《Naruto World Isekai: A new Flower Blooms in a Different World》Chapter 9. Ramen, Dango, and Pocky! Time to work out and burn off those Calories!


"... You two are some scary brats, ya know that?"

Anko had all but been dragged into her friend group by Julia. The young Chunin couldn't help but wonder what in the world Konoha was feeding these two kids as she watched them train and spar. Seriously, the school year had only started like last week! She knew that some clan trained their children young, but Itachi was something else. She was a damn Chunin for crying out loud and even she wasn't quite sure she could manage some of the tricks he was pulling straight out of his ass. Even without his clan's vaulted Dojutsu, the Sharingan, his skill in Genjutsu was insane. He was tossing them out like free candy! Something that not even her friend Kurenai, a fellow Chunin who was 15, hailed as a prodigy in Genjutsu herself could keep up with.

And as for Julia? Julia who was somehow keeping up with this pint-sized monster?

A loud roar was heard before the ground shook. A tree had fallen over. Another roar was heard followed by more shaking. Correction, Anko thought to herself, a tree had been knocked over.

The girl who was half of her age was running around demolishing whatever was unfortunate enough to be in her way.

"Katon: Great Fireball Jutsu!"

A massive fireball the size of a house burst out from the lips of Itachi. It was quite a sight, the Uchiha's signature Jutsu. In fact, one wasn't considered an adult within the Uchiha clan unless one could perform it as a coming of age rite. Alas, however powerful the Jutsu, it meant jackshit if it doesn't hit its target.

"Ha! Miss me, miss me, now you gotta kis- Oh shit!"

Anko felt that sentiment, because as if a mirage the flaming ball of death disappeared without a trace only to appear on Julia's right. The direction she had jumped towards to dodge in the first place.

Genjutsu... but how? I wasn't even his target and I couldn't tell! What the shit!

Anko's damaged pride aside, she still watched with tense nerves as her young friend was about to become a roast. She was half tempted to intervene but decided to place her trust in the girl. Surely she had a plan? Maybe a substitution Jutsu prepared before hand?

Sadly, Julia didn't know such a helpful technique yet, which was why she did the best she could with such quick notice. She punched herself in the face, her immense strength coupled with her low weight ensured that she launched herself far away from the impact site of the fireball. It was the best she could come up with since she couldn't freely move after getting caught in the air from her jump.

"What the fuck?"

It was so surprising and stupid that even Itachi couldn't help but utter those words along with Anko. His shock at the display accidentally revealed his location from behind a particularly tall tree. She wouldn't be able to kick it down like the others, but that was ok.

Keep standing there in awe of her cleverness!

Julia, however, would make sure to capitalize on the advantage. She may not be able to spit out fireballs or summon lightning, having yet to be training in whatever her elemental affinity was, but she was well versed in the element... Of surprise!

In a burst of Chakra enhanced speed, she disappeared from everyone's eyes, only to show up behind Itachi. His eyes widened and he attempted to duck out of the way while rapidly going through hand signs. His hands were a blur as he weaved dozens of signs within a moment. However, in a battle against Julia in such a close range, a moment was simply far too long.


"Leaf Gale!"

A spinning low kick, simple but quite effective. Normally with her strength, it would be enough to launch someone flying away, but she had made sure to angle it so that his body would be sent back towards the trunk. Close quarters were her forte, so she sure as hell wasn't going to let him gain any distance or time to think. While his head hit the back of the trunk, she grabbed his foot and slammed the boy onto the ground. Sitting on his back with his hand bending behind his back in a basic lock she grins.

"Looks like I win this time, Itachi-chan~!"

He didn't say anything, didn't even so much as give a grunt as the girl tightened her grip to make sure he couldn't weasel his way out. Pun totally intended. He only turned his head over his shoulder and look at her. She felt an odd sense of growing dread, and just as she hopped off his back and kicked him away from her she realized it was already too late. She was caught in his trap.

In a puff of smoke, the boy she had just attempted to punt across the field like a football turned into a log with a tag on it. A paper bomb that was already lit. She barely had time to raise her arms up to cover her face before it exploded and this time she was the one sent flying into the tree.

By the time she caught her bearings, she was already wrapped in ninja grade steel wires. Even with her tremendous strength and durability, if she tried to power through this she would end up ripping herself to shreds... Or the tree? She pondered on the validity of attempting to uproot the entire thing and wiggle her way out to continue the fight.

She might or might not have a competitive streak a mile long.

"That was complete bullshit. I so had you." There was no bite in her words, but she still felt like complaining. This is what she gets for making a once in a century genius her "Eternal Rival" as Gai sensei would say. The fact that she was an adult seriously competing against a kid wasn't lost on her, but such a thought was far too depressing to dwell upon, so she didn't. Life was simply easier that way, best not to overthink things.

"Oh? Did you now? Or did I let you think that to lure you into my trap all along?"

...The worst part was she couldn't outright deny the validity of that possibility. Julia couldn't honestly tell if she was a good or bad influence on the young clan heir. For one, he was more outspoken and free to show his emotions, at least around friends or family. On the other hand, she could do without all the increasing level of sass. Nah, who was she kidding? This was miles better than the robot she had first met.

"Yeah, ok, whatever pretty boy."

Anko jumped out of the treeline to join the bantering duo because she has been around long enough to understand if she didn't then the three of them would be here until dusk. She quickly cut Julia free and then were on their way to Ichiraku's again.

She wasn't too big on ramen really, but by the combined persuasive powers of two girls with a need for sugary goodness as much as a crackhead needed their hit, they managed to get deserts added to the menu! It didn't hurt that they had roped Ayame into their scheme and a certain Uchiha clan heir had a secret sweet tooth as well.


Between the three of them, the stall's profit margin probably increased two folds.

They did not have a problem. They just knew good food then they saw it and knew how to enjoy life.

"Alright, see you guys later, I got to meet up with Gai-sensei."

"K, see ya later!"

"I wish you the best of luck."

The unlikely duo stared at each other for a moment in awkward silence. It was weird without Julia to help with the dynamic.





"Wanna get some Dango and Pocky, followed by a session of playing with knives and throwing pointy things?"

"I'd be delighted too."

And so the pair went off, bonding over a shared love of sweets and live target practice.

"Yosh! Good morning my most Youthful apprentice."

Loud as always, Julia envied his "Youthful" energy, even though she was technically only 6. What a strange life she had where she already felt too old when she hasn't even gotten to puberty yet.

"Hai, Gai-sensei!"

"Great! Today we shall be adding something new to your routine. You've done well these past few months under my tutelage, and I am immensely proud of you and your progress and dedication. I believe its time we get started on the next stage of your training."

For once there was a rare occasion of Gai speaking calming in a quiet manner, yet somehow the feeling and emotions in them were all the more intense. His eyes weren't the usual look of raging passion, but a calm and steady warmth. A welcoming and homely hearth and his smile was wide but failed to show any of his pearly whites.

"First, I shall show you the forms and stances of the Strong Fist, afterward I want you to sit down with me and we shall plan out what kind of shinobi do you want to be? I know fully well that you and Itachi-kun are more than ready to graduate already, but I don't want you to feel pressured to do so. There is nothing wrong with taking time to enjoy your youth while it lasts. You don't even have to be a Taijutsu specialist like me if you do not wish so. Although that is my strong point, I am not ignorant of the other shinobi arts, and if I am not up to par I have many friends and comrades I could seek the aid of."

That was probably the longest thing she had ever heard Gai say without shouting or talking about training and ranting about youth. She was glad for the sheer acceptance and love she could feel in his words and made a promise to herself she would work hard to get stronger, if not for herself and the world, than at least for this man with an unwavering belief in her.


"That is a long and arduous journey you're setting for yourself my pupil, however, I am glad to see your flames are burning brighter than ever! Yes, this is how the youth should be! Full of vigor and ambitions! To keep challenging oneself and overcome every hardship standing in the way of their dreams. I shall follow you every step of the way and help you fan the flames ever higher!"

Julia's answer to her Ninja Career 101 was pretty simple really. She spent the better part of the last year contemplating how to get strong and change the future after all. It was also easy since there were so few female characters of any note in Naruto.

Tsunade Senju.

She was going to walk the path of a medical ninja. Ironic considering it was her Major in her last life, but this time she was going with a minor in Genjutsu instead of psychology... Actually weren't the both of them pretty much the same anyway? A method to understand and fuck with someone's mind?

Food for thought she supposes. Hopefully, she'd actually manage to finish her studies and work on her career before dying. At least it was good to know all those years and all that money won't actually go to waste. Hurray!

The Slug Princess was known for her legendary strength, so what would happen if someone with the Strong fist and an unnaturally strong body even without chakra were to use it? What if that said person could also open the eight gates..? The drawback of the incredible powers of the gate was it was a double-edged sword that also harmed oneself, but if one could use healing Jutsu or had regeneration...?

She couldn't wait to find out how far she could go, and that was only one of the many combos she could think of. She wished she could find out if the naruto movies or games were in this world she was in.

It didn't hurt that she had amazing chakra control and was well suited for Genjutsu from her abundant amount of Yin Chakra. It made sense considering she was a child with the mind of an adult, Yin chakra being spiritual and all, and Genjutsu was pretty much Yin release.

"Unfortunately, I am not well versed in Iryojutsu nor Genjutsu, however, fear not! I shall speak with my friend Kurenai Yuhi to see if she wouldn't mind tutoring you in her free time and work on getting you an apprenticeship at the hospital, but that is something for tomorrow, now is the time for training! Yosh, let us warm up by doing 35 laps around Konoha on our hands, and if we can not do that then we shall climb the Hokage Monument with only one hand, and if we can not do that-"

It'd be a lie if Julia said she didn't miss the times when the toughest thing she had to do was make a leaf stick to her head. Of course, she still did that particular exercise, it was great for honing your focus and Chakra control after all, but now she had to use 3 and do it while doing ridiculous workouts or practicing her forms.

The path to becoming op was indeed a long and arduous one sadly.

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