off enough it finally moves from the center of the floor moving towards me.
Thirty-seven: “Quick, Slash, Archer, let’s get its attention.” -She calls out as she dives in swinging her sword as it loudly reverberates in the small room.-
I manage to hit with a fourth spell as Slash, and Archer attack.
Thirty-seven dives out of the way as another crushing blow hits at the point she was standing and I manage to hit with a fifth spell.
“It doesn’t seem to be affecting it much. I don’t think my magic is strong enough.”
Thirty-seven: “Try aiming for the joints, where the rocks come together.” –She calls out as a blow catches Archer flinging him to the wall. He doesn’t get up but he still seems to be breathing.
My six and seventh spell target a shoulder joint, and it begins to ice over.
Thirty-seven: “It’s working, Slash after he hits it one more time with his spell, you hit the joint!” –She says as another blow comes flying at her. This time she is unable to completely dodge as she spins around landing on the floor.
“DAMNIT!” I scream launching an eighth spell hitting the shoulder.
Slash jumps in bringing his sword down cracking the ice and causing the rock arm to detach from the body crumbling to the floor.
Thirty-seven pulls herself to her feet and dives back in hitting the rock monster again.
The rock monsters remaining arm swings full circle, but Thirty-seven manages to dodge below it. Slash however gets clipped and he goes tumbling.
I pull two of the potions from my waistband and hand them to Block. “Take these and give them to Slash, and Archer.”
Block hesitates looking at Thirty-seven, but does as he is told.
I fire off a ninth spell this time aiming at a leg joint. I feel myself running out of magic power as I start to get dizzy.
Now being unprotected the rock monster decides to target me again. Slowly dragging its boulder like feet towards me its arm comes crashing down near me but I am able to move out of the way.
Archer, and Slash drink the potion and begin to recover as Block dives in attacking the rock monster trying to pull it off of me.
Thirty-seven keeps slashing at the creature as I fire a tenth [Freeze] spell. The spell manages to hit the leg joint but the dizziness causes me to fall to my knees.
Everyone begins slashing, bashing, and stabbing at the leg joint. The rock monsters arm comes crashing down on the group, but Block drops his sword to brace his shield with both arms, absorbing most of the damage.
I struggle to my feet, and try to cast one more [Freeze], but the spell fizzles and everything goes dark.
I begin to wake up in my warm, comfortable bed, and I notice something is not right. I slowly open my eyes and I find Thirty-seven sitting in her chair next to my bed tears rolling from her face landing on my shirt.
“Wha…What happened?”
Thirty-seven quickly sits up. With tears in her eyes she begins to yell at me.
Thirty-seven: “I told you not to use too much magic!” –she shakes the front of my shirt, sniffles, and then wipes the tears from her eyes.
The shaking is causing my head to hurt, so grab my head and say. “How did we get back here? Did everyone else make it?”
Thirty-seven begins to calm down and she finally answers. “Yes we made it all back, however I told you not to waste the potions.”
“Well it looks like it was enough to bring down that rock monster.”
Thirty-seven: “That Golem or rock monster as you called it fell shortly after you blacked out. Your [Freeze] spell was enough that we finally took out the leg and with only one leg and arm it wasn’t able to put up much of a defense.”
“Wait! What time is it? When is the attack?”
Thirty-seven: “Don’t worry it is the middle of the night still. The attack is still hours away.”
“That’s good.” I sit up in my bed and there are several screens that I haven’t noticed yet displayed around me.
Dungeon Monsters have returned from battle
Battle results:
Monster Archer has gained a level
Monster Block has gained a level
Monster Slash has gained a level
Acquired: 1 small magic stone
Losses: Thirty-seven (boss) sustained severe injury, Block sustained major injury, Archer sustained severe injury, Slash sustained severe injury, Dungeon Core #212 [------] sustained KO’ed status.
190 Xp gained from external source. 19xp bonus for Dungeon Core #212 [------] battle participation, 19xp bonus for Thirty-seven (boss) participation, 19xp bonus for no dungeon monster deaths, 37xp bonus for Rookie core training within parent dungeon, x2 xp bonus for a (boss) class monster elimination.
568 Total xp acquired.
I sit upright in bed, but my head then starts pounding so I grasp it in both hands. “Oh…That was a nice bit of xp we got that time.”
Thirty-seven: “It wasn’t worth it. You were too reckless.” -She says normally but for the first time ever shows a cute little pouty face.-
I can’t help but crack a smile. “Ok… Ok… I promise I will take it easier next time.”
Thirty-seven finally stands up, pulls the chair back to the middle of the room, walks over to the table next to her bed, picks up the towel clutching it tightly, and then moves back sitting in her chair.
I sit on the edge of the bed for another few minutes, and then the headache finally subsides. I slowly get up and check the status of the dungeon.
It must be after the start of the new day because the crystal room is full of the newly spawned monsters. I go ahead and move them to the front room. I summon 2 more crimson kobold mages into the crystal room just in case, equipping one with the magician’s robe and gem studded iron rod, and the other with mage robes and an iron rod.
After I summon the mages I notice something under the monster tab that wasn’t there before.
Weak Earth Golem Cost: 1000xp*
*Elemental type monsters are granted a discount of ¼ due to [Uniquely Gifted] skill, however discount not granted with Basic Training Crystal.
My mouth curls into a smile. “I will have to save that for an emergency.”
I take a final look over the dungeon, and then ask Thirty-seven to wake me up a few minutes before the attack starts. I then lay down going back to sleep.
I wake up to Thirty-seven’s light shaking. “Thanks. How long till the attack?” I sit up, and find I still have a bit of a headache but I can manage. “Strange, that physical wounds heal so fast, but this headache is lingering.”
Thirty-seven: “Three minutes remain, and that is due to you exhausting your magic. In many ways that is worse than a physical wound.”
“Thanks, I will keep that in mind.” I yawn, stretch, get up, move over to my chair and look at the screens.
“I have been wondering. You always know the exact time. How do you do that?”
Thirty-seven: “Another item missing from your [Menu]? It is displayed in the top corner.”
As she says it several displays around the room have the time appear on them. “Wait, have you always been able to see the time on the screens here in the core room?”
Thirty-seven: “Of course.”
“So we see different things even in the core room… We might need to talk after the battle and just see how different the [Menu] I see is compared to yours.”
Intruders have entered your dungeon
“Well here we go.”
With most of the rifts level 2 and replacing half of the goblin brutes with a hobgoblin rift, the first three waves are no longer even a threat. They even manage to hold their own pretty will against the fourth wave, but eventually the room is cleared. I however pull the non-rift blue slime, instructing it to the crystal room once its life is in danger.
“Try to save every little bit of xp we can.”
The fourth wave proceeds to the second room and is promptly wiped out, on the fifth wave I move in the three named kobolds to assist in the fight and we manage to clear it without any casualties.
When the new wave hits, 4 earth golems enter the dungeon. They are identical to the one we fought the day before although much, much smaller. Without any intelligence they have a hard time with the traps, each falling into the pit trap and being hit by at least one spike trap. Although they cause them no damage it manages to slow them down.
While delayed by the traps, I pull the two archer kobolds, and Archer from the middle room and replace them with the new mages I had as back-up. I am also able to change the one into the better gear from the previous wave.
The battle is pretty straight forward with each crimson kobold mage targeting one of the golems while the others run interference, Block and Slash filling in any gaps.
The battle ends with victory and only losing 2 of the crimson kobolds. All of the remaining kobolds except 2 of the mages and the named ones manage to gain a level.
I get 4 tiny magic stones, and 10 stones in addition to the normal equipment.
New monster available
Small Weak Earth Golem Cost: 250xp*
*Elemental type monsters are granted a discount of 1/4 due to [Gifted] skill. Discount does not take effect with Basic Training Crystal
Even after replacing the two dead kobolds I still end up with 25 more xp then I started, so finally after all the hard work we are finally gaining more xp then losing.
“6 days, we just need 1 more. Is it me or do the waves seem like they are getting easier?”
Thirty-seven: “I believe that is due to the disadvantage Madam Erin placed on you in the beginning. Although I would say the difficulty still remains above the norm. You should at the end of week two, if not into week three before this difficulty.” –She thinks for a moment before continuing.-
Thirty-seven: “I also believe if we suffer a loss now, we will be unable to attain any victories for the rest of the month.”
“That’s kind of hard don’t you think?”
Thirty-seven: “Not at all. Right now you are maintaining the first room with rifts so no matter the outcome of the battle you can still fill the first room. However we don’t have enough xp to even fill the middle room again if we suffer a loss.”
“That’s why we need to continue in Madam Erin’s dungeon. To gather more xp.”
Thirty-seven: “I agree. Also I believe it would be wise to switch Archer out for one of the mages at this point. Your magic is not enough if we encounter any more golems.”
“Ok, I guess we can leave the talk about [Menu] till this evening.”
Thirty-seven: “Also, bring along the magic stones. If we have downtime you can store a spell or two within them just in case you get low on magic.”
I equip my gear and register one of the new crimson kobold mages as “Mage” and with him, Block, Slash, and Thirty-seven we set out back into Madam Erin’s dungeon.
While checking the first floor I store a [Freeze] spell in one of the tiny magic stones and just the one spell manages to fill it.
“It looks like the tiny stones can only hold a single spell.”
Thirty-seven: “Well it is better than nothing. Come, this floor still appears to be empty.”
By the time we manage to make it to the door outside where we fought the golem yesterday Mage, and I fill all four of the tiny stones with [Freeze].
“She doesn’t seem to be filling the rooms we already cleared up.”
Thirty-seven: “That seems to be the case, but don’t let your guard down.”
I nod and we prepare to open the door to the next room. Once inside there is an empty room with 4 of the small golems we faced in the dungeon today.
Mage and I target one leaving it alive but frozen to the floor. Block shield bashes another knocking it down. Slash brings his sword down on a third and Thirty-seven slashes at the last.
The golems begin to move, the frozen one’s arms spin in circles around its body, but it is bound and unable to hit anyone. The one that was sent tumbling by Block’s shield easily gets up swinging both arms vertically parallel to its body. Block’s shield holds but the sound itself is hard on the ears.
Thirty-seven dodges several blows from the one she is attacking and Slash wedges his sword in a crevice of the one he is attacking, and just keeps it at sword’s length away.
Mage and I hit the bound golem each in turn this time it finally freezes over. Block bashes his golem again scattering rocks around the room, however lacking any intelligence the golem just keeps trying to push through his shield.
Slash’s sword slips and the golems swinging arms come crashing in hitting him in the hip, but he swings is great-sword around smashing into the stone creature hard.
Thirty-seven preforms a few quick slashes against hers while quickly dodging its stone fists.
Next Mage targets the one attacking Slash hitting the leg joint, and I target the arm of the one attacking Thirty-seven.
The stone fist crashing into Block’s shield cracks and crumbles but it doesn’t slow-down its assault. While Slash arc’s his sword down on the frozen joint of his golem separating the leg from the body.
Thirty-seven continues her dodging dance around her golem planting a few timely hits to the frozen shoulder, but it still doesn’t give.
Mage hits the golem flopping around on the floor with another spell causing it to finally quit moving, and I hit the one attacking Thirty-seven again in the same shoulder.
Block bashes his shield hard into the golem yet again, yet this time Slash hits it back to him with his sword like a game of ping pong.
Thirty-seven brings her sword down on the frozen shoulder yet again, this time causing it to separate from the rest of the creature. She then swings around knocking its legs out from underneath it.
With one more spell from both Mage and I the others wrap up the fight finally causing the golems to crumble to the floor in large chucks of rocks.
We rest in the room for a while, as Mage and I recover our magic. Thirty-seven goes around cracking open the rock golem remains pulling out the tiny magic stones.
After resting up we move on to two rooms repeating the process, as they contain the same setup of 4 golems.
While resting after the third room I noticed everyone is starting to look a little beat up, and my magic is not recovering near as fast.
“Fatigue seems to be starting to kick in. We are taking more damage each match. Even my magic is not recovering near as fast.”
Thirty-seven: “Yes, I believe we have two remaining rooms on this floor. However we might be able to only handle one more set of golems.”
We rest for a while longer then check the next room. This time we carefully peek inside instead of just busting in the door. After determining that it is indeed 4 more small golems we move in.
We manage to win the fight but at one point Slash lost his golem and it crashed into Mage. I had to use one of the potions to prevent Mage from dying.
“Well I guess we better call it now then. That was pretty close.”
Thirty-seven: “I still would rather you not waste the potions on the monsters, but I agree. Let us return to our dungeon.”
Dungeon Monster have returned from battle
Battle results:
Monster Thirty-seven (boss) has gained a level
Monster Slash has gained a level
Monster Block has gained a level
Monster Mage has gained a level
Acquired: 16 tiny magic stones
Losses: 1 watered down healing potion, Slash sustained major damage, Block sustained moderate damage, Thirty-seven (boss) sustained moderate damage, Mage sustained major damage, Dungeon Core #212 [-------] suffered minor damage.
400xp gained from external source. 40 xp bonus for Dungeon Core #212 [-------] battle participation, 40xp bonus for Thirty-seven (boss) battle participation, 40xp bonus for no dungeon monster deaths, 80xp bonus for Training core training within parent dungeon
600 XP total rewarded
After returning to the core room I check over Thirty-seven’s wounds. She has a massive bruise to the ribs, and a few smaller ones on her arms, back, and legs. I however only have a small one on one of my shoulders.
“It hurts me to see you so bruised up… It seems wrong in some way.”
Thirty-seven: “I don’t understand. It is only natural that I have wounds greater than yours.”
“I understand that as my boss monster, but as a woman taking more damage than a man it just seems wrong somehow.”
Thirty-seven: “You truly say strange things at time. What does our gender have to do with who takes damage?”
“I….I don’t know… It just seems odd to me.”
I decide to change the subject, and we talk for the next few hours on [Menu]. Thirty-seven doesn’t go into detail in the monsters, items, and such as she said on that everyone’s [Menu] differs greatly. However after speaking several new screens and options are now dotted across my [Menu].
“Well tomorrow is the big day… I better prepare a few extra things to the dungeon before heading to bed. Why don’t you get some rest?”
Thirty-seven nods and lays down, and then I get to work making a few surprises for day seven. Working into the early hours of the morning I finally finish my preparations and head to bed myself.
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8 131 - In Serial241 Chapters
Infinite Mana In The Oasis
Welcome to the world that has shed its old skin. It's an age of avant-garde technologies that break common sense. Science that transcends fantasy. And yet, it has lost its charm in the face of something even more fantastical. The presence of mana is for those who are blessed by their origins. The Rankers are the true elites of their circles. A long lifespan is possible. Gaining superhuman powers is feasible. But what use is personal power when the entire existence of your species is on the line? Things on Earth are much more serious than the general populace is aware of. A threat of the unknown looms over the existence of everything living and otherwise. Humanity may soon need to leave the only place it calls home. And seek shelter somewhere else in the infinite universe. Who would find the Oasis for humans who have never been so powerful or as helpless as they are now? Will it be the hero they asked for? Or will it be the not-a-hero they need? What happens when that not-a-hero gains one of the most broken powers? === I am lost and found In the world of dreams My serenity awaits Amid the banshee screams! Within mayhem, I'll find my reason Within sorrows, my bliss In the darkness, I'll see my light In the desert, my oasis! - Grayback Thank you for reading Infinite Mana In The Oasis novel @ ReadWebNovels.net Read Daily Updated Light Novel, Web Novel, Chinese Novel, Japanese And Korean Novel Online.
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