《Random Wanderer》Special Chapter: Prologue to reincarnation (I)
Author's note:
Special Thanks to Chiisutofupuru, Vietxtreme, and Nero. (no not me)
Sad to say, as high as my luck parameters, Bad luck is all I have~
Making this was quite hard, or I could even say it was hell!!
You have to thank the people above for their kind and generous help!
But because of my lacking, this chapter was cut into 2 parts… Sorry, It looks like I could only grovel at the ground for my patheticness. Some more stuff came up… so yeah… I present you half of my chapter~
I removed the past threads: Quick Notice!! and Announcement/Illustrations/Rant.
Also take note that this is a person perspective… Even False information can become true.
And I've also tried changing a bit~ Whaddya think?
Edit: Implemented my mentor's teachings~
This message again:
I'm just a newbie author writing for fun~
Help me by pointing out mistakes you see in the chapter as it will help me improve~
Thank you and enjoy the chapter~ I made this for you guys~ I needed the practice anyway~
Special Chapter: Prologue to reincarnation (I)
~Feru’s PoV~
“I, I’m sorry!” The man holding a spear in front of him moved closer, every step he took he wobbled. His eyes so terribly red from the constant stream of tears that still fell from his eyes. He positioned the spear in front of my chest, hesitated. “I’m very sorry… forgive me!!”
The man, who is standing in front of me and crying his eyes out, was one of my companions and also my friend.
Although we had finished our mission of saving our world, it was sad to say that I have to part with them like this.
I can also hear the voices of the people surrounding me. It seems like everyone is not accepting this decision.
Although my vision has started getting blurred, I can see some figure struggling to stop this…
“Isn’t there another way!?”
“She’s too young! We can still wait, right… right!?”
“No…” *Sniff* *Sniff*
“I understand… I understand… but… WHY!?”
“There is still time! We can wait! Stop!”
"The curse is still not in effect! Stop!"
It's not like I can't understand their feelings… But there is no other choice.
My body grew heavier until it was numbed and my consciousness slowly became a blur.
I'm lying down on the ground, motionless, while being surrounded by so many people.
Because of the atmosphere, I feel like I'm attending my own funeral…
I only have one wish... and that is "to live more…"
It looks like I accidentally voiced out my thoughts…
The person in front of me started crying out more as he heard those words.
With a shout, he forced himself to move the spear.
Going through my chest and piercing my heart… My life ended.
Waking up, I found myself floating in the darkness.
I let out a deep sigh…
I had that dream again…
It was the same reoccurring dream ever since I was trapped in here.
For how long I've stayed here… I don't know.
I can't tell anymore, but I do believe it has been a very long time.
And for the time I've spent here, I always have the same dream… happening over and over again as if was meant to torment me.
This must be because of the curse…
Will this even end? Am I going to be here forever?
Am I going to stay a victim to these dreams until I lose my sanity?
I don't want it! I want to live!
And in that moment, hope appeared in front of me.
In the form of a blue rectangular thingy…
VirgoDo you wish to be free?
I didn't know what the blue thingy was, but from what I understood… could it be?
It was offering me freedom! A chance for me to get away from this place!
I nodded, answering the question to asked, but nothing happened.
“Y, Y, Yes!” I stuttered over my own words.
I haven't been able to use my voice ever since I was here, so I had trouble speaking so suddenly.
My voice sounded a little dry and rusty, as if I haven't spoken a word in ages.
VirgoYou will have to do something for me
Do you still wish to proceed?
I don't care anymore!
I just want to get out of this place!
VirgoAlright, but I'll need you to pass the trial first before deciding if you are fit for the role I'm about to give you.
Do you still wish to proceed?
After giving my response, I was enveloped by a bright light.
It was strange… Somehow, the light makes everything feel a little bit better… it was like…
When the light disappeared, my head kind of hurts a bit as my eyes refocused.
It's the kind of feeling you get when you are forcibly woke up in the middle of the night.
When my vision finally returned, the very first thing I saw was a young boy… and a chaotic scene!?
Although I can see the sun very clearly, the surrounding area was still dark. As if the sun was being blocked by some sort of invisible clouds, and small sparks of white lightning materialized here and there.
The person in the middle had his right hand towards me while sitting on his knees, his breathing was very heavy and rough, and on his face was an expression of experiencing great pain.
A few moments later, that person fall face first on the ground.
Suddenly, the area around us became normal and the atmosphere was lighter.
I had no idea what just happened, but after realizing the boy wasn’t getting up I decided to help him.
But when I tried to move, I couldn't. When I tried to speak, nothing came out.
The only thing I could do was move my line of sight…
Then the blue rectangular thingy appeared again!
System:Status Effect: IncubationYour new body is still adapting to your soul.
Your memories will slowly flow into your new body.
Some of your traits will also be applied to your new body.
You have some influence over your body.
System:Status Effect: Life-LineThe caster has sacrificed a piece of his soul to ensure the success of reincarnation.
A part of his soul shall be absorbed into you, leaving him with a missing part.
Quest: Trial given by Virgo
Reincarnating a 'Fallen Angel'Difficulty: ???Description:The person in front of you has sacrificed a lot in order to transfer your soul!
You are free to do as you please, except cause any kind or form of harm towards the person who reincarnated you. For your soul is link together with his. His death will also result in yours.
Conditions:Clear Conditions:Fail Conditions:>???>???
What? What? What!?
I don't know what to do! What do I do? Whaa!
I was starting to panic for I don't understand what's happening!?
I heard that there was an ancient magic called [Reincarnation] or the transmigration of souls.
It was such a high class magic that was requires using an enormous amount of magic power and the use of some sacrifices for it to work. Many magic organizations had labeled this as forbidden magic as it was dangerous, the requirement of enormous magical power alone was enough to kill the caster and the sacrifice was never specified, resulting in a lot of deaths.
And the person in front of me achieved that great feat, at such a young age too!
Was it the part of his soul he sacrificed? Why would he do that?
After some time, I figured out on how to move my body.
It was like the time with the rock golems.
Since I was able to move my body, or more like watch my body move on its own, I went towards the collapsed person and decided to carry him inside that oddly structured building. Although it looked odd, I was quite beautiful…
Now that I have notice it, what is this place?
Everything here was beautiful… this place looks like a paradise floating above the clouds…
When I was inside the… I don't know if this is a mansion or a small castle, since everything looked expensive…
After wandering around, I finally found a room which I could consider a 'bedroom' because of its large bed.
It was tiring, but I was able to do it. I tripped and fell too many times while I was searching.
I placed him on the large bed, it was really soft too!
I decided to wait for him to wake up.
So I look around the room for a bit, just with my line of sight though, it was hard to move.
I kept looking around until I saw a mirror. Although it is a bit different, it was somewhat similar to my old looks.
A little while had passed and I was suddenly attacked with fatigue and immediately fell asleep.
"uh… hmm… ?… !!"
This place is? Is this a dream? I remember falling asleep…
As to why I claim that this was a dream, it was because that my body became that of a ghosts or ghost-like.
That and I already experience this with my succubus friend playing a prank on me…
My body was a bit faded and there was a red string tied to your finger that leads to the person dreaming.
But Instead of the usual red string on your finger, there was a black chain connected on to my neck, it was like a collar…
I wonder why I'm here… What was the reason and whose dream is this?
For now, I decided to follow the black chain.
I was able to move… or float, freely since this was a dream.
The black chain doesn't hinder any of my movements as they would pass any object.
Anyway, this place is sort of familiar… It was like that place (Mistel)
This place isn't that luxurious as the previous one.
I was walked around, and came upon a large room (Living Room).
There were plenty of colorful shaped pieces scattered on the ground (Toy for kids), and besides those is a small child staring at the wall- Wait! What is that thing!?
On the wall was a large rectangular black box affixed on the wall. In the middle of it, was a small moving image!
It doesn't end there; those images had color and sounds coming out of it! And looking at the side, it was flat!
Just what sorcery is this!?
Is this one of those High Tiered Magic Items that I've heard about? (It was a TV…)
“What are you doing?”
I was so focused on the magic tool that I forgot my surroundings!
The my natural action was to immediately turn around and look at the person who spoke!
Turning around, A beautiful woman stood by the doorway… smiling at the small child.
I was so focused on this that I've forgotten that this was all a dream…
I let out a deep sigh.
I soon noticed that the black chain was attached to the small child.
I also noticed that the small child was a little odd… He had this expressionless face.
But still, the woman continued to talk to the small child.
“Come~ Help mommy with her shopping~”
It was awkward… The small child just stared at his mother.
The child's eyes were black… and it felt like it was empty…
I decided to follow the small child, since everything here is a dream by that child.
Going outside of that place, or house?
I was quite shocked! I knew I'm not in Xeramnia (previous world) anymore, when I found out that I was reincarnated.
But this place was totally different from what I had in mind!
There were so many odd looking houses… um… carriages without horses? Moving by themselves at quite a fast pace… maybe it was buffed with magic? Not good! I'm totally lost here!
Although I'm confused because of the unknown stuff all around me, I continued following that child and his mother.
While I was following the two, I notice something was amiss.
Some humans, but not all of them, kept giving the small child weird look on their faces. As if they loath the small child.
When we passed by a group of female human, I overheard their conversations…
“Hey, it’s that child again”
“That child?”
“Oh? You haven’t heard it yet?”
“No, what are we talking about?”
“You see that child? There is a rumor going around that that child is cursed”
“Aren’t those just baseless rumors?”
“I don’t think so; I heard that the child always had that expressionless face”
“I also heard that the other kids tend to avoid him…”
“I think I heard that one; one of the kids that played with that child became sick the next day…”
“blah blah blah~"
That was all I heard… I didn't really want to continue listening to them… spreading things like that…
When diving into a dream, the dream would sometimes 'jump'. It was like… uh… Changing a dream into another one.
I forgot what ○○○ said, it was important but I can't seem to remember it… I should've paid more attention…
The dream kept changing, but it was always centered on that human child.
The child's name was Nero; I just recently learned that name because it was rarely said…
Aside from that, I've learned many things about this world called… Earth…
Earth only has 1 race, The Humans.
Humans on Earth, unlike on Xeramnia, doesn't have magical abilities but they rely on these magical tools called technology.
Another 'jump' has occurred.
In a place called 'School'
Nero was sitting on the far corner of the room… while the other kids was playing with each other… ignoring him.
This looks nice… the usually, the other kids would call him with names or just hurt him in general.
Before things gets out of hand with the bullying, the teacher would immediately stop it.
The teacher could only help him with that. Since the last time he tried stopping it entirely, a large group of angry parents went and complain to the teacher.
Although he is being treated like that, he gives off the feeling of "I don't really care" because of his expressionless face.
Sometimes I find myself getting angry in place of him… and also reacting to the other stuff around him.
He does smile sometimes, only at home with his family though. So I don't think Nero is completely emotionless as the first time I saw him.
I continued watching the dream… It's not like I can do anything here except watch… and also react…
Suddenly, two armed humans entered the room and pointed a weapon called pistols.
"Everyone on the ground now!"
A guy wearing black cloth over his face burst into the room, pointing a oddly shaped weapon called a gun.
"S###! Change of plan; take a rich looking kid as a shield! I'll stand guard outside!" -Robber #2
"Tch. Fine!" -Robber #1
I saw these two on the television! I think they are called robbers and it seems like they already robbed something!
The other one was looking at the crying children on the ground, looking to take a child as a hostage.
Seriously! People like these are no better than trash!
While I was thinking that, something odd has happened.
Everything stopped. Everything was frozen in place as if time had stopped.
Then after that, things began to shake get distorted. I don't know what's happening!
I also began feeling odd…
My head was spinning… I started feeling sick…
My body can't move… It was like at that time…
My ears hurt… I kept hearing an unusual sound…
My eyes hurt… I can't see anything…
I don't know how long that feeling lasted… but it finally went away.
As soon as I open my eyes, the scenery was different from the usual dream.
Everyone, including myself, was outside of the school building and it was also night time.
We were surrounded by many people and vehicles.
All the kids are crying as they cling onto their parents… all while being covered by blood…
Looking at their faces, fear is clearly reflected on their eyes…
I froze on the spot when I saw him…
It was quite an eerie scene… A child with no expression while being covered in blood…
… I don't think I want to know what happened.
Did finally wake up from that linked dream?
It's so dark and I can't move!
"Let go of me!" -???
Someone shouted that, to which of course made me confused…Is it directed at me?
Because I thought of that, I decided to try moving my body and check.
Removing, from what I think is, the blanket covering me, I saw a boy with glowing red eyes.
Somehow, the person in front of me looks oddly familiar…
No way! This person can't be him… right? Although I can't deny that possibility because…
While I was too busy thinking about this and that… I fail to notice that I moved too close!
Honestly, at this moment, I lost all the influence that I have on my body…
The reason was… me panicking too much… I mean… never mind…
The person in front of me… has that embarrass expression on his face… as his face is a bit red.
I can't really blame him though… I, too, am a bit embarrassed… especially with this situation.
Staying in this position… with our faces near each other… almost about to… to… Gyaaaah!
It was long, I didn't know how long though, but my body finally moved… in a worst way possible.
Although I retreated backwards, I lie back down again and h-hugged him…
I was completely embarrassed… But that just went away when I hugged him.
I was remembered the same feeling, it was like the time I was enveloped by the light.
Again… I immediately fell asleep…
I was having a Link/Dived dream again…
I was expecting to see the same expressionless human but…
*sniff* *sniff*
That person was crying… Sitting by the corner of his room and crying to himself…
I felt various emotions as I looked at him.
I sat beside him… and try gave him some encouragement. Like hugging him and stuff…
I know that all of my actions were useless… But I just can't help it…
I continued doing the same useless actions throughout the remainder of the dream.
There were no 'jumps' like the previous one.
I woke up quite early in the morning. And besides me is Nero, who is sleeping soundly.
It seems like I have some influence on my body again.
I carefully got out of bed.
I decided to do something nice for this person… Maybe bringing him some breakfast will do.
(After several minutes…)
I started wandering around this place in hopes to find the kitchen.
Although I found the kitchen, there was no food. I got some cups though.
I saw some trees outside and hoped that there will be at least fruits there.
And to my luck, there are! It was fruits that I saw back on earth!
So there was no doubt that these fruits are safe to eat.
I was also a bit curious so I ate one, it was really tasty!
Next was water.
I went to the fountain nearby to have a look.
The water looks clean. So I drink some of it. It was high quality!
Having everything I need and my hands full, I decided to go back to Nero.
It was a bit hard, but I was able to do it! My time with the Golems did not fail me!
When I arrived back in the room, what I saw was quite the spectacle.
There was multiple spells floating in the room… it was quite surreal.
Some of them are basic spells, such as 'Fireball', but there were also mid tier and high tier.
I think I even saw a transparent chair, sword, and a frying pan floating around with a bluish color!
Without a doubt, this person is really amazing!
Coming back to my senses, I walk towards him and handed over the fruits.
To which he responded with "Uh… Thanks" while he stares at me… W-Was I disturbing him?
"By the way… uh… Feruniru, where did you get this?"
Feruniru? Is that my name now? Well~ it does sound nice.
I influence my body to point towards the trees outside the window.
As he looked to where I pointed, he gave off the feeling of being troubled…
Me: “Oh yea… I forgot about creating that.”
He spoke to himself as he looks at the trees… but my reaction was quite different.
I was honestly impress and was reminded that this person was really amazing.
He looks back at me and gave off a wry smile…
Later on, he began talking to me in a polite tone.
As expected, he introduced himself as Nero… but to my surprise, he said he was a lesser god.
Nero continued on talking to me and I tried my best to at least reply back with shaking my head.
It was a small idle talk but I felt happy somehow… Maybe it was because I've spent a long time by myself in the darkness that I've felt happy to talk to someone.
Several hours have passed since he has started talking.
Both of us have started to feel very sleepy…
*Yawn* “It’s getting pretty dark outside and I’m getting tired, I guess it’s time for sleep~”
It looks like Nero was the first one to submit to the drowsiness.
Well, I do have to agree, I am also sleepy…
“There’s another bed in the next room, you could sleep there. Goodnight~”
Fortunately, there was another bed in the next door here but…
Again… I've lost the influence that I have on my body.
While my right hand was stuck, holding the blanket, Nero was looking at me with widen eyes…
I still kept trying to control my body… Move my body! Move!!
“…D-D you want to sleep with me?”
As he said that, I became more embarrassed and lost the influence that I had just gained!
No! No! No! No! NO! But my body answered otherwise…
“C-Can’t you just sleep at the next room?”
Yes! I would love to!
Although I wanted that, my body wanted otherwise… I want to cry…
“Ok! Fine! You can sleep with me but-“
It also looked like he gave up trying to resist… I also gave up.
I let my body dive into bed and hug him… The only upside is that, I felt that feeling again.
Again, it was the same Link dream.
There were also many jumps that had occurred.
The dream was his everyday life, showing various kinds of emotions, doing various stuff, etc…
Watching through all of this again, gaining more knowledge, and learning more about him…
And again, I question myself. Why?
Why is he hiding behind that smile?
Why is he pretending to be a fool?
Why is he…
I let my body roam free the next day. I did it because I lost all the influence that I have.
And as soon as I did, my body began acting all childlike and started playing in the yard…
This is embarrassing but I think he is still asleep so this is fine for now…
This also gives me time to think more on what to do…
This person, Nero, gave me another chance at life…
He doesn't seem to be a bad person…
He looks like he is still suffering…
I should do something nice for him… but what?
What can I do? What will I do?
Hn? Speaking of him, I just spotted him walking around.
My body hastily went towards him… and my vision started turning dark…
You have successfully returned a part of his soul
You have successfully transferred curse: ■■■■■■
And with that, I fell unconscious.
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