《Naruto World Isekai: A new Flower Blooms in a Different World》Chapter 6. No Pain, no Gain!


So, apparently she was wrong about her initial assumption. Terribly, terribly wrong. She was a poor and naive little girl who didn't fully comprehend the hell she had signed herself up for when she asked for training from Gai. She may have been studying to be a doctor, but nothing about Chakra complied with her knowledge or common sense.

In other words, she was being run ragged every day without fear of stunting herself because Chakra was basically one hell of a drug it seems. Normally when one over trained they would end up tearing their muscles and doing more harm than good, but with some ninja magic fuckery, the body adapted quickly rather than break down.

Which also meant that all day every day was a full-body maximum intensity workout, and on the rare occasion she actually hurt herself?

No. Fucking. Problem!

Medical Ninjutsu solves everything from cuts, scrapes, and bruises! It doesn't matter if her entire body felt like a walking bruise as long as it could still move. And if it couldn't?

No. Fucking. Problem!

Gai made sure she quickly learned how to enhance her body with Chakra to improve her physical abilities. It was a tiring and draining technique, but thanks to her refined control it wasn't too difficult. Which means she had only enrolled in an extra full course lesson on pain. She basically had two "stamina" tank and by using a rotation method it ensured she was able to keep working out nonstop well after even an adult or professional athlete would pass out or be half dead in her previous world.

This wasn't even accounting for whatever crap Gai was feeding her.

"A proper diet is just as important as a well-planned workout schedule my apprentice! How can you fan your Flames of Youth when the fuel is lacking?!"

She was pretty damn sure he was actually drugging her meals. Seriously, Shinobi grade energy drinks and pre-workout weren't something to joke around with. Military ration pills, or more commonly known as Solider pills, were used by Shinobi as a meal substitute. With a single one, it would replenish one's Chakra and nourish the body, full of nutrients and stimulants it is said to allow one to fight for 3 days and 3 nights. Afterward, it came with the side effect of complete and utter exhaustion. He's been sprinkling some of that good shit in her food, she swears.

So, yes, she was basically doping.

Ok, so he probably didn't actually give her a Solider pill, but whatever was in the food and drinks clearly wasn't normal. Still, it was probably miles better in nutrient values than the slop they served her in the Orphanage, and it didn't taste too bad so she didn't have much to complain.

Sleep is for the weak.

Haha, kill me now

Something which she had absolutely no problem admitting to she was if she thought it would help her situation, but sadly Julia was on a time crunch, and worse of all she was clearly gaining progress. The results spoke for themselves. Although she made it a point to avoid looking at any mirrors if she could help it.


5-year-olds should not have abs... It was just... Wrong.. On sooo many levels.

She still remembered the looks Miss Yukio gave her last time they shared a bath, and while she didn't blame the woman... It still hurt. While she didn't consider herself a vain woman, she still thought herself to have been quite beautiful and popular in her old life! Now she was some weird, quiet, stupid, and muscular gorilla girl...

It was a harsh life for a poor Isekai girl.

Said girl was currently swimming in a small river against the current, both legs tied together with a long rope ending in a "small" boulder the size of her torso. She could either keep swimming for the next two hours or drag the stone 50 meters up stream to the drop off point.

She had been here for the past hour and a half.

Even when she "cheated" by using the water walking exercise to try and drag the rock, the damn thing was too heavy without Chakra reinforcement, but doing so would only hinder her training. There was no shortcut to training.

"So... How's the water?"

The sudden voice popping up right next to her made her scream and drink a mouthful of water. She dragged herself up and sat on the surface of the river coughing as she glared at the intruder. A young boy with a shit-eating grin and a smug look in his eyes, and further back on the shore she spotted the familiar face of Itachi looking equal part exasperated and apologetic.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She made full use of her newly acquired language skill by cursing him out, sometimes not even in Japanese or English, but any and every single one she could remember. Normally she would feel bad for being so mean to a kid, but Shisui was a little shit and he knew it.

That and most Genins were far more mentally mature than their age and the two in front of her were a shining example.

"Oh man, what a potty mouth, wait right here! I'll go and bring you some soap so you can wash your mouth out again."

Julia just gave a huff and splashed some water at him before going back to her swimming marathon. Well, after trying to pull his leg from under him to drag him in with her to no avail at least. Itachi watched her carefully for a few moments before deciding it was safe enough to approach and stood next to Shisui watching her. She gave him a cheery wave and he simply nodded in greeting.

"Hey Itachi, how's it going?"

"Hello, Julia. I am doing fine, yourself?"

"Oh, you know, same old same old, Gai is really working me to the bone here."

Julia and Itachi had become something akin to close friends in the weeks that followed. He was miles ahead of his peers in mental development and training. He simply didn't get along with others, due to no small part because of his antisocial behaviors and the growing stigma of being part of the Uchiha clan. He just didn't get other kids his age, they were like a dumber species to him and their issues so trivial compared to his own burdens. Which made it perfect for them to hang out together since neither enjoyed the company of other kids and they could hold an actual intelligent conversation between themselves.


"What do ya mean he's working ya to the bone? Yer nothing but skin and bones!"

She made it a point to not acknowledge the spiky-haired boy and maintained eye contact and a far too pleasant smile with Itachi. He had caught on with her antics and though he tried to hide it she saw the slight twitch on the corner of his mouth as he played along.

"The weather is quite pleasant today, isn't it Julia?"

"Why yes, indeed it is! The water temperature is absolutely Divine, care to join me?"

"I'm afraid I'll have to pass this time."

"Hey! Don't just ignore me, you guys!"

They spent another five minutes shooting the breeze and watching Shisui throw a fit before deciding to give the poor boy a break.

"Ok, so seriously, what are both of you guys doing here?"

"Shisui and I were about to go practice at training ground 26, we were wondering if you'd like to join us?"

These training maniacs... Seriously how did a 5 and 7-year-old not know how to have fun at a playground without it involving learning blades and other various sharp-pointy-things or some deadly art? I know there aren't any cartoons, but can't we just watch a movie or something?

Of course, she kept her thoughts to herself and squinted at the sun. It was turning a burnish orange as it set, but still plenty of daylight before she had to head back.

"Mind waiting another... 25 minutes? I haven't finished my training routine yet."

"So, has Gai started teaching you the Strong Fist yet?"

"Nope," She made sure to pop the P "All I have been doing is following the workout regime he assigned. He's surprisingly strict on diet and proper resting schedule."

"Did Gai-san happen to state why? In my opinion, you've been showing remarkable drive and progress this past month."

"Probably because I'm so young? He did show me some basic Taijutsu stances for the academy though, so that was neat. Said my body was currently too weak to even begin learning the basics, so I'm working on building up my fundamentals."

"That's probably the smart thing to do. Despite his looks and antics, Gai is one of the foremost Taijutsu masters within the Village, hell I'm willing to bet even the world!"

She spent the next half hour chatting with the two Uchihas about training and trading tips. It was quite bizarre how casual they were in discussing how to become better killing machines, but she had fun and it seems she has gotten used to life in Konoha.

"How the hell did you do that!" She was not embarrassed at her outburst this time, because she just saw one of the coolest shit ever.

"What..?" Shisui asked in mock confusion as he turned his head over his shoulders "Oh, did you mean this~?" He made a show of raising his right arm in the air, spreading out his fingers to prove they were bereft of anything. Then he closed them and made a knife-hand, turning his palm over twice to show that they were still empty.

And suddenly four Kunais materialized within his hand as he seemingly grabbed at thin air. Within a moment he flicked his wrist and they were sent flying through the air. He did the same trick with his other hand without the showboating this time and flung them too without a moment's pause as if he didn't even need to aim.

Somehow, someway, the black knives all collided mid-air, and instead of plopping to the ground as physics and common sense would normally dictate... They bounce off each other and changed their trajectory to pierce the bull's eye of some wooden targets the two boys had set up beforehand. Half of which was behind him. What. The. Fuck?

"Yes! What the flipping flop, how did you do that?! Tell me! Tell me tell me tell me tell me now!" She was practically bouncing on her feet in excitement like the child she physically was. She didn't sense a single iota of Chakra during that whole thing, it was all skill and that was incredible. Like a particularly deadly magic trick.

"Hmm, well, I don't know if I should, trade secret and all~," he said with a sing-song voice, clearly enjoying the praises and wonder of the younger girl. She gave up after all of 2 minutes and decided to ask the next best choice.

"Yo, Itachi, do you know how to do that? Can you show me?"

"Of course. So first-"

"What- Hey!"

As she watched the older boy spluttering and hurried to teach her the trick she came to a new realization. Teaming up with Itachi to mess with Shisui was probably one of her favorite pastimes in this world she decided.

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