《Naruto World Isekai: A new Flower Blooms in a Different World》Chapter 3. A Small World


Apparently the orphanage was pretty loose on its rules on children being able to play outside. Ironically, it was because the streets were pretty darn safe in Konoha, the village of professional magic flinging ninjas, but then again it made some odd sense.

What dumbass would try anything in a village were chances are every other person you met was either an assassin or related to one? Even the child down the street was probably a killing machine in training. Which is how Julia managed to convince one of the caretakers to allow her to play outside by herself. It wasn't hard since she had been on trips outside before helping with the shopping.

She was a responsible and quiet child, so while a lot of them didn't quite like her as she made no attempt to endear herself to them and was not very childlike or "cute", she was quite toleratable.

No reason to deny the mild-mannered kid a request when it didn't bother them in any way, as long as she was back before 8 p.m.

Which was why she was currently all but skipping down the dirt road humming. She had been quite bored confined within the same area every day, so this was a refreshing change of pace. Julia also enjoyed all the sights and sounds. She had lived in the city ever since she was a kid and was used to the hustle and bustle, something sorely lacking within the dull grey walls of the orphanage. The only sounds and commotions there was usually some brat whining, or a baby's cry, followed by some old crone yelling and berating said disturbances.

The smell was also quite interesting. There wasn't a hint of blood or steel like one would expect from a village full of hardened killers. Actually the air was incredibly clear and crisp, probably due to the lack of pollution. As she turned the corner into what seemed to be a market around there was even the pleasant smell of flowers and spices.


Yes, the little girl believed she quite liked it here in Konoha. Ignoring the constant looming threat of death and existential dread, it had its own unique charm.

As she was lost in thought she didn't pay enough attention to where she was going and accidentally bumped into what felt like a brick wall. Maybe attempting to practice chakra control while on her outing was a poor idea, because her awareness was obviously shot. As expected from such a sudden impact, she fell directly on her bum. It didn't really hurt that much, but perhaps it was an instinct of her now child body that she started tearing up, her leaf falling down between her legs.

"Oh dear, are you alright young one?"

A familiar deep brass-tone rang loudly within her ears, and her eyes snapped up immediately. What she saw had her slack-jawed in awe, a figure covered in green from head to toe, a bowl haircut, and thick bushy eyebrows slightly furrowed in concern. A large hand was offered in front of her.

It was Might Gai, The Beautiful Green Beast, and probably one of the coolest and most badass Shinobi she knew of. It was incredible seeing him in the flesh. While she had known she was in the Naruto-verse, seeing was indeed believing and the small part of her in denial instantly vanished and was replaced by wonder. Her brain had shut down and what came out of her mouth was more reflexive fangirling than anything else.

"Let me be your student!"

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